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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11301596 No.11301596 [Reply] [Original]

can we forget crypto for a minute and talk about your non crypto related side hustles.
bonus points for scams.

ok this is what i do and yes it is retarded but it brings in money.

back in the days i downloaded all 7 parts of the harry potter audiobook.
i put them on usb stick and sell them for 35$.

I printed out some information flyers how to contact me and put them all over my town.
at schools, at university, trading pinup-boards, ltile sell-markets, train stations, random places.

i will add other audio books like shades of grey and stuff and offer them for a few bucks to moms and dads and they buy harry potter for their kids.

i got the idea from better call saul when he sold this prepaid phones out of his car kek

my next thing will be to buy cheap tshirts and sweatshirts , semi cheap, they still have to look decent. i am literally going to print pictures from pepe, wojak, little pepe , fresco , etc. on them and sell them for like 10-15$.

i can only find this on amazon or ebay for way to much money , and in my country nobody sells this, no store, nore shop.

>> No.11301627

learn about options. Crypto is for massive faggots.


>> No.11301640

yeah well fuck off this is about side hustles and no fucking options

>> No.11301653

options are a sidehustle dingbat. sell spreads or covered puts/calls/neutrals

landscaping is a decent one, keeps you in shape and tan but its not easy and illegal

>> No.11301661

well no side hustle is legal in general because you do not tax it, right?

>> No.11301667

If you define that that way. I just thought it was negro speak for second job because thats what Ive seen

>> No.11301682

negro speak for second job is drug dealing

>> No.11301766

My side hustle is pizza delivery.
>literally just drive around listening to the radio
>free pizza
>flexible hours
>degenerate coworkers I can relate to
>off the books

>> No.11301850


kek nice work anon.

>> No.11301856

I run a couple blogs. I try to outsource all the work, but pajeets keep failing my expectations.

>> No.11301861

The laziness of non-whites literally knows no boundaries.

>> No.11301880

>i try to outsource my blogs
>good thing whites like me aren't lazy

>> No.11301925

Their time is cheaper than my time.

>> No.11302034

well but their work...

>> No.11302109

Any tips on how you started fren? I always wanted to create a blog built on ghostwriter content.

>> No.11302142

I make electronic music for indie vidya and short film.

>> No.11302186
File: 38 KB, 235x215, 30yoboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posted this >>11302084

>> No.11302192

>selling options
thats how you end up in debtors prison lol

>> No.11302200

Nice anon. Do you sell it on a particular website?