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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 729x425, Deutsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11294808 No.11294808 [Reply] [Original]

Any anons in Berin? I hear it's the blockchain capital of the world.

>> No.11294828

dat heisst berlin du hurensohn

>> No.11294852

More like the blackedchain capital of the world

>> No.11294876

no joke

>> No.11294903


>> No.11294904

He's talking about Berin faggot

>> No.11294936

yes, and seeing sergey in 2 weeks, looking forward to it

>> No.11294965
File: 254 KB, 640x1303, IDIOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11294997

which event?

>> No.11295011

Fucking disgusting niggers, look at them and tell me what you feel. I feel disgust and anger. How can such a travesty exist?

>> No.11295041

If by "blockchain capital" you mean "Every street corner and cafe in Kreuzberg and Neukolln has two Americans talking loudly about their "start-up"" then yes.
Burgers complain about immigration but the people they're sending overseas are fucking annoying. Why can I hear your inane discussion from the other side of the road, ffs. Are US cities just a deafening roar of loud fucks talking over each other?

>> No.11295100

This. It's hard to hear calls to prayer over all these Amerifats gabbing about whatever.

>> No.11295147

We have to talk loudly to be heard over the screams and explosions.

>> No.11295165

How's your start up going? Having lots of "one on one"s about projections and roadblocks?

>> No.11295185

Berlin have 3 blockchain working spaces, Gnosis has office here for example

Today Room77 have a bitcoin meetup

>> No.11295198

more like the nig and arab capital

>> No.11295234

Blockchain? Hier ist Internet Neuland.

>> No.11295280

sounds amazing

>> No.11295438

Quite a few things are going on here that's true.
And it's not just startups, but also large corporations working on stuff here.
And then there's research, which also has some visibility.

Ask me anything.

What would be a contender city?

>> No.11295519

If Berlin is the blockchain capital of the world, then BER is coinmetro.

>> No.11295603

Do you work in the industry?

>> No.11295653

more like the cheap escort capital of the world

>> No.11295744

how cheap we talkin here?

>> No.11295768

fuck junker fuck eu fuck germany but most of all fuck berlin

>> No.11295774


>> No.11295778

50 bucks half an hour. would recommend.

>> No.11295789

industry/research full time

>> No.11295795


>> No.11295867

cheapest I found was 90 euro per hour. street whores probably go for much lower.

>> No.11296147

tell me more

>> No.11296453

at the end of 2017 there were blockchain meetups almost every day in Berlin. Hundreds of newbies who wanted to know what to invest in. This has faded quite a bit now. Although there are still some meetups going strong, I.e. Lisk today.

The corporates don't believe in public chains. They want private, permissioned chains, and Identity is a key topic. In identity Sovrin seems most attractive to many. IOTA has been one of the most prominent startups here. The big players regularly are in contact with them.
From a research and technical point however they are not perfectly sound, but there are no production-level use cases yet from the corporates anyway.

Generally, the level of enthusiasm has dropped a bit with the bear market. But research wise more and more conferences, journals and results are showing up.

>> No.11296815

how do i short germancucks
that country is such a waste of land

>> No.11296847

>Hundreds of newbies who wanted to know what to invest in.
kek @ hipster cucks getting rekt in this bear market. just look at any conference pictures, full blown soi bois

>> No.11296978
