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11289294 No.11289294 [Reply] [Original]

On bcash

>> No.11289299


Just another useless ponzicoin to make bitcoin whales even richer than they already are.

>> No.11289315

Bitmain cash.
Bitcoin crash.

>> No.11289323

Proof of work requires on chain adoption to survive
btc is limited to 1mb of transactions per 10min
the only large miner that supports btc is all in bch

>> No.11289333
File: 510 KB, 770x789, 167164E0-D9CE-4DAF-B11C-E610A3ECB977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said redpills not blue pills fags

>> No.11289368

Ok here's a redpil - youre a fucking brainlet and you'll never amount to anything

>> No.11289376

A lot of the supply is held by Bitmain and other chink miners.
They could dump their bags on you at anytime.
Especially if things get tough in China relating to the trade wars.

>> No.11289381

In the next couple of years it will hit +$10000/per.

>> No.11289391
File: 158 KB, 960x767, bcashlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.11289404
File: 158 KB, 609x606, 6948565841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more salt

>> No.11289415

And you’re a faggot, I have nothing to prove to some cunt on a Mongolian dick slapping forum but I have a successful business and I guarantee my net worth is more than yours so suck me
That’s fair enough, think the trade war thing applies to BTC as well though.
This is a blue pill not here to talk about future price predictions, I want redpills
Wow btrash BTFO and wont recover I’m sold.

>> No.11289418


Looks like you're not interested in out opinion, just buy the shitcoin already if you want to lose all your money so bad. Just remember, you're buying it from the rich as fuck bitcoin whales who literally got them for free when it forked. Literally free. And you're paying a premium for it. They're literally pointing at you and laughing.

>> No.11289433


>> No.11289445

its the closest thing to the original whitepaper that we have now, but there are a few problems:

- egos:
jihan wu and Craig Wright acting like babies may lead to a fork in november, this is a bifurcation point will either obliterate bitcoin cash forever, or be the start of its rally

The bitcoin cash hard fork has shown that mining power is not what matters, what matters most is price and awareness. Bitcoin cash awareness is raising steadily, with the r/btc subreddit now surpassing r/bitcoin in terms of activity levels, this means people are slowly getting more aware.

Persomally I'll probably wait to see what happen on november before investing more in bitcoin cash, it could be a shitshow, but you will want to follow closely

>> No.11289469

Interesting so would lightning network thencause miners to lose out on fees and move somewhere else?
Yeah the split of the community is something that worries me a bit, really don’t like the proposal of wormhole from jihan, definetly a bit of a shitshow for now.

>> No.11289485

I think you already know but yes onchain transaction fees have to replace the diminishing block reward or the hashrate and security leave.
funniest aspect of lightning network is they need to increase the block size to open enough channels for its adoption but increasing the block size makes lightning redundant

>> No.11289510

>funniest aspect of lightning network is they need to increase the block size to open enough channels for its adoption but increasing the block size makes lightning redundant
Wtf, that’s insane, I don’t know enough from the technical point about lightning but I assumed that they didn’t need to increase block size to make it work. Wew

>> No.11289780

ok here's the crypto blackpill: