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11288385 No.11288385 [Reply] [Original]

Spooky Futures Edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Suggested books:

Previous thread: >>11284698

>> No.11288405

Tricked my pet chinchilla into going long on tech on leverage


>> No.11288411


>> No.11288428

ogen screwed me over

>> No.11288434
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>> No.11288435

>title in name field
How do I short this thread?

>> No.11288443
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>> No.11288453


>> No.11288475
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Anybody else fall for the 3x leverage ETF meme?

>> No.11288490

same I panicked sold to cut my losses
never again will I take the advice from bizraelis

>> No.11288512
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A lot of bloody noses tonight.

>> No.11288553
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Punk-ass bears. I'm gonna dump $1K into TVIX tomorrow.

>> No.11288565
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>> No.11288583

guys im doing heroine
wish me luck

>> No.11288597
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>> No.11288606

don't do it anon

>> No.11288621
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>> No.11288629

I have to numb the pain

>> No.11288635

There's talk in Washington that Mueller is about done with the Russia investigation. It's going to be the October surprise that'll tank the market.

If it's bad, Dems might have a chance in November. Dems back in control is bad for the economy because they fucking suck at economics. All they care about are social issues.

It's going to get spicy.

>> No.11288658

If they ever get power again... short the market with all you have.

>> No.11288665
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>tfw the 30 year golden bull run turns into the mother of all shorts
my body is ready

>> No.11288673

fuuuuuuuck a lot of the bad ones happened in Oct it's no coincidence. spooky. good thing I stopped buying my long term shit 5 months ago. gonna pick up some if it dips hard. granted I didn't sell any so it's still gonna hurt. god bless anons may your buttholes whether this storm gently

>> No.11288674

I have a bunch of Nov 2 CRON calls, already down 1,000 USD.
How fucked am I?

>> No.11288687

Me. Check out YANG, you niBBa and trade it on the slow stochastic daily chart

>> No.11288693
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>> No.11288696


If i'm right about what's going to happen, you should hodl. If i'm wrong, well yur fugged.

Have fun!

>> No.11288697

bleh i lost 150 on some cron calls, got out and took the loss.

>> No.11288707

I've been trading YINN, keep trying to bottom fish then getting stop loss'd. Same with BRZU which went up 17% hopefully based Bolsonaro gets the Brazil hyperbulll started

>> No.11288719
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MNGA is going back up r-right

>> No.11288723

MNGA going up tomorrow?

>> No.11288742

Anyone know where I can get real time data and indicators?

>> No.11288753


>> No.11288761
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Well shit.

>> No.11288762
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>> No.11288784

t. heroin addict

>> No.11288788
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>tfw bought into VTGN before it went parabolic and a fuckton of short term traders and weak handed FOMOers bought in


>> No.11288791

no but seriously guys I bought into MNGA at .67, it's going back up right? RIGHT? this stupid trade is counteracting all of my other gainz

>> No.11288792

heroine addict, crack addict, sex addict, GAMBLING addict...you know name it bud, I'm a lifer in this game

>> No.11288799
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>> No.11288810

Just wash your money between YINN and YANG on the stochastic oscillator. You literally win every time

>> No.11288812


No, all these shitcap stocks are going haywire. And you know what that means - market crash coming soon

>> No.11288825
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gee I don't know

>> No.11288827

What's the best website and/or program for technicals?

>> No.11288831
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>> No.11288846

think or swim

>> No.11288849

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, fucking poor cock suckin idiot hahaha

>> No.11288850



>> No.11288860

It went up to like .71 yesterday you faggot, they're expanding in EU.

>> No.11288869
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tfw failed at making new thread correctly
cant i do anything right

>> No.11288902

IDK, I didn't have much in it so I may just let it ride. >>11288490

>> No.11288916
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>Like every eight out of ten bioshit and weedlmao stocks are up 5-10% today
>Everything else is even or down like 2% (except oil cause fuck it)

I don't know what's worse, all of these idiots making tons of bank or me being to retarded to jump in.

>> No.11288917
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I just use YahooFinance on my computer. Hell, even my bank, TD offers technicals. Not only that, it offers a program that scans all the technicals and price patterns before relaying them as a number of bullish/bearish signals

>> No.11288926

Canadian TD? That's my broker, but never really checked out their technical shit

>> No.11288932

what kind of pajeet apple pie is this

>> No.11288934
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>he isn't all in on pineapple nations
What's it like being a pleb? Here. Come learn something.
>>disc dot gg MGpqUN

>> No.11288936

Yes. Feels good making these mad trades in the ol’ TFSA and paying no tax on it

>> No.11288940

I pray G-d guide you into the path of good

>> No.11288942
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That feel when you have $500 in puts on tqqq

>> No.11288946

Options learner here, just placed my first 3 long calls for tomorrow. Was browsing through stocks and options for 4 hours cuz everything seems too overbought or too undervalued for limited time based purchase


>> No.11288947

It was actually pretty good. The cores of the fruit melted right off. Based pie design imo

>> No.11288948

U wot m8

>> No.11288954

nigger there's a baked pear in the middle of that apple pie, how the fuck is that gonna be good

>> No.11288955

I got BTFO, had my TFSA maxed out at like 65k now down to 50k because I fucked up and didn't use a stop loss lmao, now I'm just gonna use it for couch potato investing until retirement and use my US cash account for actual trading

>> No.11288965

You leave my fucking pie alone. It was pristine in taste and engineering
Oh shit mate. I almost got murdered on pot stocks but I held strong and left every position in the green. RTI.V is thelast frontier and the weekly technicals are a total replica of the December bull run

>> No.11288966

Also if you have to make a blind trade with no info but chart and 3 indicators of your choice. What indicators you pick to decide the trade strategy you're going to execute.

>> No.11288970

I'm not going to tell you here

>> No.11288973


Bollinger bands

>> No.11288974

>Also if you have to make a blind trade with no info but chart and 3 indicators of your choice

Simple: I wouldn't

>> No.11288983


Actually scratch that- trade crypto solely off of the moon phase indicator. My pet chinchilla does this

>> No.11288990

this guy right here.....he is what we call a woman, take note and never be like this guy

>> No.11288993
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You roll a D20 and based on your roll add a modifier to a D100 roll. This is going to give you access to a chart with 500 options on it which will prompt you to roll a D500.

>> No.11289012

Not an option, evil chinks are pointing gun at ya and you have to decide whether to go up down or sideways

Thx, I'm asking cuz I usually go by what feels reasonably priced and direction is kinda clear but I want to step up my game there are so many stuff to learn that I don't know where to begin amping up my knowledge

>> No.11289017
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drop some LSD and look inward to decide on the "right" stocks to hold or short

>> No.11289028



>> No.11289032

The best thing that helped me is bringing up various oscillating charts up and looking into the equity’s history to see how accurate each indicator is. Sometimes you find combos where 2 technicals, when they agree, give you an accurate buy signal in conjunction with a 3rd indicator that gives you sell signals

>> No.11289062

Interesting , I currently trade solely on chart itself and RSI or more like its correlation I always thought 3 indicators in agreement is minimum reasonable trader should have to place trade

Thx, looks like CCI is first on learning list

>> No.11289078
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did you save the wojaks I gave you

>> No.11289084

lsd doesnt give you any new information dumbass

>> No.11289095

On high dose DXM(>1500mg) you can contact extrademensional entities and gain outside knowledge

>> No.11289097
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>Tfw they think a crash is a bad thing

>> No.11289117

Kek I remember this goy, what was his weed stock again?

For some reason it has a side effect of me wanting to buy silver. I'm fighting it for now

>> No.11289131


Try setting the RSI to 7 periods and 3 periods. See what kind of signals that yields you

>> No.11289134

>bull market ends
>liquidate portfolio
>buy utilities, precious metals and SQQQ on the way down
>market begins to recover
>liquidate portfolio again
>buy back in at the bottom

sounds fine to me, desu

>> No.11289136

guys like the idiot in the picture are going to get their asses so fucking roasted. canopy is literally the only company you should be investing in but only at or below $50 a share

>> No.11289146

Wrong. Radient technologies inc. has impeccable buy signals on the weekly, plus Supreme Cannabis releases their earnings in late October, just as they have secured dealings with practically every major provincial monopoly in Canada

>> No.11289152

RSI is purdy gud.
Used it today for a NBEV rebound play for a quick 100 bucks.

>> No.11289153
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>tfw missed LODES spike in the morning earlier today and made less of a profit than I could have
I could have had literally double my investment

>> No.11289154

>Radient technologies

Literally work down the street from this company and have a friend working there

>> No.11289157


There are so many people like him who do the same thing over and over again, but they never learn

>> No.11289158

why utilities tho?

>> No.11289175
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as a hedge
no matter what happens to the economy, people still need water and electricity

>> No.11289181

>There are so many people like him who do the same thing over and over again, but they never learn
yep. its so fucking comical that people are doing the same fucking thing as in crypto and investing in penny weedstocks praying for a pump instead of investing with the big players that have real world investments from established multibillion dollar companies

>> No.11289184

I'm using 14 but with 40 60 instead of 30 70 room. It gives me sort of 3 parts where I expect to see certain behavior of a chart based on RSI in upper or lower part and if they sync the way I want them to it is a subject to potential purchase. Will check 3 and 7. Maybe something over 20 too ?

>> No.11289186

How do I make gains when they want 37 percent of my gains, when I got a littler pocket change.

>> No.11289190

>constellation brands bought 5 billion USD worth of canopy shares
>constellation brands is one of the most valuable companies in the united states and is behind corona and modelo
now tell me why exactly constellation brands would pour 5 billion into canopy if they did not believe it was a good play?

>> No.11289198
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they trade in the short term, FOMO and panic sell on a regular basis, and make nearly all of their decisions based on emotion and blind speculation without doing any research on a company's fundamentals
they're like a textbook explanation of what not to do, yet there are still so many of them

>> No.11289216

I had that old grimy fuck so much

>> No.11289217

What if I'm short term speculator that looks into long term vector and fundamentals? I look through financial and year technical analysis and if it looks bullish I go for a short term position in the direction of long term potential vector

>> No.11289231
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>> No.11289236
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I might just sell

>> No.11289239

Warren Buffett is about as honest as billionaires get, imo
If you want a "grimy old fuck" to hate, there are plenty of better options out there, like George Soros

As long as you use some kind of analysis and make your decisions logically, then it's inherently smarter and better than those kinds of people
(I'm not an expert by any means, just stating my opinions)

>> No.11289266

Stay poor, faggot.

>> No.11289271

Already sold

>> No.11289273

Yeah. Idea behind my trade is best explained on GERN. I don't feel comfortable with holding long term cuz stuff like that can happen unexpectedly. Instead if I picked long term direction correctly and is fails 10-20% short term I don't even buy more every time because sometimes the only thing it means is my short term speculation is gonna continue bit longer. As for GERN I went 5.2 to 6.2 then it didn't felt right. 1.51 to 1.72 again seems weak time to close, 1.64 let's go again. I'm not making fat profits but not losing either and am satisfied

>> No.11289285

On the contrary I actually respect Soros. He does whatever he can to survive in this rotted decaying world. He doesn't deal in morality or "feelings", he disregards that entirely and goes after what he wants. Can you imagine the amount of heads he must have stepped on, the amount of lives he's ruined? weeeeeeew, my head is spinning just thinking about it.

>> No.11289297
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It lets you become one with the stock, and to ignore the noise

It lets you see the unseen

also value investing is better than TA

it helps you see the stock in the S-domain instead of t-domain
it helps you to see the unseeable

>> No.11289298
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>> No.11289301

My point was canopy ain’t the only star. RTI and FIRE are the crouching tigers in this market. Since they’re small that also makes them ideal for buyouts, especially with FIREs government connections

>> No.11289314


>> No.11289320
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>> No.11289331


I'm a bit surprised Supreme hasn't already been bought out. They may not want to be and no one wants them enough to hostile takeover.

>> No.11289340
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The world has always been and will always be "rotten and decaying"
History is idealized, the internet and mass media allow people to know what's going on around the world more than they ever could before

>> No.11289346

supreme and weed goes hand in hand IMO

>> No.11289354

b-b-b-but muh Trump goin save us!!! pffffthahahhahaahhahahahahahahaha!

>> No.11289431

once the boomers start retiring what do?
import (((cheap labor))) or just short everything and pray?

>> No.11289437

realistically the (((cheap labor))) will start fighting native labor and whoever wins gets to rule the ashes

>> No.11289453
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Party's almost over kiddos

>> No.11289473

Hmmm I want to visit Germany and buy a silver brick or two. Is there a reason of having physical metal besides feels good factor?

>> No.11289477
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>"T-thanks for the cheapies!"
>"You will be chasing now!"

>> No.11289496

Crypto's party is already over
The stock market will recover in a few years, crypto won't

People generally but precious metals a store of value to protect against high rates of inflation and periods of economic downturn
It's debated how effective they really are at holding you up during a recession, though

>> No.11289519
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>> No.11289521

Yes but I can also just fx my way to metals buying it Virtually on interwebs. Is there a difference between that and me buying brick IRL besides having ability to masturbate onto the precious metal brick

>> No.11289523

why not buy land anon? shiny rocks are an inferior investment
>m-muh gold pins in computers
every factory, every house, every road needs a home anon why not begin your own manifest destiny today?

>> No.11289525
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>The stock market will recover in a few years, crypto won't
I agree that crypto is probably dead, but I am worried about the US stock market.

Imagine being Japanese in the early 90s and assuming that the market will recover, because that is what markets always do.

>> No.11289535
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Dont forget to Buy the SPY tomorrow

>> No.11289538

Bcs simply buying land in my region is arguably risky investment. Some areas have almost 0% profits and some areas are so risky you can actually lose value over time. Of course new apartments in some parts of the capital are not in those categories but they are way over my budget if we're talking about profit potential not just place to live

>> No.11289544
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>> No.11289560

true cashflow is hard but what profit are you making off gold besides speculation or market trends?
if you're on the fence you can buy farmland and rent it for use by big food corp.s or buy in more stable areas

>> No.11289599

You mean SH

>> No.11289617

It's not about profit it's about assuring safety of your money. Gold doesn't require maintenance and is (arguably ) more safe than land as storage of value. It surely doesn't make you profits but at the same time I'd argue you can speculate on fucking Tesla stocks for higher profits than renting land. The way I see it there are active ways to profit with crash potential. Then there's land which is much safer option and unlike whatever you normally profit on doesn't have big crash potential but ate same time imho isn't as profitable. And then there are metals from gold to copper that cannot profit much but can surely keep their value safer than land. I'm not saying buying land isn't the option I'm saying considering requirements and all it doesn't feel like a best thing to do now for me at least.

>> No.11289678
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Why choose revolvers when you can have Glock Perfection™?

>> No.11289682

>Also if you have to make a blind trade with no info but chart and 3 indicators of your choice. What indicators you pick to decide the trade strategy you're going to execute.
i rather trade with no chart. I rather trade off the filings and the share price.

>> No.11289710

OGEN moons Friday at 2pm

>> No.11289726

Got it, short it tomorrow... What else you got?

>> No.11289731
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Then let it tank the market. Buy the fucking dip, because Pres. Trump is here to stay for a full 8 years. Remember that it was this place that pissed out the literal piss dossier. 4chan = russians.

>> No.11289740

Why only 8... I thought he was staying for life

>> No.11289755

Mnga moon Monday 11am

>> No.11289758
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Thanks. Just bought 100K

>> No.11289762
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>> No.11289824
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I notice that I seem to have better overall returns than a decent bit of /smg/ trading the kind of volatile small-cap biotech stocks people on here tend to FOMO into and then lose money on

Here's my (novice) strategy

>do your research on what the drugs the company is making actually do and how well they're performing in clinical studies and trials
>make sure the company isn't about to run out of money (almost all small-cap biotechs operate at a loss while they're proving their drug works)
>as far as small-cap biotech stocks go, you have now identified a company with good fundamentals
>buy in BEFORE it goes up on good news and short term traders start to buy in
>hodl until your bull thesis is compromised (bad study results, company starts running out of money, etc)
>expect volatility and don't panic over short term price action
>keep track of upcoming catalysts

>> No.11289838
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I'm not saying I'm doing better than most people on here as a whole, just as it relates to small-cap biotech stocks

>> No.11289844

just buy LCI

>> No.11289846
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So what do you make of OGEN and GALT then?

>> No.11289857
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>MagneGas Corporation, an alternative energy company, creates and produces hydrogen based fuel through the gasification of liquid and liquid waste in the United States and internationally.
Cause shit is the best fuel... Pass

>> No.11289880
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Because he isn't the god emperor everyone wishes him to be. He's just a tired man with death as a close friend that wants to do what he can for his country before he passes on.

>> No.11289884
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I'm the anon who's been shilling GALT on here since August
Its science is very promising in NASH cirrhosis and cancer (when used in conjunction with Keytruda)
It has solid finances for a small-cap biotech company, and its management is being incentivized to complete a buyout by the end of the year
A lot of my overall gains have been driven by GALT, though my latest spike was due to both GALT and VTGN

I don't know anything about OGEN and wouldn't recommend buying into it (or anything else) without doing your own research about its science and finances


>> No.11289899
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>> No.11289914
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Just had to post this as well. SS Officer really nailed it that day.

>> No.11289920

NRP and EPD are dividend frens, both around 6%

>> No.11289928
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Obviously I'm bullish on GALT and VTGN, but some other tickers I have sitting in my watchlist are PTN, TRVN, ATHX, ONVO (haven't done any research on them)

I'm not saying that you should definitely buy those 4 other stocks (or anything at all) solely on my word without doing your own research and making your own decision, but I think they could be promising

>> No.11290035
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So now that LCI did hit $5 a share, will someone actually buy it out and scrap it for parts? ALL IN.

>> No.11290097
File: 119 KB, 844x1024, CD3C8247-B100-427A-95D9-73769CE8AEBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel

>> No.11290136

Ended up homeless, got hepatitis-c and mrsa from shooting into my hand till it looked like the hamburger helper mascot. 3 dead friends, 1 shot in the face in a parking lot, the other two overdosed. So many colorful and horrific stories and misadventures from my junkie days. 9 months in a recovery program and 3 years later I'll never touch it again. I'm sure you'll be fine though.

>> No.11290167


>daytrading in his TFSA

have fun when the CRA comes knocking famalam

>> No.11290185
File: 124 KB, 600x900, image06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a good broker for a non US citizen to use to trade on the US markets?

>> No.11290206

kek do you have any of big5cucks shilling post LCI dump? 'the market is overreacting, I bought even more' kek

>> No.11290225

They don't fucking care until you make 1 million overnight or fucking do high frequency day trading. Swing trading or positional trading is a better strat. Either way the banks are the one making money since they're getting that sweet commission fee per trade.

>> No.11290258
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Didn't bother because that kind of post is predictable and stale. I mean fucking look at pic related. The only thing he's been remotely correct on lately is GBR although that fucking debt is ugly to look at.

>> No.11290368

Pajeet here, our markets are getting clobbered. Went down as much as 2%.
Nikkei down 0.56%
SSE Composite up 0.1%

>> No.11290376

How does one trade pajeet stocks? What are some strong blue-chip pajeet companies?

>> No.11290385
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It begins

>> No.11290441

I hope you find someway to be trading US stocks and holding burger cash in your accounts.

>> No.11290461

Where are you from? I heard there were pajeet ETFs in America.
Although be warned our indices are heavily weighted towards Financial sector.

Pajeet stocks brief.
RIL (Reliance industries), RPL (Reliance petroleum, they own fuck huge refineries) INFY (Infosys), TCS - tech
HDFC, Axis, ICICI - banks.
Tata motors, Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki - auto sector

I personally wouldn't invest in something which I don't understand. Our governments are notorious for coming up with stupid regulations, so normal logic doesn't apply in my country.

I don't own US stocks, but I'm 50% in gold and 50% in cash right now.

>> No.11290471

I would never invest in something I don't understand, I just want a starting point for research.

I'm in Canada so I'm always looking for outside places to invest to offset our anemic but relatively stable economy.

>> No.11290493

emerging markets tend to do well when USD is cheap
But Emperor Trump and uncle Powell decided it is over (and I think it has something to do with burning the ECB since they won't a thing about their interest rate)
Uncle Powell said the USA has been behaving like a good boi and the real rate hike hasn't even begun (makes sense since the GDP growth was over 4%)

>> No.11290552
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I'm ready for tomorrow.

>> No.11290572

Europoors are becoming even more poor.
ZeroHedge writers are gonna absolutely cream themselves when they wake up

>> No.11290579
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>> No.11290604

not really, all this means is I should keep shorting europe and china
and accumulate more AMD I mean SELL AMD at the 20-25 dollar range

>> No.11290645

You mean short amd. You think its going to 20?

>> No.11290673

Or lower my good goy. I wouldn't say no to a discount of 15 dollars. I got cash just waiting.

>> No.11290679
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Oh no no no.....

>> No.11290682
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R8 my first ever options Im about to execute

>> No.11290690
File: 2.66 MB, 400x400, Time for a comfy bear market.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were told time and time again to dump it and take profits once George Soros was confirmed aboard the short train.

>> No.11290715

its morning and my brain doesnt work, how do you make market go down? I can think of a bull push but how do you bear it down.
Lets say you have nearly unlimited funds and you want to short AMD form 45 to 30. What do you do?

>> No.11290738
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Go read how to short in investopedia and how puts in options trading work.

>> No.11290915
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how did you guys get into trading options? did you just watch the videos in OP and give it a try?

>> No.11290925


>> No.11291003
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2pm eh? I'm a 3rd shift wageslave and usually miss active market hours due to day sleeping, but I'mma stay up for this.

>> No.11291041

I watched fuckload of vids and after 4 days of repeating same message in a different way I kinda get the concept so Im in a process to lose first 100$ by learning through error n error

>> No.11291086
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Do it. Find something cheap and do it. Reading and learning are great but actually doing something always fills in the gaps.

>> No.11291095

this is my do it, what do ya think ?

>> No.11291123

Not super familiar with the stocks. Just keep your investment in it low for now and make sure you understand your picks.

>> No.11291184

all 3 positions combined are 45$ I was trying to find something that
a) costs less than .45
b) has clear direction
spent 6 hrs looking at different charts and options nothing seemed to fit except these nonames (USO is US oil fund so this kinda isnt that unpopular)

>> No.11291193

What's the most realistic timeframe for anothe recession? within 3 years? 5? another decade?

>> No.11291275


>> No.11291343

I've got so little in it, and am still up ~100% that I'm going to let it ride for a while. The tech is interesting and could eventually bring some serious changes in environmental protection.

Seems to be gaining traction in Europe

I'm long with a $200 bet, still up ~240 even after yesterday

>> No.11291856
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How do I make money in the Stock Market?

>> No.11291952

All in hmny

>> No.11292063
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>> No.11292070

For another red day? Hell yeah!

>> No.11292086
File: 54 KB, 360x630, Winnie+the+pooh+home+run+derby+comp+real+jap+version_0c9b8d_6152294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it appears you are not yet prepared

>> No.11292096
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If you know what the market will do at any given time, you have no excuse to not profit.

>> No.11292118

Well the thing is, I don't

>> No.11292151
File: 375 KB, 720x599, caesars hand will reach you even in the safety of new vegas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you have already lost

>> No.11292167

Don't I know it

>> No.11292181

God why is Halloween so fucking comfy and delightful

>> No.11292209 [DELETED] 

because you are still young

>> No.11292372
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I hate myself

>> No.11292397
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bois we're doing it, watch me go from 50$ to 1million in 3 positions

>> No.11292425

*ring ring*
Sir, he bought

>> No.11292467

Bogdans need to push USO sideways for me to ultimately lose. both brothers need to countertrade me

>> No.11292580

>The stock market will recover in a few years, crypto won't
>crypto won't
See you when BTC hits 60k in 2020

>> No.11292606

100k eoy

>> No.11292676

Well nbev keeping me in the green

>> No.11292904
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bottom found.... my rear bottom :(

punk ass bears

>> No.11292959
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DPST gives no fuck

>> No.11293248

Oh no no no... Ahahahahahah

>> No.11293284
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Fugg dead thread this morning

>> No.11293377
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Fake bulls hide when the market is down.

>> No.11293392

Remember to invest in Pepsi and Coca Cola. They're going balls deep into the North Korean market.

>> No.11293501


>> No.11293583
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>> No.11293585
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MIC check?

>> No.11293608

you guys are in the wrong thread......

>> No.11293631



>> No.11293771
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>> No.11293812
