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File: 35 KB, 750x370, UFC-229-Khabib-vs-Conor-Fight-Poster-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11285214 No.11285214 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, anyone know a good crypto betting site that you can actually bet big on?

Most of them you can't bet much. Like not even half a bitcoin on most UFC fights. It's wack.

>> No.11285234

who are you betting on ?

>> No.11285238

tell me who will win and ill tell u my site

>> No.11285283

I'm not betting on this fight but I've analyzed it and I believe Conor will win via TKO within the first 3 rounds.

>> No.11285554

- Yours truly, with love,
The International Association of 13 Year Old "Hardcore" MMA Fans

just use betonline.ag and don't go above the limit like a gambling addict

>> No.11285567

Betting 100k on khabib. Easy money

>> No.11285684


Fairlay u fucking pleb..use my refferal

>> No.11285754

What are you talking about mate? I'm not 13. And thanks, I'll check it out.

You're joking right?

Uh, thanks?

>> No.11285779
File: 119 KB, 620x413, Khapepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.11285785

This site sucks dude, max bet on most fights is 1k? Lol

>> No.11285795

The mendes/McGregor fight is all you need to know to see what's going to happen here.

Khabib isnt gonna be a spaz and lunge at McGregor like aldo. He's not gonna be at a major size advantage like Alvarez. He's an underrated striker who keeps his chin down and plays it safe.

And that's all he needs to do. As soon as he gets a takedown on McGregor it's over

>> No.11285804

Khabib is a no brainer.

Looking forward to coming back here, the misc, sherdog etc... And laughing at all the delusional McGregor nuthuggers who thought he could beat a wrestler like khabib

>> No.11285825

Trash ass sites for shrimp betters.

>> No.11285835

Yah, you should screenshot this. I guarantee you won't be back.

>> No.11285851

He beat Mendes, how does that help prove your theory right? Lol

>> No.11285965

"Click" yep this is going to my laught at mcniggers thread folder

>> No.11286008

U faggot, u never bet more than 5 dollars on anything...prove me wrong or stfu

>> No.11286061

here lad.

>> No.11286209

Ok pleb. Don't be so butthurt that you're poor

>> No.11286235

Lol what a joke. Most of you guys must be 15 year olds betting your weekly $20 allowances, huh?

>> No.11286249

Regardless of what anybody says this is going to be a close fight.

Khabib has historically struggled with good strikers in close the gap. He also struggles with finishing people, Conor's conditioning doesn't like going the distance, his striking is very good.

This fight will likely determine the long term fighting style for the UFC, ground or stand up.

>> No.11286275

lmao conor wont win with TKO for sure. he is either KOing khabib when khabib tries to go for the takedown or khabib is gonna maul him on the ground and TKO conor. only those 2 outcomes

>> No.11286281

or khabib wins with submission

>> No.11286289


>> No.11286290

What are the best odds on Kebab on any site? He will win with the power of Allah on his side

>> No.11286316

something 1.6

>> No.11286344

Fuck, really? Everyone should go all in. We're gonna make it. If that's true I'm gonna put down 500.

>> No.11286420

Although Khabib is the better wrestler, Mendes is more explosive and has a better double leg. Won't be as easy to close the distance. Also Connor *claims* he was dealing with knee issues in the Mendes fight. This is one of those fights you avoid gambling on desu

>> No.11286689

not gonna make it

>> No.11286705

just for that reply alone I'll grant you your information

>> No.11286713

I took mcgregor to win by ko for a good chunk

>> No.11286761

Oh man...just dont bet on this one please...Im literally living "MMA life" for more than 10 years and I can tell you that this is the match where you CAN NOT predict the winner at all...pure gambling

>> No.11286766

So.....I guess I'm correct then....no proof u a bitch

>> No.11286898
File: 59 KB, 800x450, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t. Guy who actually apent money on the biggest scam in boxing history, thinking mcgregor would show floyd different "looks" than the 50 pro level boxers he's beaten in his career...and magically "knock him out"

Just fucking cage at you faggots

>> No.11286916

Mendes took the fight on a week notice and he absolutely fucked McGregor up. In fact the refs deliberately robbed Mendes, there were 3 sec left in the round and he was covering up and they called it.

>> No.11286978

It was a good stopage btw...the fight is stopped when you "dont show any ACTIVE defense"...being in a turtle postion covering your head without moving isn't active defense

>> No.11287065

How much can you bet on there? It doesn't show

>> No.11287079

That site sucks max bet is 2.6607 BTC

>> No.11287090

I don't care if you're living MMA or not. That doesn't mean anything. And I said I wasn't betting this fight.

>> No.11287125

Remember the Ronda / Holly fight was considered a "sure thing" and easy money.

Going into UFC 193, Ronda s unbeaten and had never lost a single round in her career. Holly was a pure striker with zero ground game.

The general consensus was "one takedown and its all over"

Holly built a gameplan around Ronda's:
- lack of head movement
- poor movement ( just charged straight at her opponents)
- predictable one-style of takedown (close distance, clinch, trip)

Now of you replace Holly with "Conor" in the above text and Ronda with "Khabib", it's obvious what's going to happen on Sunday. Easy win for Conor, screencap this.

>> No.11287130


>> No.11287137

He absolutely fucked Mcgregor up? The Ref deliberately robbed Mendes? Are you retarded or something man? You need to watch the fight again. Mcgregor TKO'd Mendes in the 2nd round. No refs robbed Mendes. It was one ref and he stopped the fight because Mendes's head was getting bounced off the canvas.

>> No.11287179

What do you wanna see fag? I'm not betting on this fight. I'll be betting on some upcoming events. You can screencap this and come back to see how much I'll be putting down. It'll be somewhere between 5-10k. And it's going to be more after that hopefully. This is why I'm asking if there are higher liquidity sites for crypto betting.

>> No.11287193

Watch Conor Vs Steve O Keefe


Conor shows great TDD and clinch work. At the end Conor knocks his opponent unconscious in the clinch with elbows.

Amazed no one has tried this same thing with Khabib, his head is always next to his opponents arm when he's controlling people against the cage

>> No.11287364

Fucking spoiled zoomers, i would've sucked dick to completion to be able to bet over 3k w btc back in the day

>> No.11287374


Lel, mendez fucked mendez. He had full mount and gave it up to try a wacky sub

>> No.11287388

nitrogensports.eu has limits of ~14k right now and they should get up to like 30k-45k 1 hour before fight time
they're a decent site, never dicked me around cash out with a few hours
I've bet at least 500k through their site

>> No.11287397


Can also vouch for nitrogen, I've bet around 5k-ish through them, never any problems

>> No.11287421

Wagerr. Just download their wallet. It uses oracles. Apparently they solved the problem.

>> No.11287424

if you play on nitrogen set up their 2FA incase your computer is compromised or you get tricked by a fishing site

>> No.11287439

tony ferg looks like a lunatic at open work outs
I think conor is coming out next

>> No.11287500

I'm using Nitrogensports. They don't let you bet big. Even if it's 5 figures, that's only on like the main events or really big fights. They wouldn't let you bet that amount on smaller fights. I'm talking big. Like 6 figures and up. I'm not betting that much but if my current strategy holds up, I will hopefully be able to bet that much some day.

>> No.11287514

conor did more damage to mendes from the bottom than mendes did on top, despite mendes illegally gouging conor's eyes.

>> No.11287582

TKO is when you stop defending yourself. Mendes had his elbows covering his head and there were THREE FUCKING SECONDS LEFT ON THE CLOCK. Please stfu

Agreed. Why the fuck did he go for that sub? He should have kept whipping conor

L O L. The only thing that defeated Mendes was his cardio. Conor without a doubt took more damage

>> No.11287657

Khabib dickriders have pube beards and attend mosques. Conor is going to KO Khabib so hard. How does a real estate agent land on Khabib? Conor > LaQuinta. Khabib will see his 60 virgins when Mcgregor bounces his head off the canvas. Mcgregor in 2/KO. If rigged, Mcgregor by decision as UFC will not let their all-star lose with Mayweather coming in to fight with a special rule set. And according to Brendan Schaub, Joe Rogan's best friend - Khabib will supposedly retire after this fight. He is going to get slept.

>> No.11287734


It doesn't matter if there was 3 seconds left or 30 seconds. This is how I know you don't know much about combat sports. Fights regularly get stopped with even a second left to go. Wanna know why? Because the ref is there to protect the fighter and a second could mean the difference between getting brain damage or not.

I think the ref knows way fucking better then you how to do his job so you're the one that needs to stfu.

Mendes fell to his knees and curled up into a ball. He was DONE. I can't believe you would even sit here and argue that a guy who did that somehow got robbed. Literally no one, including Mendes disputed the stoppage. You'd make a horrible judge.

>> No.11287948


Wallet is pretty clean but I need to figure out how to transfer tokens to it from the Waves DEX. It keeps saying the receive address is invalid

>> No.11288042

How much can you bet with this thing? Seems confusing

>> No.11288134

go squeeze some more shit out on the street you dirty curry nigger.

>> No.11288295

Kek. I have actually fought in amateur bouts.

I have seen refs let fighters take BRUTAL beatings for seconds when they are barely sending themselves. McGregor was hitting the back of his head (illegal) and mendess was still defending himself.

Just lol @ your ref knows best bullshit
The ref was probably TOLD pre fight to stop it early for Conor if he got the chance, because Conor is dana whites money cow. Imavine if Mendes had won, how much $$$$$ the UFC would have lost

>> No.11288334

Hate mudslimes to the bone but wrestlers > strikers every time