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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11278447 No.11278447 [Reply] [Original]

who here getting absolutely and utterly JUSTed in every aspect of their life right now?

>> No.11278471

>owe over a million in student loans and business debt with tiny profit margin keeping me from closing the doors
right here senpai

>> No.11278496

>addicted to pre-workout mix
>addicted to phenibut
>addicted to tobacco
>can't sleep at night
>and more


>> No.11278509
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Yeah. I got this rare eye disease right at the end of college that's been threatening to make me go blind, and now employers won't hire me because of it and I can't pay my students loans and my gf has stopped communicating with me because I can't find work. All that work for a mechanical engineering degree for nothing.

>> No.11278511


>> No.11278522

Why would you disclose your eye disease to an employer?

>> No.11278531

I have to wear sunglasses all the time or else risk making it worse.

>> No.11278598
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Yes. It feels like I'm right outside the event horizon beginning my decline to NEEThood and suiciding. Always on the outskirts, just one little push away.

>> No.11278623
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I feel i'm at my lowest right now even though I have no debt, crypto portfolio still at 2x from the initial investment and some savings in the bank but I fucking dread wageslavery more and more every day, I've been dreaming about escaping this hell ever since I'd found out about btc/crypto. I do some construction "freelancing" but if crypto doesn't free me within the next few years I will have to start a full time wageslave 'career' or an hero, also the fucking clock is ticking, at 25 I'm nearing the boomer territory, still no house, no land, no family, It's all fucking slipping away from me and I don't feel like joining the ratrace is a compelling idea

>> No.11279124
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>Rare eye disease
>Must be wearing sunglasses or a protective mask at ALL times
I gotchu, senpai.

>> No.11279163
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you've been here for months, anon. i remember when you made that thread about this a while back. disregard that grill andf ocus up on what you need to do - only you can take care of yourself. wish the best for you and hope that things get better.

>> No.11279164

Crypto portfolio completely just'd, wageslaving sucks, depression is ATH, still live with parents, no gf, losing hair, terrible student who gets Cs and Bs, car is breaking down and I can't afford to get a new one. When does it end

>> No.11279171

Too fucking soon anon

>> No.11279789

>mfw these market dips

starting to reach beyond JUST'd status

>> No.11279862
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fuck work

>> No.11279878

Fuck this gay Earth. I love you bro, let's build a more fair world together.

Also, can't you sue their asses for discrimination against disability?

>> No.11279884

Dang, what did you major in?

>> No.11279967
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If only you knew how justed it really is.

>> No.11279996
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Im working minimum wage and only have $1700 in the bank, 10k in crypto thats now worth 5k... i dont know what im doing with my life