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File: 49 KB, 620x387, McAfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11277746 No.11277746 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest this guy gives crypto a bad name.

>> No.11277757
File: 237 KB, 937x1238, 1512774305157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur mom gave u a bad name lmao

>> No.11277777

Where do you fall on the autism spectrum disorder

>> No.11277793

far right up ur mums ass lmao

>> No.11277796
File: 1.76 MB, 330x306, tenor-121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice quints

>> No.11277799

Very nice pair of repeating numbers you got there young man

>> No.11277807

90% of the crypto community give crypto a bad name. End of story. Its justa bunch of people fighting each other and convincing people to join their ponzi instead of the other ponzi. I saw a video 1 week ago where roger ver was having a debate with tone vays and it ended with normies being scared and going away. Crypto is a shitshow and this greed will be the end of it

>> No.11277811

What if i said billionaires are gonna make crypto worthless just to spit in his face for making it twice in life and fucking it up twice

>> No.11277812
File: 237 KB, 848x498, john-mcafee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOY is coming up.... cant wait to see this guy eat his dick.

>> No.11277844

That's end of 2020 you're thinking of you retarded fuck. If It's not up by 2021, which it fucking will be, then he can eat his own dick.

>> No.11277851
File: 87 KB, 879x657, photo_2018-10-02_16-37-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11277928

either way, you're delusional if you think 1 million EOEver. like holy fuck there is no hope for you.

>> No.11277960

He's alright, confidence in crypto statements being gauged in terms of willingness to eat your own dick has provided a good standard for everyone to work off of.

>> No.11278015

You can't be this retarded, c'mon..

>> No.11278157

>You're delusional if you think $1000 EOEver. like holy fuck there is no hope for you.

>You're delusional if you think $10,000 EOEver. like holy fuck there is no hope for you.

You are here.

>You're delusional if you think $100,000 EOEver. like holy fuck there is no hope for you.

>You're delusional if you think $1,000,000 EOEver. like holy fuck there is no hope for you.

>> No.11278172

you mean having a geriatric paranoid junkie rapist as the face of crypto was a bad idea?

>> No.11278216

>Let's be honest this guy gives crypto a bad name.

Still love the crazy fucker

>> No.11278239

Couldn't agree more. He's a maniac.

>> No.11278938

Those are excellent digits my good fellow.
Wouldn't even have known who he was if I didn't read through thread.

>> No.11278957

He likes to be shat on by ugly Hispanics.

>> No.11278988



If you honestly unironically literally believe that bitcoin will be $1 mil one day you need help.

>> No.11279008

Why? That would only put the market cap at 21 trillion dollars.

>> No.11279014

After all coins are mined, of course.

>> No.11279034

I thought he was cool when I first heard of him cooking bath salts in his compound in an exotic land with his harem of young women, protected by armed guards. The murder charge, conspiracy theories, and cryptocurrency angle all added to his mystique. That all went out the window when I heard about the scat stuff. I just can't respect a guy who ate shit. It could be fake, but he hasn't denied it as far as I know. Hard to take him seriously knowing he could degrade himself like that.

>> No.11279371
File: 278 KB, 800x1115, photo5012655867761371229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll ain't seen nothin yet.

>> No.11279420

from 6500 to 1M its 150x
from 50 to 6500 is also 150x

its much much harder to go from 6500 to 1M than it is to go from 50 to 6500, but the money you make in each case is exactly the same. the easy growth bitcoin has had is definitely in the past, but small multiples of growth massively increase the price given we're now solidly in 4 figure bitcoin.

>> No.11279444
File: 272 KB, 405x405, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This greed will be the end of it
Bullshit. It just scares away one wave of normies so that in the near future a fresh group of retards can buy the bags we were smart enough to accumulate during the bear market. And you people want to change that with bullshit regulations because muh adoption. Get a life. Everyone here just wants to get rich quick. Nobody cares about the tech. The only people that actually believed in the tech sold back during the first crash.

>> No.11279935

>someone took the time to make this

>> No.11280908
File: 213 KB, 900x1200, 1513945631382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get uber rich from a useless copy paste program
>get so bored you start trolling your bag holders all day long

>> No.11281044

Chairman of the best project dont @ me