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11270755 No.11270755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>rommate is having loud sex with my Oneitis

Any crypto for this feel?

>> No.11270776

The suicide feel? Try confido

>> No.11270782


>> No.11270783

The first one always hurts anon.

>> No.11270793

Stop masturbating, lift heavy weights, stop eating processed food, invest what little money you have wisely.

Keep this up for 5 years and then kill your roommate

>> No.11270808

i want to have loud sex with op's oneitis

>> No.11270820

>im having loud sex with OPs oneitis.
Any book for this feel?

>> No.11271271

>caring about non virgin women
>caring about women at all
Never going to make it op

>> No.11271279
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You need a girlfriend OP

>> No.11271285
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>having a roommate

>> No.11271308

Start masturbating, don't exercise, eat plenty of processed food, spend what little money you have on anime collectibles and sex toys.

Keep this up for 5 years and then kill yourself

>> No.11271333

That genuinely sounds awful. I think I'd leave.

>> No.11271342

Tf is a oneitis?

>> No.11271358

Just looked it up... So basically you are literally cucked by your own roommate by a girl that isn't even your wife... Nice one op

>> No.11271383

just imagine it's porn and self-insert

>> No.11271407

Me too :^)

>> No.11271451

Beat him with your belt, and yell " Of all the women you had to take her!"

>> No.11271476
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Based /tv/ poster

>> No.11271479
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JUSTcoin. Also oneitises are for losers. Anyone that even uses that word to describe a woman is a loser. There's always another hole.

>> No.11271485


>> No.11271492
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You should've taken vids. If the sex was loud they wouldn't have heard you. Then you could've jacked off to a real chad

>> No.11271553

I always fuck my "friend's" Oneitis, even if most of my friends have shit taste. The suffering of my friends gives me more pleasure than sex could ever give me.

>> No.11271707

What show/movie is this from?

>> No.11271709

>stop eating processed food

unironically how the fuck do i do this i'm such a fat fuck

>> No.11271965


Cook for yourself. Cut down on meat. Do cardio such as walking and stationary bike. Lift weights. Eat more fruits and veggies.

>> No.11271996

Google Sharpe Sean Bean to pick your poison

>> No.11272011

If there's a silver lining in this cuckery, is that at least you now know you are not the type that enjoys it.

>> No.11272013

post a picture of her

>> No.11272075


>> No.11272085

Yes. When ever I hear about some fag having a oneitis I try my best to very visibly leave the party with her or if possible fuck her loudly at the party just to win and see their jealousy. Cucking feels Great.

>> No.11272095

Gee no wonder she wasn't interested in you.

Sort yourself out before you focus on anyone else, retard

>> No.11272115


>> No.11272259

Can't think of a more humiliating situation op.

>> No.11272276

incel fag coin

>> No.11272557

Dont be a pussy masturbate to the sounds and when she breaks up with him, fuck her in the ass. Works every time. I'm super nice to all my "friends," girlfriends so when the breakup happens I get a quick cheap and easy lay. Best part is how butt hurt the boyfriends get, almost got in a knife/gun fight over it once.

>> No.11272573

shit advice. go keto and eat only meat.

>> No.11272611
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>> No.11272660
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you people truly are the worst

>> No.11272686
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Get in Nerva quick
>The Nerva ofa hima!

>> No.11272716

Fuck OP y u do this

This has legitimately happened to me. We were on vacation with oneitis, her friend and a friend of mine. We were all friends from college.

He knew I wanted her and was really close to hitting it off with her.
He was much more handsome than I was.
We went out first night of the trip, she got tipsy. We get home at 6am, sprawl over every surface available to sleep.

I get up sometime later to drink water. On my way to the kitchen I pass by one of the bedrooms, I see her female friend sleeping. As I continue towards the kitchen, I hear soft moans and catch a glimpse of them spooning on the sofa. Retreated back to bed, spoke nothing, pretended to be ok for the following three days.

The weird thing is, from that point I get a harrowing, sinking feeling whenever I get thirsty and go to get some water. I am borderline afraid of dehydration I think and always carry a small bottle with me everywhere, even if I'm going to the living room to read or something.

>> No.11272885
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>Keep this up for 5 years and then kill your roommate

>> No.11272902

fuck you for making me look up that word

never say it again

>> No.11273234

So having a crush has evolved into this "oneitis" bullshit now?
Is this an extension of the "victim complex as a virtue" affliction that pervades online millennials now?

Just kill yourselves and let the more conservative Gen Zs take your place.

>> No.11273246

join in faggot. dp the slut

>> No.11273320

>cut down on protein and eat more sugar

literally what nigga

>> No.11273358

fucking retarded brainlet

if you did 5 mins of research you'd realize that most people have way too much meat, and yes that means protein too. also sugar in fruit is not comparable to sugar in cookies you buy at the store.

kill yourself.

>> No.11273387

Fall in love with another woman. Also go all in on XRP. But wait a few days from now until the post-swell sell off bottom is in.

>> No.11273448

based and biz approved

>> No.11273463
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Use your crypto gains and achieve the /zyzz/ mode bro. Hop on Test e + Tren A + Anavar, train 6 times per week and buy high quality organic food like chicken breast, rice and vegetables. In less than12 months you will look like pic related if not better, and you will be able to fuck ANY, and I repeat ANY, woman you want simply by taking your shirt off. Its up to you to go with this path OP.

>> No.11273482

It pretty much is tbhfam. Chad diet is meat eggs greens and potatoes and oats. Anything else is fluff.

>> No.11273502

>caring about 3dnpc intercourse
never going to make it

>> No.11273536
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anon that's fucked

>> No.11273589
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well, at least my 'crypto gains' have allowed me to drop some unnecessary pounds so I can start bulking when moon season starts.
>mfw exclusively been eating oat meal since SIBOS

>> No.11273683

Fuck u 4 spreading bullshit

>> No.11273704
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>tfw your old oneitis gave chad a couple kisses then dumped him hard and, while you just found comfort in the familiar 'bitches and whores' mantra, years later he is still bitter over it
Some people eventually learn. Some don't. Don't be that guy, OP.

>> No.11273723

Get over it cunt, find a new wet hole ok

>> No.11273772

You deserve it, cuck and this will continue happening as you spread your misery to others until you make a change. You were probably hoping something would happen, maybe a spark out of no where. Like you would lock eyes once and have a really good conversation and that'd be it. You continued to be a quiet, back of the room, open-mouth grinning shitfuck on his Switch. Your "one" will be back after Halloween and she will fuck your roommate harder as the weather cools further. Girls love warm guys that take care of themselves. Change and stop spreading your miserable life on here. Even if someone replied to you "____ will make a 5x gain", you would still feel like an empty, sad shit. What's worse is that miserable piles like yourself end up bringing other anons into your black hole. In their infinitely good hearts, they sympathize with you, but give you nothing. So you keep them down with you as you "feel better" about being the loser you are. Hopefully someone takes your next one too, because imagine if you did get your Stacy- how would she react to you being so pathetic? You'd get dumped anyway and you know it. Get up and be better.

>> No.11274022

well thank god you found out anon, imagine unknowingly trying to bang her those 3 days

>> No.11274159

can you guys talk more about getting cucked

>> No.11274285
File: 77 KB, 709x765, F9EC4D6A-9807-46B2-A555-DD2FAB2D8581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me junior year of high school
>have huge Oneitis
>she’s cute and popular, I’m a nerdy dweeb
>hear her complaining about not having a date to prom
>work up all the courage on the fucking Earth
>ask her out to prom
>she says yes
>***30 minutes later***
>talking to friend in next class, can’t shut up about what I just did
>”uhh bro, I think she’s going with one of her girl friends”
>”haha, no man, I just asked her”
>provides me proof
>between classes one of her friends comes up to me and says she can’t go with me
>she ends up going with her girl friend, I third wheel with another couple to prom just to save face
>leave early
>hear from someone the next week that she lost her virginity that night to the captain of the baseball team

>> No.11274452
