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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11270309 No.11270309 [Reply] [Original]



I was wondering if Azure had a means to input off-chain API data into the blockchain. What solution is currently used ? Is "cryptlet" the solution that Azure is working on ?

Will cryptlet serve as a decentralized oracle network ? Also can we integrate with 3rd party oracle solutions such as SmartContract ( www.smartcontract.com) ?

Yes, the intention is to allow cryptlets to solve this issue in a decentralized manner. We are still implementing exactly how we want to design the system, but it currently is in private preview with some customers. We'll announce when it is ready more broadly.

Zeyad Rajabi & Stefano Tempesta both Microsoft Azure engineers. Weird how one of them had to ask what the status of cryplets was on a public forum.

>> No.11270314

You are a disgusting 'human' being.

>> No.11270315
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>> No.11270391

First Astraea and now cryplet. It's really over we lost the first mover advantage.

>> No.11270401

You still don’t know Cryplet = Chainlink?

>> No.11270416

Zeyed actually posted on /biz/ a few months ago and the gist was that chainlink is not the decentralized solution azure is going to push. This is old news dude

>> No.11270417
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>one shot at life
>born a cryptlet

>> No.11270426

>muh dots

They could be using Oraclize for what we know. Or waiting for better solutions. Nothing is confirmed by anyone.

>> No.11270451
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>Stefano Tempesta

>> No.11270462
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They said decentralized

>> No.11270466

Brainlet, kek.

You can see clearly that Zeyad declines to answer directly the question of whether Azure will integrate with 3rd party solutions. If they had created their own proprietary decentralized oracle network (quite difficult, why not use a nearly ready-made tech like Chainlink), he would've stated that upfront, instead he dodges answering headon with an ambiguous "yes, it will be consistent with decentralization" because due to NDAs they can't confirm or even insinuate that they plan on using Chainlink.

>> No.11270469

Didnt someone said cryptlets was dead?

>> No.11270471

chainlink is shit

>> No.11270473

He lurks here. That position... So obvious

>> No.11270474

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11270488
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Based and redpilled

>> No.11270490

Qubic has also started marketing
We lost
It's all over

>> No.11270518

Qubic only works on IOTA. Not multiple blockchains.

>> No.11270533


>> No.11270537


>> No.11270552

It’s Chainlink

Source: no fucking shit.

>> No.11271248

he retweeted it because it was a tweet about his article...

>> No.11272365

This. It seems pretty clear from his language. Checked. $1000 EOY

>> No.11272480

Mobius then obv

>> No.11273008

Yes sir please buy Mobius very good service sir most best service sir

>> No.11273197
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>> No.11273204
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>> No.11273218

I remember the day you bought Photoshop and created this. Time flies.

>> No.11273232
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>> No.11273242

Kys faggot, look up the info yourself

>> No.11273249

Rebecca please, there's no need for this behavior. You're a lady now, act like it.

>> No.11273443

Get paid for your disinfo shill yet pajeet? Dont forget to wash the shit off your hands after defecating in the street.

>> No.11273484

Azure is cryplets, and cryplets will use Link, cap this faggots

>> No.11273530

As if, lul.

>> No.11273565

Wow 3 posts by this ID and in all of them you're being a faggot, really activates the almonds.

I dare you to try and counter the visual proof I've given, but I already know that instead you'll continue and spew literal shit out of your mouth. Hang yourself.

>> No.11273787

I debunked your shopped cap in my first post, dumb bitch. Scroll up.

>> No.11273982

Look up the info yourself you faggot, nothing here is shopped, you're just being a retard.

>> No.11274026
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>> No.11274106

>0 replies
Meanwhile every stupid larp gets hundreds. Classic biz.

>> No.11274157

Why would the image get any replies? It answers nothing about chainlink.

>> No.11274599

This was confirmed by Sergey himself, it has nothing to do with dot connecting.


Fud time is over, boyfriend.