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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-30 at 22.26.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11263154 No.11263154 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you guys are alive and wish you all a good week.

From the 0.1 the anon gave me I already made it become 0.2, still searching for a online income. Will start shilling the ebook soon, hope it help some anons.

Some mad anons got me into some problems, that is why I wasnt answering. Hope you guys still have faith.

Good night buddies.
Good week for you guys!

>> No.11263187

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.11263188

Is that your diseased favelagf?

>> No.11263204

I believe on that bro!

Yes, some anons wanted me to post (they are into that "brapping meme, lol"), cant take other type of photos because some anons are saving everything I post to fuck me over.

I take her virginity, its all fine.

>> No.11263375
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Good night and week frens.

>> No.11263394

wtf are those white lines? aids?

>> No.11263422

Top kek.

She is 18 years old, left puberty almost now, her body growth was so fast that lines appeared, we call in brazil "celulite".

After she work out all will be normal.

She have pink ass/pussie.

>> No.11263585

just woke up in europe favalaanon, its 4am here. I am about to apply for jobs because I am broke as fuck. Whats funny is that you have more money than me, I don't even have 0.2 BTC kek. I have a feeling you're gonna make it.

>> No.11263676

Isso sao esterias, nao é celulite

>> No.11263858

É mesmo, são estrias, acabei esquecendo.

Hope things get better for you too bro.

Its midnight here now.

>> No.11263865

based and redpilled.

bro you need to learn not to get triggered by trolls. the more you get mad by people memeing you scammed or whatever, the more they will keep on doing it. just ignore any negativity.

>0.2 btc
topfuckingkek. you are now richer than most plebs on here m8. dont you think these faggots will get mad that a literal 3rd worlder from favela has a bigger portfolio than them. how did you 2x?

>> No.11263880

>what is stretch marks on a female body
holy fuck. biz really is full of virgins

>> No.11263897

ive never seen a girls ass that weighed more than 100 lbs.

>> No.11263916

I just got triggered because other anons started to believe in the lies that some anons spreaded, then I got mad because I was receiving like 10x answers "yo monkey scammer" and that was draining my energy.

>how I did 2x
I invested in some things and I was lucky that they paid it back, some guy needed viagra but would pay me after he received it.

I paid like $100 of monero to a vendor that sent to the guy house, the man paid me $200 via Western Union, did this like 4 times, he will prolly spread for some friends so I'll have more clients.

Also, I exchanged all btc for more (paid like 113 each, and sold when it was 120 each, so I profited almost more 70-80 on that too).

Good week for u anon!

>> No.11263917

I wonder, how easy it is to get coke where you live?

>> No.11263936
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mirin the hustle anon, you will make it.

thanks anon, good week to you aswell.

>> No.11263953

Exchanged for monero.
>sorry for typo
Really easy, but isnt good quality coke (peruvian 90+%, its shit coke).

Here they sell weed for R$5 reais, crack R$5 reais and coke R$10 reais, all shitty quality.

If you wanna good quality the price is higher.

>> No.11263966

>If you wanna good quality the price is higher.
How much higher?

>> No.11263971


yeah man, things will get better. The only thing which fucking sucks is moving on from one thing to the other. Been here so many times. Never fails to uproot me and feel like the sky is falling. Anyways, sleep well favelaon. Can you do me a favor? Can you slap that ass for me before you tuck yourself in? Just for me.

Oh yeah, how do I score a favelaroastie from Europe?

>> No.11264012

weed buds (A+) like R$60/gram atleast
good coke (40%) like R$50/gram atleast
Here they sell one LSD tab 100 ug atleast R$50

Yes, the average brazilian use low quality drugs and the best of them go to europe/us/etc.

I'll do it for you bro.
I wont fool you buddie, woman are like us, we like some things and some things we hate, we wanna to get pleasure and also to be respected too.

Have you ever read the book "48 Laws of Power"?
Try to read it, tomorrow I'll do another post with some other content that will really help you.

At the end you will make it bro, you are the result of thousand years of survival.

We just need to clean out the toxic shit from ur brain.

>> No.11264017

>good coke (40%) like R$50/gram atleast
I know people that would pay easily the doublle for that in the south

>> No.11264030

There is an brazilian darknet market, the problem is that the owner is a known brazilian and he is a snitch.

I know people would pay a lot for a good quality shiny flake.

But drug dealing can get you from 5 to 15 years in jail here in Brazil.

>> No.11264047

Also, if they get you using whatsapp you get charged for drug dealing and criminal organization and cybernethical conspiration and a lot of shit.

There are a lot of guys making huge money from those lsd sheets, etc, but I have seen death and jail and bro: freedom doesnt have price.

>> No.11264056

Midnight here, gonna try to fuck and sleep because I'll wake up 5 hours from now.

Good week for u frens!

>> No.11264065
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Bro, the 48 Laws of power is like my bible, I have it lying right next to me. It has annotated notes and the cover is ripped from picking it up so often. I can list you all the laws by memory by now. Great book, but brain doesn't always follow the right reasoning when shit hits the fan. Currently reading 33 strategies of war by the same author. Bought it a long time ago, never finished it.

>I'll do it for you bro.


>> No.11264259

No matter how hard you try, you will always have a low IQ seu viado

>> No.11265063
File: 1.73 MB, 1261x1269, 7-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brazil is known to have transgender

show us her face

what do you have to lose

>> No.11265093


>> No.11265135

stretch marks don't go away no matter how much weight you lose you degenerate, it's a tear and can't be fixed unless you surgically remove the marks.

>> No.11265155

Finally you’re back. I was thinking anons made you shrink instead of rising up to the challenge. Keep fighting. We are rooting for you

>> No.11265166

hows your scamming going?

still smoking crack nigger?

>> No.11265200

Kiss that bunda good night for me

>> No.11265367
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>> No.11265408


>> No.11265660

keep this thread alive until favelanon wakes up

>> No.11265669

... why is biz so fucking degenerate

>> No.11265796

Kill yourself dirty brazillian scumbag no one cares about your life or story

>> No.11265865


i care

>> No.11265868


Nice braper

>> No.11265987

Hey bro I'm wake now, gotta take the overcrowded train to graduation.

From there I post again.

Good morning bro!
No problem, if she doesnt have a pipi Its fine

>> No.11266073

so...favelanon didn't scam anyone?

>> No.11266271

I never scammed anyone,lol, what you thinking Bro

I am at cellphone right now listening to bizonacci remix

>> No.11266289

>surgically remove the marks
didnt know that was possible

>> No.11266593
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I am at uni right now

>> No.11266729
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>> No.11266748
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Here your draw

>> No.11266754

ahh, the essence of /biz/

>> No.11266804

What u mean bro

>> No.11267132

Hope this week I make atleast one more monero.

>> No.11267152
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>> No.11267164

Lol, I laughed hard bro, almost got me in problems.

>> No.11267555

Do you have telegram favelaanon?

>> No.11268027
File: 652 KB, 2340x4160, IMG-20181001-WA0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Bro, send me a e-mail
From there I send you my number

>> No.11269077 [DELETED] 

LOL. absolutely based.

>> No.11269097

LOL. absolutely based.

No, dont fall so easily for biz memes next time.

>> No.11269159
File: 163 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-24 at 19.48.55(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kind of tired, reading your comment atleast gave me some energy, thanks!

>> No.11269268

didn't she notice?

>> No.11269309

She didnt noticed, also I have become good into taking photos without looking to be doing it.

I'll try to record first person favela walking today again, hope I dont get in trouble again, hue.

I dont know why, I'm laughing without reason and I'm really in a good mood.

>> No.11269337

good good anon, i'd like a cute brazilian gf, i'm belgian

>> No.11269388

Something I realized about life is that we usually just look to the best and the worst scenario, and that kind of view end up preventing us to realize that sometimes the things we think are too far from us are really close but we cant see them because we are looking in another angle.

You see, if you ask a normal brazilian he would tell you that he would like to have a belgium first world gf.

Humans are humans, there are good ones and bad ones, I really believe that you can always find someone that helps us to become more human and not so greedy/sociopath mode.

I know that we can just see from the view we are used to, but I really believe you are capable to have a good life and a good gf that will really like you, being belgium, br or from any other country.

A good day for you buddie!

>> No.11269418

thanks bro, a good day for you too

>> No.11269449

you fucking dumb autistic brain dead mother fuckers. THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER!!! have you emailed him? HE IS S C A M M I N G you piece of shit. DAMN you guys are so gullible it makes me angry STOP SUPPORTING THIS SPIC he is calling people BUDDIE like a gas station immigrant PLEASE STOP THIS SHIT ITS GETTING ME TRIGGERED THIS GUY IS A 3RD WORLDER MONEKY ngdfkgjfkgjAGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.11269468

relax buddie. Want me to clean your shoes?

>> No.11269469


Why do Brazilians pick this country a lot? I'm seeing more and more of them. Tell me!

>> No.11269482

Because i told him i was Belgian? Or because they lost in the WC to us

>> No.11269486

kys you no brained single cell parasite

>> No.11269498

favel literally posting traps trying to make biz gay, this guy is a fucking scammer dont you people get it ? literally stole 1K ffrom my business trying to help him out with some freelance wokr i neeeded done DO NOT TRUST him. He is exit scamming


>> No.11269528

you cut off the skin, that's what obese people do when they lose a lot of weight and have a shit ton of loose skin

>> No.11269542

Hello you roodypoo..you can buy 100mug LSD for 2€ in Europe. Is it possible to resell it in your shithole? Google chem.eu

Maybe you little fag will make some nice ROI and lift yourself up from the gutter, my spanish speaking roodypoo

>> No.11269552

>reselling drugs in Brazil
yeah, not a good plan Hans

>> No.11269555

how can i short favelas

>> No.11269584

Really that bad? My trolling attempt with spanish was so weak. I am an eternal German.

>> No.11269838

Didn't see that, my bad.

>> No.11269861

sad sad white knighters

>> No.11269990


>> No.11270016

jesus these posts are still going on. we dont care about some shitty 3rd worlder trying to make this a place of zen or some shit. fook off m8

>> No.11270039
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>> No.11270154

>There is an brazilian darknet market, the problem is that the owner is a known brazilian and he is a snitch.
>known Brazilian

this made me laugh.

>> No.11270640

Yes, the owner is a trap, not even joking
His name is Raphael Imbuzeiro.

>> No.11270657

Why do you think its funny to keep shilling lies?