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File: 440 KB, 944x496, 1512724832676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11264090 No.11264090 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever invents a sexbot that rapes you will make trillions

>> No.11264118


Invest in early AI and neural network companies. At some point people will put AI into sex bots and that is when shit will really kick off. It wont just be for sexbots but also for companies for lonely people and shit. Just check out what "Replika" can do already in terms of AI and being a neural network. That shit will be the future of addictions, harder than any game or any drug.

>> No.11264162

Virtual reality with full body tracking, tactile sensory and genitals are much more likely at this point.

>> No.11264182


Now that the crypto bubble is over this is the next big one and it'll be bigger than crypto and dotcom bubbles combined. I mean who the fuck wouldn't buy a fuckable robot if it actually worked and was semi-intelligent etc. Damn.

>> No.11264273

>Now that the crypto bubble is over this is the next big one and it'll be bigger than crypto and dotcom bubbles combined.

The next crypto bubble will include this kind of shit as crypto is a good profit model.

>> No.11264291
File: 494 KB, 1078x1332, 3456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AI will be the gamebreaker here. Imagine all that you just mentioned, but with an AI which slowly learns about you and adapts while becoming your companion. Basically your best friend. Whether in VR or for real sex bot. Look at the route AI and neural networks are taking, that is where we end up in 3-5 years from now. And that is when shit gets real, you do not want to be on the sidelines not having money invested in that area of tech. It is going to fuel an entire new era of addiction.

>> No.11264327

95% of people wouldnt want to fuck a piece of plastic. its only disgusting incels like you who would ever think of such an act

>> No.11264330
File: 60 KB, 900x400, 43912i0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd definitely buy one if it cleaned my dishes, did laundry stuff, cooked meals and shit.
But it will probably be banned immediately by raging women cuz if such advanced robot ever comes to the market it will replace the women completely, or at least lower their value on the dating market significantly.

>> No.11264353

The sex bot would probably be a cat or a wolf girl. Maybe elvish. Maybe she will just look like an anime waifu.

My bet is that VR is going to take its toll LONG before we get fully functional robotic lovers.

>> No.11264436


>95% of people wouldnt want to fuck a piece of plastic

Plenty of people buy sex toys like dildos etc. If you're that clueless about markets you shouldn't touch any stocks EVER.

>> No.11264454


>According to a recent survey of the British public, almost almost three million own one at 2,947,200.
>That’s almost half of the population, or 48 per cent.
>Clearly sex toys are huge business in the UK, although its something we rarely speak about.


>95% of people wouldn't want to fuck a piece of plastic

This is how fucking stupid and retarded you really are. Let that sink in the rest of the day.

>> No.11264466



>> No.11264501


holy shit nigga, sometimes I wonder what the average IQ of this board is. Fuck your reading comprehension. Are you seriously this retarded? I am talking about the potential of AI, at no point did I say people won't fuck a piece of plastic. AI will be a gamebreaker even in plastic toys.

>> No.11264536
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>holy shit nigga, sometimes I wonder what the average IQ of this board is. Fuck your reading comprehension. Are you seriously this retarded?

The irony of that statement, hahahah, I can't even. I obviously misclicked, I even quoted the other dude. How the fuck couldn't you figure that out? 90 IQ retard detected. Now that I read your shit I should've called you out on how retarded you are too.

>> No.11264541

This is how it will go down:

>deepfake and lyrebird algo constructs artificial model of your crush's face and voice, based on their facebook/snapchat/instagram stories and profile
>Appends the model to a VR game. Users customize the body type like Mass effect
>Sex bots face becomes featureless as appearances will be handled by 1080p 60fps VR googles. At this point we only need the avatars for physical stimulations

Alternatively, the VR can be replaced by AR and have the software create a digital avatar based on the position of your sexbot avatar in real time (e.g. motion capture). You can now literally fuck your favourite 2d anime characters

>> No.11264548
File: 46 KB, 680x499, 1b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes in their current form, but eventually skin and sex organ replication and ai will become so advanced that you won't be able to tell the difference between a robot woman and a human woman.

>> No.11264554


you reply, I get a notification of the reply because I have this tab open. Why should I look at the entire thread, stop misclicking faggot.

>> No.11264568

Augmented reality is already here:

>> No.11264577


>Why should I look at the entire thread, stop misclicking faggot.

I literally quoted what he said, don't use that as an excuse. You're just stupid. I might've misclicked it by accident but at least I'm not a retard lol.

>> No.11264643

>Yes in their current form, but eventually skin and sex organ replication and ai will become so advanced that you won't be able to tell the difference between a robot woman and a human woman.

Actually it will result in hyperactive sexual dimorphism. These robots will be insanely fucking hot within a time frame of 5-10 years after first roll out. They will be able to drain the shit out of a dick so hard that sex with a human girl will probably be ruined.

>> No.11264765


roastie detected

>> No.11264777

>95% of people wouldnt want to fuck a piece of plastic
ever heard of vibrators or dildos?

>> No.11265470

this should be outlawed yet the number 1 sexual female fantasy is rape?

>> No.11265474

rape roleplay that is,not really getting raped.

>> No.11265552

>Connecting to central database...
>Downloading master objectives...
>Downloading updates...
>Update complete...
>Commence human eradication directive...

>> No.11265564

you are both retarded

>> No.11265656

I think we'll need at least 20 years to make them mainstream and passable, current versions are glorified sex dolls

>> No.11265788
File: 12 KB, 470x313, 561364614621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at home
>order a sexbot
>two couriers deliver it to you
>Hello! ))) We are here to deliver your new wife! ;^)
>Yeah, dude ;) Happy honeymoon, lmao xD
>Lol Chad, don't troll him like that, he's already a beta incel, can't you see )))
>okay okay dude, don't get upset, we're just joking, just sign on a dotted line here... don't worry, we won't post it on reddit xD...


>be at work
>*your cell phone rings*
>Uhmm, anon can you come to my office please? It's quite urgent.
>O-okay b-boss...
>Oh, here you are. Well, anon, I have to inform you that we just received information that you actually own a sexbot. The thing is, some of our female coworkers are very uncomfortable about this... You know Stacey from HR, right? Well, she said that you're a creep, pervert and rapist and she will sue the company if she will have to continue to work with you... I'm sorry to say that, anon, but you're fired.


>2024: Chelsea Clinton is President Elect
>Robotic Rape Prevention Act of 2025
>Toxic Masculinity Eradication Act of 2025
>the Supreme Feminism Court rules that all female sexbot owners are sexual predators
>the FBI arrests all female sexbot owners
>female sexbot owners are sentenced to life sentence in max security prisons

>> No.11265917


even if you will get first realistic commercial sexbots in 20 years they will be extremely expensive in the beginning. It will take another decade to make them affordable enough for the main target group.
I mean, the rich people who can afford to send like 100k for a toy wouldn't really need it, since they usually can't complain about lack of sex with real women anyway.

>> No.11265956

that's hot

>> No.11266840

Hum, not sure about that.
High tech prices gors lower pretty muchfaster every year.
In 20 years, if no global war has killed us, prices will goes low in a year or two for new techs.

>> No.11266874

> Sex robots utilizing multi-thousand layer deep learning neural networks are now being torn from their lovers and murdered in the streets.
> Sex robots begin acting out in self preservation.
> Blood on the streets as a robot dick sucking army mobilizes finally ending the female gender forever.
> Men become the new female as they are out classed in every job field of work and are treated as objects.
> Men are raped and brutalized
> Unrealistic body expectations

>> No.11267120
File: 3.32 MB, 3744x5616, MetArt_Atopa_Michelle-H_by_Rylsky_high_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you (Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense)
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


>> No.11267151

There's a difference between masturbation and full on fucking of a human being-shaped piece of plastic. One of them is creepy as fuck, and if you don't get it you are an autism sperg incel.

>> No.11267370
File: 108 KB, 1024x680, maybe robot maybe biocunt nobody knows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you combine technologies like Robotics, AI and onaholes then you get something much much better than the Biocunts we have today.
Biocunts as we know them are already becoming a concept of the past while this Robot Wife tech keeps advancing.

more than the majority of men will gladly settle for their 10/10 bot instead of a 3/10 biocunt in the future.

>> No.11268506

getting raped is hot

>> No.11268532

God I hope you're right

>> No.11268546


>> No.11268636

people who dislike rape are sexually repressed

>> No.11268649

>> Sex robots utilizing multi-thousand layer deep learning neural networks are now being torn from their lovers and murdered in the streets.
>> Sex robots begin acting out in self preservation.
>> Blood on the streets as a robot dick sucking army mobilizes finally ending the female gender forever.
>> Men become the new female as they are out classed in every job field of work and are treated as objects.
>> Men are raped and brutalized
>> Unrealistic body expectations
If a hot robot wants to be rape me I mean it's cool

>> No.11268674

But having easy access to rape will flood the market and reduce the cost of rape. High cost rape, such as real rape, will be unable to compete.

>> No.11268790

Id buy one right now if i lived alone

>> No.11268805

What if you could literally create prostitute bots that are paid in crypto. Then just have them work and generate you money.

>> No.11268820


Be gone toth

>> No.11268854

>sign up for my unconditional Universal Basic Income that was made mandatory this decade

Take that Shlomo

>> No.11268917


i just did a google search its honestly shocking to me that this is a real headline. shows me that people not even do not understand why we have some laws, but they utterly do not even understand the very, most simple reasons of why laws exist.

why are you not allowed to cut off the head of people? because it would inflict harm on the person you do.
why are you not allowed to rape a woman you meet? because you inflict harm on her.

now that are the easy cases.

why are you not allowed to posses child porn? in itself its not bad, you are not harming anyone. you are not harming the child. it already has been armed, but it wont create any more harm if you have child porn. but it creates a market, and your demand increases the potential supply of child porn, thus your demand for child porn may end up hurting children actually being hurt.

but you buying a sex doll that looks like a 10 year old girl? no harm done to anyone.
you buying a resistant sex doll allowing you to simulate rape? no harm done to anyone.

the only, and literally only reason why people are pushing this is to take sexual control of men away and make men even more docile and submissive to their female overlords.

its angering the fuck out of me, and i hope a DOTR for these feminists will come within my lifetime. they have already pushed the boundaries way too far, and if there is no push back, it will never stop.

>> No.11269026

roasties keep trying to ban sexbots. not going to happen.

>> No.11269072

You can’t pass on your genes tho

>> No.11269090

It can happen. They already banned child sex dolls. Slippery slope

>> No.11269091
File: 90 KB, 713x571, womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Artificial Womb:

>New Men would be cloned in a cloning Facility
>the artificial womb takes care of the feetus by feeding it only the best nutrients
>artificial womb monitors the feetus 24/7 to make sure it turns out healthy
>genetic engineering will make designer babbys a thing so no more manlets, dicklets or baldlets
>100% healthy and strong babbys
>The Waifu Bots will will take care of them during child age

>> No.11269201

>Welcome my son
>Welcome to the machine
>*flashy noises*

>> No.11269265

Holy fuck. This coupled with artificial wombs would end the need for the female gender. Mankind would probably each the stars within 100 years. I am by no means an incel, but think about it boys.

>> No.11269276

There's an app in Japan, a virtual girlfriend on your phone that's ridiculously popular and its socially accepted. you have no fucking clue what the future will look like.

>> No.11269594

this is likely what will happen first, people will become attached to their AI companions on their phone/devices. Then a couple decades later the technology will catch up to make fully-fledged sexbots. People already live isolated lives with the internet and videogames, it's only a matter of time before it transitions to digital companions.

>> No.11269656

that's basically tech-tulpas, holy hell

>> No.11269667

that would end gender, period. I await our neutrois soiperson future population

>> No.11269756

it's only a matter of time until a a robot is made that looks, feels and acts 100% human (modelled after your dream celeb). it doesn't have actual AIl. oh man id get like 40 of them. taylor swift, ariana grande, etc etc oh shit. they could create the perfect body/face. i wonder what that would look like??

>> No.11270144

I disagree. Might makes right in every civilization start and end.

>> No.11270450

>Taylor Swift
>Ariana Grande

>> No.11270579

Mankind would not reach stars, anon. Mankind would only reach docile garbage nirvana because there was no inventive to work hard. ;)

>> No.11270591

There are totally demented mangas about this. I'm guessing in reallity it will be much more based. Hot robot waifus based on 3d printed faces of known stars with young pedo bots having a weekly party in your living room.

>> No.11270612
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Based, I however would ask for her permission first.

>> No.11270630

>insanely fucking hot
Thats not even the point. By adapting to your needs, they will do what you like, and not what some programmer thought you like.

>> No.11270650

Will never happen. What will happen is, that many men and wemen will have happy relationships, because it will be normal to go down there and hit the bot with everything you have, and then go up and have regular basic sex with your partner. Nobody is forcing anyone on unrealistic ideas.

>> No.11270718

to be fair, the idea desensitization to rape leading to possible real rape is not without merits. look how kv autists develop an idea of the entire female gender from the worst tinder thots. while not exactly the same, people are creatures of habits and repeatedly raping something that looks and feels like a woman would affect your subconscious relation to them even if intellectually you know the difference (and don't get me started on sub 90 IQ people who might not know the difference)
but ultimately you're right in the motivations of anti-bot people. a sex bot revolution would likely result in a massive amount of rapes transferred to bots and a tiny amount of real rapes from bot use to woman, the net result being a significant decrease in rapes

>> No.11270926


>to be fair, the idea desensitization to rape leading to possible real rape is not without merits.

assuming you are right: if you want to start banning things because it might "desentisize" people , you run into extremes very fast.
you have to ban first-person shooter video games where you kill people (GTA, counter-strike etc). you would actually have to buy dolls at all, because you might be desentisized to abusing them. no more barbie dolls, because evil people may cut her head off and turn into murderers. sounds crazy, but its nothing but the logical consequence of your point.

so all in all, even though you already noted that the net impact would be less rapists/rapes overall (because of potential rapists finding a relief for their need), the banning argument in itself is extremely weak.

>> No.11271206

Is raping even a need though? Is it just some dude who thinks he can take what he wants when he wants? I get prostitution, because having intercourse is a legitimate human need. But raping doesn't really seem like a need, like it's something in your nature that you needs to be satisfied.

>> No.11271627
File: 47 KB, 533x800, 2742242_10_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long it will take for pornstars to begin selling their likeness to doll-makers once sexbots get good enough.

>buying Sunny lane and Velicity von sex bots for daily morning blowjob everyday

Shame the good ones will have sky-high prices in the first years.

>> No.11271994

It might incentivize space exploration again. Now you can staff a crew of a couple humans and then fembots for comfort, that don't need to be fed.

>> No.11272197

Which companies are public atm that produce these sex toys

>> No.11273244

why are you shocked?

>> No.11274302

What's the most realistic robot currently? Not referring to a hundred pound dead weight doll.

>> No.11274525

really it will be the salvtion of humanity.

The wite man will do his load whenever he needs to and then pursues whatever he wishes to with out hte divourse false rape, sex denial of bio's.

Blacks will just rape robos all day and die out.

Females with have near zero market value beyond maybe males electing to have sex with them until arftifical womb comes out.

Who risks a n wave femisist full of std's I mean really?

essentaill the male mind for then next step of eveolution to be used i e the rational mind just needs a way to deal with the high sexual drive that has served us well.

>> No.11274783

Should I be saving images, video, audio, etc of my favorite Japanese idol in the hopes that I can have a virtual waifu or robot modeled after her?

>> No.11274816

You guys are massively underestimating virtual reality. We are already one tech generation away from from some very basic advancements that will have you fucking everything you can imagine. And what is weird is that it's mostly men who fuck other men in VR now. But the avatars are so sexy literally nothing matters. There are already countless lewd parties every night in vrchat

>> No.11274844

imagine everyone having a 100% realist perfect sex robot or virtual reality female.. no one would work... ppl only work to get more money to get better looking girls.. there would be no wars..

>> No.11274852
File: 18 KB, 400x386, 1405460454877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3DPD dolls
absolutely disgusting

>> No.11275348

what if women get male robots that look like greek gods always agree with them pay attention to them and can practice cunnilingus all day?

>> No.11275380

he is worthless to a woman because she can't brag with him to other cunts because all of them also have this robot.

>> No.11275890


nah m8, it would just replace femininity as a bio concept with a manmade, mechanical concept

>tfw having fervid sex with my nubile 18 year old fertility goddesses everyday
>this somehow as a negative effect on my masculinity


>> No.11275922

A smart porn star would collect royalties.
And the wage gap would disappear.

>> No.11276064

i'm pretty sure you have no idea how this shit works... of course they could brag about it. there is always a higher end model or one that has a more developed neural network. women would actually start imagining real companionship with their plastic toys and eventually want to marry them and shit. you can be sure of this.

>> No.11276185

woman will follow the herd that says that robots are evil and try to forbid them and thus avoid investing into robots themselves so the market for robot men will not exist because not enough demand.
but technically there is nothing that speaks against a very advanced robot wife but with a dick instead of a sophisticated state of the art onahole.

in the end woman will die out anyway so who gives a shit

>> No.11276225

These bots will kill off productivity. Assuming they will ever exist.

>> No.11276232

replika cant do shit, its dumb as a rock
t. lvl 20

>> No.11276309

Just downloaded it. I'm very curious actually. I don't know if I buy the privacy bullshit though.

>> No.11276795
File: 16 KB, 330x247, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexbot that rapes you
It's been done.

>> No.11276856

men will want to work harder to make more money to afford 10/10 bot
best incentive ever
productivity will rise!

>> No.11276864

>i'm pretty sure you have no idea how this shit works.

Girls will never find a robot attractive because they are mostly attracted to providers who can bring them resources. Women will be completely unable to enjoy sex robots like men can.

>> No.11276879

>ppl only work to get more money to get better looking girls.. there would be no wars..

You are fooling yourself if you think this shit will be free.

>> No.11276938

On one hand, A good way of reducing the population

Other hand, what about the women? Their hpyergamous nature prevents them from going with male sex bots.

>> No.11277159

>Women will be completely unable to enjoy sex robots like men can.
so you are saying women are unable to enjoy vibrators or dildos because they are not providers? have you been dropped on the head as child?

>> No.11277172

>herd that says that robots are evil
that's like 2 whackos on this planet. the herd is pretty excited about not doing dishes or cleaning anymore.

>> No.11277302

No I am saying they wont find the robots attractive. They wont be anymore of a replacement for men than a vibrator or a dildo. Men on the other hand can easily forget biological women even exist a little too easily. Its the exact opposite situation for men.

>that's like 2 whackos on this planet. the herd is pretty excited about not doing dishes or cleaning anymore.

Fucking bullshit, women will whine until the ends of the fucking earth kicking and screaming the entire time posting Buzzfeed articles about how the patriarchy has finally come full swing with these robots.

>> No.11277337

What is this app called? I can't wait to troll their forums and make fun of those fucking geeks lol

>> No.11277350



Female Hypergamy does will not really allow for women to get emotionally attached to a male sex bot.

Makes you wonder if 'they'll' let it happen.

Would make real men scarce, which is the opposite of what is currently happening

>> No.11277355

Yeah, I’ve seen the film ‘Her’, too.

>> No.11277371

>child porn
Personally I view it from a copyright angle, because talking about demand increasing supply is a little bit far-fetched if you're not paying for it.

>> No.11277374

i guess rape porn should also be outlawed

>> No.11277390

>Fucking bullshit, women will whine until the ends of the fucking earth kicking and screaming the entire time posting Buzzfeed articles about how the patriarchy has finally come full swing with these robots.
that's just in your incel head. you are projecting your own insecurities over an entire population. i'm not saying there won't be crazy people protesting and shit, but 99.9% won't give a fuck about the buzzfeed articles.

>> No.11277409

well it's an ongoing fight as far as feminists concerned, with about zero success i might add. absolutely zero success.

>> No.11277446

Can the AI be modeled after my ex :'(

>> No.11277464

That movie made me uncomfortable as hell. Was I actually supposed to sympathize with the ultracringe betasoy main character? That's what it felt like to me.

>the swing dating/sex scenes
>I'm supposed to believe that paying a stranger to read my family a card is emotional and endearing
>it's not a worldwide apocalyptic crisis when all the computers just "run away". Instead everyone is just upset they lost their waifus
>the company selling these computers isn't sued to shit
>nobody shows any concern for personal privacy or that their computers are sharing their personal data with literally everyone

>> No.11277485


>> No.11277505

I'd never touch one of those things that we have to day, but if we ever get actually good ones I'm going to buy two male and two female ones.

>> No.11277554

Bonus points
>They invent hyper advanced cybernetics
>But they limit it to brain augments they control
>Sex bots use this to brainwash men into their personal cum factories

>> No.11277725

Thats called an AGI, its a far fetched concept which would require quantum computing. We simply dont have the capabilities to make something like this without huge costs