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11268103 No.11268103 [Reply] [Original]

Alright if anybody hasnt been making money during this bear market listen up.
Quant ( qnt ) is due a pump very soon so if you arent in it currently for the bounce back to around 64k then just stay poor. once that bounce is complete around october 3rd.
>all in MAS for the pre listing pump it will settle around 8.5k so thats the buy in.

this is coming from a person whos never been wrong. I predicted sub 6k bitcoin in February. this is a easy 2x if you listen to me!

>> No.11268118

The Omega has spoken.

>Buy Quant

>> No.11268150

anybody who isnt loading up around 38-44k is an idiot straight up. this is easily going to bounce back to 60k

>> No.11268155

Quant is going to 0 kid

>> No.11268175

its not on binance

>> No.11268184

im not saying its not going to 0 in the future kid. Im giving you a opportunity as ive been doing extensive research and found correlations. You will see this bounce back as its at a 83% of occurring. the risk is it being stagnant around 38-44k Which is 0 loss. Follow my advice and you wont regret it bud.

>> No.11268207

its listed on idex. you better hope it doesnt get listen anywhere else or you will see a 2x pump and it will be glorious. no risk in buying right now TRUST ME!

>> No.11268211

I only buy coins on Binance. It's a rule I made after I lost my shirt chasing shitcoin moons.

>> No.11268215

I would much rather invest all my money and give you all my profit if you would mentor me.

No strings attached I really do want to learn more and a mentor is fastes wat to learn

>> No.11268253

sure thats a good plan if you are investing in a bull market. not during a bear market. binance coins will be stable for months. increase your sats by playing on idex with coins that have virtually no risk.

>> No.11268268

>no risk

>> No.11268289

whats the risk of qnt? its literally barely above the bottom. stop making excuses man its been fluctuating 25% daily now if you cant make money day trading then you're actually poor

>> No.11268452

Wtf why is nobody talking about how this has retraced 100% it’s so obvious it’s going to bounce

>> No.11268541

>a company has to hold 1 million+ tokens to use the network
>only 14 million tokens exist


>> No.11268610

lol, omega, weren't you telling people not to buy MAS the other day when it was at 700?

Thanks, knowing you're a total retard I bought and sold around 1200, so that was nice.

Quant has absolutely no reason to pump for several month yet and is going to bleed back to the 20's during October.

>its literally barely above the bottom

literally 7x still from the recent bottom.

hint: 400 was not "the bottom", you fucking idiot. It should have been the top, in fact, if it weren't for that one whale spiking it like a retard and immediately losing 50% of his value.

>> No.11268627

>10.000 dong has been sent to the local rice storage to grant you your daily sack of rice, Nguyen Tiep

>> No.11268862

big things happening soon.

can't share much but just keep watching

>> No.11268961

Yea I’m sure qnt will drop below 3m marketcap. Someone get a load of this idiot. Qnt will react just like tomo
Aka a constant uprise

>> No.11268974

i was only saying that because i was trying to accumulate at 7.2k
ive already also sold and plan on buying back around October 3rd . listen to my plan or stay poor top kek

>> No.11269020

fuck off kike

>> No.11269217

Spotted the poor fag

>> No.11269635


Dumbass motherfucker, 0.004 on Quant is indeed the bottom. The pump from 0.001 to 0.004 was due to the massive supply reduction.

It had to pump to match the new supply. Keep on dreaming that Quant will drop to 2-3M in marketcap

Especially now with a bank announcement LOL

>> No.11269674

dude the guy is a total idiot already pumped 10% since the start of this thread. just let him be a poor idiot

>> No.11269765
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>I predicted sub 6k bitcoin in February

Get a load of Nostradamus over here

>> No.11269777

feb 11th i predicted that the bear market wasnt over and that it would go sub 6k later

>> No.11269831
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Get a load of Nostradamus over here

>> No.11269947

yea imagine predicting a bear market while everyone is bull. exactly what happened

>> No.11269988

We get it dude you are insecure with your own masculinity.

>> No.11269998

soo will you mentor me or not?
you get 100% of my profits

>> No.11270053

whats your starting capital? ill shoot you an email dont trust anybody else until you confirm its me via tripcode

>> No.11270057

15000k roughyl

>> No.11270096

u wot m8

>> No.11270109


>> No.11270121

whats your goal? safe low risk investments. or high risk very high reward investments?

>> No.11270141

My goal is to not be a mongloid and actually learn how things work. would be what sain people do soo relativly low risk
i always keep 1/3 to 1/2 in tether.

>> No.11270163

some high risk is not all bad tho

>> No.11270175

if you need me to read books and do homework i am 110% for doing that. as I said am pretty serius about not being 110% retard

>> No.11270193

How high do we go when they announce the bank partnership? Which US bank do you guys think it is? We already know that they're working with a UK bank bigger than Lloyds, so that's 2 bank announcements minimum over the next 90 days and 3 exchange listings, one of which is very likely to be Huobi.

>> No.11270210

its not about that its more about just being connected with the understandings of how people react in crypto. this understanding can only be achieved through years of experience as your own inner human emotion will cause you to deviate from the correct decisions that should be made. unless you have huge will power its the only way to succeed when given the blueprints.

>> No.11270228

I have willpower enouch to break my finger on command. I also spend 1000dollar spesificly trading on emotions and fomoed to see the effects

>> No.11270236

By the way, are you the faggot who warned people to sell ZCL before the fork? If so, nice call, that saved me a lot of money.

>> No.11270257

yep man holding was definitely not the option at that time. people who didn't listen literally lost 98%

>> No.11270276

Fuck off you samefagging spastic pajeet shill. Not that anyone listening to your BS doesn't deserve to get scammed anyway.

>> No.11270278

Reminder for everyone: this guy was shilling zcl/btcp, look where that is now.

>> No.11270294

things change

>> No.11270301

adapt or hodl

>> No.11270308

yea i shilled it from 60k to 200k sats. also told everyone to dump before the announcement where 40% of value was lost. if you listened to everything i said you would have profited 3x

>> No.11270323

Qnt is low cap. Massive potential. Innovative. Leadership connected to banks and gov. Literally the CEO founded the iso for blockchain. Is the perfect supply chain platform as they have patented identity tech and they can run across any platform so fills in any global gaps. Has big banks lined up as clients. Will be in 2-3 big exchnages soon.

Anyone who doesnt invest has my utmost contempt.

>> No.11270328

When are you going to log into your Oracle alias and do some shhh and breathe

>> No.11270405

based quant holder

>> No.11270421

shhh breathe must not let normies know shh finish accumulating breathe

>> No.11270438

Fuck off John

>> No.11270626

its pumping dont get left behind 50k+ by end of day

>> No.11270715

No, the risk is going down to 0 retard
Fuck off with your pajeetcoin

>> No.11270748

ok mate shill me on your coin you dumbo

>> No.11270812

I'll buy at 10 cents when it gets listed on binance

>> No.11270855

it will never hit 10 cents sorry bro

>> No.11270903

any plans this to be added on bigger exchanges? and why should it pump? I might throw in 0.5 eth for shit and giggles

>> No.11270923

its aion but 100x better.
>bank partnership announcement soon
> only 10m marketcap
>only on idex and some other shit exchange.
>it will behave just like tomo

>> No.11270934

will coin migrate on its own chain eventually? roadmap?

>> No.11270946

aight sensei have made idex account sent 10eth there
and we are all in on QNT or quant right?

>> No.11270947

Wait this is John fucking Smith?

>> No.11271015

dont let human emotion keep you from not buying right now. you have the blue print get it done

>> No.11271154

it has been done

>> No.11271165

I bought more QNT today.

>> No.11271174
File: 71 KB, 1293x738, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omega's last pump just so you newfags can see.

I think QNT will fare a lot better but here you are. I wish I had saved the BTC calls because those were all wrong too.

>> No.11271232

>i was only saying that because i was trying to accumulate at 7.2k

So in the MAS thread you told people it would dump, because you were trying to buy more.

And in this thread, you're saying QNT will pump... because... you are trying to sell, right?

That is indeed how it works.>>11269635
>Dumbass motherfucker, 0.004 on Quant is indeed the bottom. The pump from 0.001 to 0.004 was due to the massive supply reduction.
>It had to pump to match the new supply.

The burn, with near-exact figures, has been known about for literally months. It was announced in July or something

>why should it pump?
Because it went 15x recently and most of these morons didn't buy in until the very top, so they are determined that it's going to pump again.

Their main reasoning is that in the next month they will announce something that has already been announced, and this - apparently - will cause a massive pump as everyone buys the news. News which has been known about for a fucking long time already.


QNT will be fine long term, I don't know why you bagholders are so desperate for it to keep running right away just a week after it started dipping. Move on to something else for a while and come back when Quant has bottomed out, it's that simple.

>> No.11271281

500 eth buy orders has got to count for something, though. somebody wants this qunt coin

>> No.11271289


>lol, omega, weren't you telling people not to buy MAS the other day when it was at 700?

>i was only saying that because i was trying to accumulate

> trust him

>> No.11271297

>500 eth buy orders has got to count for something, though. somebody wants this qunt coin

Thick buy books are typically bearish. Heavy sell books are bullish. There are several reasons for this which I won't go into, but when you see how the market really works and understand what is going on in this game, it does make sense.

>> No.11271318

well yeah, but this is a low cap shitcoin on idex. 500 eth buy orders is very out of the ordinary on these shitcoins. You're not really risking your shit dropping down to near 0 anytime soon with such a big buy support

>> No.11271337

>such a big buy support

Those orders can be cancelled in an instant, if desired. Just like a massive sell wall, more often than not it's there to keep price down while someone buys.

Huge buy walls are there to convince idiots that there is big support and cause people to buy. In reality, someone is trying to exit their position and prop up the price long enough to get out.

In this case, they can't put the buy walls too close to current price because there are so many people still up 5-7x on this that they will dump into them immediately.

>> No.11271350

Wrong thick buy wall only happend because of the 120 eth market sell. If you do your research most of the eth is around 30k hoping for another fat finger market sell. These aren’t fake bud get used to it bum

>> No.11271359

all valid points. You don't really know until it comes to show. Sometimes people really want in, sometimes they want out.

>> No.11271378

6 HOUR MACd cross over
rsi trending up
this is surely breaking 50k by end of today

>> No.11271396
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pic related

>> No.11271408

>If you do your research most of the eth is around 30k

brb doing "research" - glancing at the order books. As I said above, they put the walls well below where they expect the price to hit, because they don't actually want them to hit. If 400 is the bottom, why are these guys shoring it up 25% lower?

OmegaMaker admitted to false-fudding while accumulating, now clearly he is false-shilling while selling.

But he gives you hope.

>> No.11271431

yesterday price hits 22k
today buy walls at 30k
>expect not to hit?
obviously they are trying to trigger another fat finger. but you're too much of an idiot to put 2 and 2 together

>> No.11271454

price up nearly 20% since creation of this thread. yet this idiot john smith here will try to claim its not happening gtfo

>> No.11271456

>obviously they are trying to trigger another fat finger

It wasn't a fat finger, it was prob just someone behaving very recklessly. Foolish move to sell that much at once, yes. Foolish like whoever spiked the price from 500-900 in the first place.

>> No.11271470

People are litterally buying bags from someone who, in this very thread, admitted he tells people to do the opposite of what they should in order for him to benefit.

There is no limit to the stupidity of biz.

>> No.11271486

listen mate i gave them the entire blueprint.
>buy qnt at around 40k sell at around 64k
>once the bounce is over at around october 3rd buy into MAS before it gets listed.
>around october 3rd MAS will be around 8500

>> No.11271507

>around october 3rd MAS will be around 8500

I wish it would drop that low again, but it seems unlikely. The TOMO fomo is supporting it as well, since they are basically the same people.

The real plan with QNT is to buy back in late November.

>> No.11271523

until it breaks the downtrend you cannot be certain it wont hit 8500. get out of here brainlet

>> No.11271545

>you cannot be certain

Well, that's true.

btw - all banter aside, who are you? Were you "known" on here some time? I literally haven't heard of you before the MAS thread, but were you a known influencer like that oracle fag?

>> No.11271658

Omega has never been wrong

>> No.11271673

>Omega has never been wrong

He may not be wrong, but he apparently does directly lie about things. Which isn't the same as being "wrong".

Has anyone ever been "wrong" in crypto? It's not hard to make near-100% correct calls. The hard part is, emotionally, following them.

>> No.11271719

“%110 not a retarded”

Top kek

>> No.11271764


>> No.11271785

ohh one more thing i have verbal IQ of around 75

>> No.11271834
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>11 posts by this ID

Imagine trying this hard

>> No.11271968

>Imagine trying this hard

I just have no other life, pal.

>> No.11271995
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>> No.11273095

>Literally the CEO founded the iso for blockchain
This isn’t true. He was a part of the standards committee that came up with it, but he was only one part. Actually, if you find out was the driving force behind that project and have a look at their recent updates you get a nice clue about one of biz’s favorite projects

>> No.11273344


>> No.11273646


Oh look, it's that tripfag that got publicly rekt. Why you back for more omegafag?

>> No.11273665

because i can predict 20% pumps with ease

>> No.11273784

always do the opposite of what omega says. fucking newfags