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File: 413 KB, 602x333, asdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11262032 No.11262032 [Reply] [Original]

fix your teeth

>> No.11262404

I cant, its too much money.

>> No.11262936

You would have to give up your british heritage then

>> No.11262946

but meth

>> No.11262957

Fucking hell I actually might

>> No.11262977

A prisoner is someone which does not have the ability to exercise control over that which affords them certain degrees of freedom, including the freedom to choose to live in such a condition, because someone else has control over their ability to exercise control over that which affords them certain degrees of freedom, including the freedom to choose to live in such a condition.

>> No.11263073

It's more likely that you have the images reversed, and it's a before and after meth head

>> No.11263096

how much would that cost, just like OP? mine aren't that bad but close

>> No.11263516

how do you even fix that shit when every tooth is probably rotten to the root?
pul everything out, insert 8 implants and dentures on them? I don't know

>> No.11263663

That denture he's got now is very poorly made. Way too much gum exposure for his age and it's crooked. I'm a dentist.

>> No.11263679

how much for like the best implants in the world
like what would u do for a meth mouth who won the lottery and wants hollywood level teeth

>> No.11263740
File: 156 KB, 705x311, All on 4® implant and zirconia bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IF money isn't an issue.

You would get what we call an "all on 4"

4 implants upper jaw and 4 implants lower jaw and than "permanent" dentures screwed in. Closest possible thing to real teeth.

That's gonna run you close 40k in the USA.

A lot cheaper in places like mexico but you are gambling on the quality. Hit or miss.

>> No.11263756


If you are looking for just "Dentures" that come in and out. It's gonna be around 2k for dentures then maybe close to 1k for extractions depending on your insurance.

>> No.11263760

$20k-$60k in America.
Cheaper elsewhere

>> No.11263783
File: 30 KB, 681x351, bea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix your jaw

>> No.11263796


based and redpilled

"the difference between a chad and an incel is a few millimeters of bone"

>> No.11263803


>> No.11263825 [DELETED] 

Enjoy remaining an incel, friend ;)

>> No.11263829
File: 34 KB, 739x353, omce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy remaining an incel, friend ;)

>> No.11263838


/biz/ isn't ready for the blackpill yet

>> No.11263847

Enjoy spending your personal time promoting unnecessary surgery products on a Moldavian pornography speculation forum for some reason.

>> No.11263862

All I see are kikes trying to look white

>> No.11263904

Sure, its unnecessary if you don't mind being beta and not having sex.

>> No.11263922
File: 149 KB, 1000x666, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, faggot?

>> No.11263941
File: 79 KB, 282x386, 1369871958272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much am I going to pay to get my wisdom teeth removed and is invisalign worth it

>> No.11263947

I'm interested to know what psychological problems you have. It's literally impossible to imagine a happy well-balanced person making these posts. They stand out, even on biz.

>> No.11263994

>I'm interested to know what psychological problems you have.
Sure, the answer is none, I'm afraid. I'm pretty well balanced to be perfectly honest. Have my own home, work a good job, lift four times per week. I am, however, considering the very surgery in these pictures, so that may explain why I like to post them here. Hopefully it will help another jawlet to see his inner chad and embrace it.

Have a good day anon :^)

>> No.11264024


do you have insurance? Depending on your insurance coverage, anywhere from $300-1500.

Invisalign works and whether it's worth it is for you to decide.

>> No.11264041


>> No.11264081

Based dentist

My insurance is like 1500 annual limit

I’m 25 and everyone says I don’t need braces but I have a bit of overcrowding on the bottom and my top a slightly crooked

If my teeth aren’t horrible will it be cheaper

>that feel when maxing our my HSA for dental work

>> No.11264101

And if money WAS a issue? What would you suggest then?

>> No.11264108

Mate, the guy in this pic
has had more than his jaw done.
And unless you're elephant man tier, having a weak chin is no excuse for virginity.

>> No.11264122


From what I know, it costs the same amount of money with invisalign no matter how simple or complicated it is. But the office i work at doesn't do invisalign so I'm not completely sure, maybe you call some offices in the area and go in for a consultation.

Best place for you to go would be a dental school where they will do it cheaper compared to private offices.

>> No.11264128

who 20+ with /braces/ here

>> No.11264139


Like i said in this post, >>11263756

If all of your teeth are bad and they all need to go and you don't have money then just regular dentures would be the best option, that's around 3-4k total. And if you don't have a job and can get on medicaid, then it's basically free at any community clinic in your area.

>> No.11264159

Same and agreed. That's a pretty bad denture but I wonder if normal people even realize this.
If money isn't an issue then I'd do more than 4 implants.

>> No.11264207

Nah, My old man had dentures and he fucking hated them. to the point that he never wore them. I imagine I would have the same attitude about them. I need them fixed properly. So, Mexico you say? What's the cost there if I find a good dentist? I have a friend that lives over there too, so he should be able to help me find a good one.

>> No.11264229

how about you brush and rinse twice a day and don't chew on candy shit or smoke meth

>> No.11264242

He looks more genuine on the left, desu

>> No.11264247


how bad are your teeth and how old are you?

do all your teeth need to go?

If you want implants for cheap, then yeah, mexico is the way to go, but the quality can be very shady, but some places will do good work. Read up, i'm sure there are online message boards where people discuss these things.


Sup dental bro, yes, more implants the merrier ;)

>> No.11264265


yeah normies wouldn't realize all the things we see. haha

But clearly that shit looks loose, crooked, and just bad overall. Upper dentures are supposed to be the easy ones ffs lol

>> No.11264347


Yeah but what about your offspring? They'll have the same jaw. Best save up for their surgery and encourage them to do the same for their children, too.

>> No.11264352

The best they can do is use the money to get an extremely attractive wife and hope the kids favor her looks, then encourage their kids to do the same. Otherwise itll just get worse and worse for generations til their line is clipped.

>> No.11264456

32 and my teeth aren't nearly as bad as the pic in OP. But they do hurt. Have had a few pulled already, but I hate looking like a gap-toothed yokel.

>> No.11264487

Ayy. Yeah immediates can be tough but there isn't much of an excuse to blow the lip line by that much. I mean with this guy they could have at least done a try-in to see where they were but they either didn't do one or didn't care. I mean there aren't even any teeth in the way really. To be fair it looks like he might have had a fairly gummy smile to begin with, but still, wew.

>> No.11264488

Actually, that is all he has had.

You should have chosen the other two pictures where they also have had a nose job.

>> No.11264511


honestly, would have to see xrays before i can tell you what would be best for you.

you are still relatively young, I would try to save as many teeth as possible and look into fixed brdiges or implants where missing teeth are.
Another cheaper option would be a partial denture that comes in and out. Go to a couple of different dentist and see what they recommended and compare cost.

>> No.11264531

I had a partial denture for one of the missing front teeth. It was uncomfortable as fuck and I couldn't eat with it. I'll go back to the dentist soon and see what they say. Cheers for the advice though.

>> No.11264547

just learn to grow a third set of teeth

>> No.11264549

My teeth are fine. It's one of the very few good genetic traits I have.

>> No.11264562


If it's one missing front tooth you are worried about, then yes look into an implant( $3500-4500) or fixed 3 unit bridge ($1500-3k depending on insurance and material).

>> No.11264605

it's worse than that, I have had a few wisdom teeth pulled, plus holes in a lot of the others. I've been trying to get them fixed one by one as we have some spastic scheme here where you can do that, but it takes a while to get in and they dont look great

>> No.11264673

>All of these nibbas talking about getting expensive cosmetic surgery when they probably don't even have proper tongue posture

>> No.11264792

fuck off mewfag

>> No.11265013

You first babyface

>> No.11265059

I wasn't born a jawlet so I don't need to spend thousands of hours of my life straining my tongue to try and fulfill some bullshit pseudo scientific theory.

>> No.11265297

from a worthless drug user to a chadlite

>> No.11265378


>> No.11265472
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1510020869031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me not born malocclusion
>am power

>> No.11265511

+ facial hair doing most of the work. most people that think this is their issue just have an underbite which is a much simpler dental fix and a common issue

>> No.11266063

Are lingual braces worth? Can't show up with standard bracec as sales guy.

>> No.11266345

Dentist here, spent today pulling many teef.
Post questions

>> No.11266572 [DELETED] 


what did your colleague >>11263663
mean by
>gum exposure for his age

and why he said that denture in OP is poorly made?

>> No.11266652

screw mexico, check hungary - almost same price but uncomparable quality and consistency of results. There are specialized dental-travel+vacation agencies in hungary catering to anglo, germans and burgers for this purpose

>> No.11266705

Go to Poland, it's where every smart europoor goes for dentistry work.
1 usd = 3.3 pln
1 euro = 4.3 pln
>That's gonna run you close 40k in the USA.
$5500 in that clinic

>> No.11266713
File: 7 KB, 250x182, 1506712825601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brush teeth like once a week
>never had any problems
>get my jaw x rayd and checked twice a year
>never had a problem

>have natural chad jaw
>still a kissless virgin

>> No.11266755
File: 39 KB, 640x426, Photo du 22-06-2016 à 16.18 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my teeth are perfect

>> No.11266771

Haven't been to a dentist in 5 years, what am I missing? I think I need to get my wisdom pulled because some teeth are starting to get crooked.

>> No.11266776


>> No.11266782

I got some, cost me 9,000$ but the result was unbelievable, look my other post, I never thought I would have "normal" teeth one day because they were so fucked up for real... best decision of my life.

>> No.11267146

Invisalign or smile direct?

>> No.11267609


>> No.11267634
File: 176 KB, 813x1195, handsomeSerg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fix your face

>> No.11268479

Veneers will run you close to 20k in America. I’ve heard of people going to third world countries to save money.

>> No.11268514

Do you lisp with them? They work

>> No.11268845

I’m a US dental student and I’ve interacted with some foreign 3rd world country trained dentists who want to practice in the states. They don’t know what the fuck they are talking about and their work is subpar.

I’ve had patients that got work done in India and the fillings were all botched and needed to be replaced.

Just some food for thought.