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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 600x304, Ooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11257584 No.11257584 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked is this country? Financially speaking.

>> No.11257591

ruined. There is no such thing as a queen without a natural born king.

>> No.11257611

Provincial finances are in the gutter for ontario.

>> No.11257638

Isn't ontario pretty much always bailing out the rest of the country? Like the EU's germany?

>> No.11257738

Ontario and the rest of the east leech off Alberta in the form of "equalization payments"

>> No.11257747

Yeah but that's ok because Alberta is a literal shit hole

>> No.11257779

Completely fucked as long as tumblr Trudeau is running it. He trying to act alpha with trade, but he is going to completely cuck when Trump really starts breaking his balls.

>> No.11257814

if you yourself are a shit hole / shit head , it doesn't matter where you live. Nothing wrong with 'berta , but you wouldn't know because you probly dont leave you're moms basement. Glgl anon

>> No.11257835

We're fucked. Start buying USD for when our dollar collapses

>> No.11257903


French North American masterrace checking in. Quebec is the only province with a budget surplus. Anglocuks absolutely btfo'd, once again. Only a matter of time until we have our country and invade Eastern provinces.

>> No.11257927

This. Western secession when?

>> No.11257991

Wow , I'll applaud the boldness of your retardation .. frenchys and wagon burning chug Indians are the worst scum in our country. Quebec is the biggest recipient of equalization payments , because your all a bunch of lazy fucks, almost as lazy as the rez dawg Indians. Alberta , the biggest contributor.

From Google: "In 2018-19, equalization payments will rise to a new high of $19 billion. Sixty-two per cent will go to Quebec, while Alberta taxpayers will contribute about $3 billion. This amount is actually only a portion of approximately $20 billion of net federal transfers out of Alberta this year.

>> No.11258008

Saskatchewan north and west . Fuck everyone else in the east

>> No.11258051

This piece of shit is being flooded with savages like Germany and Sweden.

Short it.

>> No.11258059

We take what is ours you mean? Alberta wouldn't even be a thing without us.
Problem is you only developed oil because you're too low IQ to do anything else other than dig oil.
Meanwhile oil prices collapsed and you're stuck in a deficit LMAO.
Quebec has top tier hydro industry, one of the worldwide epicenter of Artificial intelligence ,aerospace, biotech and others.

>> No.11258066

Manitoba can join. Northern Ontario is gorgeous and culturally they are more like the prairies. We can take everything up to thunder bay.

>> No.11258070

Then vote bloq and fuck right the fuck off.

>> No.11258094

>too low IQ
Alberta has more professional engineers per capita than every other province. Only Yukon surpasses us because nobody is up there anyway. Low IQ lel. Fuck yourself, bureaucrat.

>> No.11258114
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>we take what is ours
Yep , typical lazy French fry . You're a true pants on head retard . Alberta would be better off without the leeches in quebec and the east . I'm "digging" for oil right now , and I guarantee you I make I have a higher IQ than you .

>> No.11258133

Is that why your only industry is oil? Let's put some facts out there.
Quebec is oil-rich. So oil rich we could produce and export it, but we don't. We made a conscious to protect our environment and invest in long term industries.
Look at you oil fields. You destroyed large swamps of lands for oil and oil is over. You're here with nasty oil nobody wants, a destroyed environment and a deficit. Kek.
Bloq's only here to fuck shit up in Ottawa. It doesn't give us independence. Idiot.

>> No.11258150

Even retards with actual down syndrome arnt this retarded . Get out of your moms basement kid

>> No.11258151

Alberta wouldn't exist without Quebec and Ontario. We build you as a backstore to throw out the trash. Thus, when tourists come to Canada, they only go to Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto or Quebec city. They dont see the burning pieces of trash called Saskechewan and Alberta.

>> No.11258159

>>Quebec is oil-rich
>>Canada’s oil reserves total 170 billion barrels, of which 164 billion barrels can be recovered from the oil sands using today's technology

>> No.11258181

I don't understand how Alberta wouldn't keep doing what it is doing already without French fags and lazy fucks from the east? How would it be nothing without onterrible and quebec? It would just be more prosperous without lazy french fucks getting money made off the sweat of our brow

>> No.11258191

>quebec is oil rich
How many litres of drool do you produce per day ?

>> No.11258230

Because we don't touch it. We have oil in Ile Anticosti and in le Grand Nord. We'd rather protect these beautiful lands and import oil from Low-IQs such as Saudis,Americains or Albertans. Oil is over anyways. This isn't the future. We already have a plan for post-oil world.
Again, you wouldn't exist without us. Alberta was never a ''thing''. Rest of Canada is basically something we build to keep us entertained and to literally throw out the trash. You do know we used Alberta as a garbage pile for years right?

>> No.11258246

Municipal, provincial, federal debt + unfunded liabilities (aka gov pensions, benefits etc) ~ $250,000 per taxpayer

Plus the average Canadian is in massive personal debt

And then you consider the direction of both - All levels of gov in huge deficit, plus Canadians taking on increasing personal debt.

We can't pay it, so we will try to inflate it away with massive deficit spending which is what Basedboy is doing.

Unsustainable, there is a lot of pain to come and the average retard will vote in an authoritarian gov to "fix" the mess.

May as well end it now friends.

>> No.11258248

Who are you going to vote for tomorrow sir?

>> No.11258273

CAQ. Quebec Nationalism, protect our culture and pump the economy.

>> No.11258274

Every canadian outside of quebec and Ontario hate you . Go swan dive out a window . You truly are retarded, yalling to you is like explaining to a retard that he should't eat his feces
i mean you can waste you time, but his mouth is already full of shit and he obviously doesn't care

>> No.11258299

Ontario has been a "have-not" province since McGuinty screwed us bass to mouth, we have been getting "bailed out" since 2006.

>> No.11258315

you'll do better than the Aussies at the very least, assuming the States don't go full retard

>> No.11258328

>Every canadian outside of quebec and Ontario hate you

Quebec and Ontario are 60% of Canada's population kek.

>> No.11258357

The west could seperate and quickly be among the most prosperous country on earth. The east is deadweight, weighing the rest of the country down with equalization payments, importing muds, and wasting people's time forcing them to learn French.

>> No.11258393


>> No.11258399

British Cucklumbian here. We're fucked. We've let the chinks inflate our real estate out of reach and our government pushes gambling on the elderly so their families will have nothing to inherit.

>> No.11258509
File: 210 KB, 920x540, Reserves Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's reserves. that includes the oil in the ground that is untapped. there is no oil in quebec that we can tap with modern technology and large enough to be financially viable.

>> No.11258664

Too bad nothing can be done about it though. Ontario and Quebec will keep ballooning in population it seems, while the rest has to front the bill for their socialized services.

>> No.11258696

Canada is a shit hole. I just walked by the High School that I went to in the 90s at lunch hour. Back then it was 100% white. Today I saw only two white kids out of about 200

>> No.11258834

Same here my friend. Can't believe the faggots who vote Quebec solidaire, buncha marxist cucks. I work in mining farm and we do lots of rnd. Our latest project, a heater using miners will heat most greenhouses in the province within 2 years. The CAQ is planning to increase the power discount for greenhouses to 40% which is gonna take our profit margin to the next level. Power is already so cheap in Quebec. To raise funds we are going to be selling tokens, BLABs (will be trade able publicly within 6 months). If anyone here is interested I could possibly get you some early, 25k minimum however. These tokens will give holders access to 40% of all our profits after expenses and are backed by our hardware (90% of proceeds go to acquiring said hardware).

>> No.11258886

So where is the best province to live?

Lived most my life and very remote northern Ontario. I live in Ottawa now, but miss the small town feel. I'd never live in the GTA Also fuck frogs so Quebec is not an option.

I was thinking the east coast or white horse. Any east coast anons here?

>> No.11258918

Clearly you've never been in QC. Comfiest province, almost everyone speaks English and we got the hottest women in the country, possibly NA

>> No.11258977

I grew up in northern Ontario, I lived with tons of French people. A good percentage of the population around me could not speak English. Also I live in Ottawa now so, yes, I've been to Quebec it's a 5 minute drive away.

Fuck you for. although I admit there is a big difference between the frogs in NWO compared to those in Ottawa/Urban QC

>> No.11259014

LMAO "frog" haven't heard that since high school. Maybe you're good where you are man.

>> No.11259048

came back to quebec for my kid's schooling. Leaving back to SEA this year because of that. + they mix half half poor and regular kids so every school is a cesspool of badly raised kids.

My kid has a bunch of Moroccans in their school, they keep praising morocco and islam.. why the fuck do they even move here if they teach their kid that Morocco is rich and better?

>> No.11259087
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11/9. Completely fucked to the hilt

>> No.11259103

unironically pajeets are moving out of southwestern ontario (mississauga,brampton, gta) because of their dislike the incoming muslim population and their culture of praising islam 5 times a day etc, its funny when pajeets hate pajeets and all but yeesh i guess there may be some truth to it

>> No.11259133

This is why I mostly eat beans and rice and whey protein. Cost of food here is fucking retarded. You could actually get fast food for cheaper when it's on sale.

>> No.11259147

Holy shit, that can't be real. Venezuela 2.0 when?

>> No.11259167

i unironically pay these prices


>> No.11259243
File: 72 KB, 747x428, 2nd best country in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is one of the best countries in the world, with great economy, social services, democratic freedoms, welfare and tolerance to minorities.

Canada is like a much better version of the US, without rednecks, high income inequality, gun nuts, mass shootings, without Tr*mp and intolerance.

Retards here just like to regurgitate /pol/ memes about Trudeau who is "destroying the country". Then why nothing has happened? Trudeau haters said that the country will collapse under his leadership. Where's the collapse, you fags? Canada continues to prosper. /pol/tards said that the currency will go to shit and become completely worthless. But CAD is stable and still one of the best currencies in the world and Canadian economy continues to grow.

Canada is like Sweden of North America - people like to smear its image and make up bullshit about its people, but it's mostly out of envy and jealousy. And you know where most of this hatred and jealousy comes from. Just compare the orange oompa-loompa bumblefuck-in-chief in the south with the young, charming, charismatic and outspoken chad-like leader in the north. When you realize this you'll understand why Americans hate Trudeau so much and try to talk shit about Canada all the time.

Because Canada is easily one of the best countries in the world if the absolutely best one.
PIC fucking related.
It's a FACT, mcfucking deal with it you stupid edgy Canadaphobic memelords.

>> No.11259378
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Top quality

>> No.11259422


tell me where i'm wrong then
You don't even have an argument. Don't tell me that 'Canada is bad because of muh chicken breast prices'.

it's obvious that most of anti-Canadian propaganda on 4chan is just 'le funny memez xD' or raging American butthurt

>> No.11259437 [DELETED] 

Those are Yukon or nwt prices retard. 1000's of km's of isolation = higher prices. That is not the norm at all

>> No.11259449

Federalist parties fix the province. Then you vote in separatist parties that fuck up the province with retarded left wing policies making you think that you can't live without Canada. It's the natural cycle of all separatists world wide.

>> No.11259479


>> No.11259513 [DELETED] 

I lived in Canada for 7 years, in pajeetssauga, ontario. Country is shit and I'm glad I now live in the best country in the world (USA). Everything there was expensive, everywhere you went BO and curry lingers in the air. Customer service was always absolute shit. Taxes were absolute shit and working overtime was just not worth it, as half that shit went to taxes. The atmosphere in canada was that of an eastern European shithole. Appartment shithole skyscrapers ruining the scenery. Although I'm sure other parts of canada are better, I'm never stepping foot there again if I can help it.

>> No.11259520

I lived in Canada for 7 years, in pajeetssauga, ontario. Country is shit and I'm glad I now live in the best country in the world (USA). Everything there was expensive, everywhere you went BO and curry lingers in the air. Customer service was always absolute shit. Taxes were absolute shit and working overtime was just not worth it, as half that shit went to taxes. The atmosphere in canada was that of an eastern European shithole. Appartment shithole skyscrapers ruining the scenery. Although I'm sure other parts of canada are better, I'm never stepping foot there again if I can help it.

>> No.11259529


>> No.11259705
File: 58 KB, 880x600, mm119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>now live in the best country in the world (USA)

just as i said
>most of anti-Canadian propaganda on 4chan is just 'le funny memez xD' or raging American butthurt

but okay, i'll bite

>the best country in the world (USA)

Tr*mp's America is the laughing stock of the entire world. Even your best public intellectuals are saying that since 11/9 of 2016
Most Tr*mp advisors disagree with his idiotic tariff war with the entire world, some even resigned because apparently it's impossible to work with a egomaniac, climate change denying and barely literate retard. Even Musk did quit the advisory board. You will be lucky if he gets impeached in 2019 and won't be able to do even more damage.

>Everything there was expensive, everywhere you went BO and curry lingers in the air

what's wrong with diversity of taste and cuisine?

>Customer service was always absolute shit

How so?
You mean the employees actually have sense of dignity and won't let nitpicking bitchy customers to abuse them?

>Taxes were absolute shit and working overtime was just not worth it, as half that shit went to taxes.

You pay taxes to achieve social cohesion, low crime rates and security. In the US you pay taxes to maintain miliraty industrial complex and private prison complex. The former kills poor people worldwide, and the latter incarcerates people for profit at home. Are you saying that it is better to live in a gated community in the US, right next to the starving people of color in a ghetto?

>The atmosphere in canada was that of an eastern European shithole

Canada is literally 2nd best country on Earth. Millions of people want to live in Canada. You think all these people are stupid?

>> No.11259792

This. Quebec fags likes the ones in this thread and Ontario fags are fucking worthless

>> No.11259876


For like 20 years then run out of oil and come back on your knees

>> No.11259891

>oil is over
wew. you don't know what you're talking about lad. i hate the mudskins too though. at least we can find a common enemy in ontario

>> No.11259935
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TLDR you're retarded

>> No.11260002


> fucktons of land and natural resources
> western but not ameritard
> global warming will increase our arable land while other countries burn
> tons of blue-collar workers so people aren’t huge pussies

Can’t wait to return to my based homeland

>> No.11260038


Quebec you guys are great when you chill the fuck out. When you get all riled up about language and separatism you sound like fucking idiots. Just accept your role as Canadabros and we will admit Montreal is the coolest city.
t. Vancouverite

>> No.11260106

>how fucked is Canada?
From a government budget perspective we'll be okay. Sure we're up to our eyeballs in debt, but we can survive a hell of a lot more. An economic collapse is simply not likely in the near future. However, what's more important is the fact that this country is simply not going to get better - the economic life of the average citizen will get worse. This is due to a tightening job market, mass immigration, a property bubble that shows no signs of popping (you may have reverses, but the prices simply go from "totally unaffordable" back down to "very unaffordable"), future tax increases to try to prop up crumbling public infrastructure, etc. There are no more opportunities in Canada. You either survive off its rot, or are suffocated by it.

>> No.11260143


If there's a referendum tomorrow I will vote yes.. burn in hell anglos.

>> No.11260341

I shorted canada as soon as they got rid of the British flag in the corner and swaped it with a fucking leaf

>> No.11260403

>fix the province by bringing in legions of filthy shitskins
100 million shitskins by 2100 is the canadian government's plan

>> No.11260565

Je suis in. C'est quoi le nom de ta comagnie pour que je vous google. Vous avez des early contributors or something?
We haven't had left wing parties in decades. Last was Parti Quebecois and they were centrists (american democrats tier). We have based Liberal (right wing here) who got us out of a deficit into a large surplus, and there's a possibility we are about to elect a right wing nationalist tomorrow.
Let me rephrase. Oil will be used for the next decades, but by investing in renewable energies you're placing yourself ahead of the crowd. You have to be stupid af to not see this coming. >>11260038
I'm not necessarly separatist but I want to protect my culture. I have no desire to become a multikulti lifeless American state. You have to realize we are only 8 millions in a sea of more than 370 million anglocucks. With millions of pajeets and chinks pouring in. We have a different culture (which is superior to yours), and we need to protect it.

>> No.11260654

>Ample Wheat fields
>Thriving film industry
>Imports/Exports with Asia
>Ample lumber
We'll be just fine.

>> No.11260681

Quebec culture is gonna be so great when you fill to the brim with french speakers, like Haitians and Algerians.

>> No.11260795

Any other Nova Scotia anons out there?

>> No.11260815


No, Ontario leeches off Alberta just like the rest of the country.

>> No.11260819

Laboratoire Blockchain - Blockchain Lab. Formerly GPU mining. On est très connectés mais on vient de commencer a vendre des token. A date on roule encore sur les profits du mining, notre stratégie est sans doute la meilleure dans la province. Laisse moi ton courriel et je pourrais te mettre en contact avec mon boss

>> No.11260869

I'm also voting CAQ tomorrow. They're likely going to win.

>> No.11260877


Le site web semble pas encore en ligne mais bref si tu as 25k a investir je peux te mettre en contact, mon boss fait faire des visites aux investisseurs sérieux.

>> No.11260879 [DELETED] 


Speaking of elections, NDP is getting shitcanned so hard in November election. They've been a nightmare and must go.

>> No.11260904

>unemployment is lowest it's been in decades
>gdp growth blowing past expectations
>tons of infrastructure developments
>tech sector growing
>tourism growing
>jobs falling off trees as long as you have a useful skill

I don't see any issues here

>> No.11261129

hmm non j'ai juste 22 ans, je suis encore aux études. Peut-être si Chainlink moon.
J'espère, mais s'ils gagnent ça va surement être gouv minoritaire.

>> No.11261184

>J'espère, mais s'ils gagnent ça va surement être gouv minoritaire.
Surement, mais je pense qu'un gouvernement minoritaire est préférable. On n'a pas eu un government 'right wing' (conservateur?) depuis le temps de Maurice Duplessis.
Tu vis ou?

>> No.11261227

Montréal, toi ?
Pourquoi un gouvernement minoritaire serait préférable?
Je voulais dire right wing mais économiquement. Un gouvernement right wing socialement je pense que ça va jamais arrivés. Les gens, surtout à Montréal, sont beaucoup trop endormis.

>> No.11261279

>Pourquoi un gouvernement minoritaire serait préférable?
Je n'aime pas qu'un government a tout le pouvoir. Meme si c'est limite pour 4 ans. Cependant, la CAQ va peut-être pousser pour cela, donc on vera.

>> No.11261308

T'as des links ?

>> No.11261311

Quel rafraîchissement, le gauchisme ici est un méchant fléau.

>Chainlink... Je te le souhaite

>> No.11261328

Albertans are some of the most arrogant fucks ever. I'm actually kind of glad when the tar sands were getting fucked and all the oil sands losers with coke habbits, 300k houses and big trucks had to get rid of it all.

>> No.11261385

Non, j'ai plusieurs btc, assez pour ne plus travailler.

>> No.11261395


>> No.11261399

Tu travailles en Blockchain d'ailleurs, t'en penses quoi?

>> No.11261415

Chanceux en criss. J'ai juste 0.8 btc mais je suis all in dans les weed stocks et chainlink.
T'as quel age?

>> No.11261462

>imagine tomber pour le chainlink meme

secoue ma tête pour être honnête famille...

>> No.11261498

25. Honnêtement j'aime bien vire ici and je veux que le Québec grandit économiquement. Je pense que la CAQ va faire cela mais on vera. On est trop bloquer sur le socialisme au Québec que tout est plus dispendieux.

>> No.11261503

lol Chainlink fud in google translate

>> No.11261531

Cest le fun de negroposter sans se faire autofiltrer desu senpai

>> No.11261546

CAQ a un vrai programme d'investissment dans des industries stratégiques, et ils veulent vraiment aider les business à être compétitifs. Mais j'hésite encore puisque j'habite à Westmount donc je me demende si mon vote est inutile.

>> No.11261559

It's so weird to see my favorite board in french

>> No.11261588

Cest rare qu'on voit des quebec threads sur biz, jen vois habituellement sur pol mais pas ici. Jespere voir la CAQ majoritaire demain, ca va juste prouver la médiocrité du PQ au 21e siecle. Imagine perdre a peu pres la moitié de ton electorat à un parti qui patine quand on parle de marxisme. Lifetime PQ voter qui vote CAQ

>> No.11261641

Meh. Voter c'est voter, il faut le faire.

lol pas pour un bon 5 ans. Le PQ a été tué lorsque Pauline Marois a perdu le pouvoir. Et avec le Quebec Solidaire, tous ceux qui veulent voter pour l'indépendance du Quebec sont séparés entre le PQ et Solidaire. Personnellement, le Québec devrait être séparé du Canada mais on n'est pas assez fort économiquement pour cela. Et bien que le socialisme du PQ du temps passer a aidé le nationalisme du Quebec, il faut plus.

>> No.11261775

my fucking sides

>> No.11261787

Western Canada needs to secede. The parasitic welfare state Easterners are doomed.

>> No.11261848


You mean the netherlands. We are the eu's piggybank and somehow all the npc's think this is fine.

>> No.11261955


I wish i was american desu. Canada is for geibois

>> No.11261969


Pretty based plan desu. They are all gonna starve in that cold shithole as food is unaffordable.

>> No.11261978

Le concept est bien mais je vois pas vraiment pourquoi le token est nécessaire. Personellement j'ai juste des XLM et ils travaillent avec IBM qui développe hyperledger qui a des oracle et pas de token et gratuit a utiliser et peut être personnalisé pour toutes entreprises et ça vient de IBM tsé... Y a de l'argent a faire avec chainlink mais si j'étais toi je garderais les yeux sur la porte de sortie.

>> No.11262002


Investing in renewables now is just dumb. Tech will obviously be far cheaper in a few decades.

>> No.11262049

Si hydro Québec et le gouvernement s'ouvrent les yeux sur la richesse que peut amener la technologie Blockchain au Québec on pourrait possiblement se séparer. Bitmain investis déjà dans des fermes ici. Perso je crois que c'est une criss de compagnie salle mais ils font rentrer pas mal d'argent ici. Pas de subventions... Les subventions laissent n'importe qui partir un entreprise vouée à l'échec pis a mon avis, encourage la médiocrité. Le mining et autres projets Blockchain pourraient vraiment apporter de l'argent international ici, pas de subventions que des gros investissements. Avec nos tokens on vise lever un milliard de dollars et je crois que ça va se faire assez rapidement. Gardez les yeux ouverts pour le BLAB, ca va être huge.

>> No.11262159

Blockchain miner va etre accepter, c'est sur.

>> No.11262188

T'es sûr qu'Hyperledger a leur propre oracle? Je pense pas, et s'ils on un oracle centralisé ça rend les données pas très safe. Si t'es une compagnie tu veux un oracle decentralisé et le plus de sources possibles.
XLM a leur propre oracle, qui est Mobius.
Chainlink travaille directment avec Swift, Accord project, OpenLaw, Docusign, Salesforce et plein d'autres btw.

Le mining c'est entrain de devenir obsolete non? Avec les DAG et Proof-Of-stake?

>> No.11262203
File: 3.90 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180930_192743225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N'oublions pas le farming
Pic: mes odroid qui host storj, je suis en train de faire marcher sonm aussi. Une machine a $50 qui tire 5W et va rapporter autant sinon plus qu'un rig de GPUs d'ici deux ans!

>> No.11262224

Storj est de la merde, prend sia. C'est avec eux que j'ai fait ma fortune. Ils sont un peu dans la merde avec leur asic mais dans quelques années, ils vont controller le storage du monde.

>> No.11262252

Une compagnie veut pas nécessairement une Blockchain publique. Si ils ont un minimum de confiance en leurs partenaires ils utiliseraient ça pour centraliser leurs données et streamliner plusieurs processus de chaîne d'approvisionnement, etc. De plus, pourquoi payer des frais ultra variables sur une chaîne plutôt lente a chaque opération? J'ai suivi les cours que IBM offrent et je te dis: hyperledger est le Linux des Blockchain, gratuit, ultra personnalisable et déployable en quelques minutes et permet de donner des permissions a ses utilisateurs. Avec IBM pour vendre l'idée aux banques c'est game over. Penses y un instant, les banques vont prendre un réseau d'oracles créé par un gros juif ou celui d'une multinationale avec qui ils font déjà affaire?

PS. IBM lance world wire bientôt et XLM va être nécessaire pour transiger.

>> No.11262263

Avoir a choisir manuellement ton hôte? Mmmm pas sur. Quoi que je pourrais poster simultanément... Merci pour l'idee

>> No.11262293

Pas de prob. Eventuellement, ca va être fait automatiquement. Sia a des bons fondamentaux et sont les plus avancées sur storage blockchain. J'ai fait assez d'argent donc je n'est plus intérêt à les suivre, mais ils sont plus avancer que storj technologiquement.

>> No.11262331

Basé sur quoi? La V3 de storj sors très bientôt et les améliorations qu'ils proposent sont plutôt malades côté vitesse et efficacité. Tk j'installe ça voyons ce que ça dit Sia!

>> No.11262386

T'es sur que Hyperledger a leur propre oracle? T'as une source?
Parceque Hyperledger est sur le site de Smartcontracts.com depuis 2 ans. Chainlink est blockchain agnostique btw, ils peuvent jouer avec Hyperledger, BTC, eth, corda etc
Je comprends pas pourquoi tu dis que ca va être gratuit de request les data sur hyperledger? Qui va payer pour les API calls?

Les prix vont pas varier, puisqu'ils va être possible pour les compagnies de payer en USD, mais convertis instantanément en LINKS.

Check ce meeting de Salesforce, : https://www.salesforce.com/video/1765913/
Ils se demendent comment amener des offchain data sur la blockchain de Hyperledger.

>> No.11262459

Mon erreur. Les compagnies plug leurs propre data. Pas besoin de payer pour des call a leurs propres appareils lol. Je peux voir pourquoi chainlink serait utile sur des réseaux publiques mais pas des Blockchain privées. Peut être pour interagir avec des entités qu'ils trust moins mais pourquoi payer des NEETs pour récupérer des données de eux même?

>> No.11262607

Ok mais s'ils plug leurs propres data, et ils le font par eux même c'est quoi l'avantage des smart contracts et de la blockchain pour eux? La pluspart des données vont pas venir d'eux même dans la pluspart des usecases anyways. Insurance, Bonds, supply chain etc vont tous avoir besoin d'un access a un API qui est pas le leur.

Une use case qui est souvent utilisé par nous, Stinkies, c'est les bonds payments ; 88 trillions usd, avec un t.
Voici un exemple de Chainlink créé en collaboration avec Swift en 2017 : https://aa-debtor.smartcontract.com/bonds/0x4544a50f83ec1e245765d0b645849df342cd8164/payments/1ea6748e016f04d6ba9b01eddb5f18df6bc27e4fd2027b4605122eca69aecbbf

Cette technologie va complètement wipe out des milliers de back et middle offices jobs. les compagnies n'ont plus besoin du outdated bonds registry puisque tout est enregistré dans la blockchain. Les bonds vont être payés plus rapidement, simplement et avec beaucoup moins de frictions, plus de transparence, pas besoins d'investir des millions en infrastructure et en cybersécurité, immutabilité etc

Selon moi, il va y avoir une petite fenêtre d'ouverture pour les NEETS au début mais ^ca va se refermer rapidement avec de plus en plus de compétition.

>> No.11262730

C'est bien tout ça mais je vois pas l'utilité du token a part payer pour des données mais tu dis que ça peut se faire en USD lol! L'idée est géniale mais comment est-ce que ça va valoir $1000?

>> No.11262785



>> No.11262856

Les compagnies vont payer en USD, mais ils vont utiliser le token sur la platforme. Comme pour chaque network avec un native token, il y a trop d'instabilité du prix donc il va y avoir des systèmes de swap automatisés.

1000$ c'est possible, peut-etre après plusieurs années pas en décembre lol.

>> No.11263027

omelette de fromage
chicken butt lol

>> No.11263043

Lol man link cest un même propager par ce tableau, vous aller tous vous faire dominer dessu tellement gars c'est même pas croyable, d'ici un bout check sa link va moon un ti peu, Asser pour faire acheter d'autre Noob pi après la prochaine ronde de pompage vous aller get rekt

En tant que chère québécois, éloigné toi de cette plaie

>> No.11263044


>> No.11263083

google translate as fuck, do you even français?

>> No.11263140
File: 71 KB, 132x208, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Alberta
>Send billions in transfer payments to the east each year
>Get constantly shit on by other provinces for everything
>Other provinces consistently blocking pipelines and every attempt to develop infrastructure for economic growth because of >muh environment, and everyone thinks pol and gas is evil while they suck the teet of it's benefits
>Go through economic downturn because of oil price crash, everyone else just acts smug and ask why we never saved more money, when that money that shouldn't have been saved gets spent elsewhere because of transfer payments

>> No.11263151

lol does alberta niggers really believe this horse shit?

>> No.11263171

hello my fellow native Canadian fren!

>> No.11263192

C'est wack parcequ'il a utilisé des expressions québécoises comme d'ici un bout, check sa, mais le reste de son commentaire est complètement incompréhensible...
Il y a beaucoup de meme sur chainlink ici, mais chainlink n'est pas un meme. Les non-linkers vont souffir plus que nous.

>> No.11263221

dump ca des que tu fais un bon profit mon homme dais toi pas bruler!

>> No.11263259

J'sais. Au prochain bullrun je vais dump la moitié probablement et garder le reste et l'oublier pendant 10 ans.

>> No.11263296
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x2448, D6B4C5E6-CB21-40CF-9BCB-A152D1A5778D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11263424

with trudeau running our country well...

>> No.11263528

make alberta a state so they can shut the fuck up

>> No.11263590

equalization is less than 5% of Alberta's expenses........

>> No.11263843

>$5 for choccy milk
wow, y'all are more fucked than the aussies

>> No.11263859
File: 38 KB, 844x1157, feelsbadeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]