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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 388 KB, 2322x1414, jumf1bo9a8p11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11259476 No.11259476 [Reply] [Original]

Don't ever fucking forget to pay me.

>> No.11259527

No one cares

>> No.11259539

>weeb shit in avatar
honestly how can you blame him for not taking you seriously?

>> No.11259553

Yeah it's pretty hard to take someone with a cartoon as his avatar seriously.

>> No.11259556

That was a decent read, but you never got the $800 you requested.

I mean, you spent time valued at probably $50/hr, for who knows how many hours beyond the initially agreed upon contract work, to talk to who knows how many accountants and HR to try and chase your payment.

I would have added those hours up and billed them a couple grand.

>> No.11259567


>> No.11259576

I would fuck over any faggot with that avatar. You need to grow up OP fucking pussy bitch. Fucking Cringe.

>> No.11259599

> That anime avatar
> That pretentious font
> That burning of bridges and any future work opportunities or recommendations

I hope this is bait

>> No.11259607
File: 242 KB, 667x593, 1534800170521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking cringe OP, kys

>> No.11259612

Good job, OP. Extremely based. You should throw this faggot under the bus on top of that.

>> No.11259614


Did the right thing, OP. If more people hassled clients who don't pay, maybe they'd figure out that they're better off just paying people fairly.

>> No.11259627

> That burning of bridges and any future work opportunities or recommendations

Why would OP want to continue doing business with these crooks anyway, if he has to go to great lengths to get them to pay him for his work?

>> No.11259630

>burning bridges
this guy tried to fucking scam OP. If anything he's the one who burned that bridge.

>> No.11259632


Are you creating fake ids OP?

>> No.11259651

HOLY FUCK I'm not OP you fucking retard. Kill yourself

>> No.11259669

which project?

>> No.11259702 [DELETED] 

That's why I'm selling his documents to his ex wife.

>> No.11259708

musk strikes again

>> No.11259718


>> No.11259749

His child custody case.

>> No.11259755

he still owes you $0.79

>> No.11259772

Not familiar with that one
What's the symbol?

>> No.11259778

Retards who need legal help are a dime a dozen.

>> No.11259785
File: 21 KB, 251x251, 1289180445827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demand $800
>accept $419.21

Dude what the fuck? Should have demanded the full $800.

>> No.11259798

>Demand $800
>Got $400
>Yes, I fucking got em back!!!1

>> No.11259808 [DELETED] 

The remainder will be recouped by selling his documents to his ex-wife.

>> No.11259820


So this must be how the everyday life of a self-employed memelord looks like.
Writing sequels to Homer's "Odyssey' over an unpaid $400 invoice, threatening with doxxing and legal action. Even involving family members.

Whew, lad.

Truly a patrician life, worth of envy and respect. Wagecucks cannot compete and are totally, eternally BTFO.

>> No.11259821

>posting this on a Transnistrian basket-weaving forum

>> No.11259849

today OP thought he was yakuza

>> No.11259859

Yeah but he still thinks he walked all over you.

>> No.11259873

The upside isn't the money, it's getting it from someone.

Good point. I'll have to fix that in a bit.

>> No.11259875
File: 306 KB, 944x976, 1278908671249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> threatening with doxxing
You're not one of those idiots who think "doxxing" constitutes harassment, are you? Do you freak out every time you receive the phonebook and see your name in the white pages? Doxxing isn't a real thing, grow up.

>> No.11259879

You don't have the balls, cuck

>> No.11259889


>Chink cartoon
>Making threats

Lol, they probably felt sorry for you.

>> No.11259893
File: 13 KB, 199x253, 1538170420092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still owe AWS $1.12 from five years ago
>get emails every week about how my account is about to be terminated
>nothing ever happens
Never going to pay lmao

>> No.11259941

Based and redpilled. Make (((Bezos))) suck your dick to get it.

>> No.11259946

imagine how ecstatic op had to be about getting those 400 bucks that he made a thread on biz about it acting all tough

>> No.11259951

This guy types like Tristan Barker

>> No.11259960

Wow sounds like you just got lost in their system desu and you made yourself look like a total ass. Congrats!

>> No.11260536


Damn dude you're autistic

>> No.11260657
File: 76 KB, 692x756, IMG_7812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly just embarrassing, op

>> No.11260693

did you know that a lot of companies only pay their bills once a month? Some cut checks every two weeks so it's easily possible to not get paid 3 weeks or even 4 depending on the timing. What a retard

>> No.11261128

>some weeb with a thesaurus trying to act like a big boy
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11261165



>> No.11261254
File: 196 KB, 923x778, 1529867372979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime avatar
>threatening client
>empty threats

If you want to be taken seriously, don't let your private hobbies spill into your profession, no matter how hardcore of a fan you are. It'll only make you appear childish.

If your threats are empty, don't make them. You're in a powerless position, so it's best to be as cordial as possible in your communications. Using an aggressive tone won't make it easier for you to get your money back, if ever.

>> No.11261961

I got my money.

>> No.11262024

Where's the $800?
Looks like your got cucked once again, anon

>> No.11262042
File: 30 KB, 500x587, 1537278713549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeb avatar
>demands $800
>settles for $400
>criticizes CEO for playing games over $400
>claims this is a hobby and would spend years in litigation over $1
>writes a fucking essay which would have taken hours
>CEO writes a couple of lines 'uhh who are you? oh you're that sperg, uhh yeah ok heres the money lol'

Holy fuck this is cringe. You seriously think you won here?

>> No.11262085

The $800 will come when I sell his documents to his ex-wife.

>> No.11262107

Hehe, enjoy getting sued for blackmail

>> No.11262113

not bad for a little girl from hong kong. we're all very proud of you.

>> No.11262119

I'm not blackmailing him - I'm not threatening to release the documents, I'm just doing it.

>> No.11262145

So you're releasing documents that were granted to you in confidence freely, or you're selling confidential documents that were granted to you in confidence? I'm just trying to make sure how badly you're going to get fucked.

>> No.11262157

Oh, I'm selling documents which I never agreed to keep confidential.

>> No.11262294

well played anon
you have no idea how shady these fucking businesses are. they'll fuck you over in a second if you give them the chance. anon definitely won here.

>> No.11262311

No, he didn't. He got what he was owed, after a net loss in time, and loss of future business, irrespective of whether they're 'a dime a dozen' or not.

>> No.11262769

what does t. mean?

>> No.11262847

>anime avatar

>> No.11262888

>I'm not blackmailing him - I'm not threatening to release the documents, I'm just doing it.
Great idea anon.
Judges are really dumb and always fall for simple word games. "It's not blackmail, it's just a random act unconnected to the money I was demanding in written correspondence"

>> No.11262913

Are you stupid? The crime by definition is in the threat. I'm not interested in threatening him for his money. I am interested in getting money for the non-confidential documents which I have.

>> No.11262943

What do you expect will happen when he finds out his ex has these documents?

>> No.11262949

This. Playing macho games = needlessly digging yourself into a hole.

>> No.11262970

buyg LINK with your 420 bro
haha weed

>> No.11262986

How the fuck did OP not tesla this guy

>> No.11262988

He will try to sue me for public disclosure of private information, at which point I will have his wife indemnify me pursuant to the two indemnification agreements we will sign in exchange for the documents.

>> No.11263007

>indemnification agreements
You cant absolve yourself from criminal responsibility by signing a contract you drew up on your iphone

>> No.11263036

You come across as rather stupid and inexperienced. Threatening criminal damage is not OK because someone missed an invoice.

>> No.11263048

>public disclosure of private facts
literally lol

If you mean 'intentional', because you're pathetically trying to masquerade as a lawyer and can't tell the difference, an indemnity agreement as to a wrongful act already done is valid, unless it the act was a felony.

>> No.11263049

>doxxing isn't a real thing

Found the faggot who wandered in here long after 2008.

>> No.11263065

I owe AWS around $200,000. They can't do shit, I'm not American. I was mining coins.

>> No.11263077

You were clearly shaking him down for money. He probably has enough to sue you already.
But whatever, I don't know why I'm arguing because none of this happened and you just spent several hours pretending to chase up $400 for some reason. Your life is already a prison.

>> No.11263078

double talking faggots like you are why lawyers end up in ditches with 5 shotgun shots to the back of the head from time to time. your words can't save you from a pissed off man with a gun.

>> No.11263090

He can do that, but it won't get him his kids back once the judge decides against him based on the evidence divulged to the wife!

>> No.11263101

A prisoner is someone which does not have the ability to exercise control over that which affords them certain degrees of freedom, including the freedom to choose to live in such a condition, because someone else has control over their ability to exercise control over that which affords them certain degrees of freedom, including the freedom to choose to live in such a condition.

>> No.11263150

You spent probably all month compulsively planning a fake revenge from your mom's basement.
Your degree of control over your own life and horrible compulsions is zero.

>> No.11264152

This thread really didn't go well for OP. Silly faggot.