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File: 72 KB, 960x958, 42797575_10157956221349968_2855213031959298048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11256731 No.11256731 [Reply] [Original]

Too true...

Whenever I feel I don't fit in with normies in my age that still work as coders I rewatch NGE and dream of Linux

>> No.11256737

haha I laster 4 days nofapping, get fucked anon you won't make it

>> No.11256748
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>> No.11256789

Jesus this is me
Just kill me now

>> No.11256796

what the fuck, too accurate. delete this

>> No.11256799
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>> No.11256801

But you have a darker complexion

>> No.11256802

holy fuck everything there is true except weed

>> No.11256811

>last regularly a month on nofap
>soon to be homeless or dead
This me! Very accurate.

>> No.11256832

OMG me too +1 OP good meme!

>> No.11256840


thanks for spreading my meme OP, I think I made it now

>> No.11256841


>> No.11256856


Delet this now

>> No.11256862
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>> No.11256872

not mine though

>> No.11256873

guys snap the fuck out of it.

>> No.11256877

this one hurts

>> No.11256878
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the only thing that's true on the list for me is weed
maybe you guys should try smoking weed

>> No.11256935

no kys

>> No.11256948
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>> No.11256955

I would say to anyone who tries weed be careful if you try it because you might like it more than hard drugs. I can quit cocaine, amphetamine, I hate both drugs, but weed I can't quit no matter what I do, maybe weed is medicine and that's why I can't stop using it.

>> No.11256990

>maybe weed is medicine and that's why I can't stop using it.
That might be the most stupid thing I read all year. Congratulations.

>> No.11257009

I'm 27 and currently transitioning away from the DOOMER lifestyle.
>Still play vidya, but not daily and only competative multiplayer games. Sometimes play casually with friends/family/gf (she likes tekken 7)
>only watch educational shit on yt, not necessarily useful shit but i always learnsomething

>found QT virgin conservative gf almost a year ago

>don't have much time for deep thinking anymore

>have a gf, don't fap anymore

>obsessive self improvement attempts are still obsessive, but i actually achieve something every now and then

>still can't stick to anything longterm, but can at least stick to something for longer periods of time than i used to.

>no longer waiting for societal collapse

>quit weed, cut back on drinking during the week

>still to undisciplined but not as bad as i used to be

>crypto is just a side project that might pay off, maybe it wont..

It gets better guys, just keep trying. At some point you will succeed in something, which feels fucking amazing. It will motivate you, and push you to try just a little bit harder on all the other stuff. You'll succeed more often and get the snowball rolling.

Just keep trying, don't give up, and don't expect anything to be given to you just because you tried.

>> No.11257080
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>don't have much time for deep thinking anymore
good, you're getting there

>> No.11257211

Educate me on the qt part. How did you do it? Where did you meet her?

>> No.11257552

>still play vidya but not every spare moment I have and am conscious that I am choosing to enjoy some leisure time and relax
>have a gf
>still think deeply on topics all the time but no longer catatonic. have become more of a man of action as well as thought
>once lasted 3 months on nofap
>still obsessive about self-improvement. seeing results both intellectually and in physical fitness
>still difficult to stick to anything long-term
>still expecting societal collapse but no longer waiting for it
>don't smoke weed
>don't celebrate "conservative values". still consider myself extremely right wing. fit in well with "new right" or reactionary crowd
>thinks crypto will help me focus on pursuits that don't pay outside my current desk job
>music choice is black metal/gothic/post-punk from anytime
>disgusted by normies because I know I used to be one
>have considered retiring to a monastery more than once

>> No.11257990

holy shit delet this
>t. 33 year old doomer

>> No.11258030

The bloomer one is more accurate for me. I've done several 20-30 nofap streaks and dont smoke weed.

>> No.11258168

same and i just quit weed a month ago fuck im gonna relapse

>> No.11259352
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>> No.11259362

>hates hypocrites therefore hates himself
can someone explain this one?

>> No.11259382

he hates hypocrites but he is a hypocrite

>> No.11259387

ah. thank you, anon.

>> No.11259390

I sort of switched from fapping to erótic massages. Not sure yet if it was a good decision or not

>> No.11259413

>hates hypocrites therefore hates himself
>music from late teens

>> No.11259505

>but i always learnsomething
mind the
>obsessive self-improvement attempts

you're still one of them

>> No.11259512

>considers retirement in a monastery
Kek so true

>> No.11259537

I went 7 days. Checkmate doomers.

>> No.11259571
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Mid twenties doomer here. Managed to get an average job and live alone in a bad part of town. The worst part of being a doomer is not having any friends who can relate to you. Everyone my age, and even people in their 30's are such fucking NPC's they can't relate to any of these feels. I don't know if I am just being a special snowflake but wagecucking has changed me profoundly. I can only focus on the negatives of life now. I spend all of my time reading and masturbating.

Crypto doesn't even matter to me anymore, I don't care if my holdings moon or not. I feel like the life has been sucked from me and even if I become rich tomorrow I will forever be gone, sacrificed to the mindeset of a doomer.

>> No.11259623

You go to AMP's anon?

>> No.11259624

Oh and I fucking wish I could find a broke and hopeless girl just like me. I have no problem with women but they're all fucking normies. I want one from a fucked up family who has to work to support herself who knows the struggle. I can't take anymore of these stupid hoes who listen to the radio and talk about weed.

>> No.11259637

I feel personally attacked by this picture

>> No.11259839

No. In my country we don't have them. We just have MPs with white/african/latin women. The only bad thing is that there are a lot of websites with the girls' photos on them. So I don't watch porn anymore but find myself browsing through the websites, looking at who Im gonna pick next, sometimes for hours. Still I feel better than when I used to watch porn 2-10 times a week

>> No.11260530
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Fuck you, I dont want to be reminded when I come here to shitpost.