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11255579 No.11255579 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best basket weaving material and why is it willow?

>> No.11255688

I recently watched a documentary on youtube about Temüjin (Genghis Khan).

I'm glad Mongolia is now an irrelevant shit hole. The Mongols were just a bunch of up-jumped nomadic horse fuckers. They fought dirty, with no honor, and stole knowledge from greater peoples, who had so much more potential, who they just conquered and laid waste to.

>> No.11255736

Just imagine if they didn't conquer Baghdad in 1258. The Middle East could've developed into something far more beautiful than the shit hole it now is today.

>> No.11255740

>biz is unironically turning into a basket weaving image board
so...this is the true power of a bear market

>> No.11255781
File: 17 KB, 236x296, 8ef8e629c3e26d4db85109bf4a093b2c--baghdad-iraq-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do make some amazing baskets.

>> No.11255825
File: 86 KB, 600x422, 70s-afghanistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a blackpill for you, buddy: Even though the mongols conquered Baghdad in 1258, Afghanistan was a pretty sweet place up until the cold war.

The US-backed taliban took power then, and we know how it all turned out. Over 5% of the Afghani population are now heroin junkies and heroin cultivation under US backing has increased astronomically.

Watch "This is what winning looks like" from Vice (when it was still ok), one of the massivest blackpills out there

>> No.11255851

There should be more pecan trees in states with concentrations of basket weavers, I do believe this with a fervor of painful intensity

>> No.11255897

I just wished I could've been a battle commander back then.

I'd know exactly how to deal with le ebin horse archer spamming fuckers.

On first notice of Mongol encroachment, have people begin gathering their harvests, whatever they can muster. Have townspeople begin to migrate to heavier fortified areas.

Around those fortified areas, have people begin digging deep ditches around these places, a few hundred meters out in diameter from walls. This would help to prevent Mongolfag siege engines to being wheeled into their effective range.

One of the key things that made the Mongols so effective was their mobility, which allowed them to scout out lands very effectively.

I would detach certain parts of army, arm them lightly (increasing mobility), and have them march around multiple areas to confuse scouts. These detachments would also burn as much grassland as possible. This would make it harder for the Mongols to live off of the land/provide food for their pack animals and horses.

If any of these detachments came under attack, they would engage in direct battle, but only focus on guerrilla tactics, such as night attacks.

In open battle, I'd make damn well sure to know all possible points I could be flanked. Too often it was the case that armies would get wrecked by the Mongols because they were flanked, unexpectedly, when a detachment of the Mongol army came across some swamp/mountain pass that nobody thought could be achieved.

My actual army would consist primarily of Light Calvary. This would be used to counter the Horse Archers.

My Infantry would be Heavier, with more armour put towards them. Of the Infantry, I would focus on mainly arming people with pike/spear weapons, and they they would be trained in Square formations, and Group Shield formations. Detachments of archers would also be placed with each Square formation group of Infantry.

If the Mongols feigned a retreat, my army would maintain formation, regardless.

>> No.11255972

My balls have marijuana dust on them

>> No.11256001

is this one of the late night mongolian basket weaving threads ive heard so much about where we discuss both mongols and baskets?

i have never weaved a basket but i would like to try. where should i start?

>> No.11256023

Spring is the perfect time to start.
You can easily harvest young willow branches. They are easy to identify as they are yellow and very maliable.
Until then watch some yt about various weaving techiques. I recommend any slavenic ones as they are easy for begginners and very pretty. You can also sell them on etsy.

>> No.11256062

fuck ghengis khan. but what can we learn from his civilization? what did he do right? how were his towns and supplies managed? clearly running an empire takes a bit more work than just killing. he must have been at least smart, right?
what should i look for in my branches?

>> No.11256092
File: 380 KB, 1080x1421, IMG_20180930_102505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there's a chance you are a descendant of Khan. He banged thousands of roasties in his lifetime.

You should look for length and thickness. Long, thin ones are the best.

Also, check out this nifty, eco friendly, durabale shopping bag I weaved from corn plants.

>> No.11256146
File: 89 KB, 600x532, HT1cgpsFIXaXXagOFbXZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your light cavalry would be crushed by the mongol cavalry. You can only retreat into the mountains and woods where their horse archers are not OP

Also guys what is your favorite weaving pattern?

>> No.11256196

did you find that weaving hurt your hands before you got comfortable doing it? is it easy on the joints? i like to use my hands but super smash bros melee has not been easy on them

>> No.11256287
File: 63 KB, 320x400, gilded-17-chain-link-metal-bread-basket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chainlink one.

>> No.11256291

The Light Cavalry would be split into 3 groupings. Of these 3, 2 groups would be placed on the Right and Left Flanks. My Infantry Squares would form themselves into an overall "V" formation.

This would be done to form a sort of "choke point", the Light Cavalry would be used to draw the Horse Archers into this narrow area where they'd meet bristling shield/Spear walls.

The Light Cavalry would be armed with several Javelins. These would be used to harry the Mongol's Heavy Lancers. They would not engage in any direct confrontations with much of the Mongol's cavalry. I cannot decide the battlefield, but I can try to manipulate movements.

Of the 3rd Light Cavalry grouping, they would be split into 2. One half would be spread out to monitor and report back on any identified Flanking maneuvers, and the other half would be held in Reserve.

>> No.11256323
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bottom left

>> No.11256795

I highly doubt that the people behave worse than rats, literally

>> No.11256925


Maybe I was too harsh on present day Mongolians

>> No.11256942

>mfw this thread starts the bullrun

>> No.11257182

Islam never truly went through an "Enlightenment" period like Christianity did. Both religions can be interpreted as very domineering, aggressive, and warlike in nature.

Christianity was tempered by The Enlightenment (an oversimplification), and allowed massive cultural/scholarly development in Western Europe.

Islam was verging on this, with Baghdad being one the epicenters of change, but that never got to play out, and we're still stuck with an overbearing religion that, in many ways, prevented progress. It wasn't just political plays by the newest Kids on the Block.

>> No.11257228

>A discussion on basket weaving and the Mongol invasions

Weirdest thread I've seen on biz

>> No.11257307
File: 67 KB, 640x800, 1538100039139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ->>>11256146

My mum weaves flax, shes bretty gud at it. Don't know anything about patterns though

>> No.11257706
File: 649 KB, 1344x3427, 1535828007229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing that their plan is to conquer and assimilate the states adjacent to you over a generation or three

>> No.11258282

>Alexander’s vanguard was immediately surrounded and attacked by the Scythian mounted archers. Once they were engaged, their position was fixed and they were vulnerable to an approach by the Macedonian infantry and Alexander’s cohorts of Cretan archers. The nomads now found themselves caught between the Macedonian mounted spearmen and the rest of Alexander’s army. The Scythians tried to escape to the wings of the Macedonian lines, but there they were met by Alexander’s infantry.

>> No.11258303

Afghanistan and Philippines are two countries that had great potential but fell shit due to external factors that few wanted

>> No.11258322


Is it better to weave in fresh water or saltwater?

Not sure if running water affects my weaving or not.

>> No.11258323
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody in the thread gets the joke
The absolute state of newfags.

>> No.11258330


>I just wished I could've been a battle commander back then.

Your own men would have killed you.