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File: 402 KB, 643x263, digital-money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1125301 No.1125301 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck all of the hyped-up bitcoin and ethereum threads. I need a currently-cheap 'dark horse' crypto to buy lots of. Tell me which lesser-hyped ones you think will have high value in the future, and why

Right now my money's on Monero. Cryptonote technology, not a bitcoin clone like most others, one of the top privacy-centric coins that's even used on the dark web

inb4 worthless magic money shitcoin "lemme complain about crypto threads even though /biz/ was specifically made to contain crypto threads"

>> No.1125306

Dude, bitcoin is dying and so are its copies. Ethereum is the only thing ahead of the game. Once china will recognize that price won't go up with halving, it'll crash down to 100-200.

>> No.1125307


MaidSafe or Monero. The rest are trash.

>> No.1125310

I don't know anything about Monero, but I feel like the privacy ethic of a cryptocurrency is a lot less drawing than it used to be. Being that privacy-centric seems like it's kind of in a niche market for libertarian paranoid schizophrenics. The anonymity of bitcoin, I think, was what drew in its initial fan base, which was not very large, then didn't really gain a lot of popularity until the layman realized how valuable it was. It's my opinion that the majority doesn't care about their monetary privacy as much as the anons on this board do, though they should.
I'm not an expert or anything that's just my two cents. Good question though I'm interested in the discussion

>> No.1125327

maid safe seems like its actually doing shit and is one of the cheaper ones at the moment

id still recommend eth though

>> No.1125329

Halving is already weighted in the current price.

Nobody gives a shit about privacy. It is not an advantage enough to buy. Bitcoin is private with tumbling. Literally no advantages. MaidSafe seems potential, but ETH does the same thing and better.

>> No.1125337

Yeah my point exactly. The blockchain just has so much potential outside of privatizing transactions that Ethereum is going to take full advantage of, which is why nothing on the market right now can beat it. I was just pointing this out to OP because "muh privacy" probably isn't a very good selling point, thus not a good enough reason to invest. We would all love to buy in to something that costs under a dollar right now that we know will go to Pluto, but nothing like that exists, so just buy eth regardless of its $10.50 and rising value :-)

>> No.1125389

This guy got it right.

ETH, MAID, XMR - the three altcoins anyone gives a shit about because they actually have decent ideas behind them.

>> No.1125396

Lol XMR is dogshit pham. Take a look at the reality of what XMR is.

Fucking mexicans and fatasses

>> No.1125584

>I need a currently-cheap 'dark horse' crypto to buy lots of. Tell me which lesser-hyped ones you think will have high value in the future, and why
I'm buying Sia right now.

I can't really be bothered to explain why. Except to note it's competition is Storj. If you think that niche has value (I do), then the choice is Sia or Storj.

>> No.1125589

Maid or xmr

>> No.1125599

Fuck off shill faggot

>> No.1125603

Xmr and Sia are the dark horses of crypto. Their usefulness is underrated and they are the best in their class easily no question.

>> No.1125607


>> No.1125609

As another Sia buyer, can you tell me your opinions on it? And why not Storj?

I'm still debating exactly how much to buy.

For my part, I see positives:
>potential to eat the cloud storage market alive (take over from amazon S3 etc)

>still in development, exact scalability unknown
>a few features missing but being worked on (automatic redundancy)

And vs Storj:
>storj appears a massive premine
>otherwise, seems fairly equal...

>> No.1125611


The currency for pedophiles?

>buy XMR help fund fluffyponys gastric bypass

>> No.1125616

Sia uses a proof of work blockchain that is proven to work. They wanted to use proof of storage or something but figured it is not really a safe blockchain so they dropped it. Storj I think uses the unproven and probably very vulnerable to attack proof of storage or whatever it is.

Also I think the premine is fucked.

There's more I want to say but I'm too tired. Might be back in 10 hours or so.

>> No.1125619

Where can i store maidsafecoins?

>> No.1125627


This is the first alt for a while that has actually got me thinking I'll put a non trivial amount into it.

>> No.1125630

absolutely agree. also NMC, PPC, VPN (bit late to get on that train) CURE deserves more attention and UNITY is an excellent long-shot.

>> No.1126258

iirc, some infuriatingly convoluted web-based interface which is apparently secure. i have like £100 worth. i think. or did. fuck knows what it's worth now. it irritates the hell out of me when people refuse to just gimme click.exe and wallet.dat

but yeah MAID is hyped. i hold.

>> No.1126885


this, markets seem to agree.

>> No.1126899

My moneys on ETH and CounterParty ETH is obvious, I say XCP because ETH smart contracts can be run directly on the bitcoin blockchain since the VM's ported. Not expecting much but it's under the radar extremely low price so low risk.

>> No.1126900


>> No.1126901
File: 362 KB, 1440x2239, Ethercuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy ethercuck. Its the newest cryptokek.

>> No.1126932

this, everything else is a pump n dump

eth = muh dapps
btc = crypto gold

what purpose does maid serve?

>> No.1126970

Factom (FCT) is the current buzz I'm hearing in the underground. Cannot confirm 100%.

>> No.1127488

Where did you get that info?

>> No.1128498

This was a good thread, but is drowned out by ETH bullshit.

What coins are there with market caps < $1mil that actually have some kind of purpose beyond some bullshit marketing "this is the most secure money ever" spiel?

>> No.1128552

right up his asshole, where else? faggot probably trying to build up hype to dump his FCT thats due to crash any minute now

>> No.1128554

None. You'll find if you look in to this that the only coin that isn't a two bit shitcoin thats on the market is ETH

>> No.1129438

>gets drowned out by ETH bullshit
ETH is nice, right. But there is more than that.

Due to my position in the tech world I can see at least that the data storage coins have great potential to eat market share of cloud storage providers, simply by providing cheaper storage. (I would kill to get 50% savings on data storage, let alone claimed possible 90% savings)

I wonder if other people can see other benefits of coins that I may have missed.

>> No.1129449


SIA definitely has potential there.