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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1125103 No.1125103 [Reply] [Original]

Post your face when this annoying ETH bullshit ends like all the meme coins before it and the inevitable suicide threads start rolling in.

>> No.1125106

so many nethercucks waiting desperately to be 'proven right',

too bad for you guys, it will never happen

>> No.1125108

It always happens. This isn't the first and won't be the last instance where we have been flooded with nonstop hype trains that amounted to nothing except for losses from the useful idiots who are tricked into these ponzi schemes.

>> No.1125117

I asked in another thread but maybe you can answer since you know about nethercoin. Is it minable? I read a little from the site and it looks interesting.

>> No.1125122


the fact that you think this is another memecoin just betrays your ignorance about the topic. this is a whole new tech, just like bitcoin was.


yes, it will be mineable for the next few months, then it will switch to proof of stake, which basically means you're getting paid out for holding.

>> No.1125124

It's just a prank bro. Enjoy your rocketship to the sun.

>> No.1125125

>yes, it will be mineable for the next few months, then it will switch to proof of stake
Just to be clear we are talking about nethercoin right?

>> No.1125130

let me try to explain to you what he means

all the memecoins that came before ethereum were just forks of bitcoin. basically people just copied and pasted bitcoin's source code and changed a few lines and renamed it to "shitcoin 1.0". technologically illiterate people bought these up and got scammed

ethereum on the other hand is a crypto that was written from the ground up without any of bitcoin's source code. it is orders of magnitude better than bitcoin for many reasons that would go over your head

>> No.1125132

You guys remember DarkCoin?

It wasn't quite this bad, but it was nearly identical.

Wonder how many of those retards are spamming this ether shit.

>> No.1125133

darkcoin is a good example of a shitcoin that was copied from bitcoin's code base with a few minor revisions

>> No.1125136
File: 1.09 MB, 955x741, nethercucks gonna kuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your face when you could've been banging blonde bitches in your lambo if only you had listened bought some ether

>> No.1125146
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All still doable.

>> No.1125170
File: 345 KB, 432x348, Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 08.04.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof of stake
Yep, it's stake.

>> No.1125177

I hate all this fucking ethercuck bullshit as much as any of you but from what I can see it's got a lot of momentum. I should have listened to the cucks god DAMMIT

>> No.1125191
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It's literally free money bro

>> No.1126482

Reminder that 99% of /biz/ ethercucks have <100 ETH and will never make it

you should have bought earlier

you should have listened months ago

>> No.1126489

Sounds like someone didn't buy the dip