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File: 16 KB, 200x200, EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11250438 No.11250438 [Reply] [Original]

cut your losses, sell you shitcoin, and buy EOS, because EOS is king of altcoins and EOS is future

XRP/Ripple is scam, it isnt are crypto, it does not have blockchain

Ethereum is only usefull, but slow, costly, and Vitalik tweets are negative and not enthusiastic, so this why Ethereum continue dumping

Bitcoin cash is scam, pump and dump and you see its declining

EOS is the only solid and best smart contract platform, EOS is still very young, but EOS has massive amount developers and they get constantly new improvements

EOS is right now undervalued, but EOS is going to replace ETH and going to bigger than ETH ever

>> No.11250468


>> No.11250470
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 1537483742836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually agree with you anon. I tried that dice dapp on the eos network. I lost of course but what really impressed me was not having to pay for transactions while not having to wait for them either. No matter what argument about them not being decentralised might exist - a enduser like me chooses what is more convenient. heil rothbard

>> No.11250520


it is just a matter time when EOS override Bitcoin cash, and that triggers fomo and that couse EOS price rise significantly, and next target to EOS override is XRP/Ripple, that is easy, because EOS had fastest blockchain, when XRP/Ripple doesnt have blockchain at all

why XRP/Ripple even is cmc, because it isnt crypto, because it doesnt have own blockchain

>> No.11250583

markets are not only TA analysis, markets are psychology, maybe more than TA analysis

and when we look at TOP 5 alts, EOS had best and latest tech and capacity, so thats why EOS is going to replace ETH and becoming # 2 coin in cmc

>> No.11250590

How do i make an account?

>> No.11250599

Alright OP I'll discuss:
1.) Sell your EOS bags
2.) Purchase Telcoin bags
3.) Pray

>> No.11250609

>Extremely overvalued.
>Will be flipped by Stellar again soon.

>> No.11250615


do your own recearch, use google, EOS reddit has lots and lots of advices of your questions

>> No.11250619

Non-mineable? No thanks.

>> No.11250639

Nobody fucking knows

>> No.11250647
File: 35 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any coin can fuck with the transfer of my funds and/or sieze them without a hard fork I am instantly out.
Now that might not matter to you, and if so by all means get in on these ecosystems .

>> No.11250670

EOS, fastest blockchain, no transaction fees, a massive a mount of developers over the world

EOS is truly cutting edge technology at cryptospace

>> No.11250676

Yet, nobody knows how to make an acount

>> No.11250678

No fuck that.

Fuck every brainlet in this thread.

Telcoin outperforms this piece of shit.

>> No.11250699

Ethereum Cryptocurrency token with 'better' smart contracts. You're fucking retarded lmao.

>> No.11250700

i was trying to play eos knights. Made account on scatter, but it says missing blockchain when i start it up

>> No.11250711

> How to wallet.
> Download EOSLynx on mobile.
> Pay a fee to get an account with proper ram and cpu statistics.
> Take private key. Put in scatter.
> You now have an account that works globally everywhere.

>> No.11250731

Seriously? It's an oligopoly and as a result has no reason to have a blockchain. The only value in EOS is serving as an example of what not to do.

>> No.11250734
File: 12 KB, 258x245, ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on mobile

>> No.11250739


>> No.11250756


>> No.11250758

>7 steps
See, that's not normie friendly.

>> No.11250768


Telcoin, what is that, oh its number 118 coin in cmc, probably coin to zero

dont you see that only few altcoin going to survive, about at least 90 percent of altcoin going to zero

so like i said, sell all your shitcoins, like Telcoin, and buy EOS

>> No.11250780

i already have an account, i'm just making a point

>> No.11250783

Have you developed with EOS? I have. It's fantastic and it allows for some of the fastest performing transactions I've ever used. It takes mere milliseconds to run contract actions and get results. I can constantly parse data and relay contract data to create new transactions.

The pure unfiltered speed of EOS is on par with traditional databases.

>> No.11250785

Now that you have an account, you can enjoy doing nothing with it!

Boy howdy how AMAAAZING is EOS guise! Its gonna CHANGE DA WERLD!

>> No.11250793

Lol stupid nigger
Xlm is the king of alt coins

>> No.11250807

try lynxwallet. they charge 1 dollar for an account

>> No.11250809

EOS is a middleground between XRP-ETH
It's use cases are monetizing shitty games and applications that won't get funded otherwise.

But the brock producers are going to find themselves under too much legal scrutiny to provide any form of censorship resistance or privacy.

The governance will break into two backstabbing parties, just like red v blue. One party just trying to destroy the other and playing users against each other, offering false tradeoffs and taking unreasonable positions for leverage.


>> No.11250820

except the ledger nano S of course. That doesnt work with jack shit. Still good if you want to hodl I suppose.

>> No.11250821

>The pure unfiltered speed of EOS is on par with traditional databases.
That's because it's permissioned and centralized. EOS has no reason to exist other than to swindle third worlders.

>> No.11250830

you can just vote out any compromised nodes. Also not all nodes are in america.

>> No.11250836

Not centralized. Look up inter-blockchain communication and how side-chains can be configured.

>> No.11250843

This. Its so crazy easy to work with. There is no way in gods green earth that this wont beat ETH. Im saying this as a developer on both platforms.

>> No.11250851


they going to sort this issue

EOS is still very young, they sort their minor issues quickly

>> No.11250856

I'm not even an amazing programmer but I've managed to get quite far with the project. The smart contracts are very easy to follow if you put in the effort to learn just enough c++.

Not only that you can write great responsive front-end that will react instantly to any changes from the EOS data tables.

Biz is too dumb for this tech.

>> No.11250896


like to add that nobody is perfect, and no project is perfect

it was expected that there is going to be some issues at EOS

but you see that show how strong and vital EOS community is, they had a massive amout active developers overt the world working to make EOS better and better, because of that EOS is going to grow stronger

>> No.11250906

Not mention the VC funding for projects. A lot of the hackathon participants that won are getting funded and ACTUALLY launching.

IDPass is an example of this.

>> No.11250983


you'll need some eos to make an account though so you prob need to use an account creator service first. Mine was created in genesis block so idk how you normies will hop in now

>> No.11251003


its obvious that EOS is going to be normie friendly to use

but use this opportunity when EOS is still young and undervalued to buy cheap EOS coins

>> No.11251018

>ITT: shitcoin advocate bashes other shitcoins
Just buy BTC. Every shitcoin exists to tempt BTC holders to sell their BTC for absolute trash.

>> No.11251074

go street and ask people do you know what is blockchain tecnology, i bet only 1 percent over 40 years people know what is blockchain and crypto

then ask how many actually own any cryptocoins, younger people of course own more, but older hardly any

so you see that crypto, blockchain technology is just very early days

blockchain technology is here to stay, even MSM and old system, i.e. fiat bankers admit benefits of blockchain and say that it is wonderful invention

now, EOS is cutting edge blockchain technology, so use cases are basicly limitless

in future so many things run by blockchain technology, and EOS is expert of this and one of the best of this area

>> No.11251105

It's not going to pump because the coins are literally useless. (just for ram and voting) And there's a yearly inflation;

>> No.11251140
File: 21 KB, 900x206, stellar token distribution 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he forgot

>> No.11251184


so dont buy EOS, if you want to stay poor

EOS is the future, and heavily undervalued at this moment

>> No.11251219

I sold my 1k EOS to be honest. The airdrops where fucking shit

>> No.11251223

that's a good point.
if users don't need to own eos to use the system then why buy it?

>> No.11251242 [DELETED] 


never heard of patience

>> No.11251267

op is a gay faggot pajeet and gets paid $1 per post lmfao

>> No.11251277


never heard of patience?

dont you understand that it takes time to things to deveploment

and those airdrops, their value may increase when EOS growing bigger

remember, EOS is still only few months old project

>> No.11251289

I bought EOS on kraken in 2016

>> No.11251293

EOS isn't even cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency means your money is secured by cryptographic and in EOS there is possibility your ACCOUNT being freezed.

>> No.11251318

This lmao
>13 posts by this user and counting

>> No.11251325

there is no need for decentralized pacman you fucking idiots

>> No.11251351


heres for one example for real life users of EOS

The FinLab EOS VC Fund, managed by @FinLab_AG, invests a seven-digit amount into @instaffo_inc and its decentralized Protocol VAEON based on http://EOS.IO
#eos #fintech #digitization #funding #venturecapital #investments #decentralization https://lnkd.in/dsEksVm


and this is just beginning, EOS is just few months old

>> No.11251368


FinLab AG is one of the first and one of the largest German company builders and investors in the financial services technology sector.

Listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (A7A), we focus on incubating German-based fintech start ups and investing globally in venture funding rounds of fintech companies.


so this is one of EOS user


>> No.11251384



>> No.11251388

>FinLab EOS VC Fund
>FinLab EOS
so the same VC that funds EOS also funds this project?

>> No.11251397

better buy Constellation

>> No.11251665

> not all nodes are in america.
They'd have to settle in shitholes like Venezuela where there's no extradition laws, but tyrannical governments.
>vote out any compromised nodes
The lions share of the voting power belongs to Brock One and a few exchanges. Pretty safe to assume that all of the exchanges are a running fractional reserve.
DPOS is the issue. It's not the kind of thing they can sort out. It's like sorting out corruption in a representative democracy. It's inherently vulnerable to corruption.

People have a hard time understanding that power is secured by building alliances and coalitions however you can. This involves sacrificing principles for an agenda. To secure important alliances, you're going to have to cut back room deals that only serve their interest.

>> No.11251794


>> No.11252032

top kek