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11249806 No.11249806 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone quit their wageslave due to hating it?

Any steps you should put in place beforehand?

I have around 1 years worth of living expenses saved up. Have a little bit of low interest debt. Can go frugal easily since not materialistic and enjoy basic things.

Should you have something else lined up before you quit or just go for it since you'll have infinitely more free time to seek out better opportunities?

>> No.11249875

1 year will go by very quickly. I would never advocate for someone to stay in wageslavery, but you should probably have some goals or at least a direction/idea of how you want to spend the next year so you don't waste it playing vidya and eating tendies.

>> No.11250092


Have something else lined up first. You negotiate out of a position of strength when you still have a job. No job, you're stuck getting dick from everyone.

>> No.11250128

Wagecucks truly believe this. Back to the cage now.

>> No.11250157

I spent a year doing this. It flew by

>> No.11250203
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what? you think living life playing vidya and eating tendies is fulfilling and virtuous? i dont think you need to have a new wagecuck job lined up, but you need to give yourself some purpose or life will fly by. the year of "freedom" will vanish and you will have nothing to show for it; made zero progress as a human being. would be better off dead but not courageous enough to kill yourself or go out in a blazing glory on your own terms.

>> No.11250396

My first job pissed me off, and I stopped showing up right before the busiest week for my department as a big 'fuck you'. Also I closed that night and didn't clean up. I didn't have much problem finding a better job. Just make sure you have some money saved up. It may take you a few weeks to find one. Of course if you have time to set something up before quitting you should, I just wanted to seize the perfect opportunity to fuck over a place that treated me like shit. That's why I quit before finding another.

>> No.11250419

Wow, you truly are an empty shell of a human being if you believe that you need someone else in your life telling what to do, in order to have a purpose in life.

>> No.11250471
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This is how wagecucks think. Gotta support Mr. Noseburg or you're better off dead. Freedom is an alien concept to them.

>> No.11250506

you are reading words that aren't there. i specifically said "you need to give yourself some purpose". i am skeptical that playing vidya is one of them. you are either baiting or an idiot that can't read.

>> No.11250535


I have a Plan B if all else fails.

My girlfriend's family has agricultural land in E. Europe with property on it they want to give me to lure us back to living there rather than the West.

Other than that I have side business ideas and can set up a bunch of crypto miners in aforementioned E. Europe redoubt due to $0.09 per kWh electricity costs.

Just need to courage to finally just fucking quit.