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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 720x1223, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11249737 No.11249737 [Reply] [Original]

If it is so easy making money using charts and indicators, then why doesn't everyone do it?

>> No.11249783
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>> No.11249793
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>> No.11249815
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>> No.11249824
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>> No.11249837

The absolute state of Roasties

>> No.11249841
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>> No.11249876

Indicators are a meme. I know people who make money trading using RSI, but I use none myself.

Chart patterns only realize on grand scale, like 6 hour candles at least. Useless for daytrading.

>> No.11249894

What's wrong with this?

She is attractive and says shes looking for a sugar daddy, she isn't trying to mislead people.

>> No.11249909
File: 970 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-05-21-19-46-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard for women to not be fat
Fun fact, 57% of black women are obese btw

>> No.11249918

>3 kids

>> No.11249926

Female suicide rate is going to absolutely skyrocket in the next 15-20 years

>> No.11249929
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these days everyone is fat anon
probably even you

>> No.11249939
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no i take steroids

>> No.11249952

it'd be fine if she was still with the guy and not on tinder whoring herself out

a friend of mine has 4 kids and he's 26 and his wife is 24 and they're one of the few families I know which are boomer-tier happy

>> No.11249957

how do i long it

>> No.11249971

Holy god. She sounds like a retard

>> No.11249979

post venmo whores

>> No.11249986

Long pharmaceutical companies. So many people are already on antidepressants, it's only going to get worse because roasties don't have the balls to an hero even tho they may want to

>> No.11250007
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>> No.11250016

crohn's disease is hell on earth so can't really blame the bitch for using her best assets to get ahead. she looks pretty hot if you're not autistic about makeup

>> No.11250033

Fat and ugly gorls are more deluded than incels
>their own class of inceldom

>> No.11250034

lol. No it won’t. Even in pro-suicide is honobaru Japan and Korea 80-90% of suicides are male.

>> No.11250045
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>> No.11250047

>pursue my skills in make up
>in my photos you can tell i'm very good at it
I want to kill whoever is responsible for the marker eyebrow trend

>> No.11250060


>> No.11250064


> I fucked up and if you can't take care of my mistakes that makes you less of a man

I'm not much of a man then!

>> No.11250067
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>>it's not a bubble

>> No.11250074

>t. lonely virgins/losers who aren't real men and think that turning down single mothers is "redpilled" and "alpha"

>> No.11250126

Found the roastie

>> No.11250137

>t. cuck who has conflated being accepting of women's choices (mistakes) with being successful in a socially Darwinian environment.

>> No.11250283

Fucking disgusting having to have grown up around those "people."

>> No.11250329


>she looks pretty hot if you're not autistic about makeup

what are you viewing this on, an underwater camera? that's not makeup, it's a fucking pajeet-made faceblurring app with a digital makeup feature that makes it so you have no idea what the person actually looks like

>> No.11250351

it's good that everybody's spreading that idea. more fresh meat, more fresh money

>> No.11250376

why is biz always shitting on single mothers?

>> No.11250393

i guess because they made some poor life decisions and then go post on dating sites implying they want a man to come in and un-fuck their lives

>> No.11250397

I'm autistic about Snapchat filters though. She may as well post a cartoon.

>> No.11250405
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Let's be real, many of us here on 4chan will end up dating a single mother, because we can't do any better. Raising another man's spawn still sucks dick and a HUGE waste of resources evolutionary speaking.
Still, at the end of the day it's about supply and demand. Even if I end up making heavy compromises down the road I at least have sentience and self-reflection which you and the rest of the whores posted seem to lack.

>> No.11250406

Because most people on /biz/ are shallow and insecure.

>> No.11250418

bc on /biz are only fags who are raised by single mothers
t. your daddy

>> No.11250422
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3rd world street shitters devastated even the dregs of America aren't interested in dating them. waaaa.

>> No.11250426
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Because they are damaged goods.

Either a cuck or a roastie. From your writing style I'm leaning towards the latter. Anyways reddit is down the hall and two doors to the left. Fuck off.

>> No.11250446

>taking care of somebody's mistake for 18 years while never getting the proper respect because you're not the real dad

It's like having the option of buying a used car you know is a lemon or a brand new one for the same price

>> No.11250498
File: 335 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180919-112700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Anon doesn't shit on single mothers. It's a hard job for sure. Oldest sister is a single mom.

I get pissed at the dudes that pump, dump and disappear who initially promise "baby, I'll stay forever no matter what" and then leave once a pregnancy is confirmed.

I'd rather not get involved with a single mom as my kid focus is on my sister's kids. I don't want to split my kid time with my sister's kids and a girl I'm dating's kids. I think it'd be unfair to my sister's kids as I don't spend enough time with them as is.

Plus, I'm broke to the point where I cannot provide for a child.

Dad's advice went from "don't have sex before marriage" to "don't have sex with somebody unless you want a kid with them." It's pretty prudent advice.

>> No.11250509

Jeez, swiped left on OP's pic.

>> No.11250548


What a retarded post. Suicide is looked down upon in Asian countries while mental illness is glorified in the west. Seppuku is not the same thing

>> No.11250604


it's not just single mothers, single fathers are just as shit. Really it is a lack of intelligence on the person in question to vet his or her partner to see if they are fit to be a father/mother. A failure to do that has dire consequences, mainly ostracization among the available mates post single mother/fatherhood

>> No.11250612
File: 39 KB, 550x369, script2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that:
>71.6% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>71.6% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>71.6% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>71.6% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese

Chances are you (yes you, Mr. anon reading this) are going to marry one of these hambeasts that breathes like a dehydrated Saint Bernard whenever she traverses the Golden Corral parking lot. This is your future "wife".

That's just obesity, if you include overweight black females into the statistic the number jumps to 82.5%

>one in four women in the United States are on antidepressants
>one in every eight Americans over the age of 12 reported recent antidepressant use
>Women are nearly twice as likely as men to be taking antidepressants, the report found


These disgusting princess-syndrome hamplanets are the new standard. Enjoy it, I'll be taking refuge in Japan where obesity doesn't exist and the people aren't drugged up on some SSRI or xanax.

>> No.11250617

Seppuku seens suicide to me
>while mental illness is glorified in the west
How so?

>> No.11250636

Your statistics are sexist. Stop shaming women just because you aren't enough of a man to care for a bigger woman or a single mother.

>> No.11250640

Japs don't like you though

>> No.11250661

Almost, anon, almost.

>> No.11250703

Would Japs like a guy who is 6' 4", 165 lbs and has ok hygiene?

>> No.11250718

Not if you're not a jap

>> No.11250737

>6' 4"
Don't spook me Mr. Skellington

>> No.11250741

I am white. Friend of mine informed me Japanese girls love them white guys, even moderately looking fellas.

>> No.11250744
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Fucking spot on, friend. America must have many great things, but from my europoor perspective the whole country looks like some weird social experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong.

Also the state of the West and the state of women is the men's fault. We are weak and we let them walk over us.

>> No.11250752

This is what western losers believe

>> No.11250767

I'm a /fit/ white male, and they mistake my social awkwardness as the language barrier.

If you're white, non-autistic and /fit/ you won't have a difficult time in Japan. The only people that complain about Japanese people being mean are overweight smelly gaijins who think Japan is like their animes.
Japan definitely has it's problems, if you want to hear about that. Wages compared to cost of living are low, people barely have enough to buy food and pay rent. and the locals don't get laid. Ever. Hours are absolutely ridiculous, being a japanese salaryman is one of life's greatest hells. I consider these trade offs worth it, considering Japan is such a safer/healthier country. An example being that I can drunkenly walk through the streets late at night and not worry about being mugged like in Freedomland.

>> No.11250786

I look ok now compare to when I used to be 137-142 pounds for a while. Ate a lot, but ran a lot and found it hard to keep still.

Weird thing is I'm lighter than 96% of people in my age bracket while my younger brother is heavier than 99% of people his age and height (6' 7").

>> No.11250796
File: 177 KB, 1080x1125, Screenshot_20180929-202805__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hong Konger says you're wrong

>> No.11250799

At least once a week I'm stopped in the streets by cute Japanese teens just to have my picture taken. Getting laid as a white guy in Japan is incredibly easy, I think you're typing what you've heard from /pol/ with no real life experiences. People acting like experts about things they have no experience in, is the epitome of pity.

>> No.11250801

Congrats on the weight gain, drink more milk. You can do it fren, /FitBiz/ is the greatest crossover

>> No.11250814

Older brother (muscular fellow) is loved by Asians wherever he goes. In Japan in particular... Then again, he speaks the language, is buff and confident.

Friend who told me is a hyper smart qt lesbian gal I'd trust my life with.

>> No.11250844

I was learning chinese online with language exchange pen-pals for a while and only Taiwan girls had this issue...

What the fuck is going on over there?

>> No.11250855

kys retard

>> No.11250862

kek the guy bin the back

>> No.11250867

Thanks fren! Agreed, /fit/ and /biz/ are two great crossovers. I used to hang out on/fit/ on 4 and 7 chan. Self-improvment boards are good boards.

>> No.11250888

>Raising another man's spawn
>Being "alpha"

Pick one. Also I'm really fucking sick of the whole "alpha" meme. It's just something that beta retards use to larp about - no actual alphas think in those terms. It's the type of shit spouted by morons that try to stare down the judge at court or something because he's got smaller muscles than them (literally met a faggot yesterday that did that, and fucking white trash wonder why they're always poor).

>> No.11250891

China is a different arena than Japan. Heck, even HK and mainland girls are vastly.

True that we don't always send our best. Mostly we send our most disillusioned with white culture.

>> No.11250893

Bro praise the trifecta /pol/ /biz/ /fit/

>> No.11250910


It's not a meme though, everyone White including myself that's been to Japan turned into instant slayers of all pussy as soon as we stepped off the plane. They wouldn't bring us home to meet the family I imagine.

>> No.11250963

"we" don't send anyone though. Individuals just choose to go there, it's a self selected group of outcasts.

>> No.11250972

Question, did any of your friends have any amount of facial hair? If so, did that change interactions in a major way?

>> No.11250989

Oh, I know. I was just continuing riffing off of the girl's Trump based joke (they are sending us the worst).

Unless we have secret military bases in China, we don't really send people there.

>> No.11251034


>> No.11251055

...patrick? almost certainly not, but I live with a guy who's 6'7 and heavier than 99% of his age bracket and has a brother who is tall and lean. funny how it lines up

>> No.11251063

more liberal japanese parents would probably love a hapa baby, and I know japanese girls want them.

>> No.11251071

but to clarify yes they probably wouldnt bring you home to meet the family. before it moved into a relationship thing itd probably start out as a lust thing

>> No.11251101

>a minuscule group of extremists reflects the entire country's perspective on white people
Wow, you sure proved me wrong.

Seriously though, I lived in Osaka for 8 months as an ALT and not once encountered any racism, aside from banter of not being able to handle my alcohol compared to my colleagues. If you're afraid of going to Japan because you're white, don't be. In my experience they might even treat you nicer than their own people. As long as you bathe daily, aren't overweight, and aren't autistic you'll do fine in Japan.

>> No.11251102

yeah but society as a whole would look down on them like half black babies in the US

>> No.11251116


No idea, never thought about it. I shaved actually for once before going, let it grow out a bit while I was there. Never noticed much of a change, but then it's a while ago now. Might be more actually with the beard. You wondering if it's a curiosity thing?

>> No.11251122

I did notice that on tinder 50% of chicks are fucking hambeasts that I would not be seen in public with.

>> No.11251131

I'm going to Japan Dec - Feb, this all better be true.

>> No.11251141

I taught a class with a hafa girl, classmates would occasionally call her ハーフ, or "hafu", but she was one of the most "popular" girls in the school, probably because she looked cuter than most natives. Stop talking out of your ass brah.

>> No.11251150


Honestly, nope. Not from what I saw & from cautiously asking about that sort of thing. Hapas were the worst of both worlds - they seem to tolerate full White more than half. Japan is extremely racist (not in a negative sense specifically, just very race-realist about things) - and while intelligent racists can tolerate specific other races in small doses, mixing is right out.

>> No.11251153
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Generally yeah, single fathers are just as degenerate but I actually doubt that there's serious dating consequences for it bc women like guys that other women want to have sex with.

Since I've been on /fit/ and /biz/ I really started taking self improvement seriously and after dating a lot more and sleeping with a lot of women (40+ and some 9/10's and 10/10's) eventually you have to separate dating and sex that you're doing for validation vs girls who actually make you happy and will support you for you.

However, marriage is stupid and totally a bad deal. My lady and I have agreed that we're going to move in together and have a kid but remain bf/gf and not fall for the marriage meme. I've redpilled her enough that she understands for guys that sex is just sex and is cool with threesomes (2 girls/1 guy) and me having sex with other girls as long as she is the one living with me and having my kids.

Anyway, whether women act right or not has a lot to do with how they're treated. The reason why all these hamplanet, single mother roasties exist is because they still get male attention and have the illusion that beggars can also be choosers because of how easy it is to get thirsty messages from betas on social media.

>> No.11251158

*swipes left*

>> No.11251162


Yeah, and I've seen the opposite far more often. Stop talking out your ass brah

>> No.11251194

>your single anecdote disproves the fact that japanese society is ethnically homogenous and generally wants to keep that
read literally anything about being biracial in japan
http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/9/9/hafu-in-japan-mixed-race.html and many more

>> No.11251216

This is the kind of people I was talking about.
Internet losers that lie on internet for no reason

>> No.11251266

“Asian” countries includes other countries whose suicide rate isn’t high like it is in Japan and Korea. Filipinos are Catholic and have a billion kids and almost never an hero. They’re Asian technically.

If you think mental illness is encouraged or sympathized with here ask a veteran with PTSD how the job search is going.

I MAHSTU SEPPUKU BECAUSU HONOBARU INSURANCE KANPANII REI MI OFFU. No they just get depressed cuz no money and social isolation and hang themselves. No “honor” in it. That’s a meme so they feel better about letting their fellow man an hero/rot in the gutter/not ask for more out of life/work.

Also East Asians generally don’t believe mental illness exists. That’s why so many psycho crypto scammers run to East Asia, they’d be caught in a bug net declared mentally incompetent and put in a fucking padded cell in the West.

>> No.11251311

Not Patrick. I do have an uncle Patrick.

It is pretty funny how that does fall into place. Nature trying to find a balance.

Kinda wondering that. Also asking as my facial hair is red, so I like to grow it out a bit. I've heard that beards are often associated with "bad boys" such as the Yakuza or with lack of hygiene. I am neither.

Been told by some girls that clean shaven is my best face, but I think it looks neat.

>> No.11251343

Japanese chicks younger than like 40 love black dudes so much. I used to have a Facebook friend in college who was black and he would write shit like “I have a cold” and the 30 random ass Japanese chicks on FB from the school would write sympathy replies. They all friended him. He fucked like 3 of them. They all knew didn’t gaf.

>> No.11251405

1) you're destined to be a cuck
2) your sister is a hoe

>> No.11251443

>They all friended him
he told you that, but he went and friended them himself. he made opportunities for himself

>> No.11251710

1. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

2. Sister's military ex-husband of 10 years cheated on her and went after another girl. Limited what she could do while they were married betond take care of kids. Not a ho, but she is sexually active and is doing well in school.

>> No.11251931

This may come as a shock, but an overwhelming majority of people browsing /biz/ have a room temperature IQ.

>> No.11251948

not me, i put 5 years of savings in LINK

>> No.11252162
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Honestly, even with 2 kids I'd probably date her. A girl who likes to hunt, fish, and do outdoor activities who is also very attractive is hard to come by. I'd still need to see a full body pic to make sure she's not a stealth FUPApotamus though.

>> No.11252197

feel like i swiped left on this chick the other day, you in VT anon?

>> No.11252204

No one claims it’s easy fuckwit. Now stick to your normie RSI and MACD.

>> No.11252271
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>> No.11252351

>dbol doesn't turn you into a fat water baby

>> No.11252410

None of you retards even stop to look for reasons of why a majority of your women are completely fucked up. As if this all wasn’t done intentionally. You pathetic goyim deserve the coming genocide.

>> No.11252432

This was phoenix AZ

>> No.11252592

Social media isn't helping. Women vastly overestimate their worth. After about 25 there bodies are going down hill. I won't touch a 30 year old or older.

>> No.11252626

>After about 25 there bodies are going down hill.
After 20 you mean.

The peak is at 15/16

>> No.11252638

anon, you need to recognize what crazy eyes are. this semen demon has them, and you want nothing to do with her. she will leach your soul mana out of your peen and turn you into a husk of your former self.

>> No.11252651

Unironically this. I wonder what will happen to all of these tinder girls in 5-10 years.
I don't think there is a huge supply of men who would tolerate a wife's son

>> No.11252655

> I'd still need to see a full body pic to make sure she's not a stealth FUPApotamus though.
The only type of girls that do not take full body pictures are landwhales.

>> No.11252658

what a fucking pedo, you need to be examined immediately. let me guess u suffer from cracker small dick disease

>> No.11252664

Because it isn't easy. You have to be good at it.

>> No.11252665

Not a pedo. 16 year olds aren't children

>> No.11252696

crackers are creepy as fuck. i know my dick wouldn't fit in no lil kid. your micropenis can't satisfy anyone which is why you lust for them

>> No.11252729

These single mom profiles just make me sad. Like these people are delusional as to how fucked their lives are.

>> No.11252753

>many of us here on 4chan will end up dating

stopped reading there

>> No.11252828

Lol. That can't be real. Why any single mother write in their profile that they have children? Does women really search for a stepfather online?

>> No.11252838
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>> No.11252873
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They do it, and guess what, it works. Some guys are fucking pathetic enough to do it.

>> No.11252874
File: 435 KB, 485x598, Screenshot_2018-09-29_20-06-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the ageing roastie who doesn't understand biology

>> No.11252902
File: 38 KB, 640x608, 1536887723033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thumbs up bro

>> No.11252918

How do I short Tinder women?

>> No.11252930

Their bodies are programmed to store more energy as reserves (fat) for later use when they’re preggo. Also same reason they like sweet things so much.

>> No.11252934

You go to church and find a traditional Christian girl with an exceptional relationship with her father and you gain his blessing before nutting in her.

>> No.11252943

Let’s see your Tinder profile OP. Need to be able to compare.

>> No.11253054

I managed to collect basically every single indicator of being a bad parent. It's more responsible for me to plan my life around not raising a kid than to ruin a child's life.

>> No.11253121

i tried this once, it was weird af, they were singing and reading stuff in the bible. was 90% old people, a couple of groups of single 40-50s aged women and some younger couples with kids. no single virgin girls to be seen.
felt like a cult
never went back

>> No.11253132

oh yeah, they said a prayer for refugees to arrive safely as well.
that's (((catholics))) for you

>> No.11253136


>> No.11253147

If you're not a Christian yourself then this is not going to work, as they will see right through you. What i'm getting at is that in order to find a woman who's wife material, you need to be husband material. If you're just looking to get your dick wet then you're a hypocrite and an enabler of Tinder culture, and you reap what you sow.

Modern Catholics are cucked. And it varies from church to church.

>> No.11253210

I didn't go to do that, just wanted to check it out, i went with a close family friend.
I still believe in god or "something" though but that's as far i will go probably.
Praying and singing seemed weird and made me feel like a brainlet.

>> No.11253430


women must die

>> No.11253565
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>> No.11253605


>> No.11253670

she would be really cute if she lost 100 pounds and took care of herself

>> No.11253711

Because TA is a meme.

Also, that fucking OP pic
>take care of me and my spawn you cuck or you aren't a real man!
fuckin wut

>> No.11253724
File: 43 KB, 954x772, 177).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better to join the best moon of your life
discord: 7qruaKj

>> No.11253778

dating market is fucked

>> No.11253934

This bitch take a bomb to the face in Mosul or something? Why is there so much metal embedded in her skin?

>> No.11253963

I would marry a single mother. Because for me to be on the market it means my wife died and I would be a single father so I wouldn't feel like a cuck. This assumes her kids are white of course.

>> No.11254021

>trad church girl meme

Why won't this die? Even if one existed she took tons of nigger dick digging wells or whatever for apes.

>> No.11254025
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>all white Christian women secretly fuck black men
watcha doin' rabbi

>> No.11254027

Probably because she was cheating on him

And you're so quick to believe persons

All single moms are hoes my dude


>> No.11254038


Maybe I should write some kind of algorithm that instantly removes profiles on dating sites that contain such phrases as "if you can't handle...".

>> No.11254107

WTF almost 3/4 people in the US are overweight? Its based on the BMI, isn't that supposed to be rather inaccurate?

>> No.11254126

Fuckin eh

>> No.11254172

how do I long anti depression meds?

>> No.11254181
File: 35 KB, 692x495, antidepressantswomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad thing is that most of you retards are cheering on the kikes who have destroyed our women.

>> No.11254189

I'm trying to save a white guy from getting cucked.

>> No.11254203

>The sad thing is that most of you retards are cheering on the kikes who have destroyed our women.
good for us, more money in the pocket

>> No.11254204

fuck off kike

>> No.11254206

What a horrible outlook. America's trash.

>> No.11254225

This all too common attitude is how I know Western civilization has come to its last chapter.

>> No.11254228

FUPApotamus just wrecked me...laughed so hard I teared up

>> No.11254235

how do I short western civilization?

>> No.11254242

You make sure you never reproduce and spread your defective genes.