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11249949 No.11249949 [Reply] [Original]

>the SEC fucks over literally everything in the US when it comes to crypto
>says it’s to “protect the consumer”
Nice land of the free you got there

>> No.11249956

i hope they fuck over chainlink too and you fucking scammers have to commit soduku for being so fucking dumb god i hate you faggots

>> No.11249965

>want the government to win

>> No.11249968

As soon as it is legitimized, which clear regulation would do, crypt will be unstoppable. All they have left is a sliver of time before it's unstoppable anyway.
Some of them know this.

>> No.11249982

So where’s the regulation?
Everybody’s dragging their feet cause they don’t want it to succeed

>> No.11249996

you may be too young but you have to realize shit like enron happened. 95% of people are still fucking dumb enough fall for payday loans paying 10000% interest, or mass spam "YOU WON A CRUISE" calls. While the 5% doesn't need protecting, the 95% sure as fuck do.

and link is a vaporware project that retards should be protected against.

>> No.11250022

If retards are gonna be retards let them be retards
Not my fucking problem of somebody goes bankrupt

>> No.11250081

It's over, the socialists won. SEC is their tool.
Crypto has to save us now from a totalitarian regime of unaccountable rulers.

>> No.11250112
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Rent free

>> No.11250117

yeah, it is. because your tax money will go to subsidize their debt when they cant pay.

>> No.11250123

I have to pay taxes anyway
Doesn’t change of dumbfucks are bankrupt

>> No.11250141

are you really this stupid? if more people go bankrupt due to scams, less of your tax money will go to things that matter, like roads, cops, hospitals, teachers and more will go to banks. then the next generation of kids will be dumber and more violent and the cycle goes downhill fast.

>> No.11250145

lul this is how rent free linkies live
it looks like you're already protected against it

>> No.11250155

tfw we can't make a get nothing give nothing system

>> No.11250168

Society’s going to shit anyway so who cares m8?
You’re not gonna stop it with the SEC stifling the free market

>> No.11250169

If you're smart and know how to network you can get around it. If you're having trouble picking up a certain coin it's literally just DMing the right people on Telegram and not being an asshole. And I say this as someone in NY where we have the worst regulations about this shit. We have the most innovation in crypto happening right here in the USA. Zilliqa is the only horizontally scalable platform in Asia that even has a chance against us.

>> No.11250349

but bitcoin doesn't need the sec.

>> No.11250366

>being this much of a nolinker

>> No.11250383

its to prevent dumbasses like you from losing all their $ to chink scams instead of spending it in your economy. No they dont care about you but they want your money to stay in

>> No.11250453
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never understood people that just want others to fail. probably because you have never accomplished anything? thats my best guess

>> No.11250554

This is because 1%ers were totally caught flat footed.

The SEC will smack down crypto for a while until the 1%ers can get their cheap coins and means to sell crypto to everyone else in place. Not to mention all the financial instruments that will be based around crypto. Retirement accounts, holding services, casino implementations etc. etc.

All this needs to be in place so they can make their money off the normies.

Once this is in place they will bless crypto and it will moon with all the normies and boomers wanting it.

Same reason India has banned it. The ruling class Pajeets need to get in first.

>> No.11250578

im sorry but the "free market" is not made by neets in your moms basement investing $5. Those people shouldn't be gambling money away to become permaneet, you should be fucking working.

>> No.11251420


How about you go kys commie? You don't get to tell anyone what they "should" do, where the fuck do you get that right? Is working a 40 hour week an immutable law of nature now?

>> No.11251485

then we shouldn't allow bankrupcy and debt forgiveness. if we subudise costs elsewhere there has to be some rules to the game.

Its not saying you cant invest in anything, but shit that is classified a security is more probable to be a scam. Let it trap the millionaires and make it known to average joe they shouldnt play.

bitcoin is not a security. trash like link probably would be. to actually be a security - it has to be tried so well never know, but it smells enough like it for me to nope out.

>> No.11252050

It's always those stuck in dead end with no prospects of better future who tell you to play it safe and keep your head down and avoid risks. There is a reason why successful people always tell others to try harder and strive for more.