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11249000 No.11249000 [Reply] [Original]


So is there a decent chance we are now fucked with this shitnaku oracle?

>> No.11249015

No dude, it's a garbage scam. Take 2 min and look over it.

>> No.11249031

Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.11249033
File: 78 KB, 300x225, i-see-dead-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuup !
Posters below will sadly kts.
Rip anons

>> No.11249047

you're right chainlink is garbage scam

>> No.11249064

No because it is an academic proof-of-concept project with no updates, no users, no network, and no incentive for anyone to become users or join the network. And the claim that it is a fully functional end-to-end decentralized oracle is an empty academic boast, it has never been put to the test in a high-traffic real-world environment.

It's the same as all these ETH 2.0 hypecoins talking about how they can do 100k tps with infinite scaling and zero fees, just because their pseudocode in the white paper looks like it should probably work like that. Meanwhile Chainlink is actually coding, testing, iterating, forming business connections and getting commitments for mainnet launch.

If Shintaku rattles you, then CUM should get you hot and bothered too: https://medium.com/@cryptoultramoney/cryptographic-ultra-money-the-new-paradigm-2b9e55c0d5c8 . Get my point?

>> No.11249072

>ctrl+f = chainlink
>0 results
the absolute state of LINK fudders

>> No.11249082

did you read about how they enforce truth? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

>> No.11249093

Disrespect the greatest project in crypto one more time and see where it gets you

>> No.11249097 [DELETED] 

checked. would diversify out of link a bit just to be safe

>> No.11249133

FUCK, We got fucked right in the pussy!

>> No.11249149

Shintaku is literally nothing but some random nerd experimenting with some code.

>> No.11249237

tweet at him some chainlink memes.

>> No.11249272



>> No.11249864

I'll put it this way. Lookup Astaea. It's being built off the elegant solution the Shintaku fork of Athena that Adler initially devised. These academic boasts actually have mathematical grounding. They've developed a new way around the problem that ChainLink is built upon. This new idea allows a lot of previously required constructs (aggregation, reputation, etc) be completely sidestepped. Take it as you like.

>> No.11249878

Correction: ASTRAEA

>> No.11249888

Shintaku was failed fud from ~ july how new are you people

>> No.11249906

just like Cardano was the academic scaling solution that was 10x better than ethereum, right brainlet? everything is better on paper dipshit, until you actually make a real product with a strong network it means jack shit.

>> No.11249919 [DELETED] 

It doesn't need a network, anon. It's a contract itself.

>> No.11249930

chainlink is failed. 0x does decentralized token swaps, smart contracts, and integrates with existing APIs. It will beat out link because its coinbases project.

Link isn't eligible to be added on coinbase.

>> No.11249958

Those no longer required constructs makes buildout of a platform relatively trivial.

>> No.11249994

sold as soon as i found out, this guy shitnaku is a genius dont underestimate him

>> No.11250018

I don't believe he is real in the same vein as Nakamoto

>> No.11250241


>LINK 'isn't eligible to be added on Coinbase'

Says who? I'm sure if there is demand for it, they will fucking add and sell it, pal

>> No.11250294

This is just like when VeChain released some statement about oracles and all the anons on here were freaking out lol

>> No.11250298
File: 93 KB, 796x634, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Team Ownership
>The ownership stake retained by the team is a minority stake. There should be a lock-up period and reasonable vesting schedule to ensure the team is economically incentivized to improve the network into the future.

>Principle 5: Determine the percentage of tokens set aside for the development team
>How? Decide on the percentage of the total token supply that represents a fair reward for the work of the development team and advisors. Release those tokens to the development team incrementally over time (contingent on their continued work on the project)

Pooling of funds makes it a security
>Under the horizontal approach, a common enterprise is deemed to exist where multiple investors pool funds into an investment and the profits of each investor correlate with those of the other investors. See e.g., Curran v. Merrill Lynch, 622 F.2d 216 (6th Cir. 1980). Whether funds are pooled appears to be the key question, and thus in cases where there is no sharing of profits or pooling of funds, a common enterprise may not be deemed to exist. See e.g., Hirk v. Agri-Research Council, Inc., 561 F.2d 96, 101 (finding discretionary future trading account was not investment contract because there was no pooling of funds); Wals v. Fox Hills Dev. Corp., 24 F.3d 1016 (7th Cir. 1994) (promoter of condominium timeshare did not pool profits and thus no common enterprise existed).

>Nevertheless, it would seem to us to be the case that where the issuer of the particular Blockchain Tokens uses the funds derived from the issuance to create, support or maintain the system, a court might find the common enterprise element satisfied.

>Total Supply
>The team should sell a fixed percentage of the total supply, and participants should know the percentage of total supply that their purchase represents, or have a clear understanding of the inflation rate.

>> No.11250486

What if it's Szabo? Who else could make something like that so quickly. The post on bitcointalk does vibe like the OG Nakamoto post.

>> No.11250871

Possibly Szabo, could be Vitalik.

>> No.11250919
File: 149 KB, 1016x859, Jonny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11251062

An API for rewarding users for voting on what is or isn't fake news. It's literally fake news.

First decentralized oracle service utility token $5k eoy

>> No.11251287

We are fuxked

>> No.11251321
