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File: 43 KB, 767x433, Liskslik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1124056 No.1124056 [Reply] [Original]

Lisk Thread:


Great time to get into lisk

I have personally spoken with devs

It is legit

Faster, Dapps available on launch

Also user friendly

Lisk > Ether > Btc

>> No.1124058


>> No.1124060
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Any insight?

Or are you just going to nope with no real debate?

>> No.1124067

Nobody buys Lisk here. We ethercuck 4 lyfe.

>> No.1124068

>not buying ethercuck

pathetic desu senpai

>> No.1124072
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ether cuck glad you admit to being a cuck

Pleasure to meet you

>> No.1124074


Just googled it, I'm convinced

How can I buy some?

>> No.1124083

Easy, buy ethercuck.

>> No.1124084

can I buy LSK with ETH?

>> No.1124086
File: 1.96 MB, 245x302, thatsright.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get 1000 for free

and you can use ico to trade btc, or various alts for lisk

its presale!

so it doesnt hurt to have some

what if you got a 1000 free ether back at presale?

you would have 22 btc for nothing

just create a wallet and follow the steps

>> No.1124091
File: 27 KB, 321x320, albaniantrumpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually you can

>> No.1124092


>> No.1124103

however i dont suggest selling your ether its growing as we speak

>> No.1124124

will do, literally free money

>> No.1124141

Join The/Biz/ness, it is a business forum community regarding investments, passive income, the stock market, forex trading, and more,,

>> No.1124145

Holy shit guys it's about to take off. It's Bitcoin 3.0 !! It's like 2011 all over again holy shit

Quick guys get on the list train, you don't want to get cucked again!!

>> No.1124150

Fuck off. Were all ethercucks here.

>> No.1124153
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willingly calling yourself a cuck

top kek mate

>> No.1124157

maybe you, I'm not gonna get cucked buy ETH, but believe in the future of LSK

>> No.1124183

What if I don't buy LISK?

>> No.1124188
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then cry if/when its worth as much or more than ether

how can you deny 1000 free coins?

im not shilling ether like all you cucks saying buy , im saying it free, it doesnt hurt to have it

its basically a better version of ether imo

>> No.1124190
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Tonight's the night

>> No.1124197
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>> No.1124199

Whats a cuck? I was saying it because everyone else is calling it that. Am I saying something bad?

>> No.1124206

No you're good. Don't listen to that guy. A cuck is a strong, fearless leader type. Now go out there and be a cuck for ether.

>> No.1124210
File: 405 KB, 599x455, bigtow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely wrong to be a cuck

>> No.1124229

This guy wants his buzzword to catch on so desperately he posted it in every etherium thread. topcuck.jpg

>> No.1124262

Topcuck. Ethercuck will never catch on.

>> No.1124350


How do you get the 1000 lisk?
I registered on both .io domains and checked out forging but that's only for the top 101.

>> No.1124365
File: 185 KB, 730x1095, gwrgrgeqwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to the main lisk.io and click the tab that says get started

there is a step by step list
one of them says get lisk its step 2

it has a link for a faucet

input your lisk address and profit

enjoy :)

>> No.1124370

The flaw in this master plan is the timing.

The coin will be released right after the ICO finishes. Which means that anyone who wants to buy any lisk will have already bought in the ICO. So as soon as it goes on the market you'll have all these people who bought at the ICO selling to:...? Nobody. Because anyone who wanted it would have already purchased it in the ICO.

Thats why i havent invested. Because this is what i foresee happening

Anyone hoping for a repeat of the ETH situation is dreaming. The ETH ICO was held about a year or so before the coin was even developed. So as it transformed from vaporware to reality, so the price increased. When it landed on exchanges it ended up being 4x the ICO price.

Lisk software is already done, it is a fork of crypti a failed coin. So what are you "funding" when you buy this ICO? Nothing exactly.

>> No.1124372

Also, what makes a coin good is not the technology but the people behind it.

See the difference between NXT and ETH

NXT was made by noname frenchmen although technically very good they didnt have good networking or marketing

ETH was created and backed by bigwigs in crypto and the crypto media.

Lisk is made by ex NXT forum moderator and a dev from a failed coin called crypti. This will all go down in flames.
If they bailed on NXT and crypti whats to stop them bailing on lisk?

>> No.1124373


Testnet Lisk. Waste of time.

>> No.1124380

Lisk vs Eth, I feel like Dota vs. LoL. One is more complicated and the other one is easier for the general public to understand

>> No.1124386
File: 15 KB, 303x346, kindajewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What harm is it getting a free 1000 coins?>>1124370
why would you sell when it hits markets?

didnt you see how ether dropped initially

just like rads and everything else

hold hold hold
youre joking

the dev was involved with NXT

he went on to make his own crypto

much like Penn creator of adventure time

he gained experience in the field and went solo

to do great things

and again why is it bad to get a free 1000 Lisk?

if it doesnt work out no loss

if it does like i said you can have free btc in the future

exactly Lisk is user friendly when compared to ether

>> No.1124405

Why are you shilling LISK too early?
You should wait till ICO is over and then start shilling so the ones that missed ICO would have to buy from you/me/us.
We should keep quiet until the ICO ends.
The less people participate in ICO the better.

>> No.1124410

The LISK devs are shilling most probably, they even answer questions on reddit privately, which is pretty pathetic. Also, LISK is just trying to piggyback success of ETH.

>> No.1124414


It's for network testing purposes. Just for demonstrating the system. Worth nothing. I understand English probably isn't your first language.

>> No.1124436

no, the 1000 Lisk are only on the testnet.

>> No.1124444
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this guy gets it

seriously mate

>> No.1124460
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piggy back kek

remember something called the mp3 player

but then wait then came ipods, yeah they just piggy backed too right?

>> No.1124475

LISK is just copying ETH, has no advantage. You are probably dev shilling, because LISK is so shitty that even average shills don't give a fuck to promote it.

>> No.1124499
File: 31 KB, 564x317, wheatley1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting shills during the ico

>> No.1124517

LISK literally does everything better than ETH

>> No.1124525

1) fewer, not less
2) more participants in the ICO raises the value of each coin. if you don't raise awareness now there's less chance of raising awareness later.

>> No.1124541

No it does not. It has failed scammer crypsy team behind it and is copycat shit.

LISK devs are shit with bad reputation, they are literally trying to piggyback ETH and do a quick pump and dump.

LISK is shit. Go tell me what advantages it has over ETH, go on..

>> No.1124545

just Google it man, but basically it's fuel to run decentralized apps

>> No.1124574

your username on bitcointalk is: "stoat" ?

>> No.1124576

so how much lisk do you cucks have i have 10,000

>> No.1124578

>block time is nearly half that of ethereumeme

>> No.1124583

i called out this one guy on poloniex once he got defensive thinking id steal his coin, i was just a decent lurker lol

>> No.1124607

Ok everyone please:
Is there a way to get free lisk or just Testnet?
If yes how?
Can somebody please just answer questions instead of having these pointless discussions.

>> No.1124617 [DELETED] 

wtf is ethere.um getting filtered or something
ether3 um

>> No.1124643

alright this won't rise much because it's not popular and we already got Expanse as a bandwagoncoin, now stop shilling ethereum so evidently

>> No.1124644

>>1124607 It seems like there is. This is what i found on their site:

Newsletter Subscribers—200,000 LISK

Subscribe to our newsletter and receive weekly summaries about Lisk. Just scroll to the bottom of our website and insert your email address into the form which says “Your email”.

Facebook Likes—100,000 LISK

Give us a Facebook like and receive constant updates about Lisk and our ICO. We co-post every blog post and important announcement to Facebook.

Twitter Followers—200,000 LISK

Receive a regular stream of Tweets at our official Twitter account. We will keep you updated about Lisk, our website and our services. From time to time we will also post useful tips and tricks.

Signature Campaign—200,000 LISK

Add our official signatures from our Bitcointalk OP to your Bitcointalk profile and receive a stake every week! This way many more crypto-currency enthusiasts will get in contact with Lisk.

Translations—300,000 LISK

Everyone who participates in translation work will receive a stake in this category. So if you see that our Bitcointalk OP wasn’t translated into your language yet, then please contact us.

>> No.1125272

Where did you find that?

>> No.1125285

Don't know where these people are getting these free coins at, but I threw 100 in cause why the fuck not, plus that extra 15%

>> No.1125360

>on their website

>> No.1125486

1124607 here:
yeah I also saw this but the numbers seemed so redicilous high to me that I didn't really understand it.

I'll try to spend some time on it today and see what I can find out

>> No.1125505

I'm a little wary since they don't specify how much you get..

>> No.1126451

The 10% Bonus ends in 1 Day.
I think XCR price will go up slightly after that.

>> No.1126460

>not buying Ethereum AND Lisk

I regret not getting in on ETH on the ground floor, but I've made a huge profit since buying in a month ago.

I already bought nearly half a BTC worth of LISK, but I'm not risking more until I see what happens when it goes live end of March. If it reaches even half of ETH's potential, I'm going to be a very, very, very happy man.

>> No.1126464

>but the numbers seemed so redicilous high to me that I didn't really understand it.

IIRC, those numbers are the total LISK allocated for everyone who does them. e.g. 200k LISK will be distributed equally to all newsletter subscribers.

>> No.1126471

Ah that makes sense

>> No.1127136

they need to change their logo tho

>> No.1127148

Haha devs butt blasted. Get fucked we etherniggers

>> No.1127158

I dunno mang
>I have personally spoken with devs

fukken sage

>> No.1127162

How does one go about investing one's life fortune in this so called LISK?

>> No.1127282

make an account and deposit BTC or an alt duh. stupid idiot, open your eyes and read.

>> No.1127847

i don't know how to do these things because I am a retarded

>> No.1127879

>you can get 1000 for free

where is this free 1000 you speak of

>> No.1127885

Okay I figured out the 1000 free and got em but how in the fuck is this test LSK going to become valuable?

>> No.1127887

Yea I'm wondering about this free 1000 thing myself because I'm not seeing how to get them.

>> No.1127891

Its testnet lisk. Absolutely useless.

>implying real lisk wont be absolutely useless as well.

>> No.1127901

I have no doubt list will be shit but I'm thinking it will probably pump a few hundred % when it first hits the exchanges . tempted to but a little bit

>> No.1127911

In theory wouldn't you have to spend a fair amount on this to even see a return on you investment in the ICO?

>> No.1128072
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>> No.1128083

>image made by lisk dev

lol. this thing has like 3 people working on it and the "CEO" has to spend time making his own propaganda . pure pump n dump

>> No.1128225
File: 84 KB, 1124x1024, 1454576873114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it still possible to get the 1000 for free?
t. ethercuck

>> No.1128248


the 1000 for free from the faucet is just on a testnet which means they're worth nothing, only for experimenting with the blockchain. The only way to get freebies are through the bounties.

>> No.1128258

Why? Its going on exchange IMMEDIATELY after the ICO finishes. Which means that anyone who wants to buy that obvious scheme will have already bought it in the ICO which just ended. Who's gonna buy your coins?

>> No.1128259

I have another question: Is the price for LISK in the ICO always lower that for what I will be able to sell? So will I make money as soon as it hits exchanges?

Also, is the price in the ICO fixed?

>> No.1128266

LISK is dogshit for people with low IQs

The devs come from cryptos which they abandoned. One is a forum mod for failed cryptocurrency NXT

The other one is developer of crypti another failed currency.

And everyone who's buying in to the ICO is thinking they're gonna make phat stacks dumping straight away. Because ethereum did well.

The difference is. Ethereum has merit. Its a crowning achievement of crypto and amazing computer science.

Lisk is dogshit wrapped in tinfoil

>> No.1128281

you can make money on dogshit as soon as it hits the exchanges?..

>> No.1128301

No. Because everybody who is investing in lisk is just gutted that they missed the ethereum pre sale.

Ethereum pre salers were not motivated by money they wanted to crowdfund an amazing bit of computer science.

Hence, everybody who want to buy lisk will invest in the pre sale. When it hits the exchanges if there is even a whiff of profit (which there wont be, because no buyers) to be made the pre sale buyers will dump the living fuck out of it.

Meanwhile the opportunity cost of investing in lisk presale instead of more ETH will be ETH rising another 60% in the mean time.and probably spiking up as lisk goes down in flames

>> No.1128318

but there is always the chance of it going up because of rising interest after the ico ends, so from sheer popularity

I'm not saying you should hold on - just sell as soon as shit starts going down

>> No.1128324


>> No.1128331
File: 74 KB, 703x1000, 1451829713045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, what is this

>> No.1128741

3 hours left

>> No.1128967

I fucked up. The 10% Bonus ends in 1h and Coinbase still telling me to wait for verifications to complete.

>> No.1129186

it only needs to be worth 0.00007 per lisk for everyone that invested during the ICO to double their investment.

bought in yesterday before the 10% bonus ended, they way i see it, either the devs disappear with the money after the ICO ends, or it launches as planned, hits an exchange and follows the usual upward trend.

>> No.1129220

>the usual upwardtrend

Can i ask you. How old you are and how much did you spend on this?

>> No.1129237

26, invested 0.75btc "just in case", i'm also invested in ETH, MaidSafe, SC, EXP and a few more, been trading since early 2013 and have made over $20k from this market.

your point in asking my age was?

>> No.1129264

The way you said "usual upward trend"

Who do you think will buy these lisk coins from you? Everyone who wanted them will have done as you did and invested in the ico

>> No.1129279

Except very few people knows about the ICO, theres the single thread on bitcoin talk and this thread right here, no one in the poloniec trollbox is talking about this and there are always the ones that know but dont like the idea of the ICO and are waiting to see it on an exchange before buying in.

i'm not saying this coin is the next coming of christ, in fact i'm not sure of its future at all, but if the devs are to be trusted when they claim over 2000 btc was already raised in this ICO the volume is big enough in relation to the total amount of coins that when it hits an exchange it should be worth at least 0.00005 right off the bat, honestly 0.00005 is pretty conservative give the total amount of coins, and 0.00005 would instantly make my 0.75btc investment worth 1btc, might just be me but i like these odds.

>> No.1129280

Yes they do. Almost everybody has heard of it. They have banner ads on reddit and a huge signiture campaign on bitcointalk and here is this thread. They even have ads on coingecko and coinmarketcap and price ticker sites.

Anyone who is in to crypto knows about lisk.

>> No.1129281

ads mean absolute shit, but your right about reddit, forgot about that, anyways i still think it will start off around the 0.00005 range,

honestly i'm not planning on going long with this coin, i'll take my profits first chance i get.

>> No.1129284

I don't think anyones going to buy lisk.

There is no suckers out there people arent dumb. They know you just had a pre sale.

Gap between presale and going on market:

lisk: 2 weeks
ETH: 1 year and 3 months

>> No.1129294

so you think that what? it hits the market and never rises from 0? you think that it would hit poloniex and no one is going to want to speculate with it?

>> No.1129295

Holy shit. Sure, practically nobody is going to buy the day after the ICO but that doesn't mean nobody will EVER buy LISK ever again.

>> No.1129299

I think when it hits the market if its even a whiff above presale price there will be an almighty dump

>> No.1129303

Aint nobody buying a shitcoin created by an ex NXT forum mod and the dev of a failed crypto called crypti.

Some french jews trying to make a quick buck

You got cucked

>> No.1129331

how did you reach this conclusion? when it first hits an exchange the base price isnt going to be any lower then what people have invested, no one is going to sell out at a loss on something they bought at presale, the first person that wants in on the exchange will have to pay around 0.001 for it, maybe even more since people will be greedy and over price it and it will dump hard like any coin that first launches on an exchange but afterwards its gonna level around 0.00004 since at this price range it becomes unprofitable to sell out to anyone that bought presale.

>> No.1129337

It is possible for it to go lower than the presale. In a harsh dump there will be a clamour for the exit as people try to leave lisk while salvaging at least part of their investment back.

People will realise they made a big mistake and the price will hit the floor.

>> No.1129390

i guess we'll have to wait and see.

>> No.1129393

Dont get me wrong. I am also interested to see. I'm just warning you about investing in this ICO where everyone thinks they will make money from it.

Most ICO have failed miserably. Only ETH has succesfully pulled it off. Many ICO came and went before and after ETH they all failed.

Let's see how this one does...

>> No.1130900

even Crypti is above its ICO price.
LISK is improved version of Crypti so its pretty obvious that its gonna do better than Crypti.

>> No.1130909

Price is gonna drop like a rock. Expect it.

>> No.1130999

So then should i buy at the launch? or not buy at all?

>> No.1131146

Do what you like it's your money but i'm going to ignore it because i know the pre sale buyers are all in it to dump on me.