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File: 26 KB, 1201x631, myetherwallet-logo-banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11243800 No.11243800 [Reply] [Original]

so anons Its ok store my links in myetherwallet?
and if mew got down, will i lose my precious links?

>> No.11243803

That's not how any of that works anon

>> No.11243866

Maybe learn more about how the tech you are investing into works first you moron.

>> No.11243868

links are made for sausage

>> No.11243876

MEW isn't a wallet, it's a way of accessing your wallet. If you create a wallet using mew you can use it regardless of whether MEW exists in the future or not.

>> No.11243891

First time buying crypto?

>> No.11243894

A small number of MEW wallets got exposed last month, so you'll want to move your coins out if yours was impacted.
I can check yours if you want, just post your public and private key so I can check them against the list of compromised wallets. Better safe than sorry!

>> No.11243917

>OP probably has 0.001 ETH and plans on buying 1 Link

>> No.11243955

sent ;)

>> No.11243972

all of you just need tell me yes or no

>> No.11243977


>> No.11243982

Did you read the disclaimer on the site op when you go there
Or did you skip it and expect us to spoonfeed you what it told you

>> No.11244001

Your Link will be safer on an exchange.
I recommend Radar Relay

>> No.11244031

Fuck me anon, clearly you don't know how this shit works, for fuck sakes leave your link on binance for now and buy a fucking nano s you stupid cunt. Don't learn the hard way. Almost a year ago I lost my first stack of link (4k link) to a hacker because I was a stupid fuck like you and rushed into this. No one here is going to help you, just buy a fucking nano s

>> No.11244043

Gentlemen, this is a perfect example of your average Chainlink investor.

>> No.11244056

>Nobody actually understands how this shit works
>I can trust Google and Facebook to take care of my Linkies for me.
>Government should step in and fix my problem when i fuck up and lost my shit from being ignorant.

>> No.11244060

How do I short OP

>> No.11244109

You can start by shorting Chainlink. That shitcoin has quite some time before going to zero though.

>> No.11244111
File: 17 KB, 450x370, 1522154891738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could this happen?

>> No.11244123

thanks anon
how to buy nano s?

>> No.11244146

Look on Gumtree for one that comes with a 24 word scratch card

>> No.11244148

kys anon
link is going to $1000 eoy

>> No.11244219
File: 35 KB, 780x438, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a nano s
you can just buy a 5$ pen drive and store your wallet key on it and encrypt it

>> No.11244464

Can you use your USB stick with DEXs? This is retarded advice for anyone who is into ERC20 shitcoins, and that's like 90% of us.

>> No.11244524


>> No.11244535

nano s and use it to connect to mew
dont forget to pricelock your link when it hits 1000

>> No.11244774


>> No.11244826

anon, link is (((blockchain agnostic))). you can literally store it on any wallet

>> No.11244830

Doing what op was about to do, creating a mew wallet having no idea what he is doing, storing his link in there and opening his wallet mostly using his private key on a unsecured computer to open and use his wallet.
Sad thing is I remember even asking you faggot just like op here is and got no help as I kind suspected would happen, so just went ago and tried it out myself, big mistake. If only I had a anon like me back then.

>> No.11244839
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1537728612155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if mew got down, will i lose my precious links?

>> No.11244851

For fuck sake op, go to the ledger site and order one or buy from a authorise sell which can be found on ledger site also. Do not listen to this faggot >>11244146
Also while you are waiting for your nano s to arrive read into how they work and how to set one up. Also read more into what a fucking blockchain is atleast also

>> No.11244856


dont use without buying a ledger nano s first

>> No.11244909


>> No.11244949

Unironically thanks, based educator anon.

>> No.11244986


This guy is trying to help you, take his advice seriously. Other people are trying to hurt you.

>> No.11245001

Op probably needs to hurt desu.

>> No.11245083

Thanks guys
i'll buy nano s and leave my links in binance at while

>> No.11245567

Do some god damn research in the meantime. Start with the bitcoin whitepaper. Learn about basic concepts like hash functions and why they are so crucial for this tech to work. There are plenty of educational youtube videos on this.

>> No.11245735

>Where's the bitcoin whitepaper?
>What's a hash function?
>How do i find videos on youtube?

>> No.11245772

You joke but some people really are that useless.

>> No.11246190
File: 134 KB, 504x706, dd99d805-20ad-4a2b-aa12-8ff5fcb42017..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the clearest explanation on how blockchains work:
If you can't understand why it doesn't mstter how/where you store your linkies, you might as well burn them. Also, get a good password manager(KeePassXC), and store all your private keys and recovery words in a password database with a good password, not some fucking .txt file on your desktop or a fucking post it note that your mom will accidentally throw in the trash while cleaning your room.

>> No.11246410

The fucking retards...
DYOR before trusting a bunch of racist basket weaving business men.

>> No.11246811

Is metamask safu?

>> No.11246840

Yeah it's alot safer the just making a mew wallet. But I still would recommend a nano s

>> No.11246910

What's wrong with MEW?

Or a Android App, Ethereum wallet. The Coinbase Tosi Wallet