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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11241441 No.11241441 [Reply] [Original]

>Two degrees, MEng and Econometrics masters
>Work in medical device design & manufacturing. Stressful but I'm well compensated and I know my work counts
>Wife is a pharmacist
>Own my property
>Decent amount of money in 401k and ib accounts, might be financially independent in less than ten years
>Play money in crypto

What the fuck is wrong with this board? Does anybody here have their shit together?

>> No.11241451

dude go to the /biz/ discord, theyre making money.

>> No.11241453

>Working for someone else
>Thinks he has his shit together

>> No.11241460

discord is for children

>> No.11241484

I unironically know wageslaves in retail who have 8 children. You and your wife are sterile or something? Maybe get some tests from work or something? Haha

>> No.11241488

More or less
>First job is at government
>Decent social environment

>> No.11241500


You are probably in the 1 percentile succes Bracket of /biz/. Half of us only Made money from the 2017 crypto market. Other half must be larping. Irl i know almost nobody that does not live paycheck to paycheck lol

>> No.11241520

No thanks

I'm fine with my job and if everything goes as I planned I'll be able to quit permanently soon enough. My wife might stay on for several years past that, afterwards she might manage a place part time

>> No.11241568

> 24 yo
> made close to 1MM playing online poker professionally for 4 years
> Got comfy apartment, 700k in stocks, 45k in crypto
> Now second year in college studying finance/BM in Northern Europe. Getting good grades. Will probably do my master in the US, Germany or the UK.
> Have lost a lot of my friends over the year because I've been so busy with studying/making money
> Bad sleep habbits, not fat but not fit either, eating less healthy than I would like to

I'm doing fine in terms of career/money (by my own standards) but I want to fix my health and social life.

>> No.11241572

Come from a family of eight kids funnily enough, not in a rush. My wife is younger than me

Thats pretty good man. This is my 2nd professional job, and I gotta tell you, no matter how good it is keep your exit strategy in mind. Shit might turn, and I want to be ready for it, hence the drive for financial independence

Any youngfags have questions then? I can provide some guidance

>> No.11241618

Maslows pyramid my man. Your base needs are secure so that you now feel you can move up to more abstract pursuits. Good on you for making the money, I've heard that online poker four years ago was already very competitive

>> No.11241622

I have this drive as well, otherwise I wouldn't risk money in this market

>> No.11241637

Yea it's very competitive at the top (I still play "part time"). I know I need to get my shit together.. I know it sounds pathetic/ like I have no willpower, but it's really hard for me to just do basic things like fixing my sleep, going out for a run every other day etc. A lot harder than studying/working all day. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.11241670

Also a yupie. Gf/wife is also getting her degreee. Have you and your wife talked about having kids ? Is she gonna leave her career for the children ? I find it to be a sticking point in my relationship

>> No.11241671


Same position as you OP. Am 32 and have about $400k invested plus emergency fund/house. Wife had shit ton of loans ($135k) but paid that off in 2 years. We put about $87k to retirement and hopefully more once home improvements are done.

There is no better motivator in life than fear, and when I was a kid there was point where I didn't know if I was going to eat that day. I made damn sure that won't ever happen again.

>> No.11242048

>finishing up my PhD
>no debt
>PI is very well respected chemist internationally
>shit tons of connections
Not too worried about my future, I think I'm doing fine

>shit ton of loans
The girl I'm seeing now, doesn't have loans, but her family expects her to pay it back. I'm not quite sure of the number, but my estimates place it rather high. How do you deal with this?

>> No.11242058

If your wife ever gets pregnant make sure to get a paternity test

>> No.11242098

yes. I'm comfortable middle class. wife, 2 kids, homeowner, remote programming job, etc. still not financially independent though. I probably have a smaller crypto portfolio than a lot of the neets here, but its just play money to me.

>> No.11242100

>med student, finishing
>own car
>have enough liquidity to get 3 midclass apartment, one to live in, 2 to rent
>own machines with low liquidity but worth, and sellable for, 20 years of wages
>own biz worth 250k
>known as the hot jacked guy in whole uni
>happily married, wife also in medicine

Don't own property yet because I can rent for insanely good money in the city where I study. (1/5th usual rent).

>> No.11242110

err, why I mentioned own car...

Most of the people around here don't really own cars at all, or own completely shitty second hand bought pieces of shit

>> No.11242114

I suppose I do

>32, single no kids, straight male
>Doctorate level education
>Independent contractor, 40-50 hours a week >Gross 400-500k a year depending on contracts
>No debt or mortgage
>350k liquid
>Nice apartment and electronics
>Not amerifat, workout
>Barely spending any money other than on gaymin and tendies

I think I have a pretty alright life. Next step I hope is permanent retirement in 10-15 years.

>> No.11242144

In progress
>Graduating school in 2020 (Machine Tool Tech)
>May potentially go right back to study Mechatronics
>Projected to graduate toolmaker apprenticeship in 2021
I'm doing a lot better than I was 2-3 years ago. By the time I'm 30 I aim to be boomin it up

>> No.11242145

You gotta think whether you see yourself with her long term I guess. Both wife and I were on full ride scholarships, masters was partially paid in cash.

>> No.11242184

Thanks for the advice

Going in the right direction bro, as for financial independence seeing those numbers compound leading up to it is an amazing feeling. Hopefully no big hickups on the way

Europe? You're probably the youngest person in your class if you're in US

Why so much liquid? Put at least some of the money to work

Very nice

>> No.11242218

>500k in investments, 100k in crypto
>own a business
>own a bmw
>Dope upper class condo almost paid off
>Masters degree in Finance
>9/10 gf

Feels good not being some scrub peasant, lol

>> No.11242234

What business are you running senpai?

>> No.11242245

Compared to people ITT not that well but:

>Graduating this year MSc Finance >Target business school (Europe)
>Studied in NYC when I was 21
>Studying for CFA
>Shredded 10%bf 1120lbs lifting total and tanned
>Girls eyefucking daily
>100k stinky linkies

>30k debt
>No car nor an appartment
>No internships
>Shit social skills so unable to capitalize on girls eyefucking me

However compared to my peers in highschool I’m one of the most succesful so I don’t know how to feel.

>> No.11242265

I probably gotta let her go then. Having grown up in a relatively poor area, my life is going pretty swell. My stipend isn't a lot, but it's enough for me to live comfortably and save a little. She's from a well off family and is already getting depressed we don't "do things" and I have no clue what that means.

>> No.11242274

Yep, EU.

>> No.11242306

>own healthcare consulting biz
>worth about 450k
>wife, 4 kids, house

>> No.11242315

OP life seems like the typical Normie making it but to me I know its hell. Its working all your time away while juggling kids lives. Literally cant stop to chill at all. Life is just 6am to 1am toil. And all u have to show for it is some concrete you think u own.

Well i get up most days at 11am. I work for myself with my wife about 4 hours. Totally undemanding work that i do oit of choice. I have 4m dollars in the bank from crypto.

Poor little wagie.

>> No.11242333

When I mntioned liquid, it's anything I can pull out any time. Most of that is total stock market indexed. I probably have an additional 40k in old defined benefits.

>> No.11242350

>Study business informatics
>finish in 3 years
>can´t get pussy
>only fucked one girl abroad
>don´t university and all the people there

No fucking clue what I should do with my life when I finish uni. Maybe go abroad again. I am complaining on a very high level, but I just don´t have any motivation or drive at all. I need a girl. When I felt loved, I had way more energy

>> No.11242356

>>Shit social skills so unable to capitalize on girls eyefucking me

Ahahahahahahahahahah no one is eye fucking you. They are looking at how pathetic you are.

>> No.11242386

Hard to believe you even know what work is. I get to work by 9:30, put in my eight hours (99% of the time anyway), then go home.

There is a problem with mental work, which can either be a curse or a blessing - if you're working on a challenging issue your brain doesn't turn off once you're home. You're still thinking about work, thats the real downside. At the same time I know my work does help people so thats very rewarding to me. I guess thats why its not such a big deal to me to work for the man.

Before this I worked some hellish jobs for pocket money so I have a point of comparison. Excellent job on crypto though, how has it enriched your life so far? With a 4M dollar cushion a lot is possible.

>> No.11242390

>own house in european city center
>mortage paid off
>no degrees
>1378€ on bank
>1 bitcoin

Not sure. Not bad though but could be better

>> No.11242406

You know what you need, now go get it man. Put yourself in different situations, you can meet great women anywhere if you keep your filters off

>> No.11242408
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>Shit social skills so unable to capitalize on girls eyefucking me

>> No.11242427

Not bad at all man. A lot of people in US are in debt, going to 0 for them would be an accomplishment already. With housing locked in you can be choosy for work to bring in the money

>> No.11242472

You’re right, thanks

>> No.11242488

Yeah, easier said than done for me. I went really hard for girls last winter. Like even got twenty rejections some nights in a club, but kept on pushing. The ending was: I was really depressed once I realized, I tried it for several months and just had a few makeouts and flakes form girls.

I better safe my time and money on this one while I am studying. I just don´t want to end up so depressed again. I read, that a man needs "a vision" or so. So I try to find an aim for me. Making a shitload of money isn´t one for me sadly.

>> No.11242503

Denmark, right?

you guys have pretty good deals on apartments there.
You gonna do masters in Finance?

t. Finland, finance student, wish I did math or cs instead

>> No.11242510

same here

>> No.11242523

What ia your job?

>> No.11242531

>College dropout
>Never had a girlfriend (got laid with one fat chick on 3 occasions 15 years ago while hammered, cried after)
>Lost my one and only friend a year ago
>Been living in a car last 2 years
>$6500 in dept
> Lost $1.3k on crypto, even the bags are gone

At least my story makes everybody feel better about themselves.

>> No.11242532

You gotta think of it as a market. A club is not a great venue - N of guys competing for less than N ladies. If you're not having much success there, try a completely different venue, say a tour group where there are more girls than guys. Make them work for you, you're the one whose scarce

>> No.11242536


How tall are you

>> No.11242558

Not gonna lie, breaking into traditional employment will be tought for you (age + no degree). You're gonna have to make your own way. If you got lots of time, try flipping stuff from sales > amazon/ebay. Knew a guy a long time ago who did that

>> No.11242563

I'm a chemical engineer.
Got a nice girlfriend and daughter, make 3.5k€ a month without working hard. got a nice house (350k) that will be payed off within 13 years. 30k fiat, 40k worth of total stocks, 7k in crypto(39 ath, fell for the hodl meme). Can play video games and go to festivals whenever i want. So i like my life atm. For me this is having my shit together, for others it's probably a boring wagecucking life.

>> No.11242571

To add, I think degrees in Finance are fucking worthless. You learn little real skills, and I think someone who studied math and a CFA would probably be a much better candidate for all the most desirable finance jobs

Any Finance grads in this thread disagree?

>> No.11242581

Thanks for your time and input. You are right, I should give it another shot

>> No.11242603

If you didn't buy your vehicle second hand then you ain't too bright.

>> No.11242611

>wagecuck meme
Man, don't fall for that. Do you find your work fulfilling? Is it a good way to spend your time? If you can answer yes to those, than you're fine. Would you really be happy just sitting around, playing video games and jerking off?

>> No.11242641

Psychiatrist. Demand is high supply is low

>> No.11242646

Not fulfilling, but a good way to spend my time. Work with guys my age and they are all weirdos who i almost consider as friends. If i win the lottery or something i would probably wanna work there half-time because i like being there with them.

>> No.11242651

>all this larp

fucking pathetic

>> No.11242660


answer me manlet

>> No.11242669

there's no gym for your face anon

>> No.11242686

I don’t think so anon

>> No.11242708


calm your tits

>> No.11242732


Basically, I have a high paying job and large savings as my expenses were low. We make combined $220k and have about $60k expenses half of that being related to my house. Never had crazy lifestyle inflation like expensive cars.

As for the loan, see if she had federal student loans and can get a job that qualifies for public student loan forgiveness program. Basically, you work at a government job for 10 years making payments then everything gets wiped away. It's better than the normal 25 year payment on income based repayment as you don't pay taxes on the amount forgiven.

You have to be diligent with the paperwork though. One mistake could screw you. It also can restrict you to lower paying jobs/ careers/location. For us, it wasn't worth the risk.

>> No.11242742

>big handicaped, but I do the best I can to make it
>degrees in computer science and economics bachelor
>have enough money made by myself to live this live 10+ years
>25k car
>own small but nice house from parents
>started my own business 2 yrs ago, cause my disabilities start getting slowly worse and I need to make it in the next 10 years
>if I do not succeed I still have a flat to live and can make enough money from home office
>if disabilites don't get worse, I can easy find a very comfy good paid job in a week

>> No.11243117

> Be me
> Australian aboriginal
> Using second hand computer with Windows 95
> Hunting kangaroos
> Beautiful nature
> Government support

Not quite made it but I'm fine

>> No.11243128

narcissistic personality disorder

I'm working on it man, just figured out what my pathology is.

>> No.11243136
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>be me
>be 25
>set up for sucess inherting dads company
>scizhofrenia sets in 4 years in loney town
>disabled to fuck town and back
>only upside i found a replacment
>live on welfare shit post on /biz

>> No.11243179

you squat 1120lbs?

>> No.11243192

I didn't know /biz/ was full of NPCs. Job, wife, kids, truly fulffiling

>> No.11243213

30 good paying stable job, work 4 days a week
wife also good paying stable job, works 4 days a week
only debt is a mortage
we save around 40% of our income

>> No.11243244
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>econ degree
>$1700 in the bank
>$10k in crypto thats currently worth $5k
>working minimum wage
>but 0 denbts

Should I rack on 50k in debt and get my masters? or kms?

>> No.11243263


yup. we are all old boring man out here. You didn't know?

>> No.11243283

been in delirum lately.. dont know how long i can last like this. im going for rank 1 on the hiiscores and have been playing over 20 hours a day. this took an hour to type.

>> No.11243293
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About to start work at a small accountancy firm in a few weeks, /biz/, what the fuck am I in for?

>> No.11243319

LARPers International

>> No.11243320
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suicide. I work as an accounting clerk, you're expected to be 100% perfect on point at all times, and on time, and youll probably be on salary which means unpaid time off, and youll be making 30k or something of that nature

>> No.11243343
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Expected as much. I mean I'm happy for the opportunity to do something more with my life than minwage bullshit jobs, but still

>> No.11243377

Being a wagecuck who works the equivalent of two jobs due to busy seasons. I've worked at a small firm and it's much worse than B4. Do everything you can to move asap.

>> No.11243393

i have 56 dollars to my name rn

>> No.11243401

Are you still in the same place or did you move?

>> No.11243408
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sweet LARP

>> No.11243409

>last semester of MBA
>80k net worth
>mostly index funds
>1 btc and some link
>currently making 50k a year
>hopeful for better job after MBA
>slowly growing side business
>would love to work for myself but if not I don't mind wageslaving
>fiance and I both saving as much as possible
>waiting for housing crash to buy

>> No.11243422

i was into bitcoin before biz was around and still am

i have made no money off of it though, instead i used work experience to get a job in the feild i wanted.

my secret: work harder than everyone else

>> No.11243455
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I am a loser and a failure

>age 18-22: unemployed or working dead end labour jobs
>age 22-24: go to trade school
>age 24-26: attempt to get into the trades, fail and forced to work dead end labour jobs
>age 27: finally get a "real" job make only 50k starting
>only 80k in savings

Meanwhile the average person my age already has a masters degree and makes 100k, owns a house and a new car and is probably married

>> No.11243458

OP, I'm a newly qualified ophthalmic surgeon who is looking to specialise in glaucoma.
I have an idea for an implantable ocular device that I think could be huge for the management of glaucoma. There are currently plenty of drainage devices on the market, but I have a novel idea (which is unpatented, as far as I can tell) that I think could give a real competitive advantage.
I have 0 contacts in the medical device industry, though, so I've just been sitting on this idea. I've been too busy to pursue it.
Reply to this post if you're interested in finding out more.

>> No.11243461

>became a part of social construct
>got shit together

Anon, I....

>> No.11243464
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>1L (law school) on scholarship
> basically have no saved money or income although I'm pretty disciplined with money
> dad selling his company for $100m

>> No.11243725
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I am now 26 years old, white, 6 foot, and 185 lbs. I graduated with a bachelor's in STEM on a full ride to a job with compensation totaling $86,000/year. I max out my 401k, IRA, HSA, and ESPP; then, I dump the remainder into a brokerage account. This has resulted in a liquid net-worth of $300,000. I have never owned any cryptocurrency and will likely never own any.
I live with my parents and have zero desire to move out. My annual expenses, besides one time purchases like a car or computer, come out to $300/month which consists mostly of gas to commute and food. I hold no subscriptions, keep no debt of any kind, hate consumerism, think travel is just a new form of jewelry to wear around, and think owning a house is a stupid pain in the ass.
I despise women. I can no longer tolerate talking to them or being around them. In dating it's obvious that they only ever marked me as betabux from the start. It's unlikely that I will ever marry or have children, which is ideal because I hate children.

>> No.11243744

>$2000 in savings
>have a ton of offers (cannabis industry) but haven’t taken one yet, still interviewing for others
>3 weeks ago started building out consulting business, only have one client that’s only $1000/month
>friends are either making around $150k, or are still in school

I feel like for myself it has to be an almost binary choice between wealth or happiness. I’ve seen many people who are financially successful and depressed. I can either move and work lonely 7 days/week for X amount of years, which has a relatively high chance of paying off. Or I can get a shitty job while working on my own businesses and have the company of some friends/family, and hope my biz takes off.

>> No.11243763

This is me (except for the hating children part)

>> No.11243951


To be fair, having 1.6x your salary at that age is really good compared to most people. Don't get down on yourself because there will always be someone who has more than you unless you are Jeff Bezos.

>> No.11243985

I have 300k LINK

>> No.11244551

>be me
>selfmade multi-millionaire since 16
>9 inch dick
>literally on my yacht right now
>post on mongolian pedophile imageboard only when im taking a shit

What the fuck is wrong with the rest of you losers? M i tite

>> No.11244566

How did you land in your job? What was you GPA and where you graduate?

>> No.11244577

what do you do for fun?

>> No.11244585

how do you get offers from the cannabis industry? how to get a job there?

>> No.11244629


The 90th percentile age of biz is like 22 so nah

>> No.11244639



>> No.11244738

i play fortnite and watch anime and porn
i have a circle of friends I sometimes spend time with

>> No.11244786


>> No.11244861

Either: have a skill that is from another industry (anything from investment, accounting, chemistry, software development, agriculture to construction is needed)

Or: Read books such as “Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany”, take notes on every page. If you are in a legal state to do so, homegrow and learn everything you can about the plant. Learn extraction, start with hydrocarbon solvent based. Read state regulations. Read industry news, learn to recognize meme buzzwords, and incorporate that into choosing what path you want to go down. At this point, you have just begun, and this foundational knowledge still probably won’t get you a job.

You will need to do a lot of networking, but don’t pay $800 for a bullshit “workshop” that claims you will become an expert in anything cannabis related. There is so much bullshit in this industry that takes money from good, but naive people who think investing their last $50k will solve all of their problems.

This is an industry where the aristocracy is gifting it to their children in the form of investing in their licenses, so if you want to get a good opportunity you need to work your ass off for it—even harder than IB, I’m not exaggerating, because there is no protocol in this. 95%+ of the jobs in the industry are bottom level hourly budtenders, growers, etc, who can’t make rent and have zero chance of advancement. Most large grows with good PR are poisoning their employees+customers, so you need to be skeptical of everything you hear and know your shit. Basically, don’t get into this just to make money because unless you have $10m+ to invest, you will fail—even if you have that you will probably fail. Don’t get into this unless you have an actual passion for it, because you will burn out.

>> No.11245231

I just turned 30 and hate every day of my life.
This summer I got back to sleeping at my father's house after being away for 10 years. I also drive his car.
I don't have friends and other social stuff nor have many positive memories even from much time in my 20s traveling. Though much if my 20s was on and off homelessness.

At least at this point I've finished my bachelor's, got my first software development job, and have a few grand so I'm actively looking for my own car now. I'm very likely to just sleep in it because rent is a little expensive.

I'm on my way to making it but God everything besides having a job is so shit right now it's like I have every day a pain in my stomach and face because I realize I've fucked.uo everything so bad in my.youth it's ridiculous. Sure my upbringing was trash but I could have done better to make it better.

>> No.11245235

>19 male
10/10 slayer
>millions in revenue
>own 1000 bitcoins
>own serveral businesses in new York
>family has close ties with the rothschields and the rockefeller
>don't need any gay degrees
>10/10 russian oligarchs daughter girlfriend
>own several luxury cars
>have my on personal resort in Bora Bora and Maldives
Feels good to not being educuck

>> No.11245243

OP we are literally the same person.

I used to work in aerospace, then med device industry. Computer engineer. My fiancee is a pharmacist. Lots of savings. Most of it in crypto, though.

Hope you fair well fren.

>> No.11245258

Is Ripple the future?

>> No.11246130 [DELETED] 

Yes. How did you know? And I'm literally having the excact same toughts as you.. I'm not sure if you sould have picked CS instead... Fuck.. I do think BM/finance is useful though..

>> No.11246136

Yes. How did you know? And I'm literally having the excact same toughts as you.. I'm not sure if I should have picked CS instead... Fuck.. Have you thought about changing degree? I do think BM/finance is useful though..

>> No.11246154

>30k debt - 100k Link

>> No.11246167

holy shit you described my exact situation except im 21

>> No.11246168

How long ago did this board become reddit?

>> No.11246261

Kinda got my shit together...

>Bachelor's (Finance)
>Work in the mortgage industry, not making very much currently
>No debt, paid my car off and my student debt is gone as well
>Basically no obligations but I am kind of annoyed at my lack of income

Thinking about doing the Econometrics masters since I minored in Math and should be good on that end. How you make yearly OP, just so I can dream about maybe making money one day.

>> No.11246380

31, $200 cash in bank, $150 bills on hand, $100 actual coins on hand, $550 in crypto.

$2500 on debt to dad.

Pizza work for 10 hours a week, CS and CIS associates 8 classes away. Taking 2 classes per semester and living with parents.

120 to 130 IQ and considered intelligent by many friends, but problems with long term focus and time management have
far too often negatively impacted the lives of my friends, family, coworkers and myself. In a better place than I have been previously.

>> No.11246381

>pizza work.
anon, I....

>> No.11246509

Sounds like you are on the right path. There is only the present and the future forget the past.
You are gonna make it.

>> No.11246624

>Chronic orostatitis at 25
>Apprentice software dev slave
>Down from 300k ath to 60k in crypto
>No other significant posessions
Aint me op

>> No.11246691

Pavement worker in EU country
Make 60k € a year
Few k in cryptos and meme stocks
Starting a business on the side

>> No.11246701

Sounds like your getting things together. Dont give up!

>> No.11246715

>wife is working
>shit together

>> No.11246830

Lmao at all larpers

>> No.11246861
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Anon, read Deep Work by Cal Newport

>> No.11247498

I'm in almost the same boat anon. Have a bunch of degrees but they're useless because I graduated at a shit time, never managed to transition into legitimate work and ended up a burnout.

Keep at it and get things lined up before you finish your schooling.

>> No.11247511

How to hit Financial Independence by 35 bros?

I’m 22, living at home, 60k/yr, 30k student loan debt

>> No.11247512

This shop is awful kys

>> No.11247643

>two degrees in finance and economics
>worked in finance and consulting the past 5 years, recently started to build career in blockchain
>worth about 1.1 million €, of which 20% is in crypto
>girlfriend from rich family, one kid already from previous relationship, but she is the one
>recently started to become happy with my life

>> No.11247681

>my wife's son
lmao ok

>> No.11247692

Its fine if the kid is young as shit, you are actively going to take over the father role and the previous father is either dead or completely out of the picture.

>> No.11247694

Well there is the problem...

>> No.11247748

If i went back to school what field of study would have the best shot at financial security and more than enough money to raise a family?

>> No.11247777


Not much options available here. I pretty much fucked everything the past few years and never met a girl like her. Kid is a downside, I agree

>> No.11247835


I’m 30 and I’ve been self employed my whole life. No way I’d consider someone like OP as having his shit together desu. Why would you even publicly mention having college degrees, aren’t you ashamed of being scammed? It’s like talking about being an Herbalife rep.

>> No.11247862
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37 yo boomer
$340k in stocks
$300k in bonds
$1MM real estate
$3k net passive income/ mo
Feels good

>> No.11247929

>Pavement worker in EU country
>60k € a year

That is like 5k € / month, what the fuck? Do you live in Luxembourg or something? Here they maybe earn like 1k euro a month (net), if they work their asses off.
I can maybe earn € 500-700 net / month in this shithole and this only demotivates me from returning to the workforce.

These six figure salaries in bragging/larping threads used to make me severely depressed and desperate. Now it's just like a black pill. Every time i'd try to get my shit together and fix one problem, several others would pop up to demoralize me and throw me back to the comfort zone. This year was especially full of black pill, everything JUST went to shit and there's three more months.
I'd probably end up delivering pizzas or working in a call center by the time i'm 40 y.o. The only real option to make it for autists like me was crypto and i fucking managed to miss the whole 2017 bull run.


It's amazing how people are able to turn things around like that. For me it was only from bad to worse and from worse to terrible. LIke the entire universe is constantly telling me to kms again and again, sees that i'm still alive and then makes everything even worse.

>> No.11247951

That's great. Currently have 200k in stocks and bonds. 33 yo here. I would love that passive income

>> No.11248024


It needs hard work and some sacrifizes fren. But it is worth it. Work on yourself and luck will come to you. I was a massive looser 10 years ago

>> No.11248095

You sound like such an NPC man

Congrats on living a normal life and yes there are a lot of NEETs and losers on here who you are better off than but so what? 4chan and biz attracts introverts, lazy, nerdy but intelligent people who would rather be NEET and take big risks gambling on shitcoins than be a steady wageslave like you. Society needs productive, ordinary, by the book people like you do why don’t you compare yourself to other normies instead of the down and outs on here?

Congrats on being a functional human being

>> No.11248117


>I was a massive looser 10 years ago

10 years ago i was exactly like this
>hard work and some sacrifizes fren
>Work on yourself and luck will come to you

at one point i was working a full time job while attending a college and getting my driver's license, all at the same time. That didn't help at all. No matter how hard you wagecuck you won't earn more than 1000-1500 € per month here, unless you get into programming meme and work for some Western IT company. I worked 10 years for fucking peanuts, fuck this country, fuck this screwed (((economy))) when the same guy earns x10 more just because he was born in a right country.

The only way to success here is to start a business and employ desperate people to make you money. I'm way too autistic for that.

When i've realized that it's not about "muh hard work" meme, but more about socializing, building up and expanding your network it was too late. And it wouldn't have helped me anyway, because i prefer to be alone. Every time i see a successful guy of my age or younger i just want to disappear from this world.

>> No.11248129

Whats peoples obsession with discord this discord that. No i dont want to talk with people with usernames. I might as well post on reddit if i wanted that. What a bunch of fags.

>> No.11248146
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>Make $214k/annum as a deployed military contractor, but I only work half the year, so really $107k
>Don't pay income taxes because foreign earned income tax exclusion + no state income tax in my state
>Shy QT 3.14 8/10 GF back at home - slightly autistic, but I know she won't cheat while I'm gone
>Poli Sci BA from a decent university
>Trying to find out what I want to do with my life after this job - might do government job since it's so cush

>> No.11248147

You dont ha e your shit together or else you woulndt be here asking for our approval like a fraud. Your retirement fund will be a joke. Your wife will take half of what you have. You probably drive leased car you cant afford. You probabaly have a morgage. You probably have debt. Your wife and you are ygoing to soon be obsolete because of technology too.

>> No.11248305

Larping thread isn't it?
This is /biz/ where losers come to die.
Nobody here actually made it or they would have left not made posts about how good life is.

>> No.11248509

By my family's standards sure. I'm 23, have 2 houses(inherited 1, rip pops), a nice tier 2 IT position and I have about 15k link. My ma gets mad at me when I say I hadn't accomplished enough. I feel like I already went through the npc life tree except for marriage. If I'm honest, I really don't feel like I have a lot going for myself. I wanna go back to school for EME so I can do something in this fucking world. I mean it nags at me everyday I have nothing to offer the world. Doomer life for sure.

>> No.11248514

I had a lot of help from my parents who gave me money. Would not have been possible otherwise.

>> No.11248530


>or they would have left not made posts about how good life is

I can't speak for others, but if i would have made it i'd still be here, because i'm a loner autist. There's no going back after decades of poverty and incelcuck existence.
Money would just remove my existential anxieties, it wouldn't automatically transformed me into an alpha male "party animal" socialite, who swims in pussy 24/7/365 and has no time for /biz/.

>> No.11248571

>PhD in Mechanical Engineering
>Job I hate that is underpaying (79k/year)

I really regret going into engineering. After graduating from my bachelors I had a first hand experience of how shit the job market is. Instead of getting out and doing something else, I doubled downed like an idiot and pissed away 5 more years on a graduate degree.

I absolutely loathe my job. Not going to bother with the reasons since I'm sure everyone has the same reasons when they're in a job they hate. The worst part is that I can't get out. I've been applying since March and so far have only received two phone interviews and not a single in person interview. I'm strongly debating going into trades now and starting my own business as soon as possible.

>> No.11249200

Hey Anon, just ordered it.

>> No.11249232

I like the people I work with, but yeah, it's less money than I made 13 years ago and it's physically hurting me.

Burning out feels bad, man. I feel you on that. Working hard and then having to go through that again to get somewhere decent is rough.

>> No.11249262

Dancing your whole life for your masters, getting the basics then thinking you made it.

>> No.11249611
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I also worked in medical device design and manufacturing but I'm a ChemE. Think J&J/BD/Medtronic. And I don't know where you work but their compensation sucks. When I moved to Texas to work in O&G my comp almost doubled. Not to mention you can actually improve your equipment and process without being drowned by red tape.

>> No.11249628

Start applying to places in the Midwest and down south. Places are hiring like crazy I get flooded with new job requisitions weekly.

>> No.11249692
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Lol it's only a scam if you didn't have your degrees paid for

Props on the self employment tho