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11234126 No.11234126 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>live at home
>dont want to rent to make another faggot richer
>cant afford a house because they changed the laws
>cant ask girls on dates because no breeding house

>> No.11234209

pretty much this.
i..... fear for my future self

>> No.11234223

Just rent a place you fucking pathetic man child.

>> No.11234614
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Why would you ever do that kek.
>b-because women have soft skin and smell nice and can b-be rewarding

>> No.11234644

imagine this
befriend succubus
succubus is awesome fuck
succubus has angel face
succubus never wants to leave your home

>> No.11234674

I'm the same way at age 28, moving out in a month but I have banged 5 chicks in the past 6 months living at home but the quality has been low. I just bang them at their place or in my car. Last hot chick I went on a date on started literally yawning the rest of the date once she found out I lived at home, it left an impression on me. This will be the last time I move back. I be been able to save 13k living at home over the past 6 months in which 8.5 k are in crypto and i own the rest., mover back home with 500 in bank. You can still date living at home at our age but you need to lower your quality expectations significantly.

>> No.11234690

>dont want to rent to make another faggot richer

this is such a primitive way to think

>> No.11234694

im 25, rent an apartment but still have no chance of getting girls because im a boring fuck with no friends. at the end of the day your living situation doesnt matter as much as who you are, your looks and you personality. i thought that when i moved to the city and got my own place, my social life would finally improve and i would have friends and date women but it hasnt happened. every weekend i still just sit alone in my apartment, drinking by myself.

>> No.11234707
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You just need to be more confident, bro.

>> No.11234727

>be me
>live on my own
>work full time on my PhD research and assist with undergrad classes for stipend
>get hit on by undergrad girls constantly
>finally give up and bang one
>quickly discover girls aint shit
>just want more time to do my research and trade my shitcoins

Girls are retarded, my man

>> No.11234772

>>get hit on by undergrad girls constantly
if you dont mind me asking, where? i have a day job and seems like a girl would never just talk to me. i take the bus to and from work but that really doesnt give an opportunity either since no one really talks on the commute.

>> No.11234809

fuck your depressive shit threads, go back to /r9k/

>> No.11234819

>assist with undergrad classes for stipend
I'm a TA for a lab course or a lecture course. One semester I got put in charge of a group of ~10 girls for a lab that met once a week for 4 hours in the afternoon. I help them in lab and they come to my office hours. It doesn't take a lot. They all think you're smart and most of the people in PhD programs are very unattractive so while I'm average, it looks comparatively better

>> No.11234837

it's an abstraction. I've dated either milfs or rich women that could careless. I have not dated someone in a similar position to me and I feel like it's impossible. Learning skills to make my own business to make more money, but let's say I did not have that mentality and just watched netflix how the fuck would you ever get laid?

And by paying rent your giving up any chance to save money for something you can own. Paying rent for 1 person + food and everything else while living with someone you don't want to talk to is more annoying.

How are you seriously suppose to do it? I make like 60k a year which is pretty good for normie standards. Obviously its borderline poverty money but the normies think anything better than starbucks is a good job. Canada boosted it's first time housing percentages from 5 to 20%. If you want anything in the GTA you need like 300k+ for a basic condo. 20% of that is 60k. It's almost impossible. Thank god I realized at the beginning of last year and dumped all my savings in crypto I knew I wouldnt be able to beat the housing market / wages. It's literally impossible unless you have supportive parents.

>> No.11235024

It's not primitive to want to build equity. Rent is a huge sunk cost no matter how you spin it.

>> No.11235081

I moved out around your age because I thought it would motivate me to date more. I'm almost 30 and only gotten laid once since then.

>> No.11236172

well if you can find returns higher than your mortgage it wouldn't be a bad deal

>> No.11236182

Pretty much me except I'm 28.

>> No.11236251

It really depends on the spread between rent and mortgage though. For example, in my area, I can actually mortgage a property for less than it costs to rent. In order for renting to come out ahead, you would have to be paying so much less in rent compared to mortgage that the return on the difference would make up for both the sale price of the property when you move in (amortized over a typical mortgage term) as well as any appreciation it receives by the time you would otherwise sell it. The DIFFERENCE in the payment would have to make you that much. It's pretty rare for that to happen, since landlords want to charge the most they possibly can, and might even have a mortgage out on the property they're renting.

>> No.11236335

This is why I haven't moved out. I'm 31 and no one talks to me or approaches me. Why would I pay an additional tax for that experience?

>> No.11236392

> be you
> rather leech from the good people that have give you everything in this world than grow up and pay rent until you can afford your own home
> cry about your sad sad situation online
> ??
> subhuman

>> No.11237313
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>> No.11237399

I can't understand why people are wanted to live at home. You missed out the most beautiful years of your love while browsing biz in your parents attic.

Left home when I was 18, never looked back. You have to work hard for it though if you don't want to go fully in debt.

>> No.11237655

Hey OP on the same boat but I’m 23. I have a rental property but I’m just chillen at my parents while some stupid fucks pay my house off. I got till I’m 25 with my parents tho.

>> No.11237663
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>Haven't a gf since >had girls show interest but fucked up because autism
>No job
>No car
>Can't relate to normies

Never making it

>> No.11237716

I mean if you have a great life, sure. Some of us aren't Chad and can't magically get women and friends at a snap of our fingers.

I lived at an apartment with college aged roommates during some of my time at at school and I was still the lonely guy I was at my parents home. Literally banged zero girls. The idea that you can become a social butterfly once you get your own place away from your parents is shit.

Moved back home afterwards. So much better. I help my parents with a few bills, but otherwise my paychecks are mine. Savings, investments, prostitutes, that expensive item on Amazon? I'll just go buy it. The only thing that sucks is that social stigma that comes with living with your parents at 27, but I usually just lie about it.

>> No.11237723

Same. Don't really care though. I've been with enough women when I lived on my own in college to know it's all a waste of time.

>> No.11237736

>If you want anything in the GTA you need like 300k+ for a basic condo. 20% of that is 60k. It's almost impossible.
but you live at home and make 60k currently. can't you save for a few more years?

>> No.11237765
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Ugh, those fucking lips.

>> No.11237815







>> No.11237823

couldnt care less about love and girls/women would like to become Johnny Depp from the movie Transcendence instead life's kinda dull whether roasties or not

>> No.11237830

>Pay rent and hope that one of the few non-shitty women in America gives you a chance

Gonna pass here

>> No.11237844



>> No.11237850

Why she got the face of a dude

>> No.11237860

There are plenty of not shitty women
It's a fallacy that women are either smart, nice and ugly or pretty, dumb and mean because the roughly 1/4 who are smart nice and pretty, are taken off the market before they can step foot in a greasy old bar or wherever you seem to be trying to get women
The thing is, you have to be not worthless yourself to get a not worthless woman, which I'm sure you'd have a hard time with

>> No.11237871

>muh jeans


I hope you have fun with your divorce and years of child support coming up very soon for you

>> No.11237886



>> No.11237894

You're a guy you're supposed to do the approaching also start lifting weights. Girls won't fuck a noodle arm when they can fuck an alpha

>> No.11237895

Guess it depends on how you define "worthless." I'm 6', make the average wage for my city in a white-collar office job, have numerous normal hobbies, and I think I present myself as pretty normal in my daily life.

I haven't seen many non-shit women in my city at least. Most women have 1-2 kids, or provide very little themselves (in terms of looks or financials or even just a non-entitled personality). But I know, I know, there's a ton of good women out there and I should just go sink my money into rent instead of saving to by a house outright, huh?

Done arguing with you. Back to >>>/pol/ w u

>> No.11237918

Yea I don’t get why idiots think having a kid is the be all end all of existence.
>hurrr it’s your biological inperitave to reproduce!
Well we are no longer cavemen and monkeys and the world is overpopulated enough, why should I bring another child into this shit world that has such a grim looking future ahead? Anyways OP living at home past the age of 25 blows, I bounced back and forth from my parents to other places from 23-27, 25-27 strictly at my parents. I got 0 pussy those two years and felt like a giant loser. I moved out and within 6 months I fucked 5 different girls (feels good to be chad). Honestly if you aren’t decent with women already there’s no point in moving out to try and get laid, having a fat bank account is better than pussy, you can literally buy pussy.

>> No.11237942

>plenty of other good women meme
Yea 3-10’s maybe, my sister always spouts this shit when I tell her some of my frustrations with modern women. Good looking women that aren’t complete shit are so fucking rare these days it’s sad. I really wish there was a pill that killed the need for female companionship and sex.

>> No.11237976








>> No.11237994

In this day and age it feels impossible to just meet someone. No one wants to talk with you if you’re not part of their friend group or social network

>> No.11238059

Nigger I’m 27 and have like 60k, I’m just not a retarded mouth breather that is going to take out a loan from some kike to buy a house at the peak of a bubble when we are due up for a recession or crash any year now. I rent an apartment and don’t live at home. Read my earlier post I give 0 fucks about children and I hate to break it to you but a large majority of people end up dying alone.

>> No.11238067

Enjoy being a stepdad stupid cuck

>> No.11238073

60,000$ and you are 27?
Pathetic beta male
Its better you dont inseminate any girl because you are obviously a brainlet and you don't deserve to have children
Die alone and poor

>> No.11238078
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same here. i have finally stopped caring and i feel a lot happier. i feel sorry for the guys still trying to figure out how to beat the house

>> No.11238085

How do I meet decent girls tho? I dont have any outside hobbies except gym. I go to smaller concerts once in a while but everyone there sees to be with their group. I feel like it is hard to meet new people male and female.

>> No.11238090

buy an ar-15
protect your race

>> No.11238115

>how do I meet decent girls
If only I had the answer, all the girls I meet are shitty because my hobbies attract the more artsy alternative girls with issues. Nice girls? I’d imagine maybe church or a cooking class. I would just feel like a complete phony going to church and listening to shit I don’t believe in just to try and find a girl. I’m coming to terms that I may end up alone since I’ve seen the true nature of women I’m extremely picky on who I would make a LTR. I’ve been in long relationships before and honestly can’t tell if the heartache is worth it. I can’t imagine going through some of the shit I did AND losing half my assets to a bitch. I’d rather be alone than have my heart torn out and half my shit taken.

>> No.11238168

just became a home owner because of my natural mgtow ways, you incels are the scum of mankind, you ruin women with your thirst and ruin youself because of your self inflicted stupidity

>> No.11238190

What if I lift and am fit but I'm also fucking awkward and act like other people don't exist so I don't mess up when talking to them?

>> No.11238207

Op here, I’m not talking about a confidence issue with women. I am really confident with women and dating, it’s just a self confidence issue that I’m sure much of you can relate too. The fact is the new norm in a developing city is that you can’t own a home in your early 20s or even mid 20s anymore.
I mean if you guys want to wage slave and pay rent for
>muh freedom and independence
Sure. But economically it’s not worth it to pay for a pussy den. Ya it sucks in both situations. I feel like being in your late 20s / early 30s that society expects you to meet a certain status quo and it is depressing whether it’s with or without your control. I mean a lot of us are here to bettering our selves in one way financially. Most normies don’t, they just sit and play fortnite or Netflix after work. Wage slaving for a job and loosing your youth to attain “independence” is getting ridiculous. Renting when your 35+ is also a social stigma. You also look like a loser to society.

>> No.11238280

Dude, save all of your money and reclocate to an up and coming real estate market in the US. Canada is a giant (((New York))) city and you shouldnt live there for a second longer than you need to anyways.

>> No.11238294

Make it your duty to fail in conversations until you don't.

>> No.11238298

I'm exactly the same except i live in NY so a lot of people live with their parents because its better financially.

>> No.11238363

This. There's also the fact that rent price tends to go up over time with inflation, whereas the purchase price of your house is fixed forever by the purchase transaction.

>> No.11238366

I feel like if you have no group of friensds than you have no chance. No matter if you live on your own, if a woman thinks you’re a loser with no social life she will not want to be with you. She doesn’t want to be the only person you know. This is a lot harder than having a place of your own. I moved out but you can’t really get with girls if you have no other social life

>> No.11238371

It’s a lose lose for our generation, stay at home look like a loser. Move out and it will take you a decade to pay for the down payment on a house because wages haven’t increased with inflation in like 3 decades. Honestly not living at home gives me a lot of confidence, I make a decent amount to where it’s worth it to me, but for the average millennial who has 5 figure debt and a 40k income? Forget it, they will be living paycheck to paycheck. Besides Random hookups just feel empty, sure they give you that confidence boost of “I’m not a loser cuz I get laid bro” but when you realize the girls either A) aren’t relationship material or B) just wanted a quick fling you are still left feeling lonely. Are there any real boomers that can chime in on if we are unironically in a tough time period in history regarding relationships, economics, and job opportunities?

>> No.11238403

So many tards in this thread. Why can't people just understand that renting/buying/living at home is a decision that is made on such a case by case basis.

The only general rule is that your living situation should be the most financially and time advantageous one. For some it means renting in a city for others it means living at home.

For me it's living at home (i'm 25), it's allowed me to start my own business without the added pressure of rent. I live close to friends, much better facilities, close to gym, close to my biz and i get to see my dog everyday. The only thing that blows is the lack of confidence with girls, i'm hoping to move out in 18 months though, i feel like 27 is pushing it but in the long term it'll have been worth it.

>> No.11238484

Girls are the epitome of normiehood. You pretty much have to meet every social expectation while having no social stigmas to get like 75% of them. The other 25% are scooped up quick for obvious reasons.

>> No.11238549

>I can’t imagine going through some of the shit I did AND losing half my assets

this right here. All that after 6 years and we weren't even married so it could have been WORSE. that's unbelievable and I will never be in that position again while I still draw breath

>> No.11238596


I have 0 friend and I have to block girls so they stop send me text like "Hey, it's been a while.."




>> No.11238609

>I have 0 friend and I have to block girls so they stop send me text like "Hey, it's been a while.."
Sure pal

>> No.11238612

t. cuck

>> No.11238618

No you won't become a social butterfly but you learn how to become independent. Cook your own food, decide how late you want to sleep and wake up.

Maybe moving home felt better for you and I see why its nice to save and invest for a short while. But you are basically reducing your chance of a normal relationship and being an social burden on your parents.

>> No.11238631

If only you knew the face they make when I put a XLPOWER condom on my dick

The sound they make when I ram them while choking them until near death

The smile they launch me when their UBER is downstair

Just create a tinder account faggot


>> No.11238652

and yet here you are, with something to prove on a Taiwanese plastics manufacturing forum

>> No.11238674

I'm laughing my ass at incels and cucks like you
This is natural selection
you won't reproduce because you are inferiors

Im rich tall white muscular, able to fight 2-3 men, already killed animals to live, already been to war

>> No.11238682

>he thinks banging worthless tinder skanks is something to brag about

>> No.11238703

>edgelord extreme on 4chsn
>being this super successful guy in real life

Why don't I believe this?

>> No.11238705

t. Kike

>> No.11238722

that was certainly a statement my man
but in truth you're a huge faggot and renting is indeed a sham

>> No.11238742

>NPC doesn't know store brand condoms, including his beloved XLPOWER, cap out at 56mm
>tfw have to order custom 64mm over the internet
you'll never know how it feels to truly stretch a girl, pseudochad

t. neet who landed a 10/10 while living at mommy's

>> No.11238755

Lol. When i was living at home i spend around 50k fucking whores. Now i am living by myself with a 50k student debt -_-. I got 5k to invest though. What coin can i buy so i can start fucking whores on a regular basis once again? Plz help a poor horney anon out.

>> No.11238765

M8 stop posting its starting to get a little cringey

>> No.11238925

Buy bitcoin

>he thinks girls love to be stretched

would you say that to my face?

>> No.11238926

Because here dick is so feminine

>> No.11239070
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>got married at 25
>don't have to pick a wife out of the thot-horde
>pic related

>> No.11239141

>Imagine cringeposting for 3 hours

>> No.11239379

thank you happy pepe

>> No.11239416
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My friend did this but him and his wife are literally Chad and Stacy. They're 26 now and shes already pregnant . They both have jobs that pay at least 50k a year and their rich parents gave them a down payment for a nice townhouse. I don't envy them though because honestly that life just seems so fucking boring to me.

>> No.11239424

You can marry a 25 yr/old girl also when you are 35

>> No.11239436
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I am wagecucking
getting paid to remember you are fags

>> No.11239709

Still a bit sad desu

>> No.11239733
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>29 years old
>haven't had sex in a year
>barely any human contact in the last few months
>not even interested in sex anymore
>fap 3 times a day
>mfw got addicted to porn and gambling with shitcoins

>> No.11239969

one post ago you were bragging about your size now you're arguing girls don't care about size
dicklet + brainlet rolled in one. cope harder

>> No.11239973
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>look above average and fit aswell
>no job
>nothing at all going on beside fitness and vidya
>at home
People give me the "why didn't you get it all by now" look. I don't know if i should go to a doctor. I think my parents will kick me out soon and i'll be the prettiest motherfucking hobo in town.

>> No.11239992

You got to have "game." My brother is a total chad and fucks stacys on the regular. He has no job, lives at home, cheats on every stacy, treats them bad, etc. He currently has 2 stacys.

>> No.11240008

>cant ask girls on dates because no breeding house

Get a car dummy. Decent looking newish econobox with decent back seats.

>> No.11240106

how does he bang them while living at home? my parents would be pissed if i just started banging randoms every week

>> No.11240283

He goes to their place.

>> No.11240306

You don't need game. You need biologically gifted good looks.

>> No.11240329

>their life is boring
Yeah way better to masturbarte to 2d waifus and shit post all day on a Bulgarian mushroom picking forum

>> No.11240406

This. I'm a TA as well and I got so much undergrad pussy, it's freaky. College girls are the fucking best, and I've had 30 y.o. coworkers in the past complain about being touchless, handholdless virgins.

Do yourself a favor biz, get an education in a liberal, medium-top research focused University. I've banged chicks twice my level who are honestly super lonely and they freak out at the fact that I live on campus.

>> No.11240448

Well I mean my brother is handsome but generally most dudes are if they take care of themselves and know how to dress.

>> No.11241258

In similar boat anon but im 30 and the ex wife took everything so having to start again, problem i have i can move out but most the women my age have houses of there own so whats the point on renting my own place but the stigma of living at your parents still puts them off from dating you.