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11235787 No.11235787 [Reply] [Original]

Elon musk on suicide watch

>> No.11235797

>but he's le tony stark!

Short tesla, short their raging autistic CEO, get paid

>> No.11235801


>> No.11235802

Every media is ganging up on him since he called out the jews

>> No.11235829

How dumb must you be if you think Elon cares? Retarded conservatives always dump out of panic cuz they're scared shitless of everything like the pussies they are.

It'll recover just like nike

>> No.11235838

>every media

>> No.11235839

top jej musk has none of his actual money invested in tesla, he doesn't care if it goes under

>> No.11235847

how do they trade with the market closed?

>> No.11235861


>> No.11235866

They broke in.

>> No.11236136


>> No.11236142


>> No.11236158
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>> No.11236445

He made that tweet because the media already "ganged up on him". However, Elon also lived ald still lives by the media "ganging up for him" and claiming this CEO was some sort of second coming of Jesus. It gathered them clicks to hype him, not it is gathering clicks by destroying him. This is the usual "it-girl-cycle" of media. They make money by building you up, and then after people get bored by you, they make money by destroying you. You live by the media, you die by the media.

>> No.11236450

*and *now

>> No.11236505

Artificial correction to keep the $0yboys out.
This is actually a weak dip considering how hard he was during.

>> No.11236663

flippening with ethereum imminent

>> No.11237065
File: 64 KB, 429x410, 1405189327764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made my day. This faggot finally gets fucked.

>> No.11237130

This guy commited securities fraud, just to made a retarded 420 joke, then smoked weed on camera while the SEC was investigating him. He is a retard and a cuck.

>> No.11237138
File: 314 KB, 652x723, Tesla420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11237160


>> No.11237694
File: 55 KB, 520x346, britney-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harvest is going to be amazing next year

>> No.11238447

Then what does that make you?

>> No.11238452


>just like nike

Yeah, it’s just like Nike.

>> No.11238466

It's still overvalued at that level. This guys got the public on his side, cant really get to him

>> No.11238469

going to zero when they find out he's also a pedo

>> No.11238479

Elon is a pedo? He really is /ourguy/ after all

>> No.11238511

i doubt it, but the allegations circling the undeground look bad enough to cause some friction

>> No.11238522

Tesla is a good company but they don’t need to be tax subsidized.

>> No.11238534

and redpilled

>> No.11238838

You mean grade school tier gossip? Grow up you fucking petulant child.

>> No.11238846

no, i mean the kind of allegations that get taken to court