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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11232218 No.11232218 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11232235

These faggots are going to fuck up private flights to the moon

>> No.11232238
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The absolute state.

>> No.11232247

oh cmon. give musk a break.

>> No.11232254


>> No.11232258
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we need to bring elon senpai to the crypto side of the force

>> No.11232263

yeah I'm really worried about that.
Fortunately SpaceX is profitable, so maybe it survives without him

>> No.11232264


>> No.11232271


>> No.11232272



>> No.11232280

You are beyond saving if not only do you EVER think people will go to the moon but that you can ACTUALLY land on it. Neither will happen, your here for ever

>> No.11232311

I wonder what kind of autistic rampage we will witness if they manage to bar him from running public companies.

>> No.11232325

SEC conference LIVE
Watch the Great Justening online

>> No.11232347

This is how you fud.
Chad comedy FUD vs. Money skeleton virgin tweet

>> No.11232353

This. The reptilians will not allow it, the moon is their base of operations.

>> No.11232355

Please share source

>> No.11232361

>P O T H E A D S
>When will they ever learn?

>> No.11232367



>> No.11232375

Max kek. Almost can't believe it's real.

>> No.11232382
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you can't make that shit up kek

>> No.11232386
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>> No.11232409

Chimed in just in time for them to repeat his 420 comment.

Fucking thugs man, emphasis on the word marijuana when he said it like it's a bad thing.

He could have said the price was 420 cause he was born that time who gives a fuck if he round it up a dollar.

>> No.11232425

This is good for Tesla.

>> No.11232442

Musk is a complete chad and anyone who wants him to fail is a non-white faggot. Musk is the only person doing white man stuff and Jews just want to tear him down.

>> No.11232462
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Lads I don't feel so good...

>> No.11232467
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This. And now we understand why there's so much anti-Musk shilling on /biz/ and /pol/.

>> No.11232475
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What shitcoin is this

>> No.11232482

short tesla ponzi

>> No.11232486
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>> No.11232490

Remember when Elon got high and said he thought we had a good justice system? LOL!

>> No.11232502
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I wonder what all the normies who worship him as a genius are making of all this? Pic related.

>> No.11232503

>Calling out Jews and saying Europe is for Europeans

Yeah typical white racist!

>> No.11232509
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>> No.11232512

Why would the head of Investor Relations fuck himself badly like that? Haha, trolled by his own boss.

>> No.11232514

This. I unironically don't understand why people want him to fail.

>> No.11232523


>> No.11232526

Remember when total supply of btc was set at 42m instead of 41m bc Satoshi liked the number and thought it was funny?

>> No.11232529
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>> No.11232541

Looking at Trump and Musk, it's absolutely disgusting the amount of literal nobodies crawling out of the woodwork talking shit whenever succesful people try to get shit done.

>> No.11232551

Introducing the all-new, 2019 Tesla Fraudster.

>> No.11232553

and then the programmer dude fucked it up because he can't into binary... priceless

>> No.11232556

cause his products are overpriced and based on hype alone?

>> No.11232567


O I am laffin

>> No.11232569

Sweet interface, Bloomberg terminal ?

>> No.11232577

Sweet merciful God

>> No.11232583
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What a magnificent man


>> No.11232595

I guess you could call him... Elon Just

>> No.11232598

>"He rounded the price up to $420 because he had recently learned about the number's significance in marijuana culture and thought his girlfriend would find it funny"


>> No.11232604

anyone buy any puts?

>> No.11232627

>>In Instagram DMs released by musician Azealia Banks, which included screenshots of text messages, Grimes said that Musk was trying to make a joke with the share price.

kek, i hope he found it funny enough to lose control of his company.

>> No.11232637

He won't lost control tho

>> No.11232645

Elon is the greatest CEO of our time.

>> No.11232658

Act like a retard, get treated like one

This clown has no right running a billion dollar company acting like a fool enjoy your parties and shitposting on twitter, you are going to have a lot of time (after jail)

>> No.11232670

>no right to participate in the free market
Fuck off commie faggot.

>> No.11232675

Thanks just bought 420k

>> No.11232686

Elon didn't invent TSLA, he bullied the original founders out after he got all is stock market money

He's never invented or done anything

>> No.11232700


>free market
>massively propped up by government assistance

He'd be living under a bridge in a cardboard box if he had to operate in a free market.

>> No.11232705
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the war on successful goys

>> No.11232713
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Watcha doin' rabbi

>> No.11232716

They arent. The products are top notch and spacexs rockets are undercutting prices

>> No.11232738
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Do you who the president is, Autismo?

>> No.11232739


>anyone pointing out that Musk is actually a gigantic welfare queen must be jewish

>> No.11232742


>never made a single dollar in profit

>> No.11232746
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Would now be a good time to file a hiring discrimination lawsuit against one of his companies? Yay or nay? These guys broke the law back in February.

>> No.11232766

Do you kikes actually think you're fooling anyone? Go back to normiebook.

>> No.11232770

>>The Commission brings this action against Musk pursuant to Section 21(d) of the Exchange Act [
15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)
] to enjoin the transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business alleged in this Complaint and to seek orders of disgorgement, along with prejudgment interest, civil penalties, and an officer and director bar against Musk, and such further relief as the Court may deem appropriate

well let's see if the SEC get's their way.

>> No.11232784

If he keeps tesla afloat, nothing will happen

>> No.11232792
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We all knew this day was coming. TSLA holders knew the risk, now the only question is where the price lands.

>> No.11232795

holy fuck that's hilarious

>> No.11232820
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>/s/ Jina L. Choi


>> No.11232834

0, where this scam co always belonged

>> No.11232886

what a fucking madman

>> No.11232896

wasn't enron hundred of times larger though?

>> No.11232898

he loses control because he will be removed from a executive capacity.

>> No.11232903


>> No.11232950

Yes, and involved in far more sinister scandals than selling overpriced hipster cars to people who don't know better. I just like the image.

>> No.11233252
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>> No.11233333

bro suv goes 0-60 in 2.9 seconds and gets 90 mpg, plus it looks like a space ship

>> No.11233568

old news, bruh, where you been

>> No.11234051


Because you can't let the goyim hear his white pride sentiments! We must keep the goyim from knowing their worth at all costs.

>> No.11234227
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>> No.11234251


>> No.11234307

I don't get it

>> No.11234330
File: 1.71 MB, 1712x1014, tesla vs market kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang your local short seller

>> No.11234358

the lesson here isnt to not be greedy... its that if you are going to be greedy dont be so greedy that you stand out from the other greedy bastards

>> No.11234392

Hey uh.... so if you bros want to understand Elon's motivations all you have to do is read Iain M Banks' "Culture" series, and Asimov's "Foundation" series.

>> No.11234400

Or do the TLDR, and look up the culture, and the foundation, on wikipedia.

>> No.11234459

Fuck the moon. It's a source of light at night. Elon is a joke. He will never turn a profit on anything. We are never going to the moon, mars, or whatever sci fi fantasy you have. We are stuck here so buckle up, faggot.

>> No.11234535
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>> No.11234548

Why do need seat belt buckled if not go moon

>> No.11234550
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>> No.11234698

>Stock drops 10 % after hours.
Sooooo tempted to short it tomorrow.

>> No.11234729

it wont dump, nobody gives a fuck 420 weed lol. muslk will just release a flamethrower drone or someshit