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11227745 No.11227745 [Reply] [Original]

>wagecucks will defend this

>> No.11227762
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>> No.11227782

>peasants don’t even work 40 hours a week

No wonder they were peasants

>> No.11227791

1. They lived like shit and had a short life expectancy

2. Everyone works more than them

3. Yo ass aint going to be successful working a couple hours a week.

>> No.11227805

I'm defending this and I'm not a wagecuck. Technically it's their choice to do so in order to sustain a lifestyle that is orders of magnitude better than a medieval peasant. I've read an article that said that an average person today has a better quality of life than a king from 200-300 years ago. We have healthcare, transportation, access to knowledge, shelter, nutrition, technology etc. that medieval people wouldn't even dream about. Hell, you could probably work part-time and still sustain a lifestyle that is still orders of magnitude better than a medieval peasant or king.

>> No.11227811

not this shit again.. you can live better than a medieval king today working less than a medieval peasant if you wished so

>> No.11227830

>defend this
whats to defend? you either work, or you get nothing. there's no shortcut unless you bought crypto more than a couple of years ago.

>> No.11227851
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at least I don't live in India, Mexico, China, Singapoor, Greece and Japan then.

>> No.11227936

But is humanity more happy than people back in the medieval days?

Would you rather be a medieval king or a current times peasant?

>> No.11227957
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> Greece above anyone
> Japan not number one
> Mexico second

> taking this list seriously

>> No.11227958


>lives like shit and had a short life expectancy

>t. gets his history from Hollywood

>> No.11227959

a chart showing the hours worked by amount earned would be more useful

>> No.11227984

Not everyone could live like a king back then, but everyone in the first world lives better than them today, thats the point. Technological progress.
Id say hapiness (or lack of) is roughly the same, which goes to show comfyness barely scratches the surface of what truly fulfills a human

>> No.11228009

>you can live better than a medieval king as a nobody today
Complete bullshit

>> No.11228176

There is a law who forbid to work more than 35H per week in France

This chart is bullshit

Also, the only important number is PRODUCTIVITY per hour

>> No.11228179

im talking material comforts. Of course a king had a greater time ruling over plebs than we wageslaving for goldberg

>> No.11228200

Friendly reminder that we work more, are taxed more, and live less spiritually fulfilling lives than people 1000 years ago and that reactionaries are right.

This is why peasants shouldn't have gotten to vote, interpret scripture, or presume above their rank.

>> No.11228229

Not mentioned:
All of life's basics took much much longer then than they do now, cooking, cleaning clothes, getting clean water, even shitting, so even though they were working for wages for less hours, their time was taken up by unpaid work much much more.

The majority of medieval peasants were working less hours than they wanted to because of job scarcity and it being much more difficult to get an education, learn a trade etc. to fill jobs in demand.
If you gave a 40h/w job to a peasant back then they would most likely feel like they won the fucking lottery, as long as they had a wife to spend most of their day doing unpaid work to keep their basic necessities in check.

>> No.11228231

> Technology has improved but life isn't any better to live
Yes, fuckwit, that's the point

>> No.11228237

>forbid to work more than 35H per week

Forced to be poor because some people don't have the same ambition and tenacity as others......................

>> No.11228251

because material comforts are not entirely what makes humans happy brainlet. Not everyone could be a king back then, same as few people can enjoy power today. That never changes.
If you think that a simpler life like the one peasants lived makes you happier, you can go live in the wild no one is stopping you.

>> No.11228260
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>this is why industrial society is cancer

>> No.11228283

>he gets all his info from /int/ memes

>> No.11228285

No one is advocating for a return to feudalism you genetic failure

>> No.11228295

then wtf is the point of this thread you waste of oxygen?

>> No.11228299

He didn't say you should go back to feudalism you retard, he said nobody's stopping you from living like a medieval peasant if you think life hasn't improved since then.

>> No.11228303

>working people on age 20-34
The ones that are able to get a job get shit pay for 20 hours or something

>> No.11228306
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>be medieval king
>shit in the corners of the room cause no toilet
>have fosilized shit on my ass cause no toilet paper or bidets
>my head itches cause fucking lice
>rats spreading bubonic plague run around the castle halls
>oh it's finally winter, nice
>fuck, this castle is colder than Antarctica
>servant forgot to heat up the place; gonna have to behead him later
>my scabies also starts itching now because of the cold
>hope I don't get sick and die
>get sick anyway
>oh wait we don't have doctors, only some voodoo wackos with their placebo shit
>pray and hope this works anyway
>voodoo wacko arrives in 2 weeks cause horse & carriage
>close to death, better call my children to discuss the future of the kingdom
>forget I don't have children cause they all died at birth and it made me spiral into depression
>at least I have my queen; oh wait, she died of cholera 10 years ago
>I'm hungry
>call servants to bring me food
>food is shit cause no imports this year due to the war
>have to eat same shitty food produced locally where only wheat, corn and potatoes grow
>at least I'll spend my last days entertaining myself with some music and a good book
>no mp3 player invented yet, gonna have to call the band
>the band can't come cause 3 of the 5 members died of dysentery 6 months ago
>meh, a book it is then
>have only a few shitty books cause Gutenberg invented the printing press only 5 years ago and it's still not mainstream
>this is fine
>damn, reading at candlelight really fucks with my eyes. I need my glasses
>wtf is this shit?
>realize it will be another 150 years until Kepler invents non-shit glasses so now I have to deal with this shitshow
>oh shit, the pain is awful
>i think this might be it, I'm going to finally die now but this pain is worse than hell
>voodoo wacko finally arrives
>hope he has some morphine to numb the pain
>nope, still 3 centuries away
>die in agony

>> No.11228331

I don't know maybe you should read the fucking OP. Your point about living better than a king is fucking retarded, as evidenced by the rocket thrusters you're strapping to the goalposts.

That's not the fucking point either

>> No.11228344

This should be pinned to the topic of every economic discussion on the entire internet.

>> No.11228360

see >>11228306
I said materially, 3 times already you fucking braindead moron. We live better than medieval kings materially, thats not retarded thats a fact. You think a big castle made everything else less shitty? Not that it mattered since they didnt know better.

>> No.11228375

Nice job nitpicking the bad parts, idiot

>> No.11228390

>>11228360 Yeah after you rolled the fuck back from "you can live better" in >>11227811 jesus christ why even bother talking with knuckle-draggers.
The point of the thread is that for all of the technological advancements we're still spending more time working than fucking medieval dirt-pushers. Worse, fucking knee-jerk hacks like you are trying to rationalize this shit with "why don't you go live on a farm then?"
If complaining about lead in the water and you tell me to go drink from a pond, I'm going to call you a halfwit.

>> No.11228463

But we enjoy extremely higher degrees of comfort to make up for it. Yes its true we shouldnt have to work as much as we do now, we should be experiencing a golden age of abundance. Why are we not? When we produce more than ever in history. Men cannot effectively adquire the goods they produce, not because of lack of supply nor lack of buyers but lack of money to buy such goods. You can thank the retarded economic systems put in place. The retarded systems people go to extreme lengths to defend. We are modern serfs/peasants, we have poverty in abundance, but even with all this fuckups we still live better than in medieval times thanks to technology.

>> No.11228475

Ok This shit is great

>> No.11228479

There are no good parts to being a human 800 years ago, you fucking moron. Life was suffering.

>> No.11228490
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The absolute state of Whig historyiography

>> No.11228493 [DELETED] 


>> No.11228501


>> No.11228508

there is an entire book written on this subject but sadly its in spanish only

>> No.11228529

Spanish anon, I know you're in here. Greetings from Italy. Still need to read the book tho.

>> No.11228555

>describe no medieval kings life in your vs post

>> No.11228558

People died at 40 back then you absolute brainlet

>> No.11228568

no easy task lol, i dont think you can understand just because they both descend from latin but try your best, there is always google translate. Author is based as fuck too bad no one translated to english

>> No.11228642


Lmao and you learned that from what? Kingdom of Heaven? The Tudors?

Excavations in West Stow show that people routinely lived into their 60s. The low life expectancy is a meme that is influenced by infant mortality statistics. City cucks died earlier because of unhygienic conditions but country people lived fine and your meme death stat about dying at 40 is a complete joke.

>> No.11228902

Not true. Many many people lived to their 60s and 70s. Most of the founding fathers died very old. The only reason you think the average person died early was because infant mortality rate was huge, thereby bringing down the average

>> No.11228985

Japan doesn't "count" the extra unpaid hours they work. I lived in Japan for 8 months as an ALT and I can tell you that there is no greater hell than being born a Japanese salaryman.

>> No.11229387

show me where it says that

>> No.11229412

We never got away from feudalism and we are just serfs still

>can't freely move
>work more then actual serfs to pay taxes (serfs worked 2 months a year to pay taxes, I pay 38% or 4+ months)
>threatened with violence and imprisonment by the government for whatever they decree or decide to enforce

>> No.11229570

Show me where it doesen't
Based on the fact that you would die if you got killed/hungry/sick from any little thing that turned into an infection

>> No.11229640

source on mortality rates being primarily low in the cities? Population distribution wasn't how it is today, with 90% of people living in cities.
Fact remains that statistically you were more likely to die before you hit 40 than live, because things were bad.
You're not gonna argue that all of our lives now aren't much safer and healthier, are you?

>> No.11230365

>Average medieval peasant didnt have netflix and phone contracts to pay for

>> No.11231066

So let's see..

>Live in a shack for 35 years before dying of syphilis; eating cabbage every meal of the day; forced to worship the feet of mid-level royalty or get publicly disemboweled and left in a swamp

>Earn $50k a year in a mid-sized city, work 40 hours with paid vacation, live to 75 years old, freedom to travel, choose hobbies, eat whatever you want, drink, fuck, marry, worship, etc.

Yeah... I'll take the latter.

>> No.11231075
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lol @ millenial white beta bitches crying about needing to work.

This is why Chinese will dominate the next century.

>> No.11231563
File: 231 KB, 735x559, serf wagie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We undoubtedly have it worse than serfs.

>> No.11231766

>>shit in the corners of the room cause no toilet
Not true, they had toilets called garderobe
>>>have fosilized shit on my ass cause no toilet paper or bidets
Why shouldn't they be able to wipe their ass? Things like cloth exist.
>>my head itches cause fucking lice
They bathed.
>>food is shit cause no imports this year due to the war
Go get some food in Syria, lol
>>corn and potatoes grow
>>have only a few shitty books cause Gutenberg invented the printing press only 5 years ago and it's still not mainstream
You realize that books were copied by monks even before Gutenberg was born?

You were brainwashed by Hollywood.

>> No.11231801

The burden of proof lies on you, you made the first claim, your claim has been disproven, gtfo

>> No.11231975

No I didn't, you are the one denying the most basic public knowledge, with your "underground ideas" of people living 80 years old during the dark times


>> No.11232220
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>basic public knowledge
>the dark times
Holy shit how retarded are you? Did the television tell you all this?

>> No.11232328
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get a load of this autistic sperg replying to a greentext story. Ok, I'll bite
>Not true, they had toilets called garderobe
"Rose George’s The Big Necessity tells us that there are 18th century accounts of “grand aristocrats regularly soiling the corridors at Versailles and the Palais Royal.” She offers one quote by Turneau de la Morandiere, who calls Versailles “the receptacle of all humanity’s horrors — the passageways, corridors, and courtyards are filled with urine and fecal matter” (1). Similarly, Alain Corbin provides a longer quote from the same source, which reads, “The unpleasant odors in the park, gardens, even the chateau, make one’s gorge rise. The communicating passages, courtyards, buildings in the wings, corridors, are full of urine and feces…”

>Why shouldn't they be able to wipe their ass? Things like cloth exist.
which they didn't use

>They bathed.
"While the poor most often simply cut off lice-infested hair, the wealthy had to consider their image. Wealthy men could at least remove their wigs and clean them, often by baking them in the oven. They could also shave the head the wig would conceal, and get rid of lice that way. Women however, often preserved their elaborately designed hairdos for months, and lice and other pests were frequently attracted to the fat and flour used to style the hair. Long-handled silver claws were designed to reach in and scratch the itches caused by the lice living inside the coiffure, or hairstyle, and it was not uncommon to see these scratchers laid out with the silverware for guests to use at fancy dinner parties."

>> No.11232340

>Uneducated or retarded fiend

Plato died at the age of 80 and did pankration a even more brutal style of MMA.

Want to know why average age was so low? Infant mortality. If you survived childbirth and being a baby you still had a longish life, modern medicine increased quality of life in old age didn't really do much to the quantity.

>> No.11233425

I will trade everything you have mentioned for a slow-life and reduced stress.

>> No.11234165
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>le tv is wrong and I'm right coz jews

>> No.11234180

we also have a higher quality of life and don't die at the age of 30

more like 60 hours a week but entire seasons where they sat inside doing nothing

>> No.11234204

average person back then lacked education and was too stupid to have complex thoughts... they couldn't even read or write
you are stupid dude

>> No.11234210

Absolutely based.

>> No.11234218

>average age was so low because of infant mortality
I'd love to see the census reports and what ever other information you went through to come to this conclusion

>> No.11234383
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Probably king. Modern peasant is locked in a wagecage only to live a comfortable meaningless peasant life. Even if I make it, I could never feel the responsibility and authority of ruling people.

>> No.11234451

>founding fathers
>middle ages

>short life expectancy meme

Holy shit, is this really what the average /biz/let knows about history? Jesus fucking Christ!

>> No.11234533

>life expectancy in middle ages isn't a meme
I think you are confusing the Victorian Era with the dark ages

>> No.11234862
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>and it was not uncommon to see these scratchers laid out with the silverware for guests to use at fancy dinner parties
what the fuck
glad I live in the 21st century

>> No.11234966

i need a new job im losing it

>> No.11235196

>describing the middle ages
Pick one you fucking brianlet

>> No.11235224

>bandwagon argument
Aaaaaand discarged

>> No.11235229

Didn't know that the middle ages went into the 18th century

>> No.11235248

And it is better now? Some birds are more inteligent than the average voter.

>> No.11235288

people would work less without planned obsolescence, loose credit, and many other factors, but if you try to do anything about those then strange people with big noses will start screaming "muh GDP" at you

>> No.11235324

I also live 100000000x better than those poxy diseased retarded fucks.

>> No.11235335

>can't freely move
Ha ha ha, nice meme. Try going to another country, where you literally can't move freely. You can be an illegal immigrant in your own nation for living in a city you didn't get a hukou for