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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 960x640, 1537995539502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11231655 No.11231655 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here. I need help guys. I have five thousand dollars from student loans and need to put it in something that will 10x. Me and college, yeah, dont mesh too well. I need it to go to fifty thousand to set me up for a good while. What shitcoin is going to do what I need it to do before the end of fall semester?

>> No.11231669
File: 80 KB, 719x675, thotdestroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know the rules thot

>> No.11231694

Silly girl. Crypto is for men.
> Dye ur hair a normal color, dark brunette or platinum blonde.
> invest in knee pads
> post boobs or gtfo 4chan

>> No.11231696

Camgirl or premium snapchat you whore

>> No.11231729
File: 69 KB, 294x191, 1475605111912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in knee pads

>> No.11231751
File: 40 KB, 900x623, 1522389597429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't need money and going to college is not conservative, i see thottery in your future.
find a good man and become a baby machine

>> No.11231770
File: 32 KB, 640x465, 1413846556584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tits or gtfo

> I have five thousand dollars from student loans and need to put it in something that will 10x.

aaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha! Just post your tits.

>> No.11231776

VIT most likely. It has a 1.5m mcap and once they finish Tube8 integration it's gonna pop to 25m in a heartbeat.

>> No.11231788

Would you mind holding still while we project a huge amount of misguided hostility and impotent rage at you? thx

>> No.11231790

Not to mention you can making literally thousands of VIT posting original content so you can post some anon shit, make a few hundred thousand VIT right now.

>> No.11231822

> go tanning ur skin looks gross
> fix ur hair color (told you already)
> buy knee pads and or cam

>> No.11231837

What the fuck is that growing out of your head?

>> No.11231866

>misguided hostility
>being this tone-deaf

>> No.11231960

pls post bobs and vagene

>> No.11231976

this triggers me deeply

>> No.11231979

there's some risk to it but go with ETH and recieve a fork in November.

>> No.11231989

pls pic of bobs

>> No.11232003
File: 2.57 MB, 750x750, 1490502297707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put at least half in Link and and the other half in Eth right now and don't fucking touch it for at least 8 months and you'll be golden.

>> No.11232007

I geve u (you) u giv me vagene pic

>> No.11232015

Is that shirt from frank and oak? I have an identical one.

>> No.11232019

pls butiful
butiful u stil in tred? com back and post vagene hole

>> No.11232032
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, 1519873252067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Femanon here
Nice try sir.

>> No.11232051

Buy link, req, and iota. You're welcome. May take a few years nobody knows what's going to happen with the market

>> No.11232078

unironically dero

>> No.11232108

Why are you asking such questions in a Indian curry recipes forum?

>> No.11232117

Also 4chan is a worlds last place for men, fuck off!

>> No.11232162

I hope you are going tanning right now necause your skin is disgusting. You’re going to need a lot of work, here is your roadmap:
> tan
> fix hair (dye blonde and use olaplex and Moroccan hair oil products. Your hair looks ugly and damaged AF
> don’t eat ever. You need to be skinny
> when you go out drinking make sure you drink enough to throw up. You can’t afford those alc cals in ur gut
> only wear heels and slutty bandage dresses. Wear bras that are a size too small so it pushes ur boobs together and makes them look nice
> knee pads
> profit
Here is How you graduate to stage 2 Thot
> make guys buy you pressants in addition to giving you money. (Louboutins, LV purses, slutty bandage dresses)
> buy big fake boobs
> buy veneers for your teeth
> buy fake ass (you can start eating now because your surgeon will just reallocate your fat into your ass)

Now you’re eating at the finest restaurants, getting the finest luxuries, provided you’ve reinvested in your looks constsntly and are enough of a sociopath to keep upgrading to guys with more money constantly.

>> No.11232164
File: 99 KB, 632x650, 1501980838791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degr
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.11232169

OP is larping

Me only femanon here

>> No.11232191

show vagane hole

>> No.11232195

findom and various e-whoring

>> No.11232206

show asshole vagne betch send

>> No.11232215

OP you are turning our pajeets into demons...

>> No.11232226

Invest in kneepads.

>> No.11232229

The girl in that picture is 4 / 10 right now but I could turn her into a 7 in under a week and have guys sending you money for free. I could make you into a 9/10 Kylie clone in less than a year and you’ll be on private jets & islands drinking champagne.
I’ll fly you out to nyc to begin the transformation but first thing I’m installing is a sub-dermal tracking chip on you. I’m also going to keep 50% of the income from the tricks you turn. In return you receive guidance, high profile clean clients, a place to live, access to the best doctors, and safety.

>> No.11232231

How pathetic.
>muh world is sexist place
>me too
>howcan u sexualy objectify woman's
>its all about our vaginas
>crystal.cafe mams hate thread!
Yet u come here and have hope to be treated with privilege just because u have tits. 95% its NEET larp but if we hit other 5% hope u not make it.
Fuck off

>> No.11232232

I wel pay u 4 bootyhol

>> No.11232234

please post pic vagene asshole now please i beg u

>> No.11232248

ned to see iur asshole bbye pls post pic of bobs vagene ane asehole pls fast

>> No.11232265

First rule is to only invest what you can afford to lose

>> No.11232269

pic pls i ned ti

>> No.11232285

Exactly, because you’re going to loose all of your money unless you invest in bleaching your hair and asshole.

>> No.11232287

Rules is rules bitch

Show us those milkers or get the fuck out

>> No.11232299

pls one more pic of u bbey i ned

>> No.11232317

I will have her send you an asshole pic for 1500 link. (1500 linkys for the stinky pajeet)

.05 btc for boobs and pussy.

Let me know when you are ready and I will setup the multi-sig escrow.

>> No.11232333

1500 u crazy!!i wawsnt basterd bitch pic asshole vagene bobs!


>> No.11232372

Business and finance, pajeet.
Pay to play.

>> No.11232403

Female sir please post the vegana and bobs thank you female sir

>> No.11232411

beech bastird fuc ur mother
OP post vagenene

>> No.11232426

Just margin long BTC or ETH. Better shot at 10x than betting on a random shitcone imo.

>> No.11232432

1. Image is from /LIT, probably uploaded by you, as "The face of LIT" in a lame larp thread
2. No "Femanon" would be posting on 4chan, or call herself a "Famanon"
3. No Feminist who was clueless about crypto would know what "shitcoin" is.

Nobody is sitting on a guaranteed 10x, you pathetic loser. Stop with the endless fucking larp threads. Even if someone DID know, they're not going to just tell you, openly, you fucking moron.

The time for 10x was last year. That train left the station and fell off a cliff in flames. Get used to being poor.

>> No.11232481

>femanon here
What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.11232491

She won't have to. Some beta will pave her road with money.

>> No.11232521

Fake and gay

>> No.11232546

Thanks guys but you've focused on everything -but- what coin I should buy? You're making fun of my skin and my appearance which is just a no no when talking to girls.

>> No.11232555
File: 64 KB, 676x673, 1531399541793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Nimiq and pray.

>> No.11232562

>'girl' wants to con you into giving her advice worth $50k
>considers this a two-sided, regular conversation
vagene, bob NAW

>> No.11232615

i have a coin that will 20x in the next 3 months. But you know the rules.. the fucking tits, post them

>> No.11232623


>> No.11232631

Split it evenly between XRP BCH and EOS.

>> No.11232632

tits and non glow in the dark hair or get the fuck out

>> No.11232636

Hair dyed unnatural colours is incredibly sexy to me for some reason. Keep it

>> No.11232644

Would it be weird if I felt your hair? Also, put 50% in TOMO, 30% in XNV and 20% in ACM

>> No.11232649

>Hair dyed unnatural colours is incredibly sexy to me for some reason. Keep it

same desu

>> No.11232651

Just buy Link and retire in 2 years

>> No.11232655

Unironically would recommend buying some super rekt ICOs (below 1m, preferably around 500k. Needs to be actively maintained). Accumulate for the coming 2 weeks. Then start to shill the hell out of them on Twitter through multiple accounts.

>> No.11232698

this is why women shouldn't invest in crypto. you clearly dont get the depth of reasoning to these replies and yet expect to somehow get spoon fed on "what to ""invest""" in. since you don't even comply with the simplest of order, you expect people to just give you free shit online too? advice costs irl.

>> No.11232702

You are clearly a leftist so I would advise you to take a look at Holochain.

>> No.11232740

So you really should change that hair, hun. Unless you are exclusively looking for submissive sõyboys who have pegging and cuck fetishes. Absolutely not based or /biz/ approved.

>> No.11232743

Your first round of investments should go into:
> tan
> dye / fix hair
> knee pads
> slutty clothes
Ladder profits and reinvest in
> tits
> ass
> designer slut clothes

>> No.11232758

Get ur nails done too. You’re honestly a wreck. Your vagina probably smells. Bleach your asshole and start caring about your appearance and hygiene.

>> No.11232783

Ark femanon you can do your research or you can trust me .

>> No.11232789
File: 80 KB, 250x244, 1536606017430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask guys for a dollar after you suck their cocks. You'll kick yourself for not thinking of this earlier. Your welcome

>> No.11232796

lol sorrrry for posting a casual pic and not drenching myself in make up like its the 1700s victorian era

annnnnd you always go to stinky vagina . you know theres such a thing as soap r-right?

>> No.11232807
File: 45 KB, 250x309, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like my shoop?

>> No.11232846

Exactly what kind of response were you looking for when you posted your “casual pic” with blue hair, bad skin, poor hygiene and overall lack of interest in your appearance? You could get $30-40 an hour max in your current state. You’ll get 400+ if you take my advice. Right now you’re a penny stock but I could make you into a blue chip.

>> No.11232855

...absolutely what part of that post necessitates that you inform us of your gender?
You can ask for financial advice here without mentioning your vagina. Unless you need advice specific TO the fact that you indeed own a uterus.

I’m gonna go ahead and guess that you just really wanted to make the thirsty virgins here froth at the mouth for your amusement

>> No.11232857

Are you a pimp?

>> No.11232867
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 1515012982185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make the thirsty virgins here froth at the mouth for your amusement

>> No.11232888

And it looks like you ignored my crypto advice too. You are jist looking for attention and are absolutely not going to make it.

>> No.11232901

>asking the biggest retards on earth

Get a brokerage account and buy futures

>> No.11232907

I have a lot of hustles. At the moment I have 6 girls that do online e whore and dominatrix. I have 4 other girls turning tricks in real life. My friend goes with the irl girls and protects them and my gf manages the online girls. I also own multiple properties which helps a lot. I also have my dealers license and a transport company. I also have doctors, lawyers, and even politicians on payroll for my other businesses.

>> No.11232917
File: 98 KB, 1125x1102, CB6A272C-6B4C-4CB6-9BF2-ABA12FDE0C7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>femanon here
>81 replies
The Thirst is Real

>> No.11232972

How can I get in on this hustle?

>> No.11232987

Hello, I'm looking for a new girl to snuff. How much would that cost

>> No.11232993

Lol my hygriene is just fine I took that photo when I woke up

>> No.11233002

You know it my mgtow bro

>> No.11233004

Didn't even acknowledge my shoop :'( I almost got in trouble making that

>> No.11233012

Show me a photo of you holding a towel in your left hand and I'll believe you're a girl

>> No.11233067

itss very good i laughed :)

>> No.11233131

kill yourself

>> No.11233136

You sound like a really fun guy. Whats your skype? Lets get to know each other.

>> No.11233161
File: 147 KB, 303x566, 1537734405558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tits or gtfo
2/10 got me to reply

>> No.11233401

If you're so smart you would have looked at the filename. Stop larping you embarrassing fuck.

>> No.11233413

Youre hot, will you be my findom

>> No.11233500

I actually ran out to look at a new property. Im on my cell now. I’m getting drinks right now with some of my girls. Check back in this thread in an hour or two, I’ll post from my comp when I get
Back home. Are you near NYC?

>> No.11233509

obvs larp.

>> No.11233539

Dero is your ticket to riches in early 2019

>> No.11233843
File: 159 KB, 889x611, OPISAFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all fucking retarded

>> No.11233913

these thirsty bald, full bearded weird pedos

>> No.11234012
File: 91 KB, 736x731, conspericy soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find out what George Soros invests in and drop money in it and if he dumps it sell it quickly. also, DARPA and bowing, are good

>> No.11234066
File: 10 KB, 263x176, 1 1 nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post some more of your nose?

>> No.11234084

So op, have you bought any shitcoins yet?

>> No.11234178
File: 27 KB, 456x456, 1536386726796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A female investing in crypto's by hooking up with a guy who's into cryptos...

anons, once the singularity hits, will this be how it is on /biz/... hundreds of these threads daily full of beautiful women just throwing themselves on us hoping that one of us will take them?

>> No.11234198

post pics of ur boobs and vegana please!!!!!

>> No.11234355

>50k to set me up for a good while?

What's that, like 2 years of living in poverty? Why the fuck would you set that to be your goal?

>> No.11234540


>> No.11234564


>> No.11235152

Show tits and vagene or fake

>> No.11235186

Honestly think you are attractive. The guys it are being dicks and are probably poor as fuck. I'm not like these other betas and have nice wealth. Post contact and pets will work som thing out :)

>> No.11235214

>gorrillion repiles
>still no tits have been posted
what the fuck are you doing faggots, sage this whore

>> No.11235450


This has to be one of the most Reddit posts I’ve seen in awhile:
>uses weird abstract “quirky metaphor” “stand still while we... etc”
What is with you faggots and your incessant need to create these little vignettes in your mindx

>> No.11235464

unironically HOT.

>> No.11235467
File: 26 KB, 400x375, bender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buncha faggots

>> No.11235545

i want see you r foot fingers show me your footfingers now senD nakde pic snow bitch

>> No.11235557

mods prune this thirstfest
op buy chainliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink you ugly fuck