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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11229691 No.11229691 [Reply] [Original]

alright niggers i gambled off all my money on bitcoin dice i cant get a job im disabled

how do i make money so i dont kms

>> No.11229706

Why don't you just kill yourself?
I honestly don't see what you have to loose

>> No.11229714

If this is the kind of thing you look at on instagram you should just kys

>> No.11229721

its not easy to kill yourself youll get sent to a loony bin if you fail

and im afraid of what god will say even if theres a .000001% chance i would go to hell im terrified of going to hell

>> No.11229744

>its not easy to kill yourself
Listen, I don't know how old you are but you need to man up, go out there and get fucking paid. Stop wallowing in self pity

>> No.11229750

>im afraid of what god will
Americans never fail at stupid. kek

>> No.11229757

>>its not easy to kill yourself
>Listen, I don't know how old you are but you need to man up, go out there and get a gun and point it to your head and shoot

>> No.11229758

>go out there and get fucking paid.

im disabled

i live with my parents i would be working a long time ago if i could believe me i dont want to be here

i hate my life at my parents im stuck though

>> No.11229761

> disabled

Doesn’t understand the definition.

>> No.11229762


>> No.11229771

Doofus if u kill urself ur already going to hell if it exists

>> No.11229774
File: 358 KB, 771x420, elastos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy ELA

>> No.11229779

I hear you, but there are routes you can take to get employment even if you are disabled. You could always find a way to make money from home too

>> No.11229781

Ya like bitcoin dice

>> No.11229793


>> No.11229821

ive searched and searched it really doesnt exist i dont think

ive been stuck for 10 years atleast since i quit school if you could just magically work from home i would probably be doing it

everyone can easily say just work from home but i dont think its reality

jobs are tough cookies theyre not like readily available for anyone and all over the place

its just how the world works shit is tight its not like abundant and accesible to make money

even if i landed a job magically from home it would be like 8$ an hour and would take an insurmountable amount of work to ever be able to move out

>> No.11229827

Please don't play bitcoin dice again op, I was contacted recently by an owner of one of those crypto gambling sites recently who offered to fix bets on there. I refused and told him to fuck off, but these are the kind of people who run those sites.

>> No.11229833


>> No.11229842

ill never have money to gamble ever again it looks like

the rare times i get money is because i got a few bucks for my birthday and i changed it into the casino for more money

besides that ill go spaces of years and years of having less than 1$ in my wallet

>> No.11229844

See, you're just making excuses. Look at anything as short term while you create your master plan.

>> No.11229852

If you get free poverty electricity start mining.

>> No.11229859

show me where this magic job from home is

now shut the fuck up.

dont tell someone who has dreams of leaving his parents house that he wants to make excuses and wallow in self pity in order to be a complete miserable and live in total misery

you think i like that?

the truth is people like you have no compassion and no sympathy so you blame the victim

>> No.11229874

you think i dont want my own freedom and not being able to even eat good food ever

dude i have less than 1$ in money

dont blame me i am indeed a victim

hope uncompassionate fucks like you get your own treatment
for not giving a shit about people in need

>> No.11229880

I was trying to help you. Good luck with that shitty attitude.

>> No.11229886

dont have all the rigs

and pretty sure mining is unprofitable nowadays with all the special computers and shit

every normy says theyre trying to help

theyre useless

youre a complete idiot

normies are toxic and theyre evil and wicked people

whenever they say theyre trying to help theyre actually trying to hurt you

>> No.11229908

Record an audiobook.

>> No.11229943
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normies are useless

even if you had a good mic to record a book of your voice nobody will pay you for it

its literally impossible to make money in this life

unless you get a magic hook up from somebody you know

you have to be a normy with connections

who can socialize and be a social butterfly

>> No.11229956
File: 180 KB, 1080x1074, 1527726412905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers

>> No.11229967
File: 72 KB, 584x746, 1534388362851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would be suffering like me too if you didnt have your job

your life is held be a thread and youre FORCED by nature to hurry up and figure out how to make money in this life

youre literally going to die and suffer like me if you arent making money

how cruel is that

>> No.11230005

what disability do you have

>> No.11230034

i thought she was pee pee poo pooing on the floor at first.

>> No.11230040
File: 242 KB, 658x1051, tumblr_p9uyihSG2L1s2yc47o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres nothing that guarantees you will be able to turn a profit in this reality

im tired of living at my parents
im tired of living at my parents
im tired of living at my parents
im tired of living at my parents

trouble walking something in my legs thats undiagnosed

a long time ago before i had this problem i used to work at a supermarket

but i couldnt do that anymore as it involved standing up all day

so now my job options are severely limited i doubt ill ever get a job i cant walk down the street even

>> No.11230057


>> No.11230078

are you a quick typer? look into doing transcriptions online. you dont even need to get out of bed, you just need a computer and some headphones

>> No.11230082

you may have incompetent veins or peripheral vascular disease

>> No.11230102

He's clearly schizophrenic

>> No.11230107
File: 130 KB, 640x767, tumblr_p9ylm1xSoE1s2yc47o2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya thats what it feels like

feels like im wakling with sand bags attatched my my calfs or some shit

about to explode

>> No.11230111


>> No.11230115

Aren't most companies not supposed to discriminate against disabled people though? What about social security for disabilities? How disabled are you?

>> No.11230123
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>> No.11230125

>youll get sent to a loony bin if you fail
Okay who cares? I dont
I don't give a fuck what happens to you. It's not like you give a shit either. Sounds like a mental hospital full of floor shitters would be a step up for you.

>> No.11230135
File: 80 KB, 540x783, tumblr_pedqmvAIpd1s2yc47o9_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just looked into it today but it seems like its going to be about 1.50$ an hour

since it takes multiple hours to do one hour of transcribing

what company do i work for though

it feels like nothing exists in the world except mcdonalds for someone like me but mcdonalds requires standing up all day

bear in mind i have no education

for me i dont even comprehend jobs as something within my reach if that makes sense

i feel stuck like theres nothing that i can do

the opportunity isnt visible for me

>> No.11230148

>show me where this magic job from home is
rev.com. It's shit work, but you sound like a shit person.

>> No.11230155
File: 314 KB, 800x1202, tumblr_pedrfpEBA11s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought about just doing something stupid to purposely get sent to the loony bin to get away from my parents for a week but i hate the loony bin they make you go to sleep at 10 pm with no tv in your room and they force you to take medication which makes you feel like shit

so fuck that idea

>> No.11230176

>trouble walking
Then get a wheelchair you lazy fucking faggot. Why am I still in this pathetic thread?

>> No.11230188
File: 141 KB, 540x739, tumblr_p9wle5snRA1s2yc47o4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like the website is made for people who want to pay them to get their shit transcribed

i cant find the part where you do the transcribing

i have a wheelchair

it doesnt increase my job opportunity for me

the type of jobs within my reach are standing up all day

fast food, supermarket, retail

thats how i feel

i dont know what other jobs exist and where to find them or how much education and experience i would need for the other jobs

its really not something ive found possible and within reach

>> No.11230228

Absolutely P A T H E T I C
come on did you just come on here to complain instead if getting some type of feedback that could help? You spent the only money you had gambling. It's ridiculous you don't deserve any if you're just going to throw it away. There's a guy who begs on the street pretending to be disabled and makes 100k a year. I see a homeless man with a wonderful attitude and who is friendly with NO LEGS everyday and even though he's begging it's better than doing nothing and he even brightens some people's day with his smile and a convo. Get creative, try harder or die. You have nothing but time, you could learn a skill, go on fiverr, craigslist, do anything.

>> No.11230249

>normies are toxic and they're evil and wicked people
>that attitude
I don't disagree about normies but you sure are one with the attitude and things you've posted here. People like you don't deserve help, you want others to be compassionate towards you. Then say awful shit about others. Just die under a bridge already.

>> No.11230285
File: 93 KB, 530x923, tumblr_p9uyeqtzXx1s2yc47o7_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only gamble because it was my only option to turn it into some more money

if i had enough money to support myself i would never need or want to gamble

maybe i will go set up on the street and beg somewhere

ive thought about it

i wonder if it would be possible to make enough to rent my own apartment making 50 cents and 1$ here and there from begging plus you would need a place with a lot of foot traffic i dont really know where that would be i dont really live in a great place for it

>Get creative, try harder or die. You have nothing but time, you could learn a skill, go on fiverr, craigslist, do anything.

thats what ive been thinking about all day but every time i try to come up with ideas it feels impossible to make money

in the past ive had entire days ive spent contemplating how am i going to make money with all this time i have YET I NEVER ARRIVE AT SOMETHING it honestly feels hopeless man

>do anything
is not a real advice its a normy advice which doesnt understand the harsh reality

youre lucky to have a job and make a living

its not something which is available to some

i honestly could spend all day thinking and thinking and thinking and going in circles and never think of a way to make money

>> No.11230292

OP doesn't want help because he doesn't want to try. He wants to whine and magically have a change in his life with no effort. That's why he gambled all his money away. He keeps complaining about how the best he can do is McDonald's even though he has nothing but time to look for work online and learn new skills. Hopeless.

>> No.11230304
File: 403 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well whats your advice then whats your plan

its easy to tell someone GO DO SOMETHING! well "something"is not something
all i can do is whine when i feel this hopeless

>> No.11230326

Kpop fans, everyone.

>> No.11230329

Why don't you get neetbux? Even if you could sit and answer surveys all day you would have more than a dollar in your wallet. Do you also have mental health issues? Sounds like you are self sabotaging Anon.

>> No.11230359
File: 267 KB, 800x1202, tumblr_p9wjtvRrCF1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i self sabotage but only because im angry and depressed at my living situation

but how am i self sabotaging when you yourself just said i should go for NEETBUX as the last resort?

heres the situation with my neetbux my witch mother has spent 5000$ to go to court to get guardianship over me so that she gets control over the money if i get it

so now that she backstabbed me im basically not going to go along with it, im not going to show up for the court hearing

because i dont see how thats a more dignified life if shes the one who controls the money

>> No.11230394
File: 102 KB, 600x853, tumblr_pfa3c9eNIo1s2yc47o4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing surveys cant help it doesnt matter if i have 2$ or 5$ or 100$ or 5000$

no amount of money will change my life because you need to have a steady income so you can continue to live outside of your parents house

5000$ would run out after a few months of rent
and everything else you have to pay car insurance etc

all that matters is you have a income not money

>> No.11230419

So much retards here

>> No.11230423

Right Anon I'm gonna try and help you. I work in neetbux but not in US. Few questions first. Age? Has your mother got legal power of attorney? Have you had any contact with benefits agencies at all?

>> No.11230428

People like you should kys honestly.
Just a burden on everyone, inc yourself
Net loss to society.

>> No.11230459
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24 years old

were already years into the application process and i have a court date in a few months which determines if i get it or not

but my mom took my guardianship rights away already and now i refuse to show up and i pretty much abandoning even trying to get disability because of this

because fuck her for trying that bullshit on me and making me a slave to her my whole life instead of my own money

i wish they would line me up and shoot me

i am a burden on society

im afraid of killing myself because they will send you to the loony bin if you fail and you might go to hell

im afraid of god not dying

>> No.11230474
File: 619 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_pbg6nz31uZ1s2yc47o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone else kills me im not afraid of going to hell

it will be as if you died of natural causes if someone else killed you

but committing suicide im afraid of god for

>> No.11230487

I know you’re full of shit OP because I started working from home on the weekends for extra money and it’s easy enough for a retard to do.

>> No.11230503
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just because it works out for you and you strike some luck doesnt mean it works out for everyone

thats like donald trump saying silly poor people its your fault for not having 9 billion dollars

just because you "MADE IT" in life doesnt mean everyone else can make it

it means you got all the right circumstances

>> No.11230542
File: 978 KB, 1080x754, SergeysBirthdayPics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why will she win? Have you fucked up with money before? Been classed as not competent due to mental health illness?

Sounds like you need to go full on proactive. Go to social services. Enrol in some disabled accessible employment classes. They'll hook you up with interviews with accommodating employers.

If you can prove to the courts that you are making an effort to manage your own budget and succeeding you will win. Write a little budget plan of what you will need to reach your goals.

You can't afford to shoot yourself in the foot now just to spite your mum. You'll look an irresponsible twat and you will lose the case.

Type up that plan. Start doing surveys etc so that you can show evidence of savings. No matter how paltry the savings are.

>> No.11230543
File: 290 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_pfe7rshDVD1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also just read an article on panhandling it says they average about 25$ a day


that is probably not worth it

unless you were homeless and needed food money

>> No.11230552

ohh mama me me wanna to make some hapa babies

>> No.11230561
File: 285 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_pfe7rshDVD1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes ive been diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder

and this was intentional i wanted to get diagnosed originally so that way i can get the disability money

but then my mom goes and uses it against me and now im at a crossroads

she already won the case to get my rights taken away from me she already won guardianship

>Enrol in some disabled accessible employment classes

>> No.11230563

But why will she win? Have you fucked up with money before? Been classed as not competent due to mental health illness?

Sounds like you need to go full on proactive. Go to social services. Enrol in some disabled accessible employment classes. They'll hook you up with interviews with accommodating employers.

If you can prove to the courts that you are making an effort to manage your own budget and succeeding you will win. Write a little budget plan of what you will need to reach your goals.

You can't afford to shoot yourself in the foot now just to spite your mum. You'll look an irresponsible twat and you will lose the case.

Type up that plan. Start doing surveys etc so that you can show evidence of savings. No matter how paltry the savings are.

>> No.11230573

Code android and ios apps, go for quantity over quality to gain experience. In a few months, if you're not retarded, you should be able to code simple apps in 1 to 3 days (write reusable code and don't be a nog). When you get to 15-20 apps (8 months max) THEN start paying attention to things like users and retention rates. Make another 5-10 apps, but slightly more complex than before. Make another 2-5 apps, again, slightly more complex than the last round. Now you have anywhere between 20 and 35 apps which GREATLY helps your visibility on the app store. From here you're maybe 1 to 1.5 years in and you know what makes money, you know how to code quality apps fast, and you have a network growing every day. Let's say you have 30 paid apps and each day they average only 5 purchases at $2, that's $100k per year right there and not even in the realm of an app "taking off".

>> No.11230578

Stop lying. Rebreather with an airsoft nitrogen bottle. You'll be out in 2 breaths.

>> No.11230591

>i wish they would line me up and shoot me
Me too buddy, reading this pathetic self pity thread I honestly hope someone's gonna shoot you.
If you truly hate your life so much why not fucking shoot yourself, so what if you fail and end up in a loony asylum? Seems to me like your life can't get any worse.

>> No.11230597

Kell salf

>> No.11230616
File: 300 KB, 944x1280, tumblr_pe0nj6MbIW1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the place that deals with helping disabled people get jobs around here is pretty useless i went to it before they tell you to fuck off and go online and fill out applications

i might be too retarded i tried to make a program once and i just going in circles and wasted like 8 months and got nowhere

because of brain fog

dont call me a liar please
i dont have that item and theres no way to know what will really happen you might just get brain damaged and thats it nobody can tell you for certain how to die
besides shooting your head off

>> No.11230633
File: 452 KB, 1024x1280, tumblr_pdu14hOG8J1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because im afraid of god its that simple

if i was at that point of taking my life why would god not do it for me and end my life for me

why would i have to forcibly do it myself

>> No.11230641

Its easy to tell you really dont want to kill yourself. "I dont have that item". Nigga go buy it, youre going to die right after anyway.

But just get your shit together. You won't kill yourself and thats good. Shit is legit dumb af. Man up and turn this into something.

>> No.11230647
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plus i dont own a gun

if i did id probably think about it when im having one of my fits of rage

while im angry

>> No.11230664
File: 356 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_p9uxuiaAwq1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre right i dont want to kill myself but if someone had a gun to my head and asked me if i wanted it i would say yes do it

plus i ask god to kill me in my sleep at night

im definitely just existing and avoiding pain the best i can right now

theres no joy in my life

but you certainly cant say you want to live to me or i have some good hope of the future

i dont

i see my life getting even darker and worse and it has consistently gotten worse for 10 years

>> No.11230726

Just takes practice

>> No.11230737

I have no idea how strongly you believe in that shit but do you believe everything is so "shitty" in your life because of him? And if so wouldn't that be a sign just to off yourself?
Also what the fuck does your pity party have to do with /biz/?

>> No.11230755

is that you tinfoil

>> No.11230769
File: 642 KB, 1200x1655, tumblr_p9uxzss1IB1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh i could have had a decent life but i made some bad decisions mostly have to do with not wanting to wage cuck

which is actually legit because wage cucking is pretty hellish sometimes if you have to work all day every day to support yourself and still have no gf and stuff like that

idk it didnt seem worth it so the shitty jobs i had i just quit

pity party has to do with /biz/ because if i had enough money to support myself i would be fine

yes who the fuck else do you think it is lmao

>> No.11230791

I remember you from sc2 threads back in the day (like 2011) I was called clingfilm a lot because we had similar personalities, can't believe you're still at it

>> No.11230819
File: 125 KB, 630x945, tumblr_p9uybwyVWV1s2yc47o2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dude ya im still a worthless neet retard

i thought u were from 162

fug those toxic mutha fuggas


dont recall the name

>> No.11230881

i posted taeyon alongside meaningless sentences
It's funny, I'm kind of in the same circumstances as you (back then I was too)
I stopped drinking tapwater because of you, so thanks for that

>> No.11230888

Dude asians are so disgusting they look like underdeveloped autistic teens.

>> No.11230897

That's kpop for you.

>> No.11230932
File: 173 KB, 800x1199, tumblr_pfjo3qg64i1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the taeyeon bros
thats cool bro

yea ive moved on to greater conspiracy theories since then i believe in jesus and the bible and the earth is flat and space is fake and pretty much every conspiracy in existence i believe in

of course never drink tap water

spring water for me

>> No.11230958

What would you do if you were a millionaire

>> No.11230975
File: 253 KB, 800x1076, tumblr_parj24YrvG1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would just go be a neet in my own apartment thats all i want in life is my own place to live where i make the rules and not my parents

and save all of it not really spend any money besides a nice pc

>> No.11231015

Booger ruins photo

>> No.11231029
File: 83 KB, 700x466, tumblr_p8iupwONsD1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use that one because of the booger

>> No.11231090

How do I not become like this (sorry OP, no offence). I mean mentally. This guy has had it tough in life, but he unnecessarily attacks people who want to help him (like >>11229779)
and projects things unto them while ignoring the jerks who tell him to kill himself. I'm battling a health problem myself and I'm afraid that as my physical health deteriorates I'll become similarly spiteful. I'm very attached to my physical form so the whole thing hurts.

>> No.11231146
File: 512 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p8351jC4ve1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents claim to want to help me too even though they threaten to kick me out on the streets every day and have kicked me out in the past

apparently im supposed to ignore how they treat me because they pay the rent

no i dont forget what they truly think

these people dont want to help you

plus i didnt attack that guy i just said he was assuming that theres a lot of jobs online for people like me but ive had a hard time finding one ever

youre not comprehending that maybe people are wrong just because they have jobs and have their lives figured out doesnt mean it was as easy for me

and the service that helps people with disabilities around here is useless they send you away

>> No.11231150

Listen carefully. I did not read the whole thread yet, but I will. I read about 1/3. I am also disabled since birth, and since a few years even more so I can't do any job - or I would rather say now it depends.
First, you and only you can help yourself to get out if this hell. I was at the same point. Second, you can do a job. But you have to find what you can do, instead of comparing with others. You are writing here, so it seems you have internet, can type a keyboard and maybe click.
He >>11230148 mentioned rev.com, so it is NOT the ideal job. But it IS a job.
So why I am saying this? A year before I would have suggested go to a therapy or whatever. Fuck this. I have done a lot.
But what really helped me, and this is no joke, is the recommendations of Jordan Peterson. I do not want to promote this guy, but if you are serious, I can give you a proof of me and all here.
And I am not talking (only) about his book. Truth is, I never really read the book. But I watched maybe 100 of his videos. And I watched some of them more then 20 times. I made transpricts (thanks Youtube Auto-Transcript) and marked the important parts. I really studied his recommendations, which are sometimes also between the lines. He is one of the best clinic psychiatrist of the world and has 1000 hours of video online.

So I tell you, this helped me.
And to help you start: Get a fucking job. And get a daily routine (wake up, go to bed, eat, and so on). But why a job? Even if its just 1 dollar an hour, its a first routne you get. And its a habbit you can then build on this first improvement. And most important: Small, accruing steps that repeat, when you set new goals.
Start with this shorter one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm_2zmX6Akc and then go on with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm_2zmX6Akc
This two are my most important videos of him. I wish you the best my disabled anon fren.

>> No.11231184

Have you ever considered learning anything of value, that could potentially land you a good work from home job?
I guess its too much work, its easier to bet on shitcoins and dream of being rich like most failure zoomers here do.

>> No.11231192
File: 123 KB, 676x1200, tumblr_pe3nc4J7DD1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we be honest
a video is not going to do anything

and neither is 1$ an hour

1$ an hour will get me an apartment in 500 years of working

>You are writing here, so it seems you have internet, can type a keyboard and maybe click.

nobody is going to pay a living wage to someone with those things because everyone has access to those things

you can fill out surveys for 1$ an hour

where are you going with this

some people try to pretend like the world isnt black pill
and hopeless

if youre lucky then good for you but projecting that to others is like crazy

>> No.11231251
File: 114 KB, 800x1065, tumblr_pawnlyRjdb1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that youre forced to make yourself useful to somebody is degrading to begin with

that you cant just make a living without overcoming a lot of hurdles

but besides that i dont even think it exists maybe theres a few computer wizards who have degrees and stuff who were eventually able to get their employer to allow them to stay at home all the time

i dont have any education and nobody will pay you to sit at home

>> No.11231271

>youre not comprehending that maybe people are wrong just because they have jobs and have their lives figured out doesnt mean it was as easy for me
I'm not saying that.
>my parents claim to want to help me too even though they threaten to kick me out on the streets every day and have kicked me out in the past
I didn't say anything about your parents, if they're like this then they're not very helpful.
>plus i didnt attack that guy i just said he was assuming that theres a lot of jobs online for people like me but ive had a hard time finding one ever
Well yeah I just mean there's no need to use hostile tone towards people who're friendly when you already have other jerks like >>11229706

>> No.11231279
File: 619 KB, 1100x736, capybara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youll get sent to a loony bin if you fail

I've been sent to the cracker jack shack before. It wasn't so bad. Food was surprisingly acceptable.

>> No.11231292
File: 159 KB, 540x710, tumblr_p8iu9ap8d31s2yc47o6_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im hostile to everyone i dont like my living situation i dont like being told what to do from my parents i cant stand living like this and i dont know what to do

i am constantly pissed 24/7

>> No.11231294

It's profitable. I make $80 a week in a situation like you and trade it for shitcoins to make more.

>> No.11231306
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont have rigs

lmao mining is not a option

im on a 100$ computer right now

>> No.11231339
File: 66 KB, 463x600, 1538015998304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont do it tinny

>> No.11231342

>Food was surprisingly acceptable
Don't lie to the poor man. The food is shit. All i got was fucking cheese toast in the blandest ham I've ever had in my life. I would also sometimes get cereal and some shitty PBJ. And if you dare complain about the food they throw you in the padded cell. I'm pretty sure I ended up more mentally fuckd up than what I was before I went there

>> No.11231350

Yeah I've figured, you should probably get antidepressants and therapy just to feel better. Then you can think of getting a job IMO

>> No.11231354
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or do it, whatever you wanna do

>> No.11231363

Making yourself useful to other people is basis of society you sad, spoiled fuck.
Have fun dying on streets.

>> No.11231378
File: 281 KB, 946x1280, tumblr_pe0nj6MbIW1s2yc47o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psychiatrists and psychologists are evil they will use it against you to take your rights away

thats all they can do is hurt you

when i got diagnosed with something now they say i cant have any rights my mom used it as a defense to take my guardianship rights

and they tell mentally ill people you cant own a gun and you cant do certain things

psychiatrists and psychologists are there to hurt you only i will never step foot in those places ever again

ya the food is shit i for sure am more mentally scarred from going there and seeing what the bottom of life can get worse

>> No.11231390
File: 156 KB, 600x783, tumblr_p9ylxncN391s2yc47o5_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya but making yourself useful in 2018 is retarded you have to make computer code before i could literally pick things out of the dirt in my back yard and get payed for it

>> No.11231417

>i cant find the part where you do the transcribing
Its the freelancer at the bottom. Freelancer is also the keyword for you in search engines.
I would suggest to get into coding. I suggest first HTML (more skript then coding). Maybe websites with Wordpress. Then PHP. Or if you want get deeper into real coding, learn any OOP language, for example Java. Python, or similiar. Get an overview of all coding languages and then choose your first which you like. It needs time, you need really to learn. Anyway it's the future. And you can do it even with your eyes and a computer who controlls the pc with eye movements and with high experience you get a lot of paid. Because it is only related to typing logic abstract stuff on a keyboard with your mind. And the market is in 1000% up trend for the next 100 years. But start very very low. Start really with a one dollar job. So anything on fiverr, whatever. First learn for 1-3 months. Then do your first offer at a page like fiverr for 1$/hour. You need to learn a lot more. Start slowly. After a few months it is a five dollar job. After three years a 10-20 $ job.
But here the good news: You have time. So take a half or one whole year to learn your first coding language, then start you first job offer or look for one.

But after I read now all of you and even your answer, it sounds more to me you only want to blame, instead help.

>a video is not going to do anything
Yes the video will heal your disability. If you do not try it, you will never see if it maybe can help you.

So you have two options:
Kill yourself
Blame all others
Or try and search for anything that maybe can help you, even it takes 30 years and you are 54, but then you have 10-40 years a happy life. And with 60 you will look back and be proud of yourself.

>> No.11231425
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, bce4ca406e9ec78d98f62b20fbad1c9a2e0472a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what you need to do

>> No.11231432

It is always the NOW which is frustrating. Watch the fucking videos man. What do you need more, then I say I was on the same point a year ago and have disabilites (maybe more then you) and it helped me. If it helped me MAYBER it can help you. Is not this worth just to try? Ask yourself. And maybe you think in a month or more "maybe I should have given this a try". It is never too late.

>> No.11231444
File: 70 KB, 467x398, 1536828001302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm disabled
come on fren. time to roll out

>> No.11231452

if you're on instagram to begin with you should kys you fucking faggot

>> No.11231459


Take a few courses to learn some valuable shit you can do on the computer. Then offer your services to people who need work in whatever skill you got.

>in b4 poor
I'm sure your parents could afford to buy you a few of those expensive $10 udemy courses

>> No.11231466

do you have discord.
I am in the same situation.
Can figure something out.

>> No.11231472
File: 177 KB, 658x1060, tumblr_p9uyihSG2L1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me explain to you something

why arent you a doctor? why isnt everyone a doctor? they make a lot of money right why isnt everyone a doctor

because theres a lot of hurdles to get there

telling me i can take years to learn something is not new to me i could have went to college or i can take a online college ANYONE can just go to college and learn anything they want and hopefully get a job out of it at the end

i dont have the patience and mental stamina i hate school i hate trying to study especially when im depressed and frustrated and angry like this

>> No.11231475

you posted the same video twice

>> No.11231479

I live in a shithole country and I can confirm our loony bin chow is not good.
Shitty mince, a pile of nondescript carbs and some oversteamed vegetables if you're lucky.
OP you'd be better off kys

>> No.11231480

Sorry anon but one simple question:
You have a wheelchair. You can write on a computer. And you can talk.

You can just go and work in any callcenter doing any polls or whatever. You are better then 70% of world population who cannot use a computer. So what excuses do you have? I am sure you have more computer skills, or you would not write here on 4chan and be in crypto. You are just lazy.

I think you just underestimate your value. Or are a fool and larping here.

>> No.11231489

Then you have first to work on your mental stability. Take pills if you need it.
Maybe just watch the first video tomorrow. Then you can post again and tell me what you think.

>> No.11231506

come back to 162 and give us a feet update. have they fallen off yet?

>> No.11231507
File: 417 KB, 400x600, tumblr_p9wkt7pH1q1s2yc47o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what youre not telling people is that "call centers" are actually sales jobs

i would be crying my eyes out the first day of trying to make a phone sale on the phone

you have to be a serious outgoing people person to do that shit

i dont like to talk to anyone
i have social anxiety

im opposed to pills morally i dont believe in them

>> No.11231533


>> No.11231554
File: 173 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_pfe7rshDVD1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling people lazy doesnt help anyone either

thats just a way for normies to justify their uncompassionate ways

blame the victims

>> No.11231561

>How can I make money when I'm physically disabled, unwilling to do non-physical unskilled jobs, don't have any marketable skills, and unwilling to learn some marketable skills?

I don't know what you're expecting here. People have offered you options in this thread. There's no magic solution to it.

>> No.11231572

Only victims are your parents and whoever else has to support you.

>> No.11231609
File: 288 KB, 800x1202, tumblr_pedrahc5ET1s2yc47o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if normies with jobs dont have compassion on homeless people or poor people

who do they have compassion for?


thats the logical fallacy

im willing to do "non physical unskilled jobs" there just arent many

where did you get that idea from

>and unwilling to learn some marketable skills

i could go watch youtube tutorials all day it doesnt mean someone is going to pay me

theres no guarantee your child will be able to support himself

thats supposed to be their responsibility

nothing worse than a parent who wants to kick their child out as soon as they can

>> No.11231620

>social anxiety
Spoken like a true 4chan poster.

Listen I have social anxiety as well. I force myself into work and interact with my intimidating boss every day not because I enjoy it, but because I have to if I want my paycheck. Stop acting like such a pussy bitchboy.

>> No.11231643
File: 131 KB, 550x825, tumblr_paznwzGShW1s2yc47o4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you must not have severe social anxiety then

because once upon a time i was kicked out of my house and i was homeless because i would rather sleep on a bench outside rather than go to job interviews and have to talk to the people

>> No.11231688

>im willing to do "non physical unskilled jobs" there just arent many
Like which ones? The very few cozy ones when you just type and move papers around or the more available stressful ones when you deal with tons of irrational niggers on the phone everyday? Beggars can't be choosers.

>i could go watch youtube tutorials all day it doesnt mean someone is going to pay me
There's some professions you can't do without a formal education, but there's others where you can find work if you're knowledgeable in the subject and have a decent set of social skills. At the company I work for, the guy who was given the project to redesign the company website had no formal education. The owner just liked the portfolio he had online.

>> No.11231720

either one but all i see on craigslist is sales jobs
sales sales sales sales

thats the only people hiring

>a decent set of social skills.

i dont have that

>> No.11231746

just try to get disability tard money friend

>> No.11231761

plus how would i even get to my job

i have no transportation


my neetbux was sabotaged

>> No.11231765

kill your mom then yourself

>> No.11231807

So sounds like you need to work on your social skills first.

Go to a meetup group every week. It will help you to be able to interact with other humans. Level up your soft skills.

You're disabled, but not home bound. Take your life and make something out of it. Or continue to bitch on 4chan. I quite frankly don't care since you're just a stranger on 4chan and I have no emotional attachment to you. I've given you helpful advice. Up to you to take it. Leaving this thread now... good luck!

>> No.11231850

Knee pads

>> No.11231890

You're a little bitch. Make something of value or an hero fag

>> No.11231930

Just go back to college/uni or whatever. U should get funding if u are disabled

>> No.11231952

>jobs are tough cookies
Lol wtf anon, get some stupid remote online job like copywriting or marketing bullshit. Or better yet play up your disability meme and get a scholarship to university, become professor, make bank.

>> No.11231963

Uncompassionare isn't even a word you illiterate fucking nutsack. You realise once your safety net is gone you are homeless kek

>> No.11231965

Uh ohhh cracks starting to show in the facade of fake NEET happiness

>> No.11231991

Practice with me now "Would you like fries with that?"

>> No.11232076

>its not easy to kill yourself youll get sent to a loony bin if you fail
Why do people fucking fail at killing themself, I don't get it. Just fucking take a pistol, aim it at the side of your head, and pull the trigger. How could you possibly fuck that up?

For you non-freedom guys, jump off a high building or hit a brick wall at top speed in your car or some shit

>> No.11232096

You can fail jumping, even if you jump from real high.
Helium tank is the best method but requires actual will to die.

>> No.11232173

come back to us, tin
come back home

>> No.11232194

helium is great except for the people with brain damage

just because you saw a infograph on /b/ doesnt make you know anything

>> No.11232249

>if someone had a gun to my head and asked me if i wanted it i would say yes do it
no you wouldnt you little pussy, you might actually have a revelation of how important life is to you. if you really want to die you arent bitching about how you dont have what you need. you clearly dont want to die.

>> No.11232252
File: 628 KB, 1440x2160, 1537689817574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as KPOP, is in fact, KPopJPopChinaPop, or as I ve recently taken to calling it, KPop plus JPop plus ChinaPop. KPop is not a musical genre unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning musical genre made useful by various artists from Korea, Japan, Mainland China and Taiwan.
Many music consumers listen to a modified version of the Asian Pop system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Asian Pop which is widely used today is often called "KPop", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Popular music system, developed by a diverse group of East Asian componists. There really is a KPop, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
KPop is figuratively speaking the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machines resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. KPop is normally used in combination with the JPop and ChinaPop operating system: the whole system is basically JPop and ChinaPop with KPop added.
Few people will realize this.

>> No.11232292

It seems to me you already have brain damage so there is very little risk in that.

>> No.11232294
File: 419 KB, 1024x1280, tumblr_pct2mdxdAR1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so nobody who is alive wants to die then according to that logic because they would have killed themselves already

face the facts killing yourself is terrifying youve never been not alive before

theres plenty of people who want to be dead but arent because theyre afraid

not that they want to live but they just persist and suffer continually

i really genuinely would press a button to kill myself if i had that button

id rather just die naturally in my sleep one night is what i can hope for

i wouldnt have a revelation because my life isnt important to me i dont have anything to live for no future no anything

>> No.11232316

>i wouldnt have a revelation because my life isnt important to me i dont have anything to live for no future no anything
With that out of the way, why even make this thread? You already have all your answers, no need to shit up this board with your zoomer self pity.

>> No.11232336
File: 77 KB, 540x820, tumblr_pedqmvAIpd1s2yc47o3_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because suffering sucks i dont like living at my parents house

if i had enough money to make a living i wouldnt be sad anymore id be fine id move out

i dont have the answers i dont want to be miserable im stuck at my parents house i cant really do anything no freedom just 4chan is all i can do and it gets boring and repetative

>> No.11232350

tin get the fuck in here brother

>> No.11232352

lets summon the three frog demons

>> No.11232359

You want money but dont want to put in any effort to change your situation. Are you really this dumb to not realize what is wrong with your mindset?

>> No.11232384
File: 124 KB, 799x1200, tumblr_pfijge1kAd1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

effort into what
theres nobody there to guide you

its all magic normies say "get a job!" is the only thing they know how to say

they have no idea what theyre talking about

id probably walk my balls through broken glass to get out of my parents house

>> No.11232407

hope ur mental illness leads to u getting locked up in the loony bin again and ur foot falls off from diabetic complications

>> No.11232424
File: 184 KB, 1200x675, C-AUU8tVwAAviJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi tin :)

>> No.11232678
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>> No.11232694
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 20170412095253!Asuka_Soryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your neetbux somehow then apply for disabilities

>> No.11232704


>> No.11232837

you take a gowilla hand
gowilla hand


>> No.11233097

you from /scv/?

>> No.11233164


>> No.11233168


>> No.11233210

Desert eagle 50 AE. One round the head and you will be decapitated

>> No.11233238

Enter law enforcement. Almost all agencies only require a bare minimum of college credits and a lot dont require anyway. Pays well, great benefits, union and a pension.

I have one semester in college and I make $90,000 a year as the lowest rank in my agency.

>> No.11233316

Is she throwing that shit overboard, given its a popular pastime in that part of the world?

>> No.11233332

Geir is that you

>> No.11233371
File: 242 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_pflleyS8aX1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanna do something you know

it sucks being bored af every day all i have to do is go on 4chan and youtube all day every day for the past 10 years

i cant even play games i dont have a good computer and i dont have any consoles or anything

it feels like boring as hell

>> No.11233383
File: 580 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_pfjjpdYLkS1s2yc47o4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and twitch btw

all i do is watch streams for years and its honestly not enough for a human to feel content just streams ehhh its quite rough

>> No.11233402

do mturk

>> No.11233405

so what do you wanna do?

>> No.11233419

Ever considered the concept of 'Manifestation'
or attempted anything along those lines?

>> No.11233422
File: 82 KB, 1080x706, tumblr_p6sf8rpMQD1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh 12 cents an hour lol

thats my question i pray to god just for something TO DO each day im going crazy

>> No.11233453
File: 322 KB, 683x1001, tumblr_pbi0j9DVZG1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have i?

m8 i found myself researching alchemy last night to try to make gold from scratch

thats how desperate i am

>> No.11233460

Alchemy, bleh.
Your THOUGHTS are the real energy m9.

>> No.11233462

>do mturk til you get $20 for domain + hosting
>launch a site/app
>make more money
I went that route a decade ago and make $80k/yr from home. I remember getting excited when Id make $0.25/day of adsense and family/friends would just scoff at it. Internets exponential anon.

>> No.11233485

i dont have any ideas

you can get free hosting anyways

>> No.11233546
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 1474599598510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man computer work seems to suit you
i have some ebooks on learning CS and /t/ has tons of torrents for creative software, books, and language learning tools.
You could literally learn maths science literature by dedicating a specific amount of time in your neet day to learning these things

>> No.11233586



>> No.11233798
File: 313 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_p9uxohKKwc1s2yc47o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bump

>> No.11233831

Why though? You're shutting down every suggestion, even ones that are genuinely good.
It seems like you're just unable to accept the fact that you will have to put in hard work and effort to make money.

>> No.11233870
File: 86 KB, 560x961, tumblr_p9wryazlmi1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it would take an insurmountable amount of effort
trying to teach yourself something might not ever amount to anything you could just be wasting your time

better off just giving up and waiting to die

i told the story of when i wasted 8 months trying to make a program and became homeless for not having a job after that 8 months

>> No.11233974
File: 656 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus even if you were a self taught programmer your end game is hustling

you would have to hustle for freelance jobs

it would be a never ending hell

of finding your own money every month

that would be a rough life to begin with

>> No.11234011

if you had money, but gambled it away, you will never have money

>> No.11234041
File: 186 KB, 640x960, tumblr_pazndhXWWo1s2yc47o6_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the money i had came from gambling to begin with

i wanted more so i could pay for rent for a few months to get away

i thought about buying a car with the money so i can do uber but i only thought about doing this idea after i already lost all the money

it never came to mind

>> No.11234062
File: 226 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_p7u27g3wDa1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have absolutely no desire to do any gambling as long as i have enough income to live my life in my own apartment

gambling was my only avenue of making any money

when you dont have any other means to make money thats why i gambled

>> No.11234064

How did you get your seed money, the money you started gambling with?

>> No.11234095
File: 117 KB, 630x945, tumblr_p9uybwyVWV1s2yc47o5_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did uber eats to make my first couple hundred its less than minimum wage where i live i cant do normal uber my car is older than 2006

so i did that for like 5$ an hour for like 2 weeks and then i played poker at the casino and got up to like 7000

and then i bought chainlink with it and double up with dice a few times i had like 37k chainlink at one time

so i was on a roll for a while

but now my car doesnt have car insurance annymore i cant do uber eats to try to go on a roll again

>> No.11234100

you fail to grasp my point
with your attitude towards money, you will never actually accumulate wealth

as to kys, buy some dynamite from a farmer, strap it to your head, stick your head in the river and detonate

>> No.11234118
File: 346 KB, 900x1350, tumblr_p9ymo4jt6A1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant accumulate wealth if you dont have any stable income

it will simply get vaporized

even if you have 20 grand saved up that will be gone in a year of rent and all other expenses food car etc

>> No.11234130
File: 176 KB, 640x960, tumblr_paqfnueLjw1s2yc47o2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stick your head in the river and detonate

wtf is that to prevent a mess or some shit?

i dont care about that at all if i was going to kill myself i wouldnt give 2 fucks about leaving a mess

>> No.11234131

then move somewhere where this isn't the case, jesus christ think a little

>> No.11234142

no more photos of Momo?

>> No.11234152
File: 61 KB, 530x696, tumblr_p9yndktaJ11s2yc47o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a post about 2 months ago asking for the cheapest rent in the country

turns out theres a natural limit you cant really get less than 400$ rent throughout the whole country

i would be out of money in like half a year with the realistic prices where i live because it wouldnt be worth it to travel to some desert in arizona for like 200$ saving in rent

>> No.11234155

no it's to ensure you die
depending on the amount of dynamite you use, the path of least resistance for the blast in open air might leave you alive

>> No.11234167

then live out of a car until you have worked up enough money to settle

>> No.11234177
File: 81 KB, 489x800, tumblr_pa0a7nDd801s2yc47o3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre not even paying attention dude i dont have any income and cant really work a normal job

the money i had was a one time thing i got really lucky in gambling

plus i would rather live in my parents house than a car where i dont even have a computer it would be boring af

>> No.11234196

>live in my parents house
>would be boring af

ok i give up, you have 0% chance of making it

>> No.11234256

Why is this thread still going? Kill yourself already ffs. You're just here whining and probably have made an excuse for why you can't take every single bit of advice given here.

>> No.11234265
File: 83 KB, 540x784, tumblr_pedqmvAIpd1s2yc47o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have 0% chance of making it

might neck soon

its not that i dont want to im just scared

>> No.11234286
File: 69 KB, 540x810, tumblr_pfp8perGlD1s2yc47o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now its 9 o clock i have to get off the computer now because my mom is a witch demon
and forces me to get off the computer at 9 even though im 24 years old

feels bad man

>> No.11234318

if this thread isn't larp then i'm genuinely stunned at how entitled, retarded, and pathetic people can be all at once

>> No.11234336

He's been replying and posting asian women for nearly eight hours. I'm afraid this guy is the real deal.

>> No.11234406

Write and public short adult fiction on Kindle

>> No.11234437

god help us all

>> No.11234494

Having done this myself, after reading this thread I can say with 100% certainty that it is too much work for OP and he would cry and complain after only only writing ten pages.

>> No.11234598

All you had to do was be a professional author
All you had to do was be shakespear to make a living in 2018

You dont see anything wrong with that?

That to me is some serious bullshit you should be complaining and furocious that you have to be da vinci minimum to make minimum wage

>> No.11234612

it has to be larp, it can't in any way be real

>> No.11234628

Go away.

>> No.11234693

Everyone in life seems super competant except for me im like a failure

I feel like everyone has godlike skills just look at all the millions of people with mcmansions down the street all somehow able to afford those nice houses

They must be like their own indepedent donald trumps

I cant fathom it theyre like at the top of mount everest and im just looking up at them from the bottom

>> No.11234737

I'm in a similar situation as yours, why don't you try trading? Nobody have gave me an opportunity so I`m trying this as last resort if it doesn't work out I`ll kill myself. Learn price action, volume and Wyckoff forget about macd,rsi and useless indicators that people use in this place. Educate yourself in economy, there are free courses you can take. If you don't have money to day trade there are websites out there that lends you the money to trade in return of a profit of your gains. Hope this help.

>> No.11234749

People with jobs must be NPCs a normal human like me would break iut of the script and after lets say the 2000th day of working thd same shit job wouldnt you just be like fuck this bullshit imtired of working this shit job and quit one day???

How do these robots do it forever

>> No.11234765

Hate to break it to you, but most people are just surviving or just barely keeping their sanity in check. Look no further than the use of anti-depressants and suicide rates in the West. That guy who owns that McMansion, well he's in severe debt, his boss harangues him daily and he's on the verge of being fired, he's wracked by morphine and porn addiction, is being cheated on by his wife, and his kids hate him for whatever reason. This isn't true for everyone, but I think most people would be shocked to learn that most other people's lives have serious problems.

In truth, most people are just hanging on by a thread.

>> No.11234768

I tried trading coins it felt no better than gambling

I never got into the stock market but it seems too slow of gains unless you have hundreds of thousands to start with

Stock market seems too slow of gains unless youre a boomer waiting for ultra long term gains with your large amount of savings

>> No.11234801

Trade futures in leverage you can make a lot of money (or lose it). It's not gambling if you educate yourself,prepare and test an strategy in a demo and then when you are sure it works out go on live account with a sponsored account. Stop being negative and try this if it fails yeah time to worry.

>> No.11234818

They still got to be able to live in a mcmansion somehow

The thing is i dont want anywhere near that in life
I want a 500$ a month 1 bedroom pile of shit efficiency .apartment is all i ever wanted in life no mcmansion necessary for me just the shittiest apartment in town for 1 person in a small room the size of a closet

Yet i cant achieve it

If i was a norm with a regular job like these dudes i would have plenty of spare money since i live so cheaply

>> No.11234832

I dont have money anymore investing would be an option if i still had a penny to my name lmao

>> No.11234845

yes, but they're hanging on with dignity

no but really, it's practically hard, but conceptually easy - just fucking climb

people believing happiness and health is something free piss me off more than anything, you have to goddamn work for it, not sit in your parents' basement and whine

if you have parents that are so fucking nice that they let you stay with them for free or cheap, then not making the best out of that GOLDEN FUCKING OPPORTUNITY and making something out of yourself is like SPITTING IN THEIR FACES

i genuinely - and urgently - hope you literally kill yourselves, or just almost, painfully, because you are the scum of the earth

larp and bait successful, i'm enraged, 10/10

>> No.11234866

It doesnt make them nice people for letting me stay at their house if every moment they yell at me and tell me how much they want to kick me out all the time

A good parent would say you can stay here as long as you want i will never kick you out i hope you can make something of yourself one day

But most parents dont say that they say youre q8? Gtfo!

Theyre sick evil people not good people

Im not thankful of them for letting me stay since they do it brugrindgly

>> No.11234868

I told you there are people that sponsorize accounts in return of a percentage of your gains. You don't need to have money to make money. Others can lend it to you, for example you have this place here I give you the link:
There are many others liek that one, do your research.

>> No.11234879

Being fat isnt the same as being disabled anon

>> No.11234887

Nobody is going to give me free money dude 90% of stock traders are losers so that would make them the stupidest company in the world if they gave out free money to new traders

The worlds most unprofitable company

>> No.11234890

Go be a door greeter at walmart or some shit for fucks sake. You're such a pathetic faggot. If you can't sit there in your wheelchair and smile for nine dollars an hour then roll yourself out in traffic you sad fucking faggot.

>> No.11234901

I have an account there and I'm making money with the money they lend me to trade.

>> No.11234927

Seems interesting ill probably just fail the test to prove youre a good trader lol i suck at everything

Walmart greeters are only at a few walmarts ive not really seen one around here

>> No.11234937

Really fuck off. I gave you a solution and now you are just making excuses and not even giving a thanks. You truly are pathetic. BYE

>> No.11234943

I said it was interesting i bookmarked your link
I just doubt ill get a loan if i try it

>> No.11234944


>> No.11234962

I rarely say these things but...you deserve what you got.

>> No.11235016

I dont deserve it i just fucked up tho
Deserve means you want it to happen

>> No.11235026

>Walmart greeters are only at a few walmarts ive not really seen one around here
You have an excuse for everything don't you? Fuck off. Seriously.

>> No.11235043

no it doesn't

if you are for real, you are the biggest piece of shit i've ever encountered

please refer to my dynamite solution

>> No.11235061

Its true i havnt seen a walmart greeter at any of my local walmarts

People qith excuses have legitimate complaints abiut the occupation or they wouldnt be complaining they would just do it

If there was nothing valid to complain about they would be fine and not make excuses

Why would i make invalid excuses if my goal is to move out and have freedom for once

Even if there was walmart greeter jobs i dont think its for me to tell you the truth

I dont like smiling or interacting with people and i have a beard and walmart would make me shave it

>> No.11235085

ITT: People getting angry at a disabled person


>> No.11235087

Not only that but you would have to actually get hired by your local walmart to be a greeter

Do you know how many people they DONT CALL who fill out the application? Many

>> No.11235095

>I dont like smiling or interacting with people and i have a beard and walmart would make me shave it
we've been had guys, it was a larp all along, it is literally impossible for a character like this to be real

>> No.11235127

Kys. Nothing to noose... amirite?

>> No.11235143

I'm starting to understand why your parents hate you so much. I'm on their side.

>> No.11235156

Im on the jobless millenial side

Youre on the boomer side

Whos right

>> No.11235183

Why is this shit thread so big. Fuck off op.

>> No.11235188

Neither. You're a worthless piece of shit, and they raised you. Everyone in that house needs to be euthanized.

>> No.11235190

Its so big because im bored out of my mind i have to post on 4chan to hopefully avoid going completely nuts

>> No.11235231

You could have spent the last eleven hours of your day learning a new skill that you could use to make money. Instead you posted photographs of asian girls and convinced yourself that you're a worthless loser that needs to kill himself.

>> No.11235235

i'd never in a million years expect to say something like this, but /biz/ is too respectable a place for you, please go somewhere else

>> No.11235252

Ive been doin this for 10 years nothings changing

A few people itt recognized me from a old thread i used to post in

>> No.11235292

>But why a job? Even if its just 1 dollar an hour, its a first routne you get.
the only routine you're getting with that shitty a job is starvation

>> No.11235309

Please spend the next ten years rotting in a grave, thanks.

>> No.11235374

get disability, and apparently you can type so start a blog, find a niche market (like finance and money) and write at least once per week.

>> No.11235408 [DELETED] 

>get disability


>> No.11235422

>get disability

>> No.11235423

>i live with my parents i would be working a long time ago if i could believe me i dont want to be here

fucking lol so funny when neetfags say this

>> No.11235624
File: 10 KB, 739x415, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are on the internet right now typing words. That plus some time and effort is all you need to make money.

Fuck. If you want money get money. If you want to die kys. Just fucking do it holy shit.

Maybe change your diet or something. Drink water and eat nothing but potatoes, sweet potatoes and chicken liver. Maybe then you'll have the mental stamina to pick up a shotgun.

>> No.11235626

remember mewbert?

>> No.11235743

Fucking hell. When a solid prediction market is up and running make sure to leave your name and address in your pity thread. We can all chip in to pay for someone to do what you should have done a long time ago.