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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11228938 No.11228938 [Reply] [Original]

$50 million lump sum or $3 million a year for 30 years?

>> No.11228946

>50m sum

How is that even a question?

>> No.11228947

3 mil a year you dumb
Cunt. You actually think you could spend more then 3 mil a year? If you need more money the bank would be happy to loan you 10 mil if you got 3 mil per year.

Are you 12? Fuckin useless questions

>> No.11228959

Who knows what 3mil is worth in 15years?
Rather take the money and do something with it

>> No.11228971

>financial crisis
>suddenly stop getting checks

>> No.11228982

Give me the $50 mil. I can easily 3x over the course of 30 years

>> No.11228984

50m over 30years with a moderate 4% rendite per average would lead to 165m.

Interest interest is a magic. But go for the anually / regular payment meme. /Biz/ is filled with subhuman races

>> No.11229013

What if you die in 5 years.....?

Your family/kids/whatever loses out on the rest

>> No.11229020

Man you guys are retarted.

Despite the "dollar being worth less" in my lifetime even if you got 1mil a year and value drops your still setting very pretty.

At no point in the history of money if you had a million dollars would you even be poor.

I infact do know a guy who won 60 mil with the lottery 2 years ago and he's already broke.
Went and bought old buildings in centre city. Spent so much renovating to open a high class restaurant that failed.
Tried to open franchises here/ bought the rights and end up defaulting cause he didn't have enough cash and now is getting sued by the franchise for defaulting.

This is essentially what you dumb dumbs would do with "muh lump sum"

The beauty of being paid every year is that you have a set limit that you need to take steps to go beyond and that's why yearly is better then lump sum.
Fuck man i can't begin to explain my frustration to you dumb fucks.

>> No.11229026

>the year is 2035
>Anon goes to the supermarket to by bread and milk
>Cashier looks at him and says "is that all? That will be 2 million dollars sir"
>anon goes to look for rope
>it costs 3 million dollars
>Postpones his suicide for next year

>> No.11229030
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> 50 million lump sum.
If you'd take the 30 years option you're retarded and will never make it. Unironically. The 30-year T-bond yield is 3.2%. 50*1.032^30=128.6. You'd have 128.6MM after 30 years with (almost) zero risk. If you put it in stocks then, assuming a 7% expected nominal return, you'd have an expected 380MM after 30 years.
Beyond saving.

>> No.11229036

>The short Version, i am a retard.
..who doesn't understand the basic laws of mathe

This is the reason why you will never even have 1m.

>> No.11229038

Someone never took foundations of finance. Go to Uni, you subhuman "uni is a meme" brainlet.

>> No.11229042

Have any of you in this thread even had more then 10k in your bank account at once?

Have you ever gotten a cheque for over 10k?

I'm willing to bet most of you here have hardly ever had an account over 1k, you literally have zero concept of money management.

>> No.11229051

>cant manage his own money
Well you're a brainlet so I understand.

>> No.11229052

Stop it already. Don't you have any form of self integrity?

>> No.11229059

Read this >>11229030 you absolute brainlet. It's basic math.

>> No.11229061

I only come on /biz/ for pink guy memes which you guys haven't posted in bulk for a while. I run a bot farm though so it's something at least.

>> No.11229067

threads like this one really make me question why I browse this board. Anyone who doesn't choose the lump sum doesn't have any business giving their opinion on anything.

>> No.11229070

50 million lump and put half of it in bitcoin, decred and monero (50% , 25%, 25%)

>> No.11229135

You’re mentally cucked.

You need someone to manage ur money for u? Lmao

If you were to invest 25million in a conservative fund that gave u 4% average every year you would have close to 100million in 30 years and you would have been able to enjoy ur 25 million immediately buy a lambo, mansión a couple rental properties and snort cocain off super model tits.

You’re either an idiot or you’re Legit cucked my man, your soul is cucked if you have this pathetic mindset something is wrong with you.

>> No.11229163

This. Too bad retarded arrogants usually throw out their retarded opinions and then move on and dont read replies. That guy has the complete package to fail miserably at life. Ignorant and arrogant. Some people are really just lost causes

>> No.11229249

On the other hand if you invest 3m every year with 3,2% rendite p/a you would have 160m after 30y

For visualizing:

>> No.11229261

Kek, underrated

>> No.11229265

Ok my bad. You get the 3m every 3y. I am trying to find a way to come up with option B, but cannot find one.

>> No.11229537

I'm not at home right now, but you can do it pretty easily in excel with the PV function.

>> No.11230391

>50m lump sum
>Buy btc
>Have 3m this year, next year, maybe the year after if we're really lucky
>Live as a washed up has been for the rest of my existence

Lump sum obviously ya ninny

>> No.11230398

Lump sum and I'd put a big 50MM buy wall at $6400

>> No.11230403

To be honest with you, even $1 million is probably more than I will ever need to live comfortably. I would prefer to just take the $50 lump sum so I don't have to report getting $3 million every year on my taxes. Too much complication for something I don't even need.

And then I would probably donate $49 million so I wouldn't feel guilty about all dooose poooor peepoo

>> No.11230460

3 mil a year that way I won't run out due to overspending

>> No.11230468

this it's not even a question

>> No.11230495

>everyone assumes the $3MM yearly just gets tossed under the mattress

If you drop it in to the same magic consistent returns, the yearly payout gets you ahead. Just barely though. Not worth the risk considering your life expectancy probably gets fucked.

>> No.11230512

$3 million if it's inflation adjusted and guaranteed. Otherwise the $50 million.

>> No.11230752

That's assuming you have zero risk tolerance (i.e. 100% in T-bonds) which no one with 50MM has. Also, even if you have an extremely low risk tolerance you should probably still go with option A because the inflation risk of option B is significantly higher.

>> No.11230792


You can use this as a rough IQ estimate.

50 million lump sum means you're >100 IQ
3 Million a year for 30 years means you're <100 IQ

>> No.11230802

50 million.
Even the 3 million for 30 years are more (within 3% inflation still about 60 million total), I would rather take the 50 million.
You get 1.5 million a year at 5% from the 50 million.
And I have this for my whole life, plus 50 million in case I need it (maybe to buy a Mars ticket or something).

>> No.11230808

$3 million a year to buy $3m a year of Link

>> No.11230833

Ops the 50 million are also in total a lot more. This question is stupid. You should have made it opposite, so its more interesting to choose "more money now" vs. "more money at the end".

>> No.11230847

>implying the US dollar will be worth shit in 30 years

If you're not retarded you'd take the 50 mil and buy gold and bitcoin

>> No.11230876

Lump sum you dildo, 80% immediately into btc/xmr/link (40/30/30), remaining money open a business, build a house, start working out, focus on healthy eating, avoid drugs, junk food, floozies, and alcohol like the plague

>> No.11230893

Lump sum. Money is worthless. Buy assets with it.

>> No.11230895

I fell for the same mistake. Retarded question indeed.
Option A no matter what

>> No.11230944

lmao so many brainlets in this thread. Obviously you take the 90 mil over the 50 mil. It's like no one understands that you have to pay taxes on this shit.

>> No.11230974


You could do 90% of this right now.
If this isn't proof your limitations are mental and not financial i don't know what is.

Easier to blame it on your bank balance than laziness i guess.

>> No.11230986

What is risk? You are assuming that the dollar will still be strong in 30 years. What if inflation eats it all up? Better to have $50 million now and put it in future-proof assets, than to have $90 million in a future where no one uses dollars anymore, right?

>> No.11231002
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He could have just invested like half in stocks and crypto and would have been fine right? God this shit makes me so fuckin pissed! Why do these people get money and fuck it all up?

>> No.11231024

He's larping you retard

>> No.11231051

Even so people who win the lottery in big amounts also tend to do this

>> No.11231157

You can take out a mortgage and deduct some of the interest off of your taxes, effectively allowing you to short sell the dollar. There are also a shit ton of other loopholes you can exploit when you take the yearly annuity.

>> No.11231257

>50 million lump sum
49.5M taxed at the highest rate at 37%

>3 million a year x 30 years
Given tax rates stay the same, only 2.5M would be taxed at the highest 37%. Meaning 15M of that 90M is taxed at lower rates

So not only does the govt give you $40M more in the end, but this is also the smart way to go re: taxation.

>But you can make more in the stock market
Sure until a bear market arises

>> No.11231381

3M invest half after taxes, still have ~700k/year free for living and/or risky investments. I'm a cheap fuck so after I secured a house and transportation, I'd need less than 30k to live on, and that's with splurging on very nice food. Pretty sure that's sustainable and will net much more than 50 lump sum due to constrained decision making.

>> No.11231404

The question didn't really include any tax considerations. I a lot of countries (but not burgerland) gambling winnings are tax free.

>> No.11231414

Im fairly confident i could gain 10m off of it before 30 years

>> No.11231423

Lump sum, bch will never be this low again.

>> No.11231484

You take it split.

70% upfront and the rest paid to you over the rest of your life.

You do this because you cant trust the government. 50 million now could be 50 cents if the government goes Communist and inflates the dollar.

You take some paid to you because you dont know what the money will do to you. You could be completely changed by it and start spending like a waterfall. Some cunt could appear that you never met and allege that you sexually groped her 30 years ago at a party but she cant remember where or when and she has to be believed because shes a gurl and the judge grants her all your money.

>> No.11231541

$50 million and put it all into crypto. Not bitcoin, all shitcoins.

>> No.11231567

Nice. Someone‘s GOT to feed the whales, we wouldn‘t want them to starve

>> No.11231568

Lump sum. If you take the yearly payments and you die the government keeps what hasn't been paid out yet.

>> No.11231623
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I see you are a man of culture as well.

>> No.11231894

based senpai