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11229189 No.11229189 [Reply] [Original]

>that chad who takes his lunch at 11:30

>> No.11229221
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>that NEET who takes his lunch whenever the fuck he wants!

>> No.11229251

I like a 1 PM lunch. Then you are done at 2 and only have 3 hours left.

>> No.11229350

What do you do for money

>> No.11229363

Lol I'm a tradie who literally takes one hour breakfast and 2 hour lunches all the time

>> No.11229381
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I accrue good boy points from my mommy you silly dummy!

>> No.11229446

>taking lunches
>not just eating at your desk while working to leave an hour earlier

>> No.11229478
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>that wagecuck working for an organization that has defined lunch hours

I take my lunch whenever the fuck I want and I'm not even senior. Sometimes even at 3pm if it's been a busy day. By the time I'm back at my desk, take a shit, and make an afternoon coffee, it's already almost time to head out.

>> No.11230049

its eat lunch
"take" lunch implies its a gift given from mr sheklesteinberg

you npc fuck

>> No.11230063

>"take" lunch implies its a gift given from mr sheklesteinberg

Implying it isn't?

>> No.11230093

agreed, so saying 'chad' and 'take' lunch is already antithetical before reading further

>> No.11230105



>> No.11230138

starting at 7, eating at 13 and then only having 1.5 hours left to work is best.

i start at 7, because then i am alone until 8 and noone knows i just chilled the first hour and did nothing.

>> No.11230259
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>> No.11230316

What about the Chad that is still in bed?

>> No.11230458

lmfao you live with your mom? what a virgin loser

someone tell this retard your mom doesn't count as a first kiss

>> No.11230488

our office gives us paid lunch so i just sit at my desk and eat and still leave at 5

>> No.11230493

Chad doesn't stay in bed, he sleeps at the gym whilst doing bench presses.

>> No.11230504
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this lmao imagine having to clock out for lunch

must suck being a literally hourly cuck

>> No.11230508

>what a virgin loser

Lol no. Mommy buys me an hour with Stacy once a month for my "needs".

>> No.11230520

lol at the wagecucks in here

>> No.11230524


>implying no one knows

9am-4:30pm master race report. Lunch is at 12:45pm and lasts until 2:00pm. Problem?

>> No.11230584

Show up at 10:30. Lunch 12-1. Leave at 6. Probably gonna get fired soon and honestly I can't wait

>> No.11230728

I start an hour early 8am no one else comes in the office till 9, super comfy, chill make coffee listen to music. Banter with coworkers from 9-930, take a shit, start work at 10. Work until 2, take lunch get back at 3, shit, coffee some banter, leave at 4.

>> No.11230746

Not a chad, just a german boomer.

>> No.11230749

>tell co-workers ill cover the phone while they eat lunch
>1pm lunch
>there are barely any calls during lunch anyways
>phone starts picking up again at 12:45 at best

>> No.11230757

Yes, sweetie, that's the point of this thread. :)

>> No.11230776
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>that beta permavirgin who doesn't eat whenever the fuck he wants

>> No.11231290

This me. Except I take 20m coffee and smoke break every 2 hrs

>> No.11231590
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>not being a /fit/izen who does intermittent fasting and wouldn't touch a drop of food until 2PM at the earliest

>> No.11231622

real niggas take it at 2pm, take a full hour and then only work from 3 till 4.30 in the afternoon

shortens the day tremendously

>> No.11231847


>> No.11231919
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How does one land a cliché office type job? I have no idea where I would apply if not in a store or fast food place.

>> No.11231955

Did you go to a college/university? Your school usually has an alum recruiting page. Or try linkedIn or Monster. I love my office job. It can be long hours at times, but I get paid $82,500/yr to shitpost on biz.

>> No.11231999

True chads show up at noon because they were up till 3 am fucking the receptionist

>> No.11232020

I've been at several wagecuck jobs and ate whenever the fuck I wanted

>> No.11232022

Is that even a thing? I get paid fortnightly even if I only show up for 1 day. Fuck me, some npcs have got it hard.

>> No.11232029

I haven't yet. 19 year old zoomer. What degree do you have?

>> No.11232058

I unironically did this everyday where I used to work, just so I wouldn't have to wait in lines and could eat in a more silent and peaceful environment.

>> No.11232062

Chad here.

Still in bed in my underwear at 1.33 pm on this day of our lord. I plan to do a few hours of work later by my pool. Since I'm salaried I'll make about 560 bucks today for my heroic efforts writing shit code.

>> No.11232063
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>that neet who takes his lunch at 17:30

>> No.11232081

21 yr old @ 39k a year office job and I literally go on the internet all day

>> No.11232137

This is my goal, I'm about to graduate with a degree in computer engineering and minor in business, hopefully I can get to the management point so I just have to tell codemonkeys what to do while I sleep

>> No.11233251

lmao thats me kek
11:30-12 to eat, 12-1 to nap in my car
been doin this shit 2 years

>> No.11233319

It's OK wagie, no need to get upset.

>> No.11233331


fucking glorious being able to get your food right away and eat it in peace

>> No.11233342

10:30 here

>> No.11233343

>The neet cope

>> No.11233358

ayy same bro
sometimes go for a counter lunch and end up at the pub for rest of the day Lmao

>> No.11233386

Kek I work at a company where they back the fuck off. Working 4 days a week, 6 hours a day. Get payed full time

>> No.11233400
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im 29 and my mommy still makes my lunch. comfy

>> No.11233429
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>that chad who takes an hour-long shit at work once a day

>> No.11233607

If you're in bed at 11:30 your test levels are too low to be Chad.

>> No.11233649

Not a neet though

>> No.11233683

When I was a wage slave I'd do this all the time. Push off lunch as long as possible.

I feel like it's not a good way to get ahead though, because you're rarely eating with coworkers.

>> No.11233790
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>> No.11233905
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>tfw shifts from eleven to twelve
>lunch break consists of chain smoking and trying to stay awake

>> No.11234161

This is the good life right here. A free man.

>> No.11234187

You shouldnt smoke. Stop it plz. You are worse than linkies

>> No.11234382

This. I will never understand how people can just spend all damn day in the office and then make the day longer by taking a long ass lunch break in the break room or at restaurants with coworkers who are still talking about work shit. It makes zero sense to purposefully make your work day longer unless you're getting paid for it.

>> No.11234413


I used to do that but I found I would not be hungry for dinner at 6pm

>> No.11234449

woah woah easy on the tism there chief

>> No.11234462

ha, not eating one meal a day with regular 5 days fasts and when you do have your daily meal eating only grass fed beef and livers from cow (occasionally pig or other exotic, high tier mammals) that are moved to fresh pastures daily by a local farmer who you trust completely.

No wonder you feel like shit.

>> No.11234477

>shitting multiple times a day
Ask me how I know you’re American

>> No.11234484

I only have a 30 minute lunch. I feel rushed as fuck. I have to walk to the other end of the building, buy food, eat it, and walk back, all within 30 minutes.

>> No.11234538

>Being on any sort of timetable where 'leaving early' is a concept.

>> No.11234847

I'd save my lunch and two breaks until the end and just leave. Done at 3:30 bitches

>> No.11235198

itt forever alones wanting to get off work early to go home and do nothing.... alone.

>> No.11235215

Toam around my city finding lose change buying shit cheap from other people/stores and flipping it while collecting neetbux and mummy allowance on the side. Easy 2.3kish/month.