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File: 404 KB, 1186x1194, 26983B9F-E638-450E-9517-D5E876B98DB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11226461 No.11226461 [Reply] [Original]

Sitting at +30% now- just broke resistance

>> No.11226503

Blue sky breakout once past 5000 sat- like 4400 now

>> No.11226524


>> No.11226530

what are official targets ?

>> No.11226538

its not stopping

how did you catch OP

>> No.11226542

I mean you could still buy it..especially if it dips a bit before the next leg..it hasn’t gone parabolic yet and it’s a slow methodical pump..which are the ones that generally go the highest on binance..

They tend to explode and go parabolic at the very end which is your cue to sell

>> No.11226548

This is literally a scam by a lone schizo.

>> No.11226552
File: 12 KB, 327x324, 1467683051143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking newfag OP. The coin is a scam by the way.

>> No.11226554

I’m thinking 750, but I’ll sell when it goes parabolic either way...

I caught it around 370- not really sure how to explain my method but just saw it building and knew it was going to pump.. it reminds me of how vibe pumped which might of been how I realized I guess..this coin has been like $8 before so it’s just completely recked and was due for something like this

>> No.11226559

I liked the part where TRIG was meant to stop the Syria war and where he switched from "TRIG unlocks your gun" to "orbital weapons".

Also the part where he said he has a deal with a weapons company almost set on grounds of "they are located 30 minutes down the road from me".

>> No.11226563

Youre a brainlet if you let the fact that it’s a scam stop you from making money on it..

>> No.11226572

it keeps going


>> No.11226573

>Youre a brainlet
You're a gambler.

This is like investing into bitconnect in 2019.

>> No.11226577

You’re confusing investing with trading..I’ll be invested in this for all of two-three hours most likely

>> No.11226583

Or I loved the prototype of a "smart gun" which was just... he put a router on a gun, put a knife next to it. You're buying tokens from a guy here who was too lazy to even make a proper scam. The project goal changed at least 3 times, he had no idea what it was about himself.

>> No.11226585

you're still a brainlet, you get in, you take short profits then you're out.


>> No.11226589

Lol exactly

>> No.11226591

>You’re confusing investing with trading
You're confusing trading with gambling.

That's how you become poor.

>> No.11226601

that's how i've made my money in crypto. how are your bags of HODL doing? guess they're down.

confirmed bralinlet

>> No.11226608

He had to have bought trig at like $5 in January or something

>> No.11226616



up 15%

>> No.11226620

If it's at +30%, and anyone is shilling it at all here, it's already too late. You buy this, you lose. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.11226634

Some run of the mill profit taking around 500...and a stall to entice selling..majority of the time it will keep going with this setup

>> No.11226642


wow OP


>> No.11226649



still went up after OP called it

>> No.11226654

I remember this coin pumping very high several times in 2017. With so many coins pumping randomly, seems like we're at the beginning of another bull market.

>> No.11226656
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We all win..more people buy in (ieadlly early) it goes higher..I personally have no intention of dumping into support right now..but wouldnt fault anyone who does..have to be willing to take a little risk if you want the big(er) profits

>> No.11226667

Yeah there’s one of the nearly every day on Binance now..two days ago it was ost, dlt yesterday and now trig..it’s early but I like either ins or Lun to be next

>> No.11226680

I bought, it's on the way down. You win

>> No.11226690

Honestly for most pumps (like the ones done by groups) this would be true..there is the occasional pump like this one that will just slowly build and build-which is an exception to the rule..

in this case its most likely a market maker who decided they wanted it to run

>> No.11226698
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I have noticed this over the last two weeks and I am all-in and fucking waiting for my 40+%.

>> No.11226706

I haven’t sold if it makes you feel any better..though it’s getting close to my trailing stop at this point

>> No.11226717

Bunch of support coming in..this was a pretty healthy retracement to set up an additional leg up as I see it

>> No.11226721


>> No.11226725

so thats it

>> No.11226738
File: 116 KB, 619x368, 03F16970-06F4-4974-90F5-B7C98653A02B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still something in the works with this one...you almost never see those kind of bids on something like trig

>> No.11226749

Have a little faith here..holding it down like that was psychological warfare by the mm to get you to fill his bids

>> No.11226767


>> No.11226783

You sure about that? looks like it's dump time

>> No.11226788

Ongoing psychological warfare..fuck it I’m not selling still think it runs when mm fills his bags

>> No.11226842

Well this 'psychological warfare' has gone on now for about as long as the pump.

>> No.11226845
File: 895 KB, 2160x1181, 49F0C73C-40CD-4B17-A8E2-8DFAFBA28807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some parallels with the last time trig pumped in april..blowoff top (where the arrow is) followed by consolidation, followed by a higher leg..

It’s a slow moving shitcoin that plays mind games with people...I might be wrong and it might keep dumping but Im sticking with it for now

>> No.11226906

it was pumped all the way through for 48 hours last time. It's been dumping for the past 45 min already now.

>> No.11226919

there's an 8 hour "dump" where he's pointing at that chart. It's wishful thinking given the direction BTC is currently headed, but not entirely impossible.

>> No.11226948
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fuck, ignore me im a faggot
i'll hold for a bit

>> No.11226955

Yeah I’m not thrilled either..someone is buying a lot at 450 though..you don’t get that much capital by being an idiot so presumably there is some intent to take it higher eventually..Ive given up on eventually being anytime in the immediate future though

>> No.11227087

It’s flattening out with falling vol on the sub 15m charts, maybe I’m being overly optimistic but I think there’s a chance it pops again here

>> No.11227161

I think it's got potential, but you're right the vol is flat lining.

>> No.11227188


>> No.11227196

I’m still going with 100% or more..that spike makes it pretty obvious that my original guess about the mm fucking with us was correct

>> No.11227205

This candle is literally 5% of the circulating supply

>> No.11227213
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Forgot the pic

>> No.11227225

bought 200 of these fuckers to play with, hope i get some petty change to buy some other shit after the pump. bought in at 450, what are your sell orders?

>> No.11227234


>> No.11227239

The max Binance allows for now lol..that volume reminds me of the time Syscoin got api hacked..so I quickly threw bids up there just in case..

Realistically I think 700-850 is where it would end up

>> No.11227250

true but first after a retrace from 550/600 down back to 500 area

>> No.11227258

remeber always take profit and ride the waves.

>> No.11227283

Good call, anon. Hope you take some profit today.

>> No.11227301

Yeah it’s kind of yo-yoing now..there’s something unusual about this one (in a potentially good way)..that was a 1m trig straight market buy that caused the spike..whoever did that has an average cost low to mid 5’s so he probably needs to get it into at least the mid 600s to get out profitably (he almost sort of has to wick it off a top-way too much trig to sell at spot without chasing the market down)

>> No.11227313

Haha thanks man- I’ll sell it eventually.. I’m in at 370 and kind of just want to see where it goes for now...people selling now are ignoring the obvious upward manipulation and intent to pump further imo

>> No.11227324

your obviusly way way way more knowledgable about this stuff than me. would love to learn more.

am ultra carefully noob started with 2k am sitting at 15k now

>> No.11227331
File: 2.70 MB, 339x325, 0a55de209b2448018d64006a9dd1561b3dfb185c3cf5c42bd1eaca728c37f7b4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Took some profit but holding for 700+
When do you think it'll top?

>> No.11227353

I usually throw up a thread when I think something is going to pump (my ost thread a few days ago went +75% after I made it and got zero comments lol)..but if you see the image of a coin and something about how it’s going to pump- decent chance it’s one of mine..

I’ve been doing this for awhile- I got into bitcoin around 800 and started trading years ago so I’ve seen most of the tricks/games that get played by p and d teams..this one is either a whale group or a hacker...if it’s a whale group it might see mid 100%’s..if it’s a hacker you could see some crazy prices by the end (at least 10x)

>> No.11227374

Why not become a tripfag op?

>> No.11227378

send me a mail

would love to learn more shit

>> No.11227387
File: 134 KB, 621x841, 949AEF88-9E2A-440C-9A73-EA20A80767C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably anywhere from 750-1000...there’s too much weird shit going on in this orderbook to think it’s going to stop anytime soon..

Random 1m trig market buys and probably more support than trig has ever has all out of nowhere

>> No.11227429


would also be keen for binance calls, please teach me senpai

>> No.11227436

Nothing against it but not really my thing


Can’t promise anything right away but I’ll try to get around to it soonish

>> No.11227446

no pressure. focus on yourself first. if you have free time and want to help others thats a good thing.

but yourself familiy and friends first.

god speed

>> No.11227448

Imagine believing this fucking test.
Do you idiots know what a pnd is?

>> No.11227465

yes we do just like vib pump etc

>> No.11227492

So then you know this is some pageet faggot pumping this one worthless bag to get suckers to dump on, and not some TA guru dropping breadcrumbs.
You know that right?

>> No.11227515

for What’s it worth this is starting to go beyond a pump and dump, trig is a pretty low circulating supply coin that’s been in accumulation basically forever, it’s also a binance exclusive so arbitrage is not an issue.

With that said, it’s somewhat obvious now that the whale(s) running this are in near total control of the supply, meaning they can make the price whatever they want to make the price...just be careful anytime it goes parabolic (like if it jumps 100’s of sats in the less than a minute)..those are the times when the market maker(s) are more likely to unload their bags, if you are still holding after they do this then you will get rekt (wait for the dead cat bounce though if you’re caught like this)

>> No.11227522

dumb fuck listen if this guy really have been trading since bitcoin was 800dollars. one in a million chance

would you not want to learn from him???

you lose nothing but a tinny we of time. think about all the new stuff you can learn and perhaps also give some knowledge back.

as i said 1 in a million chance

"All the can happen, will not happen"
"all the will not happen, will happen"

>> No.11227524

Shut the fuck up you worthless faggot

>> No.11227526

Lol not a pajeet and not holding enough to influence the market in any appreciable way for more than like 10 seconds..I saw something that was ready to explode and made a thread about it in the early stages, that’s pretty much it

>> No.11227533

>since bitcoin was 800
>he thinks this is impressive
Sure thing newfag. I hope you don't lose too much money learning this lesson.

>> No.11227536

Show me all the places trig touched you in January..

>> No.11227545

Honestly yeah 800 isn’t extremely early or anything- I heard about it and ignored it when it was like $50 which still eats at me though

>> No.11227549
File: 524 KB, 3000x1500, 189940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me this is impressive. to you i do not know. but the fact is he or she, has been in crypto longer than me. and that means i can learn something i previusly didnt know.

you do what you want. just dont be soo angry.

>> No.11227642

Might briefly dip sub 5000 sat here..it’s most likely a trap though

>> No.11227665

what price i should buyback ?

>> No.11227669

Seriously don’t make the mistake of selling here..it’s probably going to wick again- using the support that just got pulled

>> No.11227677

sold at 510 i was panicked should i buyback ?

>> No.11227679

475 would be a steal imo..it’s just risky in general becuase of the way it shot from 450 530,in a single buy..I basically knew it was going to drop and didn’t sell for that reason

>> No.11227680

yes, below 510

>> No.11227683

Yeah I mean you’re still under your selling price so I would

>> No.11227707

The support that disappeared just came back-honestly one of the more manipulated and slow moving pumps I remember seeing..I’m still confident it pumps at least a few hundred additional sats..but I don’t know what kind of timeframe it’s going to happen on

>> No.11227769

Would recommend reading this sometime- it’s basically book a whale wrote about the psychology of p and ds..the section on shake outs is especially applicable in this case


Google ‘Wolong game of deception’ if you’d rather not use the link

>> No.11227780


deliberately forced price reaction, whose purpose is that of stimulating public selling in order to facilitate the accumulation of speculative
positions. This is the most aggressive part in wiping out weak hands of their
positions. Sometimes during a shakeout, we can be so aggressive that we
drive prices so low that's it's way below our cost price. Losses does not
matter to us, it is only on paper, and we have enough bankroll to pump
prices back up. Individuals who have no experienced or unable to withstand
such psychological torture will usually exit the market at this stage.

>> No.11227824


thx for the info bro, i sold at 550 might buy back in lower

>> No.11227899

Take a look at Bcd now if you’re looking for another trade- utter shitcoin..but..it pumps when the other fork coins pump..Bch and btg both up 20% and Bcd hasn’t moved yet...it’s a literal layup

>> No.11227911

why do you think this coin will pumping ? its has very low volume

>> No.11227948

It’s not pumping yet (though going as granular as the 1 minute chart gives you a few breadcrumbs) the point is to buy it before it pumps- it’s mostly about the relationships between coins..

Bitcoin cash started it by pumping like 25%...then bitcoin gold (another Btc fork just pumped 20%)..which leaves Bcd as the only forked coin which hasn’t moved...

That might not seem like a great reason but historically enough people employ that kind of logic and it winds up true...so really just anticipating that bch and btg profits flow into bcd..

A quick glance shows that it’s just about to start..

>> No.11227966

You've convinced me
Better fucking PUMP

>> No.11227976

Based on Bitcoin cash and gold, how high do you think BCD's gonna pump?

>> No.11227982

Probably around 20% like btg- I might take profit around 15% though..hopefully shouldn’t take more than 30-45 mins

>> No.11227998

Btg and bch dumping so now would be about the time

>> No.11228001

BCD vol has died off

>> No.11228029

Yeah- lot of resistance too - honestly crazy how rekt this coin got when they opened the wallets- I still think 325 at least for what it’s worth..just needs a few decent sized market buys to get rolling..

>> No.11228031

>You've convinced me
>Better fucking PUMP

>> No.11228055

Lol it will- you guys gave me shit about trig and that worked out (it’s not even done yet but there’s a shitload of other interesting plays right now capping its upside)

>> No.11228073

You've made one correct prediction so far, we're still waiting on the other two.

>> No.11228098

One other thing about Bcd- eventually huobi and kucoin are going to open their wallets (like binance did) Bcd is 3x higher on those exchanges- so as soon as they announce that the wallets are opening Bcd will 2-3x on Binance (like how it 4x’d on gate io when Binance opened their wallets)...who knows when huobi and kucoin open the wallets but it’s something to keep an eye on

>> No.11228153

source ?

>> No.11228156

There she goes..

>> No.11228157

already 20% profit thanks based anon

>> No.11228162

>needing a private key to fire your gun

the idea is neat but just because they have a token doesnt mean they'll be the ones to implement it lol
its a yikes from me bro

>> No.11228178

Nothing specific about huobi and kucoin but it’s all over Twitter if you search like $bcd wallets or something like that..the part about gate and Binance comes from me watching it in real time as if happened

>> No.11228197

This is a P followed by a D my fren.

>> No.11228214

Ins sort of looks like the next trig- still too early to be sure though

>> No.11228277

Bcd finally getting some traction..15% minimum Is inevitable regardless of how long it takes

>> No.11228287
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selling at

>> No.11228293

should i take out my trig and put it in bcd?

>> No.11228307

I partially did- I’d only do it if you’re fast enough to get in sub 295 tho

>> No.11228324

Will probably reallocate back into trig and maybe ins or Lun after Bcd pumps

>> No.11228340
File: 72 KB, 600x851, __alphonse_elric_and_edward_elric_fullmetal_alchemist_drawn_by_017m__02294ab39194f47b372af1831b7d9528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach me your ways. I will glady give you 50% of all i make. until your satisified

>> No.11228346

bcd pumping

>> No.11228351

scrap it you get 95% of all i make

>> No.11228376

I’d do it for a free- maybe I’ll just make a thread every few days or so and just post signals/pump info..most of biz dosent really get ta in general so might be useful for a lot of people..I do this for a living so it’s not like it would be very disruptive to my schedule in general

>> No.11228398
File: 115 KB, 676x520, __edward_elric_fullmetal_alchemist_drawn_by_tsukuda0310__8b27600975c23c3ab8c42512d9de92c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well reason i wana give u 95% is in payment for teaching me. it would be profitable sybiosis for us both(probably mosty me but idk) thanks anyway

>> No.11228411

It should go higher than this..if it dosent right away it prob will in a few hrs

>> No.11228421
File: 185 KB, 1080x1080, 26341141_146614352802290_7976702812199321600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, help a retarded image board for autistic goat hurding business men out.

>> No.11228450

I got a question tho what precentage% of the 24hr trading volume do you invest. Soo that you dont get caught with your dick in your hands

>> No.11228504

I’m not a good role model for this- because I flip stuff constantly (even though I held onto trig for awhile)..because of that my volume is really high so I doubt I’m investing more than like 2.5% at a time in daily volume on a given trade

In terms of overall capital I’m on the reckless side- I’ll do up to a third on any given trade but only if I’m sitting watching it constantly- if I have to leave for any reason I’ll set a stop or just sell...I for the most part though only buy shit before it pumps so in general my positions don’t start off very risky..I wouldn’t recommend anything remotely this agressive until you consistently win with a strategy that you’re comfortsble with

>> No.11228522

Icn if you can get it under 6400 is,a profitable trade..sell around 7000 I’d guess

>> No.11228526

welll being able to spot PnD is pretty good skill to have.

I am super conservative, only had 10% loss at most. rarly by any coins sitting on tether, and only by a few am 110% sure i can profit of.

I traded 1/3 of all my tether from your post had have intresting profits to say the least

>> No.11228530

Just got dumped on tho which is good for entering cheap and bad for filling quickly

>> No.11228645
File: 9 KB, 524x685, 0dda3d8a6f06f2185956e430933432d77646a638c1b6fb0b9b086bb92c20f39b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for feeding us OP

>> No.11228687

is there a discord for /biz/ crypto shitcoins?

>> No.11228689

TRIG lift off? Just bought some more.

>> No.11228694

its candling

>> No.11228699

Trig could go again anytime now

>> No.11228722

am waiting for bitcoin it made a lower low than previous am cautious and sold all positions,

>> No.11228752

think bitcoin will go down now. something is not right. mate less and less green candles.

>> No.11228769
File: 664 KB, 2120x1073, F6A0AA3F-C94D-4F94-B0D0-B4B7EB9574FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would probably qualify as a head fake...the real pump probably starts the next time it waves up like that

>> No.11228781

for someone who does this for a living why use binance basic and 5 decimals?

>> No.11228788

>>11228722ive noticed that Btc has had less impact on (certain altcoins) the last few days..trig might be one that’s less impacted- the mm running the pump is in so deep that they can’t really bail just becuase Btc drops a little imo..

Also ost pumped 100% in the middle of a Btc dump for example..but in general I think you’re right to be a little cautious

>> No.11228807

This is a second screen i use for referencing prices quickly and shitposting lol- pro is good for the heavy duty stuff but makes it hard to constantly check prices becuase it’s hidden in a dropdown- and the decimals reset every time you change to a different asset - which is annoying to say the least

>> No.11228817

check vibe chart it look like this

>> No.11228875

I’ve been in and out of vibe a lot lately..it definitely could pump here..but I think it’s more likely that it pumps tomorrow..it needs some kind of catalyst and I think the market is too distracted with bch/btg/trig/etc

>> No.11228884

BCD pump, got in sub 290 but missed the rise to 305, but thats only 5%

Seems weak, got more room to go up?

>> No.11228900

Worth noting that it’s still being accumulated and is virtually guaranteed to,pump again..this is just one small example but if you blow out the chart there are a bunch of others.. if Btc drops the. Vibe might follow it down a bit..but in general this is a pretty safe entry- probably 20-40% upside in the next 2-3 days..if you wait you might be able to get in cheaper but I can’t imagine it not retesting 1700 somewhat soon

>> No.11228917

513, here we go...

>> No.11228928
File: 400 KB, 1511x795, BF1DAB08-F542-4F1F-8366-2B7118F03B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was really weak- I sold half at 300 and am keeping the rest- might take a little while but I’m still expecting 315-325..

Also this is the vibe accumulation picture I meant to attach to prev post

>> No.11228931

rumpy pumpy

>> No.11228949
File: 212 KB, 1557x562, B41FE624-2AB6-4ED5-9D04-D2610E32D1F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trig 1 min is a sloppy looking ascending triangle- might fluctuate in a general upward direction until it pops..in general no,one should use 1mmin charts but I’ve had a lot of success using them to anticipate pumps-otherwise they’re useless

>> No.11228972


>> No.11229092

Notice how every time it dumps the support gets pulled right beforehand? Irritating to continue to wait and hold but anyone dumping just becuase the support disappeared is getting played by one of the oldest tricks in the book..

Posted this earlier but it’s way up the thread so mentioning it again

Shakeouts (from p and d guide written by a whale)

deliberately forced price reaction, whose purpose is that of stimulating public selling in order to facilitate the accumulation of speculative
positions. This is the most aggressive part in wiping out weak hands of their
positions. Sometimes during a shakeout, we can be so aggressive that we
drive prices so low that's it's way below our cost price. Losses does not
matter to us, it is only on paper, and we have enough bankroll to pump
prices back up. Individuals who have no experienced or unable to withstand
such psychological torture will usually exit the market at this stage.

>> No.11229475

Was that it?

>> No.11229678

Maybe for the next few hours unfortunately..in the context of the next day or two it dosent make any sense though...the mm soaked a bunch of trig in the 450-530 range and hasn’t come anywhere near close to selling them..there’s some sort of plan here for the coming days..vibe may be a good archetype for how it plays out.. (topped, dumped, and then 2x’d off its bottom the next day)..

If it doesn’t pump again the mm is staring at a 6 figure loss..so it will probably just lull everyone into complacency for a bit and then Do what vibe did

>> No.11229696

As I think about it that wick from 450-530 makes a lot more sense now..the purpose wasn’t to pump immediately, it was to accumulate for a later time

>> No.11229726
File: 214 KB, 850x1066, __baiken_and_ramlethal_valentine_guilty_gear_and_guilty_gear_xrd_drawn_by_kiki_uxoia__sample-d7afa26a59b891263b0ebdc76666660a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was glad i sold when i did. thanks again for giving me this much insight, the whale manifesto was intresting. I know it went deep but that was pretty extreme length they went to.

probably need to change mindset from small shrimp to dolphine when i have more money.

again thanks have a good day

>> No.11229735

Sorry for not realizing this sooner..you could sell now, but no guarantee you can get back cheaper...if you hold you’ll cover your position within 12-24 hours I’d expect

>> No.11229810
File: 1.98 MB, 250x237, 1533834331122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to be sorry about you made alot of us good money today. if someone where greedy hoping for more and got burned thats not on you.

again thanks based anon

>> No.11229835

what timeframe do you reckon? checking to maybe buy in again

>> No.11230030

If I remember correctly it took vibe around 15 hours to pump again- so I’ll probanly start looking trig again in around 10-12 hours to (hopefully) be safe/on the early side

>> No.11230101

Ppt is going to pump soon..no idea on target yet but 5-10% for now should work..there’s a bunch of things going on mini runs like that now..try to buy under 5000 ideally

>> No.11230120
File: 681 KB, 2150x1014, 68C8FD82-853B-4E62-A59B-C6C542121D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is usually what a pump looks like on a 1 min chart before/as it starts

>> No.11230179

Set a stop at 550. Thanks for the advice today

>> No.11230200

It’s actually also a coin that has bottomed in general- you could probanly double if you held it for a few weeks- so it could be a scalp or a longer term play based on preference