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11226942 No.11226942 [Reply] [Original]

Too many people are getting woke these days and realize they are just slaving away at some thankless bullshit job and that not everyone can progress to managerial, Vice President or CEO roles in their companies despite all the leadership memes. Plus, the family unit has completely broken down, so this includes women as well who are also waking up to the fact that they too are living pointless lives just whoring on Tinder and then wondering why there are no good men left by the time they are 30 to have children with them.

So how long does capitalism have before wagecucks collectively become aware of this reality? At the moment I reckon it’s like 10% of all wagecucks who are woke, but they are too beta to actually do anything about it.

>> No.11227002

In communist China, there is now a ban on the sale of violent videogames such as fortnite. Google it.

>> No.11227007

What's a better alternative?

>> No.11227014


After WWII people were happy to be cucked by the great industrial regime rather than the military complex. Perhaps it’ll take another before we lose some entitlement.

>> No.11227018

Gomunism b/c op is a gomunist shit

>> No.11227022

they'll never be able to do anything about it.

we would rather all of those useless idiots get killed than sacrifice any of our own money. and believe me, that's the only possible outcome

>> No.11227029

>So how long does capitalism have before wagecucks collectively become aware of this reality?
In fact, Normies are the true Omegas, the ultimatest blackpill

>> No.11227040


Can’t say I’m surprised

>> No.11227046

There's a difference between capitalism and crony capitalism

>> No.11227048


No, communism is much worse since people have no choice in such a system

>> No.11227095
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wrong, the Robot Wife technology (Robotics + AI) will lead mankind to new glory.

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you (Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense)
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder thus pushing the economy and giving reason to slave away)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


>> No.11227111

Fake opinion vs opinion

>> No.11227114
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Good, now we're getting ready for NatSoc

>> No.11227119


no real heartbeat that transmits electromagnetic waves that connect with you
no real pussy. nothing will compare to the real deal
no true bonding because it's just a machine
no telepathic communication
no shared dreams

most importantly, it comes down to


if you go for a robot wife you are a fucking beta loser.

if you are a beta loser and don't go for a robot wife atleast you will get respect from peers. maybe that fatty will have your babies.

>> No.11227125

Wage cuck vs welfare cuck

You decide..

>> No.11227126

if you are a beta loser might as well go for the robot wife then

>> No.11227128

AI will hopefully outcompete and totally replace humans, let those silicon faggots carry the torch of suffering into the future. Extinction is the only legitimate answer.

>> No.11227144

muh end of capitalism, till Jeff Bezos looks you in the eye and gives you a packing job.

>> No.11227158
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>no real heartbeat
technically not a problem that couldn't be implemented in later Robot Wife Generations

>nothing will compare to the real deal
Japanese Onaholes are actually better, they are made with laser precision to stimulate the dick perfectly 360 degrees
How is the real deal better? Biocunts will become lose (or completely busted after childbirth) and have roast that is aesthetically not pleasing, the artificial pussy can be switched out with more advanced models if broken, I suspect the design will be somewhat modular so you can switch different kinds of pussys into the Robot.

>no true bonding because it's just a machine
AI will take care of that no doubt about this, the AI will become so good at one point that you will easily bond with it. People already bond with their phones or with other things or with pets so why not with a responding, talking AI?

>no telepathic communication
actually Computer Brain interfaces are already a thing, Darpa developed one where a Pilot can control several drones with his thoughts.
where could this technology be in 20+ years?

>no shared dreams
the Robot will support you and assist you, will even take care of you when you are old and helpless.

again, AI will take care of that.

>if you go for a robot wife you are a fucking beta loser.
so what? every man can get his 10/10 Robot Wife with a companion/lover AI, why would he bother busting his ass to get maybe some disgusting 3/10 biocunt?
the Robot Wife invention will make every man work harder and give a lot of men incentives to stay alive.

>maybe that fatty will have your babies.
there won't be a need anymore to breed with ugly roasters, artificial wombs will take care of that, genetic editing will get rid of the rest.

>> No.11227166

what if sex is a meme and making love to a real person actually matters? Man up cuck and get that packin job.

>> No.11227178

you clearly never were in love with a real human being that loved you back.

the most technologicaly advanced thing on earth is the human being.

no robot will come close, for thousands of years.

i don't care about a good stimulating pussy I want a female that is like me.

not perfect but very good at loving.

robot wives is retarded.

>> No.11227183

Stateless society. That's why the first world is importing so many low iq niggers. Anarchy will be chaos so long as we have a high population of subhumans

>> No.11227192

congrats you just rewrote Marx.

There's no reason to be attached to capitalism. It was the best way to allocate scarce resources, but it has a lot of very real and serious drawbacks. We're entering post-scarcity and we'll be in a communist utopia in 100 years.

>> No.11227197


As much as I like your fantasy, we aren't there yet. So I advise you to go get some biocunt.

>> No.11227199

>Japanese Onaholes are actually better, they are made with laser precision to stimulate the dick perfectly 360 degrees
this shit is such a meme. warm it up, smother it with lube, and you still end up with a worse experience than the norm. perhaps you fags like to cum in 30 seconds but i'd rather pound pussy for 30 minutes. your girlfriend gets wet for you naturally, whereas these toys chafe your dick after a while and require all kinds of cleanup
you "biocunt" retards who never had sex are so aggravating. i'd trade girls for robots in a heartbeat if the experience was truly superior, but because the space is flooded with incels who don't have a frame of reference, we're stuck with subpar experiences

>> No.11227221

Unfortunately Capitalism/Private sector can't innovate. That is why we only have shit smartphones instead of cyborgs and full immersive VR nowadays has it was forseen in the cyberpunk genre.

>> No.11227235
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the AI will be realistic enough so you will fall in love with your Robot Wife its really no problem.
Men already are in love with not responding 2D waifus, not hard to imagine they would fall in love with their Robot Wife.

>that loved you back.
AI will do that and for many Men it will be a better solution than to settle with biocunts.

>for thousands of years
it probably will take less than 20 years to reach the point of believable gf AI. Japanese are already making first steps into that territory like with the GateBox.

>i don't care about a good stimulating pussy
the good stimulating pussy will also be always clean and hygienic and can be replaced if broken, its truly superior to the biocunt no doubt about it.

>I want a female that is like me.
you can program any kind of personality into the AI, it would be no problem to build the perfect partner.

>robot wives is retarded
they are the next step in Human Evolution, all the tech is already there and this is a potential trillion dollar market.
only a matter of time now.

Just 20/30 years max, with stem-cell and other therapies we could also live much longer, most of the non boomers here will live to see the day.

>smother it with lube
you are supposed to use a minimal amount of lube, otherwise you won't feel the perfectly crafted tunnels inside, also I am talking about onaholes, not the inferior fleshlights made in the west.

>you still end up with a worse experience than the norm
doubt it as the onaholes are free from STDs for example, the real thing can give you HIV any day.

>perhaps you fags like to cum in 30 seconds but i'd rather pound pussy for 30 minutes.
all a matter of exercise, nothing is stopping you fucking the onahole for hours. your dick is the problem, not the onahole.

>require all kinds of cleanup
the only real problem but not impossible that they become self cleaning at some point.

>if the experience was truly superior
we get there no doubt

>> No.11227243

>communist utopia


>> No.11227249
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you need to be more patient, many technologys need to be developed in order for cyborgs and full immersive AI to exist and we get there, robotics, AI, material science, onaholeology, its all moving forward.

>> No.11227261

Everything you mention will never happen for at least a millenium. Technological progress has stagnated.

>> No.11227267


If you want to wait 20/30 years to properly lose your virginity to an AI Supergirl, go for it.

Serious question though, how good are onaholes?

>> No.11227297

>implying the alternative already exists or is known in some form
>expunging yourself of the duty to find the next paradigm

All capitalism evolves into crony capitalism.
It's the nature of the accumulation of wealth.

>> No.11227317
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>Everything you mention will never happen for at least a millenium
they said the same about computers back in the 80s, in the 70s they said only the 3 richest men on the planet will have a computer at home in the future.

>Technological progress has stagnated
wrong, there is progress made all the time.
WEF said Robots and AI are the next big thing.

>how good are onaholes?
words can't describe how good they are
look at >>11227249 in such an onahole you can feel everything in that tunnel on your dick, there is even small differences in tightness depending on where you are in the onahole, there is many different ways in how you can fuck it, like just rotate it a bit and its a completely different stimulation.

its gonna be very interesting to see how society will change through Robot Wifes

>> No.11227320

OP you are stupid. We haven't had capitalism since 1913 when the fed was instituted.

Capitalism is no income taxes, gold standard , market set interest rates, and no FDIC insurance.

If you think what's happening today is a result of capitalism you are actually dumber than a nigger because you are actually paying attention but don't have a fucking clue

>> No.11227416

>you want to be fucking those things but with a skin
unironically kys

>> No.11227435

and how was the fed instituted? communism? dont be deluded

>> No.11227451

Sellout politicians

>> No.11227463

>Sellout politicians
which implies they were bought. One of the issues with capitalism.. everything can be bought, even loyalties..

>> No.11227477

Wrong, capitalism is inherently Anti-White by protecting and promoting Jewish interests.

>> No.11227675

Well, why do lobbyists and special interests exist in the first place? Because govt has money and power. If you go back to no income taxes and get govt out of the economy then it's impossible for lobbyists to exist.

>> No.11227730

my point is what happened is proof it doesnt work..
>we had perfect capitalism until..
if it was the best system how did it get undermined? because you used precious metals which jews had plenty of to buy whatever needed buying to get in power

>> No.11228002

There is no perfect infallible system. Do you really think no system can be taken advantage of? That's just dumb. Whether its communism, capitalism, socialism whatever. There will always be ways for people to fuck it up because it was made by flawed individuals. Maybe a system that works better for more people but that's about it.

>> No.11228066

THis is the real benefit of blockchain IMO. Trustless governance that can be audited by anyone. Code will be law.

>> No.11228164

Correct there is no perfect system. But when your society places so much emphasis on wealth and money as a measure of social status, everything else becomes secondary, namely your country and its people best interest, morals/ethics and loyalties. You're also making it easier for outside (and inside) forces to manipulate and influence your society. Because money knows no borders.
There was a time in history where rulers could not be easily bribed or swayed with riches. They were firm in their convictions and solid as a rock. They stood for their people and fought wherever necessary along with them.
Problem is you stopped caring long ago and therefore could be easily brainwashed. Because of the materialist mindset wherein accumulating wealth is the top priority, social and cultural erosion happens slowly. Which is what happened to America, all your values into the trashbin in the last 100 years.
It is precisely this thinking that the individual is flawed by nature, and is easily corruptable, which got you into this mess. No one trust anyone anymore, because everyone's out to jew you out of your money, again because you made money the top priority.
Whats a better system? Anyone that places trust in the right people. What if they're corrupt? Thats what your guns are for, a strong reminder to your leaders that they absolutely cannot fuck up or they get shot. But you stopped punishing insolence a long time ago aswell. You've gone soft.
Capitalism and nationalism are incompatible, because business globalizes. Business imports cheap labour, or it outsources labour. Industry is sent overseas because its all about lower costs and greater profit. Then you're left with shit office jobs wasting time and adding no real value to your society. While your rich could care less what happens his countrymen. He's gonna be in Asia fucking thai sluts while the shit goes down back home.

You've seen this mindset already on this very forum.

>> No.11228177


toastie roastie

>> No.11228203

I don't think capitalism will dissapear or change untill UBI.

>> No.11228235

>then it's impossible for lobbyists to exist.
there would be no need for lobbyists because power would be centralized to the point where legislation was no longer necessary, completing the cycle towards full serfdom lol

>> No.11228257

I been giving it a lot of thought into the robot waifu and I've come to the conclusion that nerds that crave robots waifu will never be satisfied with their robot waifu until the point where a robot waifu is no longer distinguishable from a real relationship, at which point their robot waifus will cuck them.

>> No.11228258

>Unfortunately Capitalism/Private sector can't innovate.
Literally all innovations came from capitalism/private secotr

>> No.11228268

that's literally wrong though

>> No.11228272

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11228326

sage and hide all leftpol raid threads

>> No.11228347
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nationalist socialism

>> No.11228413
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like that will happen ever, humans are selfish unless there is a personal connection like immediate family and even then most don't like to share.

>> No.11228449

It will be UBI or a guillotine for the billionaires. Even the elite bleeds red.

>> No.11228456

No the Government did

>> No.11228465

The capitalism we live in today is fucked. Literally everything could be solved by 2 things:
Enforcing that the top earner in a company only males X times more than the bottom worker
Putting the dollar back on the gold standard so that inflation didn't steal normies savings.

These 2 things would ensure everyone got a living wage

>> No.11228525

reminds me of those guys who desperately want to fetishize inferior human concepts such as "fuck buddies" or here the fallout of inferior human morals such as "cucking" and carry them over into a potentially perfect fantasy world, in which you could have a loyal soul mate waifu changling capable of changing her appearance and creating a threesome+ scenario by spawing a clone on a whim. which, too, leads me to believe that many natural beta males have a deeply rooted desire for getting cucked or being degraded...

>> No.11228535

The capitalism we live in today is fucked. Literally everything could be solved by 2 things:
Enforcing that the top earner in a company only males X times more than the bottom worker. Back in the 70s the average ceo only earned about 10x as much as the janitor, today its 100 or 1000x. Simply dividing the CEOs bonus check among all of his employees would give them all a very serious increase.
And Putting the dollar back on the gold standard so that inflation didn't steal normies savings. Now I understand that's not really possible anymore because of our debt based society, but in theory it would help.

These 2 things would ensure everyone got a living wage and more people would be happy

>> No.11228551

brainlet tier solutions

>> No.11229250

what do you propose? genuinely curious.

>> No.11229584

Not going to happen