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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1122585 No.1122585 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking to try and become "unethical" to a degree too see if I can profit using some stereotypical groups of people, be it selling fucking t-shirts or coding stupid and simple mobile apps I hope will go viral or whatever.

What would you say are some of the most profitable people?

I've been thinking about this and they all seem to share a few common things:
>they must identify with some group very strongly, a bonus is if they feel like everyone else needs to know about them being in their group
>they must have disposable income
>they must be somewhat stupid or at least susceptible to peer pressure

I've been thinking of vegans and SJWs, maybe religiousfags/atheists, but what else are there?

>> No.1122591

The idea I had if I was living in the USA would be to screen print a bunch of for-trump and against-trump tshirts.
Just rip designs off, source the tees cheap, print them quick and sell them with a decent mark up.

>> No.1122601

/pol/tards and drumphcucks

Product to sell: fox news and the republican party


>> No.1122602
File: 10 KB, 193x245, WORRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about that as well, it would be extremely easy as well since some of the voting base seems to be extremely strong in their opinions and extremely retarded with their money, but I wouldn't want to risk getting into shit because I was profiting using the candidates' names without permission or something.

I'm also no in the US but with the internet that's hardly relevant in most cases.

>> No.1123167

This. Rip off famous design (coca-cola, nike, etcc.) register yourself as to be protected by "parody", satyre status so no copyright problem. Use designs with pro-trump (no hassle for use of his name in support), I'm not sure if you can also milk the anti-side without possible blowback, maybe using Drumpf instead of Trump.

>> No.1123176

I was going to say to tell everyone to buy ethercuck but then I realized thats not unethical.

>> No.1123208
File: 1 KB, 473x454, pondering anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll start dancing around big brands and parodies anytime soon because even the slightest mistake will fuck me over. When it comes to the elections I was thinking of something that is not directly referencing the candidates, but still obvious enough to make people associate the designs with them.

>> No.1124069
File: 27 KB, 409x265, bumpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me.

>> No.1124078

Exploit the real consumers; teenagers, instead of "atheists" and whatnot.

There has been some mentioning of Trump-shirts. It's not an all bad idea, but I think that a lot of people aren't too keen on showing their political opinion in today's day and age.

>> No.1124090

make a funny graphic with his hair
and maybe hipster glasses underneath and call it hipster trump

>> No.1124097
File: 24 KB, 430x322, pondering monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exploit the real consumers; teenagers, instead of "atheists" and whatnot.
No reason why these groups couldn't overlap though. Every group has its share of teenagers.

>> No.1124101

I dont get all these ethercuck posts. Are ETH shills proud of being cucks or is /biz/ just mocking them?

>> No.1124123

Business Forum Community regarding Investments, Passive Income, The Stock Market, Forex Trading, and more,

>> No.1124179

True. I was thinking more of a sub-group, so to speak. A lot of people may identify themselves as atheists, but it's not part of their identity. Getwahtimtalkinabeet?

>> No.1124222

The people who are probably the worst with money are Bernie supporters. I cant imagine they took the time to learn anything about personal finance. You could probably sell some new slogan his campaign hasnt copyrighted like Bern this House Down! with wallstreet on fire or something

>> No.1124225

Use the fucking Obama 'CHANGE' tshirt, keep the slogan exactly the same but put Trump's face on it and sell it in the towns he's rallying Jesus Christ

>> No.1124228

There was supposed to be a comma after 'rallying', but I guess it still works

>> No.1124230
File: 13 KB, 450x300, it's money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mainly thinking of the people who are very vocal about belonging to a specific group. They are often teenagers, true, but not always, and the main point is that every niche group has its share of these people. For example there are perfectly reasonable vegans, but then there are the obnoxious fucktards who can't shut up about it, and those are usually young as well -> the target subgroup.
Is the world bern trademarked?

>> No.1124259
