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1122378 No.1122378 [Reply] [Original]

Why do successful people seem to not care about politics nearly as much as the poor?

The only people I seem to see who are deeply invested into "politics" are socialists who even work(armchair economists) and /pol/-types who also don't work or at least aren't successful.

Is it because successful people are hedged no matter what happens or is some other reason? Or do they just not have time?

>> No.1122405

it's because successful people are gonna make money one way or another, that is why they're successful

poor people on the other hand rely too much on others and live off of handouts because they're lazy leeches

>> No.1122408

Gowdy is pretty based for an establishment shill

I'd vote for him if he ran probably

>> No.1122417

That's what I seemed to notice.

Whenever I'd talk /pol/-tier politics with semi-successful, older people IRL they had no clue what I was saying, giving me the impression none of them care.

Seems only like /pol/ NEETs would spend hours researching some political candidate to uncover cuckold conspiracies or some shit

>> No.1122423

Buy ethercuck. Its the newest cryptokek.

>> No.1122432


i think successful people are a bit more aware of how much bullshit and showmanship is going on in politics. how it's all sort of aimed at the average voter, who is dumb as fuck, and just not something tangible. i think smart people are into science and economics more often than not, politics very rarely.

>> No.1122435

exactly, politics really aren't all that important so long as the taxes aren't too high and the industry you work in isn't overly regulated

prime example, whether hillary wins or trump won't make much difference

>> No.1122444

The people I've talked to above my age group who are doing alright literally don't give a shit about it.

While /pol/ and millennials will circlejerk about how the world SHOULD BE, successful people seem to have an attitude of "OK what do I need to do to become successful in a given system" without any of this pondering thinking whether Anarcho-Capitalism is best, whether abolishing the gold standard was a mistake or whether Trump is le based and will btfo kikes or whatever.

>> No.1122448

did i mention how much i hate pol yet

>> No.1122455
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>> No.1122472

>whether hillary wins or trump won't make much difference

I highly agree

>> No.1122475

That's because Republicans are Democrats are both The Business Party. You don't have to worry when you're paying people off.

>> No.1122485

When you have money, petty shit doesn't matter. Government taking some means nothing, that's really your only relationship with your government.

>> No.1122493
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/pol/lack here.

Actually, they do care. FAAAAAR more than you'd imagine. It's just that their involvement is different than what you see on 4chan.

First, keep in mind that a good amount of the politicians in the US are being paid by rich people or corporate interests via various avenues. We're talking $3.2 BILLION spent in 2015 in lobbying alone based on data Senate Office of Public Records (fun fact: only a faction of lobbyists are registered as such; a great deal have titles like "strategic consultants", or "government relations specialist", or the like). Then there the other ways money is funneled: paid speeches (because Hillary giving 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs is seriously worth $675,000), donations to SuperPACs, prestigious internships at certain firms given to the children of politicians and their close allies, etc. It's all trade offs.

Why is this done? Because business interests want to affect/change/influence legislation that affects them and how they make money. If you want to see day-by-day movement of this, I suggest reading Politico's daily "Influence" and "Morning Money" email newsletters:

Politicians need the money because they need money to stay in office. Mounting reelection campaigns are expensive. Plus, if you're higher up in the totem pole, you need to give money to your backers in Congress. After all, you can't become Majority Whip or the like if you don't have enough congressmen who will vote for you. It's all horse-trading.

This same dynamic plays out in autocratic states and other democracies by the way.

Next, keep in mind that the ~REALLY~ successful people own or have large stakes in media entities. Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. Rupert Murdoch owns the WSJ. Etc. And they all use these as well to advance their own business agendas at times.


>> No.1122507


Also, keep in the mind that current socio-economic status quo radically favors the successful dramatically.

Globalization is all about the division of labor on a global scale, after all. You can have your manufacturing products made elsewhere for far less money than paying workers domestically. Or you work in an intellectual-heavy field (analysts, creative marketers, etc). The money you make you can then put into investments, which produces returns. Keep this going, and you don't have to worry that much about your wealth.

The ones who lose out though are the middle class, who aren't part of the capita-owning upper classes who are making bank, or the underclass (increasingly composed of immigrants who are willing to work for less than the average native) who are willing to take up the menial work because it's heaven compared to war-torn Africa/Middle East/Latin America/whatevs. Combine this automation, and the middle class is being hollowed out They start seeing the current situation as a deliberate result of policy, and are mad that they're unemployed and that all these immigrants are coming in and taking up work.

Naturally, this leads to nationalism, desire for protectionism, and so forth. This is the real reason why Trump and the far-right parties in Europe are gaining ground: they're representing a large segment of the population that has been left behind by globalization.

>> No.1122513

>Whenever I'd talk /pol/-tier politics with semi-successful, older people IRL
Aaaaaaaand, this is why you're a poorfag and they're not.

Only stupid people discuss "/pol/-tier politics" ever. Stupid people are poor and stay poor. So to you, it seems like successful people don't like politics, when really they just don't like you and think you're an idiot.

>B-but these people are family and older friends

Sorry anon, they think you're stupid. They laugh about you behind your back, even if they're polite to your face. Of course they don't discuss politics with you. You wouldn't discuss physics with a baby, would you?

Guess what? You're the baby.

>inb4 the crying

>> No.1122564

I personally do not consider the news or politics important. I take what I need to know from policies that affect me and forget the rest. I'm a happy tax payer and focus my efforts on improving my life within the political situation I find myself in. I take responsibility for myself and don't blame my troubles on others. I do not seek political reform or involvement because doing so would retract from my efforts of being successful in this current one. As and when change happens, I adapt to what I need to and again... Forget the rest. I have much better things to spend my time on that influence my life MUCH more than any cunt in parliament could.

>> No.1122587

By "pol tier" I didn't mean "the Jew did it, race war now"

I meant asking them what they think of Trump, Bernie etc... What they think of libertarianism and other economic ideas

Most of their replies were just "I don't know enough to have an opinion" and "I don't really follow politics".

They don't think I am stupid because they discuss other things with me and enjoy my company.

Nice jumping to try to insult me for some reason though.

>> No.1122599

To be fair, if you want a more decent /pol/, you go to 8.chan.

/pol/ here... leaves much to be desired.

>> No.1122609

>They don't think I am stupid because they discuss other things with me and enjoy my company
Every autist says this.

People like me, even though they treat me badly.

I'm smart, even though I do poorly on tests.

I'm decent looking, even though girls are repelled by me.

I'm popular, even though I'm nervous in social situations.

You've swallowed too many red pills, anon. The poison has taken hold..

>> No.1122621

I think smart people care about politics but they don't watch debates to lol at what Trump says or whatever. They just get the essentials and know the general principles (economics etc) from their own research.

I'm not rich, so I can watch trump youtube videos every day

>> No.1122624


Did you even read my POST? I said they clearly like me considering they'll talk with me about other topics for hours but not politics. That shows they don't think I'm an idiot as you seemed to be implying.

>> No.1122628



>> No.1122631

The only thing the wealthy care about in politics is anything that would affect their personal finances. Taxes and shit come to mind. Genuinely intelligent individuals care about economics, science or philosophy.

>> No.1122634

>Why do successful people seem to not care about politics nearly as much as the poor?
They are far more than poor people.

They just do it privately.

>> No.1122643


This. Politics doesn't matter. No matter what they do.
They can't change a persons ability to be succesful. They can change the framework that people have to work within, but nothing holds up in the long run.

Every country with democracy relies on a dynamic system that changes in periods (~4 years most places). Politicians needs votes if they want to be employed, therefore they have to abide the public. That means showing results in the short run, and not caring about the long run; thats the next presidents problem.

Succesful people are adaptive of nature, and get the best out of every situation. Therefore politics doesn't matter to them.
Furthermore, monetary and fiscal policy is limited in its effects in the current international system. Everything everywhere is interconnected and controlled by the dynamics of the exchanges between all countries, so in the grand scheme national policy is limited in its effect, even within its own borders.

>> No.1122648

Oh, and smart people don't like to discuss politics. They know it wont get them anywhere.

Discussing politics with another person casually is rarely going to change the other persons view. Best case scenario: The other person already had the same view, and nothing changed
Wors case scenario: The other person has an opposing belief, and gets mad at you / thinks less of you, for trying to suggest a different view

There is no win scenario. Only a neutral and lose outcome = not worth it

>> No.1122658

True. It took me a while to realize this.

The fuck do I do when it touches on that though? Should I just avoid sensitive topics or agree with what they seem to believe or what?

>> No.1122673

Talking politics with anyone other your most trusted confidants is poor trash tier level of civility. It's pretty much like that Dave Chapelle sketch where he's asking his friend who's he's voting for

>> No.1122797

I guess it depends on how much you like the person. I usually just agree with people, or say "Yeah, I guess you could see it that way, but you could also say that (the opposing view)" if I strongly disagree, or some shit like that. You acknowledge their point of view, but take the diplomatic way out. If I don't agree, and they keep talking about it, I use my economic knowledge (econ degree) to argument for my point of view. It helps by pulling alot of the subjective uneducated crap out of the discussion.

I usually try to answer as closed as possible, to limit the possibility of them keeping asking questions.

>> No.1122988

Nod. Smile. Agree.

Example: "Germany should reinstate the NSDAP!"

What do you do?
>agree: "You know what? That's a pretty smart thing to do!"

>> No.1122993


>> No.1122995

successful people spend millions of dollars on lobbyists and have fund raising dinners with politicians, they care deeply about politics

>> No.1123001

But I don't want to give validity to their crazy claims.

If I agree they'll keep pestering me with it because they think I'm on their "team".

>> No.1123037

Nod. Smile. Agree.

Example: "I think the government should recognize 23 additional genders!"

What do you do?
>agree: "You know what? You make a very interesting point. I'll think about this for a while now. . ."

Nod, smile, and agree, you motherfucker.

>> No.1123044

But what if stormfags think I am on their side and start sending me white nationalist news from stormfront and calling me every day about the new Jewish cuckold conspiracy they read on /pol/?

>> No.1123083
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>"Germany should reinstate the NSDAP!"

I say this around the office all the time, but no one knows what "NSDAP" is....it's my own little inside joke LOL

>> No.1123129

Simple /thread answer is when you have a complex like you are smart but not being used to your full potential and you don't have a job or just working part time i.e. lots of time on your hands, you decide to escape into the world of politics online and get into debates to prove your value to the world by winning them.

TL;DR If you don't have a life you find ego boosts in political debates.

>> No.1123133

True shit nigga

>> No.1123165

>not nodding, smiling, and agreeing

>> No.1123175

Go away wallstreetplwyboys

>> No.1123418


1. As others in the thread have already said, successful people are usually successful because they are good at something, so politics in general won't affect them too much. Even in communist countries there are people on top.

2. Socialists are doing this so they can receive benefits. /pol/ types wants some form of social change, in other words "kill all negros". Generally speaking people have some motivation based on self interest when it comes to politics. Here in Australia it's very apparent with minor parties that are basically single issue. (Motoring enthusiast party, shooters and fishers and etc)

3. The richest people do have money in politics, and until recently they had a lot of influence in elections in murica, as >>1122493 pointed out.

4. I'm sure there are some successful people who do pay attention, since changes in the political and social climate can lead to market changes. For example, the threat of gun control has a significant effect on gun sales. Just look at SWHC's stocks.

>> No.1123655

>*nods, smiles, and agrees*
>*tips fedora*

>> No.1123665

I don't really follow politics is what I say to 20 year olds I don't want to bother with

>> No.1123772

>Genuinely intelligent individuals care about philosophy.

Hahahaha, wow. You're retarded. I'm done with this thread.

>> No.1123784

This exactly.
Knowing when and with whom topics such as politics are appropriate is one of the reason they're successful.
Pro-tip:Facebook posts for all your work relations to see do not fall under the appropriate category.

>> No.1124312

Successful speculate a lot about politics but don't care because it really doesn't make a difference
People are feelin the Bern because it's literally their plan A for paying for college

>> No.1124318

And I should have said, every male has strong political feelings one way or the other, it's just not civilized to talk about and looks pathetic getting worked up about
I've seem very successful people reveal their powerlevel in extreme secrecy

>> No.1124341

They care when it affects them. If govt reaches too far, they either take control of the govt or go to another country. Worrying about shit that doesn't affect you much is not successful. Poor people do this because there are many more of them, and have very little to contribute beyond their attendance. Successful people much more effectively influence politics via study, financial stimulation, or developing new systems. When you get down to the level that poor people (You) are arguing at, it's generally shit that has no solution and will just be recycled every decade with the economy rising and falling.

>> No.1124346

Who said they don't?

Their support is just more tangible yet less visible.

The tide of progress is pretty much always in their favor.

>> No.1124347

im successful and spend all my time in the wilderness. i dont give a shit about politics.itdoesnt matter who gets elected. the wind will keep on blowing, the river rapids wont stop, mountains wont move, ocean waves wont stop, the things i do out there will always be available. im not an active person of society, so i dont give a shit. i live in cali, btw. my playground is here to washington to montana to new mexico. and everything inn between. that thes only thing that keeps me here. if i had all this in estonia, id move there.

>> No.1124542

Philosophy is important as fuck. I didn't understand this until I started taking higher level math and economics classes and saw it referenced a lot, but it's actually incredibly rigorous and forms the basis of a lot of practical things (computer science comes to mind). It's easier to get further in life through stem, anyone can get through an engineering degree with enough effort, but for the top .00001% of intellectuals philosophy is the higher pursuit.

>> No.1124846

>Why do successful people seem to not care about politics nearly as much as the poor?

>What is lobbying?
>What are Campaign Donations?

>> No.1124891

Shit advice

>> No.1124894

You know what he meant, idiots.

Individuals don't lobby or make campaign donations.

>> No.1124911

>*nods, smiles, and agrees*
You know what? Now that I think of it, I can see how recommending nodding, smiling, and agreeing can be construed as shitty advice. I'll keep this in mind as long as this thread is still around. Thanks!

>> No.1124915

>He thinks he's being clever or witty

>> No.1124956

Now I definitely don't understand this post

>> No.1124964

Individual people do not lobby.

That is what corporations do.

>> No.1125013

What? Who dumps billions into campaigning for presidents every year?
You should look up the history of lobbyists in American politics.

>> No.1125018

>What? Who dumps billions into campaigning for presidents every year?

Not individuals.