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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11223501 No.11223501 [Reply] [Original]

i'm real close to the rope

i invested 10k a few years back and at the peak i had 10 million in crypto

i now have 100k, mostly in altcoins that are down 80-90%

i quit my job of 5 years and they will not rehire me because of the circumstances of my leave (don't want to go into detail about what i did because it made news in the local community and i do not want to be exposed)

yesterday was the last bit of cash that i had left... now all this 100k in bags is all i have... i haven't thought about suicide, just generally down, except for the past two weeks i've been really wanting to see it all end

just getting run over by a truck or getting shot in the face would put me out of my misery

what's the most painless way of going, /biz/? it really is all over for this cryptocel...

>> No.11223522

link is shit man

>> No.11223523

get a new job and wait 6 more months anon.

>> No.11223604

Youre a dipshit for not partially cashing out at the 10mil, at least enough to have fuck you money&security.
Is it greed or laziness?

>> No.11223684

Get a loan to chill is what I call them

>> No.11224039

is this a larp?

if not, don't do it man
there is more to life than money

I also lost a lot and it fucking sucks, but my advice is to put the 100k in safe investments and do not think about money anymore. You will not get back that 10mm probably ever, so just find new things to focus on that is not money

>> No.11224067

Livestream it

>> No.11224070

Gonna b3 honest. You deserve it for being greedy

>> No.11224085


any person with a brain would have done this.

>> No.11224094

>has 10mil
>doesnt cash out half.
seriously just end it.

>> No.11224122
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>few years back
>turned 10k into 100k
>waahhhhh i'm sad
grow a pair, faggot

>> No.11225381

You made 10x and you're feeling down? Fucking idiot

>> No.11225427
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Move away and find another job. Sell some bags if you're desperate. Especially sell link it is a shitcoin and will go to zero (poor fundamentals)

>> No.11225441
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Tell us the story before you kys anon

>> No.11225466

Get 50k out and start a business, for getting money/experience/killing time until the next bullrun.
Stop being a nigger or a woman, please.

>> No.11225580

all 100k in xrp will be 10m again by dec 2018

>> No.11225598

Honestly, how'd you lose 99% from your ATH?
That seems impossible.

>> No.11226161

You could have been set for life and you blew it. Just kys

>> No.11226321

i've been looking up suicide methods all day today.... carbon dioxide poisoning seems safest

i will drive into the woods and connect my exhaust pipe to my window

bye ilove you all thank you for the memories and wild rides you have given me...

>> No.11226374


dont do it senpai. come on man.

>> No.11226404

Dude, if you're ready to string up a rope, why not yolo like 80k on Link and fuck around with the remaining 20k for a year? You literally have nothing to lose, and I legitimately want you to keep trying bro.

>> No.11226411

ur up 10x tho....

hang in there.jpg

I've literally been researching the same shit all day and making plans to drive to this state's suicide spot to take a dive. But finally snapped out of it. And tomorrow I'll feel better and I might try harder to deal with my relationship problems instead of just avoiding them

I'm not telling her I put 5k into crypto that's worth $600 now tho lol. Could really use 5k right about now but it's OK, I wouldn't have put it in if I absolutley needed it

>> No.11226459

You have 75 times as much money as I do and I am reasonably happy. Why are you really suicidal? srsly dont do it wtf

>> No.11227036

Suicide is too easy of an out for some people who can deal with their problems but don't have the courage to be embarrassed or whatever the case may be.

Don't do it.

You chickenshit fuck. Don't.