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11216285 No.11216285 [Reply] [Original]

>Japan is about to follow Europe in inviting workers
>Only poorfag blue-collar shitters are invited
>Tfw white collar worker
How do you get white collar work in Japan? Even though they only want low IQ people?
Damn opportunities are only open for the brainlets


>> No.11216320

This is literally yellow genocide. You let them in and in 200 years there won't be any Japanese left.

>> No.11216360

japan has been sticking to tradition for a long time, not sure if they will crossbreed anon

>> No.11216369

Asians love promoting multicultralism in the west. I dont care, cartoon watching faggots sure to be mad though

>> No.11216372

I wish to have sex with princess bowser.

>> No.11216373

there are already no pure japanese left, they mixed with indigenous peoples and immigrants from korea

>> No.11216526
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They're honorary Aryans so going extinct was their destiny anyway

>> No.11216610

Their work culture is shit.

>> No.11216643

Can't wait for the boom in nigger JAV just as cuck JAV is booming right now.
Fucking Japan.

>> No.11217737


jews no longer fear the samurai, rip

>> No.11217931

>How do you get white collar work in Japan? Even though they only want low IQ people?
>Damn opportunities are only open for the brainlets
You can easily get a job as a software developer there. Almost nobody cares because the pay is relatively low there.

Except one particular group of people of course (Yes, I'm talking about austistic, smelly, ugly weeaboos)

>> No.11218452

I'm black man who lived in japan Tokyo for 2 years so far, never faced discrimination and my girl family accepted me easily, I will keep up the good work and give Japan blasians

>> No.11218489


>> No.11218494
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>> No.11218540

Lol, I'll honestly never respect white guys the way I do men of my own race.

However, from one male to another, I can understand that seeing someone of another race with someone of your race definitely does suck. However, NIGGER, that doesn't mean that asians belong to you t b q h.

Go give r/aznmasculinity a read. Those fucks are just about as asian/pol/ as possible and want to genocide white men for stealing their women.

>> No.11218814

I'm already above identifying with race, identify with religion and achievements in life.

>> No.11219058

>identify with religion
Fuck off kike

>> No.11219365
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