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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11213647 No.11213647 [Reply] [Original]

Willing to talk a little Chainlink

>> No.11213649


>> No.11213655

chainlink is trash

>> No.11213656

Sup, what can we expect to hear about in October
inb4 pee pee poo poo

>> No.11213669
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You never came back last time. Did you get laid?

>> No.11213674

Main net not for a while but that doesn't mean a fully functional chainlink on testnet won't be ready and working in October. I fully expect to see testnet network pushing jobs in October.

As for announcements, the only way main net gets announced is if the team has been creating the reputation contract and listing service in private which I don't believe they have.

>> No.11213678

Too drunk..I actually got on and looked at biz and said to myself I couldn't do it.

>> No.11213688

Clauses beta network should include chainlink. If not, there was no purpose for the partnership announcement. Typically you will get a MVP before any announcement, similar to openlaw w/ fiat demo. Clause kept for the beta launch tomorrow. Exciting stuff from what I hear.

>> No.11213702
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Drunkanon thank you first of all if this is the real drunk anon...i forgot what you exactly said about the link/eth pair being a negative but it made me think would we see a link/usd pair in the future?

>> No.11213704

Dont remember saying that...but it is me.

>> No.11213706

Whatcha drinking?

>> No.11213710

Why are you so confident Chainlink will take off in October if main net won't even be released?

>> No.11213724

The fud is getting to me

>> No.11213734

Just wait till the actual bad news hits

>> No.11213737

day drinking something light.

main net is not relevant to the announcements in October relating to chainlink. Chainlink is a protocol that many companies need to utilize to offer what they promise. Once Chainlink offers their MVP on testnet, these companies can show their capabilities...through chainlink.

>> No.11213757

you own any link pool shares? how many linkies you hold? you still getting moar?

>> No.11213761

What are your credentials, sir?

>> No.11213763

Rome is burning.

>> No.11213773

any general ideas for a blockchain hackathon?

>> No.11213785

There's no fud left.

I can touch on the news today about the chainlink team going to the frieght show. Forget the name but understand why. Twofold. One, you guys probably don't remember but Clause created a demo with bosche for platooning trucks. The truck in the front had drag and the trucks behind w/ less drag paid the front truck etc. Chainlink is taking this concept to a new level. I can go into later. Two, soon a smart contract will start the second the contract is esigned (docusign is locked in, and surprising enough adobe) the smart contract triggers. If the shipping company messes anything up penalties incur, messages/status can be sent to blockchain, the receiver will sign (POD) which will trigger payment (chainlink) there are so many avenues in the freight industry, just wait until autonomous vehicles come....think tesla etc.

>> No.11213802

Cool shit. We’re you surprising by the Gospel stuff today or did you know about them?

>> No.11213808

can't answer that

i told you before

I think by March 2019 chainlink will be a household (in crypto world) name. The chainlink foundation will have launched and hackathons will occur. The usecases are limitless. Out of the gate there will be a way for companies to use chainlink with only fiat through a nice gui on a website. I expect listing services to offer way more than node listings.

>> No.11213811

What's adobe's interest in the project?

>> No.11213813
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"Not new but listen - third party company wants to use a chainlink oracle. I keep hearing "but that means they have to buy link" WRONG. All they will need is a tad bit more eth. There will be contracts that convert eth to link to pay node operators on the fly. So when the team says "Node operators get paid in LINK only" They are not lying but they are also not being completely truthful."

So maybe im overthinking it but would these new companies have an easier transition coming in buying link with usd rather then eth? Would seem a link/usd pair would make it easier for these companies and node operators when they want to cash out..

Just a brainlet not even sure if it makes sense

>> No.11213814

Fuck off retard

>> No.11213821

Didn't hear about it before but the permissioned chain stuff doesn't bother me too much. You might as well just have a shared ledger / spreadsheet if you go that route. There are high value items that will require more trust.

>> No.11213829

Totally agree. I see the gospel announcement as insanely bullish for link.

>> No.11213832

is LINK gonna list on coinbase?

>> No.11213839

Adobe has an esignature project (think adobe acrobat and reader) that will challenge docusign. They both are interested in dlt and will use chainlink due to the competition. These competitions are always good for chainlink. ie openlaw vs accord, hyperledger vs corda, docusign vs adobe, azure vs aws...to be competitive you have to choose the best options....which for oracles is chainlink.

>> No.11213857

We still at a 90% chance for $8-12 EOY? Are you somewhat of an insider or just autistic?

>> No.11213860

ok what I am saying here is companies that don't want to buy an erc20 token won't have to. They will literally be using chainlink to take their credit card and make a payment. With chainlink, this payment will be made to market buy eth, to buy link, to start the contract. All behind the scenes. This is not just a concept.

>> No.11213876

Thanks for being here drunkanon

1. When did you get interested in LINK? Do you have any sort of notable background to be speaking on certain regards to the project?

2. Why do you expect mainnet to be months from now? What makes you go against the grain?

>> No.11213878

Yes. They won't pursue this though, coinbase will pursue chainlink. Bitcoin, ethereum, ripple (i know), litecoin, chainlink...chainlink will be right among these names in less than 6 months.

>> No.11213906

When is the last time you spoke with anyone from the team in person?

>> No.11213908

I just need $10 to live off comfortably rest of my life, is it happening?

>> No.11213916

it doesnt fit the criteria to be listed on coinbase. use your fucking brain for once and read shit or your going to keep losing money to scams.

>> No.11213931

Anything is possible in crypto. I would think chainlink is top 20 eoy (wherever that puts it) and top 10 by march 2019.

Blockchain has the power to change the world. 95% of cryptocurrencies you can buy on these exchanges are shitcoins and going to near zero. Smart contracts are a golden goose and will save corporations millions. These smart contracts need to be flawless and a decentralized oracle helps in that matter. This a project years in the making and we are on the precipice

>> No.11213946

sorry didn't see #2. Listen, the team has been saying what is still needed and people don't listen. I understand, its exciting and all but were not that close. Hell, we don't even have the network up on testnet. you basically run your own node for your own contracts right now. We are basically oraclize for the time being. Follow the project through the pivotal tracker and ask the right questions.

>> No.11213954

sergey is thicc

>> No.11213955

thanks for clarifying...just that one concept is massive on its own

>> No.11213962

This is not about me but I'll try and answer questions about the project.

I saved your response.

>> No.11213964

What are the right questions?

>> No.11213973

Are MasterCard, visa and PayPal working with Chainlink?

>> No.11213981

How can you be so sure? is coinbase already in pursuit of Chainlink?

>> No.11213982

How does link handle issues that an api may have or if there is connectivity issues for your node, do you lose your link because you didn’t report any data, the schema changed, or had errors?

>> No.11213983

How do you see the construction industry being changed. Asking for a friend. My fist stab Is supply chain, creditor payments, and employee compensation. Any thoughts ?

>> No.11213984

What will Sergey present at the web3 summit in Berlin in October? Will anything substantial be announced at any of the October events?

>> No.11213995

For the team? To start, you will notice something. When you touch something, they will ignore. This usually means yes but we can't speak on it. Find out if they have started on the reputation contract, have they started on their own listing service, have they found external companies that will offer listing services, if so have they started development, have audits started. This right here will give you a better understanding of the timeline.

>> No.11214001
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i upvoted yours

>Team Ownership
>The ownership stake retained by the team is a minority stake. There should be a lock-up period and reasonable vesting schedule to ensure the team is economically incentivized to improve the network into the future.

>Total Supply
>The team should sell a fixed percentage of the total supply, and participants should know the percentage of total supply that their purchase represents, or have a clear understanding of the inflation rate.

>Founders and Leadership
>Able to articulate vision, strategy, use cases or drive developmental progress. Has a track record of demonstrable success or experience. If information is available, Coinbase will apply "know your client" standards to publicly visible founders or leaders.

>Network Operating Costs
>The barriers to scaling the network have been identified, or solutions have been proposed or discussed. The resource consumption costs for validators and miners are not the main deterrents to participation

>> No.11214012

In the last thread you also said something like we should be asking the team why they are slow rolling service agreements completion? Can you expand on that? Do you have a theory as to why?

>> No.11214022

Not directly.


thomas can answer better but your node should have 99.99% uptime if you don't want to risk losing money meaning you need to be on reputable cloud hosting. Schema change, you probably mean api changes which do occur, they usually give a fair warning and yes you should act accordingly before changes. I understand its blurry for most. Expect easier setup, youtube videos, and tutorials that should make the node running process easier. The team wants to come out the gate with a robust network of nodes.

>> No.11214035

Construction will be behind remittances, insurance, bonds, supply chain etc. Expect payment terms (construction completion, deliveries of materials, etc.) to easily feed smart contracts to automate payments. But I do expect construction to lag (1 year) behind other adopters.

>> No.11214066

Hmmmm hard to answer this one directly. Lets just say this. They can get service agreements to near completion and allow chainlink be a network on testnet. Watch all tasks marked service agreements closely. Not sure how much more I can say but keep an eye.

>> No.11214092

Cool thanks that makes sense. Def see some multiple hurdles in that industry. I work at a construction firm and my bosses have alluded how we should do research and keep up with the tech. Been thinking about introducing blockchain/link to them but have to really think about what would be the easiest way and how they can save money, since that’s what they care about the most.

>> No.11214108

Britbong anon here, this is a great thread to read first thing in the morning. Drunk Anon I owe you a drink.

>> No.11214115

About salesforce. Remember what I mentioned about competition. To be competitive you need to offer the best service. There are two other competitions that are heating up and only making the case for Chainlink.

Take a look at Open Data Initiative by Microsoft, SAP, and Adobe to compete against Salesforce. You may notice a few things about the Open Data Initiative.

I know everyone hates ripple but they apply the pressure to swift to actually use an oracle. Without ripple, swift would stay status quo. But player 3 has entered the match, IBM's World Wire which has already signed 70 banks. People quesion if swift is real. Once again, - To stay competitive they need to utilize the best oracle solution, Chainlink.

There are many wars in this world, Chainlink is the arms dealer

>> No.11214122

Just wait. Too early for this industry.

>> No.11214125


You stated " fully expect to see testnet network pushing jobs in October. "

Will testnet be announced in one of the conferences in October?

>> No.11214126


>> No.11214146

Testnet is out and is updated frequently. Expect to see a large update (network with aggregation) in October. This will allow the "decentralization" in decentralized oracle.

>> No.11214165

How much of the testing not visible to us on the testnet?

>> No.11214180

If you are in this thread you are ahead of the game. Think about this, chainlink telegram has 1.7k members. That is it. This is the most important project in DLT. I want you to visualize when more and more partnerships or projects announcing they are using chainlink for this or that. The news will spread and exposure will compound. Look at project like IOTA, this is what chainlink's exposure will be. But unlike IOTA and others, Chainlink has a use case that will be utilized right away at launch. Chainlink holders will make real $ hosting nodes. People aren't going to buy because it went up by 20% in a day, then the following day it will go up by 40%. Fomo will kick in. This sounds corny but is going to happen.

I personally don't like the sergey attacks and biz is a weird place but you guys found a gem and have done a hell of a job keeping it a secret until now...but time is running out.

>> No.11214188

Checked. Great stuff drunkanon

>> No.11214193

We really do <3 Sergey. Let him know hat next time you see him.

>> No.11214194

Theres been a lot of discussion regarding LINK token supply owned by Seregy.

Are there plans of distributing these LINK to enterprises nodes or are they mainly held by early investors or something else? care to expand?

>> No.11214195

A better question is what are the contract addresses smartcontract.com has been using for current customers. They are not hard to find.

>> No.11214213

Ask the team. If you watch earlier Sergey interviews it is pretty well explained. The silence around this is regarding securities laws in US. The good news is due to how the project is handled, the link token will be seen as a utility token.

>> No.11214214

Will have a look. Thanks for the thread.

>> No.11214220

This is very juicy.

>> No.11214230

Drunkanon Thanks for the info. much appreciated.

I look forward to Chainlink singularity!

>> No.11214256

Testnet or staging? I've poked around quite a bit

>> No.11214279

Eth main net. I am talking paying customers where the team has creating oracles etc.

>> No.11214298

Any pointers on where to start?

>> No.11214322

do you see any potential blockers for the MVP coming up? any weaknesses the team may encounter? whats the worst case scenario? my fear is that the network will not be used once its launched...since we are so in the dark its hard to see the other side of the fence, do you understand what I mean? thanks for letting us know whats been going on btw

>> No.11214332

How come you know more than the typical larper? You're Australian aren't you?

>> No.11214405

can you dive into this more in detail if you can also? they actually are a little more difficult to find than you say

>> No.11214411

There is a script out there that pulls this data. This is why I know listing services are going to be more than just that. they will offer statistics etc. I can't provide this info just yet.

basic mvp is here. For network mvp none, team could have network up in less than 10 days if they desired. There is a lot of testing to be done on main net and the team will likely adjust small items as they better understand the networks use.

>> No.11214413


>> No.11214443

Are you talking about Ethereum network transaction addresses or smartcontract profiles?

>> No.11214454

I may have said too much but not profiles. Actual transactions you can see on eth main net

>> No.11214466

I thought that corda was a direct competitor to link?

>> No.11214479
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Can link realistically hit 1k?

>> No.11214483

Corda is nothing more than a permissioned chain with access to external data. There will be usecases on corda where they are going to want to bring in external data through decentralized oracles, not a simple api. Chainlink will be an oracle option for corda just like oraclize currently is.

>> No.11214491

not within 2 years.

>> No.11214493

he answered this already. possibly after 2020 if the network reaches its maximum potential. but thats a long time from now

>> No.11214502


I know you touched on this (MONAX) in your last thread, but can you expand on their new press release and let us know if it would be using Chainlink at all in their stack?

>> No.11214504

Oh man. Thanks as always drunkanon. Cheers!

>> No.11214507


MONAX/Blackstone -Smart contracts and high level API powering the Agreements Network

>> No.11214508

all of this chainlink bagholder support group shit is cringe.
even all of you delusional late adopters are starting to realize the whole thing is just some obsession over what literally started out as a meme

>> No.11214528

bless you drunkanon, your posts make me so hype x

>> No.11214542

Monax was originally a SAAS partner. Chainlink will be an option. These companies (clause monax etc) will offer multiple oracle solutions. low - rest api medium - centralized oracle to high - decentralized oracle. This will be the same for clovry, kaleido, azure etc. Chainlink won't be the oracle, but it will be an option, the best option. And when it comes to smart legal contracts with real money on the line, one will select chainlink

>> No.11214548

Is salesforce out?

>> No.11214562

Is Gospel a chainlink competitor ?

>> No.11214569

dude he literally answered this question already. scroll up and read the thread.

>> No.11214570

Too soon. Lets say salesforce offers chainlink oracle, no one uses it. Heck dapps.ai have been offering something similar for 2 years now without adoption. Sometimes its all about timing.

You need to watch the clause webinar tomorrow.

Also need to keep an eye on docusign as this is the missing link coming before main net (if not direct partnership it will be partnership through accord /openlaw etc)

The legal side of smart contracts is what to keep an eye on as the team progresses with the network. The network is no good unless these smart contracts can be enforceable and legally binding.

>> No.11214575

will chainlink be $20 by 2020?

>> No.11214579


>> No.11214593

do you have a link to your previous thread?

>> No.11214600


>> No.11214603

thanks so much for the info drop! really appreciate your time and effort. God bless

>> No.11214714

Hey drunkanon, what makes you so sure of the timelines? I think your info is plausible, but my experience working with software engineers of larger firms is that these things take lots and lots of time.

>> No.11214737

choke on your own dick, faggot, i was here last september and the excitement was real

>> No.11214754 [DELETED] 
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all you chainlink faggots
pic related

>> No.11214756

PSD2. Banks can't wait forever. They have less than one year to implement open banking to 3rd party fintech firms/api

>> No.11214774

How can this team accomplish something so important ? I mean coding and stuff... Almost half of the coders are young guys from Pivotal. They hired their Integration engineer because he has been shilling Chainlink on youtube. They also hired some 4chan anon to do UI jobs....

I mean, i would expect some more experienced and professional team given how big capital they have raised. Why not hire someone with 20years experience codin in Microsoft,Apple or from any big name corp ?

Oblad,Kochis,Adelyn looks okay. I dont want to disappreciate others but i would expect some more professional coders with a better background. Lot of crypto projects have bigger names and brains on their coding team.

As i said, i dont want to disappreciate, i just hope they are well experienced enought to handle this project (given how big it is aiming to be)

>> No.11214775



>> No.11214798

Bless you DrunkAnon, we are all going to make it frens.

>> No.11214820

Fair point I reckon, but that doesn't automatically mean DLT being in use. That's a big step to take for a slow moving industry

>> No.11214862

Have you looked into the shit Dimitri has been making in his own free time, whilst working for ChainLink?

>> No.11214905

Another great thread. Thanks Drunkanon.

>> No.11214908


>> No.11215054

This was a great thread, thanks drunk anon.

>> No.11215060

For those who are looking for the exact date and time for the Clause public launch.


>> No.11215178
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So the bizdev team is good because you can actually understand what they do?

Look at the backgrounds of John Barker and Dmitri Roche... these are very sharp minds.


The anon is a community contributor... which is exactly what they want to build in the future.

>> No.11215248

Thanks for doing this anon. Chainlink is a great project but right now it's still off from a functioning product and people need to know this in order to make informed trading decissions.

What do you think about investing in ETH infrastructure projects in the meantime, like RDN and ZRX? They will moon sooner than link, right?

>> No.11215259

He thinks LINK will be $3 by the end of October.

>> No.11215353
File: 28 KB, 300x250, 1524900177262[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Assblaster?

Remember how convinced you were of the veracity of his posts?

>I would be extremely surprised if the price is below $3 in May 2018.

Here we are again.

>> No.11215365

>What is a market crash

>> No.11215471

>I fully expect to see testnet network pushing jobs in October.
Could you ellaborate on that, please? As far as I know that's already being done. Several test in ropsten network everyday and people already pushing jobs to test their smart contracts / nodes. Did you mean that chainlink will be finished in October but will remain in a testing phase for a while?

>> No.11215552

>There are many wars in this world, Chainlink is the arms dealer
This makes me cum.

>> No.11215566

anyone with half a fucking brain knew wed be bear all of this year.

>> No.11215608

>The legal side of smart contracts is what to keep an eye on as the team progresses with the network. The network is no good unless these smart contracts can be enforceable and legally binding.
this is why i know the fud about LINK competitors is so badly thought out.
LINK isnt really about the code and programming, it's about being a multi-disciplinary organization that brings together all these disparate people to work towards asingle goal.
there's no-one else out there even doing anything remotely similar. LINK is miles ahead of any rivals in this regard.

>> No.11215651

Yeah, AFTER the crash. But no one could tell when it would crash. Could have started in September, then LINK would have been $3 by May for sure!

>> No.11215665

Were you "very surprised" when Chainlink wasn't $3 by May you absolute faggot?

>> No.11215770

Same concerns. I hope they are capable enough to create a reliable and a safe network of oracles. They seem professional enough but with 32mil $ raised I would expect bigger team too. Because this is all about code, I would expect more experts from security,database based projects for example. All we have is pivotal guys and god know what they were working on before chain link.

>> No.11215780

I am a genuine believer in chainlink 1k EOY.
My bag is small (only 1k link) but it doesn't matter since 1k EOY

>> No.11215781

> god knows what they were working on before chainlink
> I would expect more experts from security,database based projects for example
How new are you? Is this your first time in a link thread? Have you even done 5 minutes of research or even bothered to look at the plethora of devs who have contributed to their project outside of the core team? I honestly can't tell if this is bait or not.

>> No.11215900

where is this gif from?

>> No.11215912


To play devil’s avocado, what experience do the devs have?

>> No.11215953

Me too anon.

>> No.11216225


>> No.11216295
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>devil's avocado

>> No.11216319

Wtf is this sick shit dude kys

>> No.11216563
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>They will literally be using chainlink to take their credit card and make a payment. With chainlink, this payment will be made to market buy eth, to buy link, to start the contract. All behind the scenes. This is not just a concept.

>> No.11216621

>that doesn't automatically mean DLT being in use
While you are right, it's true that if they are not ready to be the first ones to monetize such event, they will miss one of the biggest opportunities in the open banking industry

>> No.11216658

listen, I want my larps to tell me ill be dirty rich by next week.
None of this $20 by next year bullshit.
This isn't very positive thinking of you.

>> No.11216782

>but you guys found a gem and have done a hell of a job keeping it a secret until now...

>There are many wars in this world, Chainlink is the arms dealer

>People aren't going to buy because it went up by 20% in a day, then the following day it will go up by 40%. Fomo will kick in. This sounds corny but is going to happen.

Hi AssBlaster, long time no see.

of course you are a strong believer in 1keoy because you have no other choice with your stack

>> No.11216960
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hindsight 20/20

>> No.11217038

>not being a millionaire if it hits $20
not gonna make it

>> No.11217139

That's a lot of candles till the end of October, and many of them will be of the "swipe downwards" persuasion

>> No.11217170

og delphi here
it's scam, we unloaded all of our bags after the korean exchange listing
buying back at 15 cents

>> No.11217205

True or not, these support sessions are what I need to get myself through the day. The bags are damn heavy.

>> No.11217209

Drunk anon is Chaaos from Delphi... you all been fucking fooled and fiddled, get out now before you get DIDDLED

>> No.11217280

What criteria doesn't it meet retard? It checks off all the boxes.

>> No.11217490

This goes along with what others have said about 3rd parties handling reputation. Once Chainlink finishes aggregation/service agreement, you have a situation where companies can run a fully functional testnet so long as they have their own reputation contract.

tldr; Chainlink is ready for use once the service agreements epic is done.

>> No.11217538

>Hudson James.

>> No.11217545


>> No.11217582

Ohhhhh. This new pasta is spicy with shrimps. Delicious anon.

>> No.11217705
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thank u based anon, but we all love Sergey

>> No.11217911


>> No.11217935


>> No.11217978

When mainnet comes out, the dynamics of the token completely change and could very well fit that.

>> No.11217991
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>> No.11217995

This does sound like AB. He was one hell of a LARP. Concise. Fairly believable.

>> No.11218024
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, rentfreeLINK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very informative and convincing LARP but still FUD...

LINK $2500 eoy

>> No.11218193

Why do you guys think assblaster didn't come back? Most larps are attention seekers and he quickly became among /biz/'s most notorious larp and then left. Obviously his posts here were not the cause for the massive pump in January, but seeing the price take off he sold and went away, which was his goal shilling link.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if he were larping again. Perhaps he thinks his old persona has no credibility left having been so incorrect about when the network would be running; I see the price predictions as less important in terms of his credibility.

>> No.11218203

Why do you all take this seriously? Is this just because someone is telling you everything you want to hear?

I can refute a lot of this info given by drunk anon. This is actually pretty fucked up. The absurdity of some of the info pushed here is preying on people.

>> No.11218223

name one thing that seems implausible

>> No.11218242

Sadly, you’re one of the few that “gets it.”

ChainLink is a bronze sponsor at SF blockchain week along with SpankChain and people think this project is going to revolutionize the finance industry? Will you help me make a ChainLink truth thread this evening? I have a lot of info that shows that 95% of the “potential” of this project is complete BS and I think it is fucked up to take advantage of people financially this way.

>> No.11218261

Swift “needing an oracle” to maintain status quo. WTF does that even mean. Swift already uses oracles. How is a decentralized oracle going to change ANYTHING for them?

>> No.11218310

SWIFT doesn't have an oracle because it doesn't use a private or public blockchain yet...

Ripple (not XRP) is challenging SWIFT's dominance with distributed ledger technology. This is real; there are a lot of articles about it. SWIFT's feet are to the fire and thus is exploring blockchain so they don't become irrelevant, whether or not blockchain will really be better than the other options has yet to be determined. Sergey has been associated with SWIFT since 2014, it wasn't just a one off PoC, and it seems unlikely Sergey decided to pivot to make a meme oracle network for fun if there wasn't a real demand and plausible SWIFT implementation... It's the one thing Rory has consistently said is ongoing and that he'd tell us if anything changed.

>> No.11218333

kill urself. seriously.

>> No.11218551

Do you know what an oracle is?

>> No.11218632

How and why do you all think an oracle network is preventing SWIFT, Ripple, PSD2 or anything from proceeding. Do you all not know how easily oracles are already used? It’s like you all don’t think. Be realistic.

>> No.11218685

dude... sergey made a simple oracle for their PoC and then SWIFT identified a single oracle's vulnerabilities as a key problem in actually using it, hence why Sergey started making a better oracle that is decentralized and/or uses secure enclaves.

>> No.11218694
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Poorfag here,
Should I sell everything up and get another 1k Link or wait a while for others to possibly moon?
My plan was to wait for ETH to recover, but that’s taking a lot longer than expected.
ZRX is incase of Normiebase listing.
BTC is leftovers, ignore.

What do?

>> No.11218695

screencapping this to prove you wrong faggot

>> No.11218720

Cite this info: an oracle being insecure.

>> No.11218735

Or rather “vulnerable.” And not a citation from Sergey Nazarov. A third party claiming any oracles are vulnerable. I’ll wait.

>> No.11218742

it's at the beginning of literally all of Sergey's talks about why they started developing chainlink... I made a leap saying SWIFT ordered it, but it's not hard to see that's why he pivoted from what SmartContract.com was doing to Chainlink.

>> No.11218783
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>preventing PSD2 from proceeding.
Using Chainlink allows banks to comply with PSD2. I think you have it all mixed up dummy. sorry I can't get any more basic than that.

>> No.11218835

They can be compliant without ChainLink. And they will be. They have known about this mandate for some time. You all try to fit ChainLink into EVERY solution.

And why is absolutely NO ONE ELSE talking about oracle vulnerability except the guy who started an oracle network? Why is EVERYONE else able to easily implement their own oracles? Cute me one instance where an oracle created an obstacle for anyone (except for Sergey). I’m serious. We make oracles every day. Why can’t they?

>> No.11218855

How much LINK do you hold?

>> No.11218875

>what is the oracle problem.....
how I know youre a new fag.

>> No.11218889

This is the same guy that tried to make Cryptomail which anyone who understands SMTP realizes is a fucking retarded idea.

Anyone who understands oracles realizes ChainLink is a (although less) retarded idea than Cryptamail.

>> No.11218920

You tell me. And why isn’t it an issue realized by anyone making real blockchain projects and starting to make smart contracts? I can parrot info too. Let’s hear your lucid explanation as to why no one except obscure academics discuss this...why it poses no real world obstacle

>> No.11219070

the most popular framework for ethereum, zeppelinOS, has decided to make chainlink its default oracle, which is literally the blockchain with the most smart contracts and being deployed and developers involved by far... Evidently the people writing smart contracts see some value in it. Take this to reddit or something, this debate about the value proposition of decentralized oracle has been had here 100s of times.

>> No.11219095

we didn't wear underwear once upon a time, because we didn't think we needed it, neither did we think about such a pointless thing.

>> No.11219200

>The network is no good unless these smart contracts can be enforceable and legally binding.

Can you elaborate on this. Are you saying smartcontracts are useless if not legally binding or enforceable which would make Chainlink useless?

>> No.11219237

>Main net not for a while
so i can continue trading shit coins? im making more money trading then just holding in link. Im torn here keep holding or buy back in later. Do you know if they will just drop main net or do a fair bit of advertising?

>> No.11219417
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what's the actual response to this? muh security? How seriously do most use cases take the problem of a centralized oracle being hacked? Obviously decentralized is more secure, but if it's more expensive to use chainlink tokens won't most use cases opt for a centralized, less secure, but cheaper oracle?

I am a linkie myself but for a while I've been thinking maybe we are just deluded. Everyone just confirms each others delusions and when anyone asks questions anons just reply with memes and no substance

>> No.11219443

ofc there are tons of usecases for centralized oracles.
ofc there are tons of usecases for simple api feeds.
but if you believe that decentralized smartcontracts will have a major impact on the world and create new wealth, you should believe in chainlink as well.

>> No.11219484
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And as other anons have pointed out on here, we've been disappointed by LARPers in the past. Until proven otherwise, we should assume OP is just another one.

I want to escape wage slavery more than anyone but I've pretty much wasted the last year thinking LINK is a sure thing, lurking this fucking board and getting excited by rumors and LARPers only to feel the familiar feeling of disappointment when LINK is in the same old $0.20 - $0.40 range. It's like an addiction and a complete waste of time

Another thing that irritates me is anons saying "I only need chainlink to reach $50" or similar. ONLY $50? Like a more than 100x return is nothing.

I feel so deluded

>you should believe in chainlink as well.
I do anon. I'm sorry for underestimating the power of positive thought. Pic somewhat related

>> No.11219635

what do you mean a cheaper oracle? Chainlink won't cost more to use due to the token price, the collateral will no doubt be decided in fiat then converted to LINK, there are 18 decimal places for a reason

>> No.11219640

did you even understand what drunk anon was saying? yes decentralized oracles will cost more, but not ALL contracts will need them. when it comes to trust, the high end items i.e. derivatives contracts in the billions, thats when a higher tiered option like Chainlink would do well. youre not deluded, just think kind of logically about this.

>> No.11220682


>> No.11220713

i dont think hes coming back newfag

>> No.11220826

This is the same larper you brainlet.
He's back to blast your ass again but can't use the same identity or coinmetro bagholders would cut his dick off

>> No.11220828

It's so others can see the thread you fucking moron.

>> No.11221195

wtf is a delphi

>> No.11221233

Bump. Some good discussion here.

>> No.11221260

let this slide, newfags don't deserve to see this.

>> No.11221348


>> No.11221362

It's exhausting constantly seeing people tout Chainlink as a solution for everything. Chainlink won't be used for PSD2 compliance, there is no evidence suggesting it will be. I'm still waiting for anyone to post evidence of there being vulnerability in any oracles.

Has anyone noticed how Chainlink is only partnered with "Academic" endeavors like OpenLaw and Accord (aside from a proof of concept). Do you really think a bunch of multibillion dollar tech companies wouldn't be chomping at the bit to get this tech? Do you really think they wouldn't have horded tokens long ago if this platform was SO necessary and needed?

Link's best chance is having a pump somehow like Ethereum did. But Ethereum only has pumped because of idiots buying cryptocurrencies that don't understand them. Chainlink only has any value because of idiots buying that don't understand smart contracts and oracles.

>> No.11221393

The amount of LINK that a node stakes is calculated in USD, but put into the contract as a fixed amount of LINK. So what happens if the price of LINK fluctuates before a node fails a job?

>Node has to stake $10 for a job
>LINK is $1 each
>Node has 20 total LINK, stakes 10
>Price of LINK drops to $0.10
>Node fails the job
>Node only ends up paying the equivalent of a $1 penalty

How does Chainlink avoid this?

>> No.11221399

You all trust a bunch of anonymous kids here that are hoping to get rich from this project so they don't have to work. Why don't you trust the people actually working in the smart contract development space. Contact any of them: see how they handle oracles. Ask them how they are going to fit Chainlink into their framework. Their first question will be: "What is Chainlink?" They will then fumble as they are unsure why anyone would use that and in trying to think of any possible use cases for a decentralized oracle network. They will finally conclude "that's kind of an interesting idea, but I'm not sure why I'd use that."

>> No.11221402

Who is this again ? Is this Landlord ? Or what ? Sherlock ? I DONT KNOW !! THERES SO MANY OF THEM !!!

>> No.11221429


>> No.11221453

Just another anon influencing people here to make poor financial decisions while they dump their bags on a subsequent pump.

I don't know how no one has yet caught on. I've even tried larping as an experiment and people here willingly believe any amount of BS you feed them as long as you provide key words like "API, Smart Contract, etc" I kind of feel bad because I used to be interested in Link and I can see that people here really are deluded and think this is some sort of huge conspiratorial secret that multibillion dollar companies are trying to keep secret.

>> No.11221471

By decreasing the time between when collateral is put up and when a job is executed. Can be reduced down to seconds if needed.

>> No.11221474


Yea lets just invite some shitcoin like Chainlink to Sibos two years in a row.

>> No.11221543

lol calling OpenLaw and Accord "academic".
Just look at the firms working with them...

>> No.11221558


>> No.11222567

Of course it fits the criteria fool!

>> No.11222611

Where did all my 300 reply chain link threads go

>> No.11222645

coinbase criteria won't mean shit when they figure out chainlink will usher in the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.11222751

Friendly reminder that smart contracts are a meme and you are too if you believe in their success.

>> No.11222768

Bullish post, I remember people saying the exact same thing when eth was $5

>> No.11222797

>friendly reminder "the cloud is a meme"
>friendly reminder "640 kB is enough"
>friendly reminder "look at my DVD collection"

this aint no vr goggle lawnmower man shit for the entertainment of NEETs, this will save businesses truckloads of cash

>> No.11224008

im all ears

>> No.11224054

This. Trying our a quick link larp yourself is a very quick cure for delusion. They'll believe literally anything.

>> No.11224260

chainlink was not invited to sibos this year

>> No.11224271

yet eth only pumped because it spawned ponzis and ico scams...

>> No.11224286

he meant 2016 and 2017 you absolute idiot.

>> No.11224327

Come on anon... clearly this is just Astro the kidfucker.

>> No.11224402

Someone disprove this>>11221399

>> No.11224456

2016 they were part of a contest... plenty of other literal who's showed up at sibos 2016..
why weren't they there this year?

>> No.11224506

They were reinvited for 2017

>> No.11224518

>he doesn’t know about SpankChain
>he doesn’t know about the 6th industrial revolution

>> No.11225384

>A better question is what are the contract addresses smartcontract.com has been using for current customers. They are not hard to find.

Pretty stuck. Any help with this?

>> No.11226497

It's a larp

>> No.11226687

Bump. Juicy thread!

>> No.11226806



>> No.11227397

The use cases for Chainlink as a decentralized oracle network are limited, but extremely high value use cases. You can use Chainlink just like Oraclize if you want to as well. You can choose your level of decentralization. In this case, this business isn't even using smart contracts. If they were, they will need an oracle. What's funny is that mainnet is even out yet. The marketing director hasn't said shit about anything yet.

>Hurr durr I never heard of Chainlink.

>> No.11227556

This was FUD that I read in a B-cash thread. Someone asked something and it was somewhat potentially related to what chainlink was trying to accomplish and this is what this anon said....

chainlink is (today) just a platform for centralized oracles, but made way more complicated that it needs to by introducing a decentralized network instead of using cryptographic proofs from the source website itself.

it just means you end up with something that has a very hard time scaling, while also being less secure as now there are multiple points of attack instead of just the website itself, which you have to trust unequivocally anyway under their model.

>> No.11227749

Terrible fud.

>> No.11227821

Know that somewhere out there, there is another Anon with the same feels.

I look for a bed time story on biz every night :'-(

>> No.11227836

Decent fud Anon. Going to save this.

>> No.11227861

drunk anon was pretty credible when he did his first bedtime story a few days ago.
actually brought up some dots and connections which i'd never seen b4.
but yeah, i decided today to stop coming to /biz and just check CMC once a day to see how LINK is doing. it'll either go up or down without me having to track everying 5 hrs a day on here.

>> No.11227874

that's not fud, thats how chainlink's oracles work. we don't have decentralized oracles yet, thats a problem we're not closer to solving that before. chainlink just has this weird middleground between platforms like oracalize that use signed messages from the api itself over TLS and a fully decentralized system. only in chainlink's middleground case, the oracles themselves are still centralized like in the oracalize solution.

>> No.11227907

SWIFT already dropped every blockchain project lmao. I never thought I heard this from /biz/ again, and just assumed larpers just silently stopped bringing it up, yet here we are.

>> No.11227910

there's no such thing as a decentralised oracle. i dont even know why the LINK team talks as if there is.
but what LINK is creating is the best you can hope for, and is what the smart contract industry leaders are asking for.
they are essentially solving the two generals problem, which technically cant be solved 100% (it is believed) but can approach a standard of acceptable tolerance that 2 parties can agree upon.

>> No.11227938

They aren't claiming decentralized oracles. It is a decentralized NETWORK of oracles. Literally in the whitepaper title

>> No.11227975

>They aren't claiming decentralized oracles. It is a decentralized NETWORK of oracles. Literally in the whitepaper title
yeah, i was talking about a network of oracles, just seemed redundant to have to articuate that.
one further point: smart contract users dont care if an oracle network is decentralised - they just want something that does the best job of getting data onto the blockchain in the most secure and reliable way.

>> No.11228005

Decentralized oracles are the only way to maintain trustless execution of a smart contract with external triggers. Centralized oracles = trust.

Checkout sergeys workshop next week

>> No.11228030

I think you underestimate the savvy of the higher ups in the world. They don't build huge empires by making rash and uninformed decisions or by taking the easiest route.

>> No.11228067

smart contracts can be trustless; but i would contest that oracles can be, at least in the same way.

i'm not sure i understand what you're saying. oracles are trying to mitigate the issues inherent in the two generals problem. people making multi-million smart contracts have to be sure that whatever solution an oracle provider offers, that it's the best one. this is what LINK is doing.

>> No.11228093

>smart contract users
literally who

>> No.11228318

Ever purchased a token?

>> No.11228341

lol so token speculators, gotcha

>> No.11228391
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United Nations today.
Notice anything?

>> No.11228399

Ah yes, I misunderstood you. In a momentary lapse of intelligence I read your post as the usual muh business leaders don't care about tech fud

>> No.11228405


>> No.11228420
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Zoom in

>> No.11228425

Only purpose of tokenization is speculation? Found the brainlet

>> No.11228427

I accidentally chuckled

>> No.11228436
File: 407 KB, 1117x1072, Screenshot_20180927-234212_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they know

>> No.11228441

I wonder how heavy that silver CHAIN is.

>> No.11228469

Nearly as heavy as our bags

>> No.11228476


>> No.11228483

you might see £3600 tops with that amount of link.