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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11211018 No.11211018 [Reply] [Original]

Linkies always go around thinking they are the stinkiest but they dont have a aussie pajeet running the project so now it is official yes BeliEVErs are the stinkiest yes I do beliEVE it to be true yes. Wat do?

>> No.11211060
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>> No.11211087
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>Having More EVE

>> No.11211129

Don't buy that shit. SCOTTP AKA super-satan is involved in the project. He gave Sagemark the idea to scam ODN incestors and he gave the Devery devs the same idea

>> No.11211130
File: 226 KB, 309x512, IMG_20180905_072001_587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamal will see devery to the promised land if not for the great eagle we would not have the same stench yes for only beliEVEing in Jamal will we ever take flight to the moon.

>Hackathon Soon

>> No.11211165

Pravik Patel the main ideas guy behind ODN is also the man begind eve. He will personally kill 1 kitten for every eve bought

>> No.11211178
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Breh you bought ODN kek they launched something called PoOP and you still held?

>> No.11211249
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For when you beliEVE Jamal you shall transcend to see his face for who he truly is yes, for who he truly, is, yes.

>Andrew has bestowed upon biz a new path

>Linkies shall be held accountable for each post

> posters must be authenticated by devery protocol

> posters must tattoo a GS1 certified label to their outer rectum

> posters must beliEVE

>> No.11211434
File: 108 KB, 512x502, IMG_20180817_132039_066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamal is all seeing he brings transparency to a new level.
> You say Vechain I say NO, You say Walton I say NO, you say TE-Food i say NO, You say Origin Trail I say NO you say block array I say NO

>Hackathon soon
>Devery.js soon
>Jamal Soon

>> No.11212109
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Why does everyone abandon eth when it comes to supplychain. AMB VEN WTC TRAC. They will all be replaced by Devery. Devery offers a better open ended solution on the already well established well respected platform which is Ethereum. With Shasper and L2 scaling Devery will put every other supplychain project in the dirt. No reason to have a separate chain. BeliEVE.