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File: 5 KB, 225x225, sobrave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11203058 No.11203058 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone even use this?

>> No.11203061

I tried to last night, but used Firefox instead as I couldn't tell if meta mask was working on it.

>> No.11203062

Switched to Brave browser from Chrome and never looked back. But I don't use BAT.

>> No.11203071

Started to use is today, Brave > Chrome,Firefox.

>> No.11203089

I use the mobile and desktop. Mobile crashes way too much. Rather annoying

>> No.11203110

Mobile is ok for me. Can't stand desktop due to Lastpass popup every time i open the browser.

>> No.11203117

Brave mobile
Vivaldi for desktop because it's so customizable. Why can't Chrome or brave get into aesthetics?

>> No.11203119

useing it on mobile

>> No.11203120

lol, no
the whole success of the BAT token is tied to the bat browser.
No one uses that shit, good luck convincing the millions of normies using chrome to switch to Brave for >muh paid ads


>> No.11203124
File: 147 KB, 1080x1180, Screenshot_20180925-051606_Google Play Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 mil downloads but Idk if that's good

>> No.11203129

you must be stupid
Firefox is 100% fully customize, and you can control the content fully too.

>> No.11203145

try and edit the url of a bookmark on the latest firefox

>> No.11203160

installed on 10 PCs to get 25*10 free BAT
cannot withdraw

>> No.11203166

it works, it has a little bug with the fav icons not refreshing

>> No.11203168

Can mobile finally play webms?

>> No.11203171

They have no dark mode which is one of the main reasons I don't use it as a main browser, but mobile one has background play so I can listen to youtube music while phone is closed.

>> No.11203181

yeah i finally got rid of chrome and use it as my second browser. firefox still #1

>> No.11203187

Vivaldi is the most aesthetic browser, that's a fact.

>> No.11203233

that is fine, but it is about browsing your way, ad free, bullshit free, in total control

>> No.11203249

still chromium so still slow as fuck and google made. it stands no chance given the future is smartphones and nobody installs separate browsers on those.

>> No.11203263

I am, it sucks. 4chans captcha takes FOREVER.

>> No.11203274

the only market they're going to get is the third world market. who else is going to use a browser that pays them a few cents per week to look at ads that you have to dox yourself just to withdraw them?

paying people to look at ads was tried multiple times during the whole .com era, and it never worked because all the money in advertising is there to advertise to people for who a few dollars a year isn't a lot of money.

>> No.11203535

Pathetic FUD. The success of BAT token is not tied to the brave browser. Brave is a testbed for the BAT ad model. If its successful there is a very strong chance an SDK will be available that Safari, and Firefox will implement. Eich has friends in executive positions at both of these companies, and the ad model aligns with their privacy standards. Apple, and Firefox are not ad companies, and if BAT ads are proven successful it can increase revenue on their browsers. If the ROI is similar or greater than that of google/fb you can guarantee Apple, and Firefox are going to spite the shit out of google.

Weak FUD attempt. Its basically irresponsible to not own BAT at this point.
Theres a dark mode in the dev version. I imagine they are going to have dark mode in v1 as well as tons of other features.

>> No.11203546

its not tied to the browser but BAT is tied to the centralized company. without them pushing their extension or browser BAT is literally worthless, its the same problem all of these centralized "value" or "middleman" tokens have, their success is entirely dependant on a centralized team building infra around the use of this token.

>> No.11203568

yes its pure shit

>> No.11203620

At least have it havr a working use case, something almost none other scamcoin has

>> No.11203708

I use it on my android

>> No.11203742

I do. I like the adblocking part, don't give a flying fuck about micropayment. if there was a way for me to make money instead of having to pay time wastes with hard earned shitcoins maybe ...

>> No.11203824

wew, lad. Yeah lets just waste tens of millions of dollars in VC funding to build an experimental DAO on top of an already experimental ad model. Top kek

Decentralization is cool, but lets take baby steps first. You know like giving people their first taste of crypto for free through a web browser.

>> No.11203835

its not about centralized vs decentralized, it's about a token fundamentally being used for funding a project, vs a token that has real demand.

the economics of their token just don't work in a world where advertisers don't want to pay people to look at their ads.

>> No.11203866
File: 319 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-214128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11204110

Using it now. Happy overall, but some minor things like problems typing equations into the search bar bother me. The division sign (/) gets interpreted as an address, same with decimals. I'm used to using Chrome as a calculator, so it's a pain.

>> No.11204141


I use it desktop and mobile.

mobile is the best because you can lock the app behind a password/thumbprint. no one can snoop through your internet

>> No.11204149

On mobile and desktop. Do I use or understand the BAT token? No. No I do not lol

>> No.11204169

I can't play a webm on the ch0nz from just clicking on it. But if I hold down and open in new tab it will play. Not ideal, but I'd rather use Brave over (((Chrome)))

>> No.11204179

I use Brave Browser exclusively, I've never used BAT.

>> No.11204191

Brave ads are settled in BAT. If an advertiser wants to advertise on the platform then there is clearly a demand for BAT.

Where are you getting this idea that advertisers dont want to pay people to look at their ad? You do realize the advertiser is paying for user attention at the end of the day, and thats all that matters. This is not a new concept either.


>> No.11204216

Using it right now OP. It's the most patrician browser available.

>> No.11204240
File: 538 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2018-08-31-18-31-14-849_com.tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it never worked because all the money in advertising is there to advertise to people for who a few dollars a year isn't a lot of money
excellent insight here anon

>> No.11204295

I have tried to read that sentence about 40 times now, and I still cant make out what hes saying. Can't tell if im retarded or anon is retarded. Please someone be an honest arbitrator and redpill me.

>> No.11205066

It's pretty good for a mobile browser.
I wanted to drop it for FF, but recently it got updated and it can finally play .webms.
Good for "weak" phones too, FF is slow as shit on my phone.

>> No.11205073

nope. it has way too many issues loading page elements. its a shit browser but a great idea. needs more work before its usable.

>> No.11205167

When ever I get fed up with ads blasting between workouts "IF YOU WaANA KnOW HOW I MADE 6 MILLION DOLLArs selling crap like this wolf MUG BUY MY CoURSe!" God I wanna punch that fsygot in the face

>> No.11205375
File: 510 KB, 448x761, SA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fk yes

I use the mobile version

desktop takes 1 minute to start up

thats Microsoft fault

edge engineers tweaked windows 10 to be anti anything if its not edge fk off

ty pajeet ceo Nadella


>> No.11205592

Saved about 1hr of time so far on mobile using brave browser

>> No.11205835

Its decent on mobile, but the desktop browser is trash

>> No.11206170

why explain ur issue

>> No.11206187

Desktop browser is slow as fuck compared to Chrome and Firefox.
Mobile browser is literally Chromium with adblock built in -- it works nicely.

>> No.11206201

same here

I personally think its Microsoft

they are desperate to force edge upon all

>> No.11206213

and yes I agree

android is lighting fast

will not look back

>> No.11206259

Me. It's unironically the best mobile browoser imo.

>> No.11206287

I use it on my iphone its good, but it crashes sometimes.

>> No.11206343

I guess the dev version is going to be Chromium based and is a big re-write.

Supposed to be released as Brave v1.0 by eoy.

>> No.11206377

Iiterally the fastest browser

>> No.11206401


What are you on about? Desktop version is as fast as other browsers. Not to mention benchmark scores which are at least 30% better

>> No.11206419

I do, hands down best browser on jewdroid.

>> No.11206462


The dev version is sleak as fuck. Noticeably faster than any other browser.

I still get some ads though, looking forward to 1.0 launch. My entire portfolio is BAT though, I think it's super cheap right now so I'm biased.

>> No.11206480

Using it for a couple days. So far it's good.

>> No.11206489

you and biz

tell your family and friends

they will like the speed

>> No.11206492

I love this feature, didn't even realize you could do that for the longest time.


>> No.11206500
File: 293 KB, 852x236, BAT stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do and I've gotten over 100 free BAT since I started using it.

Faster, better, anonymous version of Chrome that integrates cryptocurrency. Why would you not use it?

>> No.11206503

My personal experience with the browser matches the other anon's experience. The browser feels odd and slow on every computer I've tried it on, though that was several months ago.

>> No.11206533


iPhones are slow as fuck in my experience. That was in 2012 though.

lmao dude try the new dev version... It's been through a lot of updates.

>> No.11206592
File: 369 KB, 700x525, I like Eich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way - I have Brave on my desktop, laptop, and phone.

The version on my laptop is the mac version that is testing ad trials already, and the way the ads are being integrated into the browser is awesome. You get a little notification if you want to view the ad, and it tells you what kind of ad it is. If you want to see it, you click view. If you don't, you click close. Therefore you only watch ads that you're genuinely interested in.

You're not "HERP DURP PAID TO WATCH ADS". You're watching ads that you're generally interested in, only if you want to, and you're receiving a cut of what's OWED to you for viewing the ad.

You're a fucking cretin if you don't understand that Google and online advertising is taking advantage of you and stealing your personal information, tracking your web browsing, etc. just to make money off of you.

>people don't want to watch ads for a couple cents a month

is a fucking brainlet argument, you're being taken advantage of by mega corporate masters and you're being herded like sheep into tracker advertising. Brave gets rid of all of that. If you stick to Chrome you're fucking hopeless.

>> No.11206673
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to make things clear:

1. Brave automatically blocks ads.
2. If you want to view ads for BAT, you have the option of doing so.
3. Even if you choose to do so, you don't have to watch the ads, only the ones that you find relevant.
4. You receive a cut of the money that would otherwise be going to Google/Facebook/etc.
5. If you don't use Brave and BAT, you're losing out on free money in order to be treated like a sheep and targeted by online conglomerates who harvest your personal data in order to shill you advertising and control what you see on the internet.

Your choice.

>> No.11206691

if brave browser has same speed when it opens as notepad.exe



>> No.11206704

malware bytes keeps flagging it for a crypto miner.

>> No.11206705

Yep 5 years ago it was kang.
Then went full SJW and is bloated as fuck.

Same here. Not into BAT, but brave is pretty good.

>> No.11206712

fuck mozilla was good

why did it tank

>> No.11206719
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, big brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fired pic related.

Guess what he's in charge of now?

>> No.11206787

Mozilla even has backing from George Soros now.

CTO at Brave is from Mozilla too Brian Bondi.

>> No.11207331

360 noscope headshot

>> No.11207404

as soon as every nigger hears that you get paid for using brave, chrome and ff are out until they come up with something similar

>> No.11207521

I've been using it on mobile for a while now, works.

>> No.11208244
File: 204 KB, 1024x742, photo_2018-09-24_19-39-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11208327

I started using it on my shitty laptop. It's the best browser I've ever used on it. I've been testing out every single shitty browser, but nothing ran smoothly as how it did on Brave.
I still use Chrome on my desktop, though. And I don't use the BAT tokens, unless if someone can tell me what I can do with them?