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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11206177 No.11206177 [Reply] [Original]

>normie coworkers won’t shut the fuck up and allow me some piece and quite
They just talk about nonesense all fucking day, why on earth when you could be doing something productive would you want to talk about dumb shit all day?

>> No.11206199

If the annoying, droning, thoughts of theirs stopped they'd be utterly alone with the dismay and uncertainty that is their futile existence

>> No.11206243
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>private office
>work hard for 3 hours and chill rest of the day
>browse /fit/ and /biz/
>reading ebooks
>eat behind my desk
>got a comfy couch in my office so colleagues come in to chill with me

>> No.11206372
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I had my own private office earlier in the year and did exactly as you did, I even used to take an hour nap everyday. I now know the suffering of real time wage cuckoldry.

>> No.11206412

Yeah, it's fucking suffering alright. My office introduced the "open environment" workspace, which basically means you cram as much people as possible in one space. It's so fucking noisy, and every retard is able to look at your screen. Suffered for two years before I got promoted and got my own office

>> No.11206607

I still have my own office but my old one was tucked away from everyone, I’m now in the bull pen where all the admin offices are crammed together and everyone leaves their doors open and talks to each other. I used to spend all day reading, drawing,napping and meditating. Now my days consist of phone posting and clicking buttons trying to look busy. I just don’t get why they enjoy mindless chatter so much.

>> No.11206647
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>piece and quite

>> No.11206667
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>> No.11206690
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>> No.11207071

You want quite a piece.

>> No.11207134

What do they talk about?

>> No.11207766

Nigger ball, office gossip, their significant other, the weather, food, drumpf, (((pop culture))). That’s literally it.

>> No.11209009

>being the special snowflake at thunderdome

Don't do that

t. Ex special snowflake

>> No.11209094


Is the economy really built on wagers doing nothing in an office all week? No wonder real productivity is fucking stagnant. We need to fire everyone until we just have a handful of employees making 7 figures

>> No.11209157

Productivity is not stagnant and it has always been that way champ. Now less than ever. USA, at least. People work longer hours and you can’t even smoke or drink. This “work work work 24/7” mentality is not realistic and the reason why office jobs blow so hard. No one (not even you) can work endlessly from the second they walk in to the second they leave.

>> No.11209235

Yep, I work in a factory. So I do my job quick and constantly read/browse /biz//audio books/youtube talks. My one co worker asked me if I like the whip. They are such "together as one union" mentality, and I don't mind being a yes man, as long as it doesn't interfere with my health and they leave me the fuck alone as I can study and work to get out. I could careless what happens to that company or what gets added to what jobs, I have better things to do. Literally.