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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 491x498, stinkyLinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11199222 No.11199222 [Reply] [Original]

Ok we all know link is our ticket to financial freedom and living out our fantasy life. Does anyone have sources or information to support a ballpark Chainlink Singularity timeline?

I'm an anxious uni graduating soon and need time to get income and convert all of my paychecks into linkies throughout 2019. I've read analysts' claims that blockchain tech will be adopted by institutions around 2021-2022.

Could we still be in <$50 accumulation phase in 2019? 2020? 2021? I just want to have some insightful discussion. We're gonna makeit anons.

>inb4 1k eoy
>inb4 nobody knows

>> No.11199227

link is shit and will never catch on. the dev team is not smart enough to pull off anything but a p&d

>> No.11199233

You have until at least q4 2019

>> No.11199241 [DELETED] 

nice thread Rajesh, might fool some people

>> No.11199245

nice trips op
maybe 10 eoy to 100 end of first or second quarter.

>> No.11199251

>realistic singularity

>> No.11199303

Usually a singularity occurs when some parameter goes to 0, in this case most likely the price of LINK tokens

>> No.11199325

Here is a useful reminder for all you faggots
>1 billion tokens
>anons meme for almost a year that link will be worth x amount by x date
>every prediction is wrong
>people will small bags (less than 25k) are convincex their bag isn't small because they believe link is going to $100 in the next 12-24 months
>these stinky linkies hold
>the anons who create the price memes sell every pump and buy back low
>while you held on to your link when it went to .80c, these anons quadrupled their stack
>many anons now have bags of 100k+ link
>they will dump all the way up, many will even continue to accumulate

>> No.11199346

The smartest thing will probably to sell at certain dates rather than prices. I'll start selling 10% in 2022 and another 10 % the next 6 months while keeping the rest in nodes. Selling before would be foolish unless it really hits 3 figures before.

>> No.11199400



eoy i'd say $10-20, eoy 2019 i think we'll be triple digits if not sooner. i think that the singularity is more about information than anything. once it becomes widely understood what chainlink is, the role it will play, and how its already been adopted by the power brokers of the tech world the sky's the limit.

>> No.11199426

Ok thanks. Any thoughts on price speculation around this time? I'm aiming for a 50k+ stack by then.

kek has willed it. link singularity 2022.

Yeah I'd like to run my own node and hold off selling until at least 2022. How high could link go in 2022?

>> No.11199445

Reciprocal check. Thanks for the thoughtful insight - I agree it's about information and the institutions understanding link's critical role. Could we ever see 1k link prices? Bet I'd hold until then

>> No.11199462
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Just stack links and wait until 2023
ch em

>> No.11199496
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i'm a believer in $1,000 link

>> No.11199613

I met someone who claimed to be an insider on Telegram once. He said $200 would happen by 2019 (I don’t know if he meant before or at the end of 2019) but when he said it we were at peak delusion in Jan.

My personal estimate is $400 minimum by the mid-2020’s. I think most of our gains will happen during 2019 and 2020 and we’ll end the decade in triple digits. The chance of $1000+ is very real if there’s another bubble. This is why it’s so critical to get in early and hold all the way to the end. $0.33 -> $100 is a 300x. $100 -> $1500 is a 15x. Together it’s a 4500x. If $100 @10,000 LINK gives you $1,000,000, $1500 @ 10,000 LINK gives you $15,000,000.

Do not sell early.

>> No.11199690
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Thanks anon that's unironically my goal. Patience will reward us all.

Good infographic. I will accumulate and hold my bags with pride until then. I believe.

Damn I'd love if this were true. I have no problem waiting and being patient for 5 years. Fuck I wont sell until we hit $1k. I just need time to accumulate. Thanks for this info and encouragement anon.

>> No.11199703

Here I am wishing for $40 and then there are faggots like this

Stay deluded while I actually cash out

>> No.11199728

You should look up the tweets about people selling btc at $40 anon. Fortune favors the bold.

>> No.11199742

the whole point of the singularity is that'll happen very quickly, and catch a lot of people of guard.
from what drunk anon implied the other day, october will be a massive month for LINK.
personally, i think time is running out. start buying all you can now. dont even be thinking2 or 3 years down the line. the train will have well left by then.

>> No.11199747

I am being bold, already all in with 50k

2 mil is already being too greedy

>> No.11199753
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Only sell enough at $1k to recoup what you spent to get there. Hold the rest.

>> No.11199768

>Usually a singularity occurs when some parameter goes to 0, in this case most likely the price of LINK tokens
wrong. a singularity is when a huge amount of mass is contained in an ever shrinking entity.

>> No.11199781


I bought some XRP at $0.03 back in 2012 and basically forgot about it entirely. It was anemic the whole time until 2017. XRP back in the day had a very enthusiastic but very small community behind that. LINK seems very similar, except LINK has an even more compelling use case.

tl;dr, your best bet is to accumulate a nice stack and forget about it for the next year or two. Keep working on other revenue streams and side hustles, because the only thing better than a moon mission is multiple moon missions.

>> No.11199811

Based anon

>> No.11199818


Also forgot to mention, Trump will mention crypto in the 2019 SOTU speech saying he will ask the SEC to revisit our current regulations and make them more friendly for crypto entrepreneurs.

>> No.11199826

Re what your D?

>> No.11199831

i would be set for life.

>> No.11199842
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damn I'm jelly. I'm trying to hit that stack count. Won't link offer passive income from staking too though? I wouldn't want to sell too much at that price point.

You are wise anon, I can tell. Any info on link staking benefits? I want to hold a 50k+ stack by the time we hit $1k

>> No.11199866
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>> No.11199871

if you unironically believe anything other than $1k+ eoy, you are genuinely retarded

>> No.11199889

based af. I plan to accumulate as much link as I can and sell all of my mining eth for link.

>> No.11199955

>Damn I'd love if this were true. I have no problem waiting and being patient for 5 years.
Me too buddy, I'm holding 2/3 of my stack for at least 5 years.

It's not delusion, it's basic mathematics. Go ahead and sell it all at $40, I'll be on the lookout for your suicidal pink wojack regret post.

>> No.11199969

Idk anon, but i just reached 82k stinkies today. Feeling fucking great.

>> No.11199985

>a centralized oracle platform with it's own middleman token is somehow a huge deal

you guys will believe anything

>> No.11200025

cracked 40k myself, goal of 50. That's a nice stack you got there anon

>> No.11200126

damn that's awesome. hopefully we'll meet one day during our women and yacht binging sessions. any tips for a uni on getting a side hustle or a way to accumulate link before I graduate?

ya'll must have well paying jobs to get a stack that fat. feeling broke af atm lol

>> No.11200133

thank you, i'm very grateful i have had the ability and opportunity to be able to reach this amount within the last year. Been holding since they were first released on etherdelta not selling not selling anything until i 100x

>> No.11200152

I only earn around 4k a month and half goes to bills instantly. Try the garage sale and ebay hustle, my friend has been doing that and has been making an extra 1-2k a month

>> No.11200224

Do you anons hold your linkies on binance or mew?

>> No.11200236

nice fucking digits. Tripsdubstrips
you’re gonna make it
The singularity will start as soon as Mainnet is live

>> No.11200270

Good idea, maybe I'll try the ebay hustle. I'm mining right now and putting all profits into link.

ledger nano hardware wallet my guy

>> No.11200277

Not really, I got lucky with the run up late 2017 and cashed some out before the crash. At most I'll be able to accumulate 1k link a week from my job, and that is digging pretty deep eating cheap and such. Hoping we'll make it

>> No.11200300

respect the check. kek's will is that we all make it. hopefully mainnet won't be until late 2019. I'd like to get some info on staking rewards.

>> No.11200324

Kek is with us

>> No.11200336

Link may hit $1 again someday, but I doubt it.

>> No.11200350
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we don't need brainlets like you in these link threads, thanks.

$20 eoy 2018
$1000 eoy 2019

>> No.11200359

Why will it go above $1?

>> No.11200378

There are like 5+ threads every day discussing the merits of this project mate. Do you not read any of them?

>> No.11200392

I do, but I don't buy any of the arguments about the price.

>> No.11200394

Because being under $1 defeats the purpose of the token.

>> No.11200407

The real answer is nobody knows. We can assume that it will take somewhere around a year before mainnet comes out.

>t. Everyone is thinking that it will launch in September, but thats so fucking optimistic. unless the team have outsourced a shit load of work in secret. the reputation system literally is what makes link the 1000$ meme. i f they are just starting it then then it confirms we have a while to go, and we know they wont launch a half baked product because they have no reason to. 2020, or if they really get their act together 2019 is feasible.

Also, when you look on the github and see their commits its impressive, but looking at exactly what they are trying to do with the reputation system and its a bit obvious that there is a lot fo work to be done, and anyone with ANY knowledge of C+and Linux custom script integrated GNU compilers knows it's a minimum 2-3 year AT BEST with a single coder, maybe less with more.

Link devs took the hard route of going for a SE Linux hardened kernel integration into their scripting tool - PRO TIP, since they are using it as part of the foundation for main-net, it is essential it is 100% complete, and with investors like Swift its not going to be fucking risked launching early.

Even Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux) took 2 years to compile a similar scripting tool.

>> No.11200421

ignore this copy pasta, OP and others.

>> No.11200433

September main net was some tripfag larper that people just kept repeating until they believed it.

>> No.11200443
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>Ok we all know link is our ticket to financial freedom and living out our fantasy life.

Those trips. Mother of God.

>> No.11200538
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>> No.11200620

So much link to accumulate, so little time.

oh shit is this really copy pasta? my autistic ass typed up an essay asking detailed questions before I read your comment lol

>> No.11200629

What did kek mean by this?

>> No.11200639


>> No.11200724

If you mean a gravitational singularity I was under the impression that it implied an infinite gravitational field at a point of infinite density, which occurs when a mass's volume (but not its area) vanishes to zero, unless this is what you meant by
>ever shrinking entity
I could be wrong though

>> No.11200768

Sigh...it's trips like these which send me back to Binance. Time to bump the stack to 25k.

>> No.11200806

Maximum autism

>> No.11200834



>> No.11200846

$1k eoy. Also OP can't inb4 fag

>> No.11200888
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the reward is the journey

>> No.11201010


>> No.11201032

welcome to the brigade marine

>> No.11201064



>> No.11201084

the biggest lie is chainlink singularity

chainlink will never surpass stellar record of 10x in 4 days
chainlink will never singularity
chainlink will pump in several waves over months just like all other coins

the one coin with the best chance of singularity is jibrel, if banks announce they'll inject $3 billion capital, then jibrel will be worth $3 billion 1 second after the announcement

>> No.11201111
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shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.11201178

People questioning singularity just aren't understanding smartcontracts and crypto.

All smartcontract platforms go to ZERO without Chainlink. Smartcontracts are USELESS without decentralized oracles bringing data to them.

Seriously, what don't you guys understand. Chainlink is the most NEEDED project in crypto cause the only thing that will usher in another crypto boom will be the smartcontract economy.

Singularity right around the corner bitches. Now go get some.

>> No.11201288

Bought at presale and accumulated. I’ve got 65000 of these stinkies. The level of delusion when we started off here was insane. I’ve essentially stopped following crypto all together but I would like this singularity concept to actually come true so one day I can retire. I thought that would have happened by now but I’ll be patient.

>> No.11201316

I could just hide wallets with 100 link each all over the place so that when I go insane I can always find some LINK and I can go anywhere I have to go

>> No.11201482
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Microsoft azure and cryptlets will not be using chainlink.

>> No.11201505

imagine a global and decentralized network of LINK WALLETS

>> No.11201520

yes, "blockchain for dummies" definitely has the inside scoop on all business matters

>> No.11201654

I keep hearing that azure will be using corda though, isn't this actual fud? Corda has been mentioned several times by name while link hasn't been named once...just breadcrumbs

>> No.11202171

good joke

>> No.11202247

>All smartcontract platforms go to ZERO without Chainlink.
To the psychiatric ward with you.

>> No.11202292

Drop shipping could be your friend. Pick something from Alibaba and hook up a Shopify page, then market it on social media.

>> No.11202392

>I've read analysts' claims that blockchain tech will be adopted by institutions around 2021-2022
Maybe they mean mass adoption. Institutions are already using blockchain tech. Just not decentralized and not smart contracts.

So assuming they mean mass adoption that puts adoption beginning around 2019-2020 which I agree with. That means smart contracts and chainlink's speculative price will skyrocket before then so, in the grand scheme of things, you really don't have much time left to accumulate.

Good luck though, anon, I hope we all make it.

>> No.11202396

Do you know what cryptlets is? It is basically microsoft's oracle, and it can be connected to the chainlink network so people who want to use cryptlets alongside of other oracles have option.
You're not suppressing the price by posting this shit everywhere.

>> No.11202544

Tis the truth fren. You just need ask where the data is coming from to execute smartcontracts. And why we are not using then yet.

>> No.11202571

Corda is a smart contract platform. Do some more research ffs. You don't deserve this spoonfeeding.

>> No.11202652

Link will be $0.01 each by EOY 2019

>> No.11202661

Can we expect anything significant to happen at the upcoming conferences?

>> No.11202794

A lot more people will begin to make their own oracles. Cryptlets and swift smart oracle are just the beginning.

>> No.11202796

Nope. In fact, you can be sure that Chainlink will never be mentioned by name.

>> No.11202818

i bet Sergey explicitly mentioned this beforehand

>> No.11202843

When you finally understand that you all are going to sell everything when link hits 10 dollars? You have to have that kind of amount that you can lose. You just should forgot your links for 5 years maximum.

>> No.11202966

>Even Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux) took 2 years to compile a similar scripting tool.

Whats going to happen to LINK if they have to build on Eunichx OS now that Linux is compromised?

>> No.11202976

Dreamforce and SIBOS are definite NOs. Don't expect anything from them. Web3 and San Fran Blockchain Week or whatever are where we will get updates on the project, but as usual don't expect any hype.

>> No.11202996

>Dreamforce and SIBOS are definite NOs. Don't expect anything from them. Web3 and San Fran Blockchain Week or whatever are where we will get updates on the project, but as usual don't expect any hype.
patience anons

>> No.11203011
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>> No.11203054


>> No.11203100

you're fucking retarded
>he he I'm gonna hodl to 2030 because by then everyone will use smartcontracts
the thing is you're not holding any equity in smart contracts or oracles, you're just hlding a token that in itself doesn't do anythng special and could be replaced with any coin, the code could get forked and replaced with a stable coin for example.

Can't wait to see all of you holders miss the top and hold to 0

>> No.11203113

>you're just hlding a token that in itself doesn't do anythng special and could be replaced with any coin, the code could get forked and replaced with a stable coin for example.
imagine putting your brain to work and this being the best FUD you could come up with lmao

>> No.11203163

it's not FUD, I'm bullish in the midterm and hold a big bag of link because I believe the project itself meaning the network/code will be successful but you're deluded if you don't see the difference between holding shares in a company and a fucking token.

One day some big companies will just demand to use stable coins (in a year you'll see a shitload of legit stable coins not like it's now with just tether) and the team will either adjust the code or some big company will fork it itself and change link with cryptoUSD because let's be honest, volatility is not something they look after

if you're so sure of yourself then lock your tokens in a smart contracts till 2022 or whatever, just don't be surprised if thy are worth 0 despite CL as a network being bigger than ever

>> No.11203296
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This comment really spoke to me because although I did not buy all the way back in 2012, I did buy early, comparatively to everyone else on this board.
Every once in awhile you'll run into someone who use to regularly browse /biz/ before the start of the 2017 bull run. The board was a lot different back then, very slow, very slow. A thread you commented on could be up for a week, and not nearly as many projects as now. If you browsed 2015ish you'd remember Trumpcoin, Siacoin, and Syscoin getting shilled by actual pajeets, and random shitcoins exploding in value (digibyte, game credits wtf). You'd remember
>He missed the dip AGAIN
bitcoin posters.
but there were certain threads that just felt different. Ethereum threads. Monero threads. Ripple threads.

Chainlink threads feel like that.

Ethereum investors were smug. They had a certain smugness to them, as if they knew it was the one, that they just had to wait. Most of the Ethereum investors I remember then were the "Im not selling this until it hits XXX dollars" and the then, at the time delusional "it's going to reach $1000 easy" type of crowd. I still remember an anon who told me he was putting $400 into Ethereum every paycheck and live like a poorfag for a year back when Ethereum was consolidating at $9. Hope hes doing well.
Ripple investors were like the breadcrumb speculators. Always trying to draw lines and connect the dots. Threads full of speculation as to who Ripple Labs could be working with, what company could be investing and searching the web for every little piece of information they could find.

Been here before and its all eerily similar. And this feeling of similarity make me very bullish on Chainlink.

>> No.11203312

that's bullshit. a tokes is actually worth more than a share since it has actual use AND gives you value. also chainlink will enable real stable Coins apart from tether. also a smart contract without chainlink isn't really smart.

>> No.11203348

ok dude, whatever. I'm actually happy there are people believing in the 1k meme because in order for me to be able to cash ut at $5-$50 there needs to be enough of deluded hodlers reuducing the supply so we can get there in the first place and then allow people like me to sell.
Greater fool theory doesn't work without fools

Anyone who's gonna be a hodltard for years is gonna ride this thing all the way down back to wageslavery because in crypto, coins/tokens reach their tops way before adoption even starts for good. Speculation and hype ALWAYS exceeds adoption
Ethereum got to 1400 and wasn't even used for anything serious (still isn't).

>> No.11203375

I only have 1k link but since I'm a believer in 1k my bag isn't small.

>> No.11203427

>One day some big companies will just demand to use stable coins (in a year you'll see a shitload of legit stable coins not like it's now with just tether) and the team will either adjust the code or some big company will fork it itself and change link with cryptoUSD because let's be honest, volatility is not something they look after
imagine putting your brain to work and this being the best FUD you could come up with lmao

>> No.11203451

>imagine having 0 arguments and being a bitter poorfag that doesn't like when someone tells him that his tiny stack won't get him to lamboland
lmao, stay deluded, I'll be a millionaire and you won't make jack shit because you'll keep HODLING all the way back down

>> No.11203497

What arguments, dipshit, it demeans me to lower myself to "argue" against the utterly retarded hand waving speculation that the entire project will be "forked" (what are network effects) just to remove token volatility when clients will pay a fixed price to use the network anyway and can have their costs pegged on the backend.

>> No.11203500

Same thing with AntShares. I can't be arsed to warosu it but there were always a bunch of ANS threads, very similar sentiment - I can't quite describe it. Same energy.

>> No.11203518

just like there was for countless other failed now forgotten projects and coins. survivorship bias means nothing, all that matters was that back when ETH/ANS/whatever were being discussed, crypto was still mostly in stealth mode, and valuations were very very low.

now, valuations are high, and you can expect no more than a 10-20x in the next several years, whereas before you would have seen a 100x-200x+ in the same period.

>> No.11203522

My only fear about link is that my 11k stack won't be enough to make it.

>> No.11203544

nothing would stop the team from introducing alternative payment methods like stable coins, especially as the network progresses and there is demand for it.
All those "back end this back end that" will always cost more than just having the desirable currency available directly, automatic conversion always causes some spread/fees.

Like I said I hope you guys keep hodling tll 2022 so I can cash out my bags at the top next year when the delusion, hype and speculation riches the peak

>> No.11203553


>> No.11203554

Req has that feeling too.

>> No.11203555
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>> No.11203573
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>nothing would stop the team from introducing alternative payment methods like stable coins, especially as the network progresses and there is demand for it.
>All those "back end this back end that" will always cost more than just having the desirable currency available directly, automatic conversion always causes some spread/fees.
>nothing would stop the team
So just to clarify your argument for anyone playing along at home, nothing would stop the team from completely devaluing the token that they hold 300 million of, by accepting stable coins in place of LINK tokens, instead of just atomic swapping stablecoins into LINK tokens for payment, which would drive the price of LINK tokens, of which, again, they hold 300 million.
Nothing would stop the team from doing that.
Nothing would stop the team from intentionally undermining the income capacity and monetary value of their own project. Nothing would stop them.

You're an absolute fucking retard you absolute fucking retard. Fuck off back to discord

>> No.11203576

>You're an absolute fucking retard you absolute fucking retard. Fuck off back to discord
thanks for the butthurt, stay angry cuck, you know I'm right. Poorfags are gonna miss out on the top next year. Screencap this post

>> No.11203589

How much money do you need?
11 million is overkill.

>> No.11203608

To be fair, nothing would stop the team from deleting all of the code and getting jobs at McDonalds.

>> No.11203689

This is my real concern when it comes to Chainlink.

>> No.11203992

>Ok we all know link is our ticket to financial freedom
fuck sake just because everyone keeps repeating it on here doesn't make it true

LINK is a great project but I just feel like all we do on here is confirm each others delusions

>> No.11204052

Screencaped your post, to laugh at in a couple of years

>> No.11204151

Kek actors an hero every week while having 100s of mils...
It's never enough fren

>> No.11204318


Nothing has been adopted yet. Speculation drives up price, we've seen that - we have yet to see what adoption does.

>> No.11204330


Massive brainlet. Bluepilled.

>> No.11204371

I have 100k link. I sell 20% at $7 and pay off all debts. I sell another 40k at $20. Sell 10k at $100 and keep the last 10k link until 1k EOY

>> No.11204599

You sound broke. Why would you sell 40k at 20$? To just see the money to make you feel happy?

>> No.11204624



>> No.11204635

can confirm

>> No.11204991


>> No.11205060

$20 is a lot from 14 cents is this bait...

>> No.11205145
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There won't be a singularity. The price will rise steadily at first as we find out more companies are using link. As adoption increases, more links are staked, so circ supply decreases. This demand for staking link + decreasingly lower suppy = major price movement. I expect it to look like a parabolic curve

>> No.11205249

I don't know about the Singularity, but I'm damn sure that the main net will be released before September 2019

European PSD2 is a too big chance to miss it

>> No.11205636

First sentence.

>Blog chains

>> No.11205660
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check out that thread if you haven't already, much bigger things than dreamforce coming up...


>> No.11205748

LINKs market cap at $1,500

That's 1.5 quadrillion anon. You poor fags are truly delusional. Market cap is a meme, but Jesus anon...take a step back...