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File: 210 KB, 1637x727, kraken-ethusd-Feb-19-2016-22-39-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1101020 No.1101020 [Reply] [Original]

Where are we heading next?
Did you buy the dip?
Can we talk in USD gains or are the BTC autists still being retarded?

Does anyone own ETH futures?

>> No.1101039


>> No.1101042
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It's going up. This is based on fundamentals. It's in a sweet spot niche between crypto and mainstream fintech and IT. Many immitators but no competitors. (See lisk)

I am long ETH for the short, medium and long term.

>> No.1101048

As far as the short term price movement we could see sideways movement for a day and then more up trend.

If bitcoin weakens significantly it could spark another wild bull run in ETH.

If bitcoin strengthens ETH will stay at 0.011

>> No.1101058

Earlier today I thought we'd surely be going up when the total buy orders went over 7k btc on poloniex but nearly all of the Eth buy orders are fake 0.01 Eth bullshit buys to fake a higher price.

Probably just keep going sideways today, but who knows.

>> No.1101070

Just buy my dip up

>> No.1101211

Sideways until the red dildos drop off the left hand side of the 15 minute chart.

>> No.1101234

The Ethereum project is possibly a paradigm shift, with a team of known and respected experts in the field developing it.

The only shame is that the early people who caught onto it were the wrong crowd, ADHD autistic faggot kids who think everything is a pump n dump game, luckily you're not making much of an impact at all, even in these early days.

ETH is a long hold, you pump and dumpers can do whatever you want, I bought up a nice amount at a low price and now I'm just letting it do its thing. If you're looking at ETH/XBT/USD charts every 30 minutes you're a retard, the only thing you should be doing is READING about it whenever news comes out, following the developers. You kids are fucking cancer and I hope your parents don't give you allowances again.

Remember, Ether is just the currency of the ETHEREUM PLATFORM, this isn't just a fucking coin.

>> No.1101253


>> No.1101255
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>> No.1101272

I keep some of my ETH investment in dollars so that when it drops, I feel gud about myself and buy some more :^)

>> No.1101283

>i wouldve been a millionaire with shitcoin #214 if it wasnt for those damn meddling kids

>> No.1101380

So is this shit dead or what? Have about 100 ETH and I'm holding for the long term because it seems like a promising technology.

>> No.1101391


Isn't the fundamentals of ETH being a depreciating asset?

That puts a low of downward pressure on value if there's like a few made every second.

>> No.1101542

Max is around 100 million. Then a 1%inflation rate for POS.

The thing is. The POS consensus algorithm is still under development,

POS needs to balance an incentive structure very delicately so this is an issue yet to be resolved

>> No.1101595
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The vital thing is to get ETH distributed, and to the right kind of people. That is why a POW algorithm with a relatively high inflation rate is need for at least 1 year. To distribute ETH to miners.

Also ETH is given in grants to developers through the devgrants program.

The important thing is to get the ETH economy humming nicely like a finely tuned engine.

A system with a hard limit this nice humming is impossible to achieve. Most bitcoin for example is hoarded. Businesses find it very difficult to convice people to spend it like money.

I think ETH economy will run on a different kind of rythm to the often stagnant bitcoin economy.

>> No.1101628


Major flaw IMO.

>> No.1101763

bompuu~~ ;3

>> No.1101773


>> No.1101778


I disagree. PoW is very wasteful compared to PoS. The anon you responded to is right in that it is a delicate balance for stake size but I believe they want to implement a dynamic stake that settles in the sweet spot.

Here's the crux of ETH: if they figure out reliable PoS the game is over for everyone else. ETH would be MUCH more efficient than everything else while also being MUCH more useful.

>> No.1101844

what is Pow and PoS?

>> No.1101862

proof of work vs. proof of stake


>> No.1101946

Visualise bitcoin as a computer virus that spreads via the human economic system.

Proof of stake aims to move the consensus algorithm from one that relies on hardware + software to one that relies on human economic incentive + software.

Its a brainfuck when you atart thinking about it. But, like quantum mechanics, no matter how much of a brainfuck it is, the theory shows that in the real world, it should work.

>> No.1102100


>> No.1102313

who is this semendemno

>> No.1102324


Turned off instantly.

>> No.1102525

When's the next pumparump?

>> No.1102533

You mean when will Ethereum stop being massively undervalued?

As soon as the news spreads.

>> No.1102548
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>all this altholder cope

>> No.1102550

You know a desperate shill when it has to pay to girls to parrot their propapaganda lol (Bitcoin Classic, Dash, ETH... basically everything shit is shilled on that YouTube channel.)

>> No.1102612

Speaking of the bitcoin civil war, are you guys still having it? Which side is winning?

>> No.1102618

Any decent app to keep track on Eth chart?

>> No.1102622

Where will Eth be in 1 year.
Honest speculation please

>> No.1102624

Probably above $20

>> No.1102627

think $50 & over

>> No.1103111


>> No.1103764

Fundamental and technical analysis indicates ETH will raise 10x in the following years. About 100x potential in following decade.

>> No.1103938

just instinct.

>> No.1103947


Considering that it will not only power the developed world's industries but also the developing world, I don't think its unreasonable to think it'll surpass $1000 per ETH.

People are forgetting that the developing world can't have the kind of service industries that the developed world does simply because it needs a solid infrastructure which takes billions and many years to make. Ethereum essentially lets these nations leapfrog directly to the latest tech. They'll actually be able to do business with the rest of the world as well as with each other. Ethereum is so lightweight and powerful that even Mozambique could use it soon enough.

>> No.1103952

>I don't think its unreasonable to think it'll surpass $1000 per ETH.
if there was any chance of this much money being involved, some serious pros would be on the case, creating something superior.
in fact they probably already are.
ETH will NEVER hit anything like $1,000. $10 maybe.

>> No.1103961


>if there was any chance of this much money being involved, some serious pros would be on the case

Have you even seen the Ethereum Project's development team not to mention the entities they're collaborating with? That's where my faith comes from.

>on the case, creating something superior

Ethereum is as perfect as possible while fitting thousands of potential uses.

>> No.1103971

Best place to convert bitcoin to ETH?

>> No.1103979

Quickest is shapeshift.io

Most value for money would be an actual exchange.

>> No.1104000

IBM and Microsoft are already creating their own shit. Google sponsors Ripple. The biggest tech companies in the world are going to be leading the revolution, not some neckbeard libertarian utopia. That's what happens when you make something open source. You allow anyone to just take the tech and so with it whatever they want. It doesn't matter what type of talent you think the Ethereum developers have.

>> No.1104006

Where do you get this type of information ? Is is a particular site or just many google research ?

>> No.1104007

Go and buy IBM, Microsoft and google shares and short ethereum in that case. If you're so sure.

you'll probably end up very poor

>> No.1104013

Pulled out of his ass. Whatever IBM is doing is still years away and is a totally irrelevant permissioned ledger. Google is not sponsoring ripple at all and ripple is another example of a centralised ledger.

Ethereum is proper crypto. It's a decentralised byzantine resistant blockchain. By it's very nature impossible for a private entity to create and control.

>> No.1104020


Well meme'd. They're doing it for their own specific purposes and its also not the same thing as Ethereum. Microsoft still uses the Ethereum platform to some extent while IBM's is still under development, again, for their own purposes.

>That's what happens when you make something open source

Clearly you're too uninformed or underage to know that IBM has pumped out tonnes of FOSS and contributed to many FOSS programs. The whole point of Ethereum is that it cannot be widespread if its proprietary, no public blockchain can be proprietary.

Ethereum has no real competition, not now or in the future.

>> No.1104022

I created an alert through Google which notifies me every time "blockchain" hits news articles.

>> No.1104023

le watson-better-work meme company? they're a bust
Since when have they ever copied technologies or products right?
Another company that has failed miserably at other technologies or products outside their core product. Google has the biggest list of failed acquisitions and "google" features out of all of them.

Honestly I'd only be worried for Ethereum if Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos decided to get into crypto.

IBM, Microsoft and Google are all terrible at going after the "next big thing" if they weren't the ones who designed it internally and were leading the charge in the first place.

>> No.1104024

Naw. I don't really know which one will be most dominant used. I just know for sure it won't be Ethereum. I would short it if I didn't think bagholders would try to prop up the price for as long as they can.

>> No.1104026

>Google is not sponsoring ripple
Then why did they dump millions of dollars into it? I think you might want to "Google" something before you make an argument next time lol

>> No.1104028

>b-but it's not the same thing!

>> No.1104031

>shits on Microsoft, IBM and Google in one post
Lmfao. I'm sure that your credential far exceed theirs that you can make those snap judgments about the biggest tech companies in the world.

>> No.1104038

Buy it before it pumps losers.

>> No.1104039


Noice, I see you have no argument. They aren't even trying to make the same thing you dumb mongoloid, that's fucking my point. They're making something for themselves not an Ethereum competitor.

>> No.1104043

But that's the thing, it's exaaaaactly the same thing. Shit they are even developing smart contracts. I think you might want to look into it since you obviously haven't yet. It's quite the doozie.

>> No.1104054


You're late to the party, we all read about it many weeks ago when it was announced.

>IBM are putting all this time and effort into making 'exaaaaatly' the same thing which already exists and is open source for them to use

Ok kid sure. I can tell you're not at all tech savvy so I'm really not sure why you're in this debate. I don't think you even know what the purpose of the Hyperledger is, IBM has no plans for making smart contracts, the whole purpose of this is creating scale-ability good enough for enterprise, just the blockchain itself, the project is open source, they're developing with the linux foundation, there is nothing to stop possible improvements being folded into Ethereum.

Jesus who am I fooling, you have no idea what I just said, because you don't know jack shit about this tech.

>> No.1104065

>late to the party
>weeks ago
Ahahhahah. First you guys say that IBM isn't building blockchain tech weeks ago. Then you come to admit that ok ok maybe they are. Now you say "but its not the same thing!" without admitting that IBM literally stole (specifically) Ethereums source code for smart contracts and has stated clearly that they will be creating a platform for smart contracts. You can learn this in 5 minutes of googling. Now your whole argument is "you don't know what I'm talking about" which is funny and ironic because I don't think YOU know what you're talking about lol


Just one source that proves that IBM is developing a platform for smart contracts, among many.

>> No.1104083

So what? Gavin Wood is building an ultra-light client designed for enterprise IoT applications. When scaling is solved with PoS, there is literally nothing close to offering a superior service to Ethereum in a public chain format.

>> No.1104084

What's ripple?

Also does everyone here have a local wallet + copy of the eth blockchain or do you just keep it in an exchange account?

>> No.1104085



>> No.1104086

what are the worthwile ways to mine eth these days?

>> No.1104108

'bitcoin checker' for android allows you to set price alarms, pretty useful.

>> No.1104121
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From today on I'm riding this hype rollercoaster with the skeptical ammount of 15 ETH, let's see how it goes

GPU and ASIC with linux if you don't play videogames or windows

But you should find a multipool to mine all altcoins and then get paid in BTC or ETH

>> No.1104135

Ripple is just a centralized, corporate sponsored form of cryptocurrency. Very similar to Ethereum. In fact, they were both in a race to see who could develop workable smart contracts first.

>> No.1104137

>and ASIC
where would I find one that mines alt coins, and how do they work, do you attach them to your motherboard?

>> No.1104138

Who won?

>> No.1104140

I'm sure that Mitcosoft and IBM saw some value in the technology that Ethereum was developing. Why else would they rip them off? The funny thing is they can take the EXACT code and claim it for themselves since it is unpatentable. I'm sure they will tweak it a bit though (wink).

>> No.1104143

Ripple. Codius was developed while ETH was still mostly vaporware.

>> No.1104144


>First you guys say that IBM isn't building blockchain tech weeks ago. Then you come to admit that ok ok maybe they are

IBM, announced weeks ago, that they're building their own blockchain for different purposes, how in fucks name is this hard for you to comprehend? Are you legitimately retarded? Where is the contradiction in that?

>IBM and Samsung chose three protocols – BitTorrent (file sharing), Ethereum (smart contracts) and TeleHash (peer-to-peer messaging) – to underpin the ADEPT concept. ADEPT was formally unveiled at CES 2015 in Las Vegas.

Yeah, if you actually took your ADHD meds and were able to read the link that you posted you'll realize they're CREATING NOTHING.

Fucking hell kid, come back when you're at least 18, your posts reek of underage retardation.

>> No.1104150

The link I posted was A YEAR AGO lol. The reason I posted it was to show that IBM was already planning to take Ethereums source code and develop their own shit with it. Please do this since you are entirely confused - Google "IBM blockchain smart contracts" and you will see all the recent news that they are developing decentralized apps and smart contracts. Until you do this do not come back to this thread. If you do come back to this thread before that happens I will have to BYTFO with sources and links.

>> No.1104281

they all mine all coins iirc lol
proffesional asics are independent hardware, casual asics are plugged by usb

just lurk, the market for them is solid now

>> No.1104340

>mining hardware
it's obsolete before youve even finished configuring it. i've got a dedicated miner which i don't even bother turning on any more.

>> No.1104390

Ripple abandoned codius because it is impossible to create a smart contract on anything other than a trustless computing environment.

A smart contract needs a trustless computing environment. If you put it on ripple there is a chance ripple could stop that contract from executing.

With ethereum which is a true byzantine consensus global virtual machine, enables a trustless environment. Any contract on the blockchain will always execute no matter what making actual smart contracts possible.

>> No.1104402

It is a logical impossibility for any centralised entity to create and control a Decentralised censorship proof byzantine resistant trustless network.

What these companys want to create are permissioned ledgerswhich rely on trust in a small group or a centralised entity.

The whole value of a smart contract is only realised when that contract will execute FOREVER. Ripples codius is the code. Solidity ethereum code is just code too. What makes it special is the trustless byzantine resistant network that that code runs on.

Please educate yourself by googling "the dawn of trustworthy computing" an essay on this subject by the father of blockchains.

>> No.1104427
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>> No.1104444

Is ethereum just about smart contracts, escrows etc or is the idea also to be able to buy computation power from the network as an alternative to supercomputers?

>> No.1104497

This will be possible after POS and serenity. You will be able to rent out harddrive, cpu, gpu as well as bandwidth.

>> No.1104534

>It is a logical impossibility for any centralised entity to create and control a Decentralised censorship proof byzantine resistant trustless network.
Wrong. Where do you guys even get your info from? What the hell do you think cloud computing is? Lmao look into Askemos (BALL) which is a perfect example of smart contracts run through the cloud. You really need to study up more if you're going to shill this crap.

>> No.1104558

And what does ripple, microsoft, ibm have to do with that?

Admit it, you're just googling random keywords in an attempt to stump the entire ethereum project.

Give up man, it's pathetic.

>> No.1104568

E v e r y t h i n g. Your whole argument is based on the fact that a large business entity can not successfully implement smart contracts and that smart contracts can not be run on an open source p2p network. The reason that you argue that is because if it was the case then Ethereum wouldn't be as relevant. Your whole shilling is based on "Ethereum is the only one who is ever able to make smart contracts work!" which is not only factually incorrect but it is either willfully deceitful or incredibly ignorant.

>> No.1104578


Why the fuck are you posting old links in the first place? All I can see from this is that IBM are just doing what they were already doing since the CES presentation, they haven't even made anything new, they just folded 3 technologies into one which isn't even available yet, I think. What I said still stands, they haven't made their own shit, and they're not in competition with the Ethereum Project. They'll get way too tied down in bureaucracy and by the time they have something stable Ethereum would have already been adopted

>> No.1104587

Yes. Smart contracts only carry weight if they are run on a censorship proof trustless substrate.

That is why ethereum is going to so much effort.

That is why ripple abandoned codius.

The contract, in this case, isn't as important as "the paper" it's written on.

>> No.1104598

I'm posting old links because I wanted to show how long ago IBM has been developing this, before Ethereum was released. I really don't care if IBM will successfully implement a workable system or get "tied down in bureaucracy" which you pulled from your ass. My whole argument is that there is nothing original about what Ethereum is doing and that the idea of smart contracts precedes Ethereum by a loooong time. Ethereums source code is open so even if they do bring this technology to a reality, which they haven't yet, it has unlimited competition and mostly from tech giants.

>> No.1104599

Wrong in both points. The only reason that Ripple abandoned smart contracts is because there was no demand for it yet. It's still niche. Sorry to shit on your tech but it's the truth.

>> No.1104605

Thats what ripple said.

Of course there's no demand for "smart contracts" on a non trustless centralised network. It's about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

>> No.1104611

If we're going to make baseless claims without a shred of evidence then:
>Of course there's no demand for "smart contracts" on a trustless decentralized network.

>> No.1104613

Last gen mining hardware was objectively shit
the ASICs that will come out now with BitFury's chip will mine like crazy, I'll buy one in a few months.

I'm still trying to make even 1 ETH by mining with my humble R9 270X....

>> No.1104622

So go and buy ripple. Go and buy microsoft google and IBM.

Because if they pull off what ethereum is trying to do they will have market caps the size of small countries.

But it'll never happen. Because the only way to make it work is the way ethereum is doing it.

>> No.1104627

Optimal kek

>> No.1104632

>Because if they pull off what ethereum is trying to do they will have market caps the size of small countries.
ahahhahaha. You are way overstating the importance of smart contracts. Will it eventually have niche uses? Yes, probably. It won't be any one business that benefits from the tech though. It will be spread throughout a few companies that have the infrastructure to support it. The fact that it is an open source protocol kills any chance of one entity (Ethereum) monopolizing it. Your "moon landing" is comical.

>> No.1104644

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're grasping at straws to attempt to FUD ethereum. Something being open source doesn't mean it is impossible to build on or that it won't be a success.

It's not just the code itself which brings value to ethereum, but the community of developers and companies building on the network, the network of miners, and in the future, stakers, and the wider ethereum community as well as their technical expertise.

Ethereum like bitcoin is a self organising collective intelligence. It's able to harness through economic incentive the combined resources of it's community.

IBM or microsoft cannot hope to create such an entity by their very nature.

>> No.1104658

>IBM or microsoft cannot hope to create such an entity by their very nature.
Ahahhahah. Oh wow. You really believe all the hype don't you? The Ethereum "network" is tiny. Smart contracts are so insignificant right now that it is only one of hundreds of projects that IBM, Microsoft, or Google is looking at. The developers of Ethereum have caused you to believe that Ethereum has somehow found the future of technology and single handedly is pioneering the Internet of Things when in reality the tech is fairly niche and the handful of ETH developers are working on just a small part of finTech which is a small part of technology in general. They don't have the resources, manpower, or collective intelligence to compete with a Microsoft. To assume they do is dumb.

>> No.1104665

Microsoft and ibm are not competitors to ETH. They are traditional companies with shareholders and big offices and thousands of employees.

Ethereum is a blockchain. It lives as a network. The two are different things.

>> No.1104677

>infrastructure to support it
the whole point of ethereum is so they won't need infrastructure to support it, the global decentralised ethereum network is the infrastructure

>> No.1104687

True. They aren't competitors in the sense that when IBM or Microsoft release smart contracts and decentralized apps, it makes Ethereum redundant and less relevant. Competition would imply that they are selling a product, which neither party is claiming to do.

>> No.1104690

By infrastructure I obviously mean network of users and mainstream acceptance. For example, if Visa was to utilize blockchain tech they already have an infrastructure and userbase to support it. No need for a grassroots movement.

>> No.1104693


The same sort of redundant argument that says a government backed digital currency is a threat to bitcoin. (It can't because the only thing that is a threat to bitcoin is something which does what bitcoin does but better ie. More decentralised and more byzantine resistant)

>> No.1104696

between me and you, which one of us do you think knows more about what visa europe tech incubator is doing re. The blockchain?

I don't think it's you. Unless you've worked there longer than I have.

>> No.1104710

Exactly. Finally we totally agree. The only people who will use a fully decentralized network are the people who care about that sort of thing. A government supported digital currency isn't a threat to Bitcoin the way that Walmart isn't a threat to one singular mom and pop shop. The orders of magnitude do not even compare. There will al at a be a small niche of people who just like the feel of a small homegrown store and are against the idea of big business. It's an ideological decision, not a practical one. Bitcoin will always have a userbase with people who like the facade of anonymity and are anti-government. The reality is that you people are the minority and always will be. It's the reason Bitcoin lost traction in its quest for mainstream adoption.

>> No.1104713

Ah, then you agree with me that Visa is not going to be integrating into either Ethereum or Bitcoin protocols? Cool. I almost thought you were totally clueless about finTech with the way you talk.

>> No.1104717

Visa just wants to make more money. If using ethereum makes them more money than not using ethereum they will use ethereum.

They don't see ethereum as a threat or competition any more than they see electricity as a threat or competition.

Ethereum is still in beta but they keep an eye on it and know it's potential.

>> No.1104736

> If using ethereum makes them more money than not using ethereum they will use ethereum.
That's a funny way of putting it. If you make no definitive statement then nobody could accuse you of being wrong. It's like saying "Visa might use Ethereum if they use it" which is how you guys start rumors based on thin air. It's a hype tactic and a bad one at that.

>> No.1104777

So you actually don't know shit. You're just FUDing based on things you read on the internet while sitting in your basement

>> No.1104835

That must be it. I am just typing this stuff here because I am FUDing in an attempt to sway the collective opinion of /biz/ so that I can't halt demand and drive down the price to buy all that sweet sweet Ether for myself for cheap since it is eventually going to be worth what... I think $1000 per coin was the general shill consensus last time I checked? No wait. I know. I'm FUDing because I don't want (you) personally to make money. I think that you are going to be a millionairre off this someday and I am insanely jealous. I don't really think that "Byzantine resistant" is just a buzzword thrown around in some pseudo-intellectual techspeak and can cover multiple technologies including the cloud. Am I getting closer? It can't be the most obvious reason that IBM really is developing smart contracts due to the multiple news sources that say they are. These smart contracts must be entirely different from the Ethereum smart contracts even though they specifically stole Ethereums source code... right?

Ahahhahah damn thats a lot of mental gymnastics. Hint: you are not coming off as the sharpest tool in the shed.

>> No.1104849
File: 47 KB, 640x851, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum unique addresses growing at exponential rate.

>> No.1104871

Why say "unique"? Isn't it obvious that one address is different from the next? Oh I know why. You are implying that each address has a unique user. It doesn't. One person can create multiple addresses. Thats why you can't use the number of "unique addresses" to determine how many users there really are.

>> No.1104881

Thats just what they are called.


Its not a conspiracy.

>> No.1104912

I know it's what they call them. I still have to laugh every time I see it though. Any type of address is going to be unique - email address, physical address, Bitcoin address, etc. It would be a terrible address if it wasn't unique because the whole purpose of addresses is to be identifiers. I really think that someone decided that "unique addresses" sounded better because it implies that it correlates with unique users, which it doesn't. Just saying "number of Bitcoin addresses" would have sufficed fine. They probably would have liked to have pinpointed actual number of users but because they cant, they settle for a statistic like number of addresses which means absolutely nothing.

>> No.1104916

true dat. I blame the buttcoiners

>> No.1105414

Still any fools here who did not buy the dip?

>> No.1105423

By the way, if you are a developer thinking of getting in to the blockchain/dapp space, Ethereum offers a developer friendly platform and a great brand for startups to be associated with too.

>> No.1106020

Any useful, working dapps already on the market?

>> No.1106023


>> No.1106085

Anything actually working?

>> No.1106091

Click the "i" on the right to see the color code.

>> No.1106412

pump happening again?

Is it a shitty time to buy?

>> No.1106419

yep it's a shitty time to buy

see when people are making threads about "the dip" you need to ignore the people saying it's a crash and BUY THE FUCKING DIP

and when people are making threads about "the pump" you need to ignore the hype and people saying it's never going back down and DONT BUY THE FUCKING PUMP

>> No.1106805

Don't buy the dip though. The mid range dips are where traders totally fuck up and technical strategies fail. Look at how fucking hard it would be to predict the dip of BTC's late 2014 run. It is all over the place.

Buy the pump then set a stop. Don't bother buying back in for a long time.
ETH could continue its run, but you don't want to buy in until you know its going to keep going back up.

>> No.1106811


>ethereum is just another shitcoin!

Keep telling yourself that!

>> No.1106832

>Don't buy the dip

>> No.1106940

So whats the best site to buy some

>> No.1106950


1. Figure out the best way to buy bitcoin for yourself
2. Transfer the bitcoin to an exchange like Poloniex or Kraken.
3. Trade bitcoin for ETH
4. (optional) store your ETH in a wallet of your choosing

>> No.1106951

You know I've considered storing in a personal wallet, but I worry about losing it or something.

>> No.1106953


Well, the idea is that an exchange could fail or go belly up and you'd be out of your ETH.

If you don't plan on touching it for a while you can use something like MyEtherWallet and be sure to save all the info it tells you to.

>> No.1106971

Well, those who didn't buy the dip as instructed, must surely feel stupid right now?

>> No.1106998

Just buy some btc and transfer it using the eth wallet

>> No.1107099


>> No.1107145

fuck dude that whitespace is cucking you hard

>> No.1107157

We're back at the starting point dude
the 27% pump is gone and I feel like shit for losing 2 ETH in margin trading and not selling my ETH at 0.017

>> No.1107209

Just don't cry crocodile tears because of missing the dip fags

>> No.1107219

So do we sell now or what?

>> No.1107228

Next stop $10/Eth

>> No.1107252


>> No.1107282

Honestly probably around 3$, and will peak at around 25$ at some point prior.

>> No.1107425

Are there any groups for coordinated ETH pumping? I know that sounds degenerate, but I don't necessarily mean pump&dump, more like large quantity holders who obviously have the best interests in mind for ETH.

>> No.1107448

Don't even think about selling until it hits $100.

>> No.1107449

Use Mist.

>> No.1107560

No. Ethereum is a self organising collective intelligence. Everyone does their part.

>> No.1107577

That's cute and all, but from a purely financial perspective, it could make us a ton of money to mobilize. I'd be surprised if it wasn't happening already.

>> No.1107633

What are you suggesting?

>> No.1107936

A news site to promote Eth. Along with a forum for holders where they can write articles for the site and learn how to shill.

>> No.1108416


Why do you care if I buy it? :^)

>> No.1108423

there are a few reddit groups

>> No.1108429

We should figure out how to save a puppy with ETH or something so that it ends up in the news.

>> No.1109055

Yep, pump this shit to heaven.

>> No.1109084

nice, just realised the VPN coins i bought for like £3, are worth £167. forgot i even had them. to sell or not to sell?

>> No.1109088

Yes. Chinese shitcoin.

Sell and buy ETH

>> No.1109105

welp, just shat 13,000 of them all over bittrex, might buy a few ETH during the next dip. not paying this much.

>> No.1109109

>next dip


>> No.1109127

I'm ADHD and I know ethereum/something similar will change the game(s) entirely.

>> No.1109271

gonna ramble a bit/lot because i bought some beer n' weed with my VPN money. feelsgoodman.
no, i'm quite serious. altcoin markets are volatile as fuck. everyone who has bet alts against btc has seen how easy it is to make shitloads, and how easy it is to lose everything. i think based on the hype, that ETH is one of the few like ppc, nmc, ltc and xmr which will hit extreme volatility like basically all alts do, but instead of the coin dying after the volatility, the value pendulum will settle somewhere in the middle of their own defined price parameters relative to btc, in their first few years. imo ETH will probably in 2016, be worth 400-600k during the inevitable despair period, and 2.5-3.5 million at it's peak. imma buy in months to come in the 400-600 range. ive had my eye on the bigger markets since 2012, the value pattern always seems to approximately reflect the opinions of people on bitcointalk, poloniex's trollbox, twitter etc.
all it takes is a few mouse clicks from untold numbers of teenagers with £500 worth of coins, and panic sells from all around can and will rip billion dollar markets to shreds. also not only does it happen because people panic so easily, but because this unregulated market which can be accessed and administrated entirely anonymously through tor/w.e, is increasingly close to saturation with rich traders manipulating, raping, destroying markets and making a fortune. they even openly gloat about it on bitcointalk.
imma buy some ETH, but not at these prices. with this much hype i'd rather buy XMR, or a long-shot like UNITY.

>> No.1109286

There are a number of very good reasons why ETH will grow and grow.

If you rely on shitcointalk FUD you'll end up never buying ETH. According to those suckers ETH was gonna crash to 0.002 by today and look where it is now.

The ETH market has trancended the bitcointalk forums. There are bigger players in the game now.

ETH will be added to major exchanges after homestead is released and then the chinese exchanges will follow suit.

In the next few days slock.it ICO will begin. It will raise over $15million at least and is converting it all to ETH.

In ETH we are looking at good news after good news. This shit is just starting to snowball. When it hits the mainstream press as "bitcoin2.0" a whole heap of money will pile in from people who missed the bitcoin train.

ETH holding is a must.

>> No.1109302
File: 66 KB, 1549x949, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ETH market has trancended the bitcointalk forums.
then it's the first 'coin' to do so, and i wish it fucking luck because everyone with enough knowledge of altcoin markets to have put serious money into this, has due to years of experience with every other alt, his finger trembling over that "sell" button 24/7.

>> No.1109303

ding ding ding

>> No.1109310

From my understanding rootstock is the only thing that looks to do what ethereum is doing, and while it intends to use bitcoin, it is at the very least (super optimistic) half a year out of a beta.

>> No.1109319

Rootstock is being written by 3 mexicans. It is a joke.

No one can really understand what it's about because all the presentations are in mexican

>saviour of bitcoin


>> No.1109336

How much should a poorfag invest in Ether to be able to retire in a few years?

>> No.1109341

10000$ is generally the sweet point.

>> No.1109342


>> No.1109346

I think it will dip a bit before march 9 when the new exchanges and slock bring in the bugattis.

>> No.1109349

But... that's literally my whole savings senpai

>> No.1109353

Ok, put your whole life savings in then

>> No.1109364

Do you even know what crocodile tears are?

>> No.1109367

Anyone else having trouble keeping yourself from panic buying? I'm starting to think it'll never dip down to $4-$5 USD again.

>> No.1109369

Maybe, Homestead is coming out in like a week.

>> No.1109370
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>> No.1109372
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>> No.1109377
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>> No.1109378

That is shit money compared to what you will be earning is an ETH high roller.

Gentlement, we are nthe new wleathy elite

>> No.1109382

Shit, just imagine the fools who will still not buy after this. LOOL< the regret will kill them hhahaha

Thank god I bought my ETH already 2 weeks ago :)

>> No.1109383
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A wild chink pump appears

>> No.1109406

May 12, 2011 - 6.30$
Nov 25, 2013 - 979.45$

Is such a thing even possible with Ethereum?
Will we all be rich by 2019?

How much have you invested?

>> No.1109415

Like 5k, but I have like 200k, so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.1109422

Not even remotely possible. Anyone who says otherwise is a complete retard.

>> No.1109427

It'll be even faster this time because the infrastructure and knowledge are already there. If public perception and the media latch on hard, it could see insane growth in a year.

I'm going to point out that the value of ETH is pretty unlikely to go to 1k because that would put the market cap of Ether at 100 billion dollars. Bitcoin started at an absolutely insignificant (zero?) market cap for many buyers which is why some of the returns were insane. Ethereum had a batch auction, so the market cap was much higher at the beginning.

>> No.1109433


What does that even say? or how can i find out

>> No.1109436

$100 is possible by next year

>> No.1109441
File: 132 KB, 752x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chinese person painstakingly translated information about ethereum.

This is now being posted on 8btc forums. And all across other chinese crypto forums.

The sleeping dragon awakens.

Year of the motherfucking monkey

>> No.1109442

I agree that's possible. We could see some extreme euphoria come when people realize that Ethereum is the next generation crypto that could take blockchain technology mainstream. I'll be selling quite a lot of Ether at 100 bucks

>> No.1109634

what level of global acceptance and use could support ether at a 100 billion market cap?

>> No.1109638

Just 2 successful DAPPS that get the same market share as uber or airbnb could put ETH in that range.

>> No.1109898


>> No.1109902

Well that's convenient, since those are the two most obvious services that should be decentralized.

>> No.1109922
File: 31 KB, 800x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Moon.

>> No.1109979


>> No.1110168

Once ether gets to the moon, and i want to sell it, how does one not pay tax on the profit? Australian here

>> No.1110229

How much are you in by?
Just never tell the government about it and liquidate $25,000 worth every year until you figure out a way to set up an offshore bank account on the cayman islands.

Fuck you could just fly to the cayman islands, liquidate enough of your ETH to buy a house and buy citizenship and just live there liquidating your ETH whenever you need money.
It's not like it's stored in a bank account that the Australian government can take control of or garnish.

I hope you put at least $50,000 in at the $1 to $3 price range so you become a multi-millionaire when ETH reaches 100 billion market cap.

>> No.1110242
File: 54 KB, 250x250, 250px-083Farfetch&#039;d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incredibly skeptical of ETH reaching anything past $20. I have 5k in and I know it'll grow, but to think it'll reach 100, even 900$ per is very far fetched...

>> No.1110243

In that case sell it now.

>> No.1110268

More then $20
there are 15k BTC in existence and it is at $420 and 77k of ETH so u do the math
Ethereum has the potential to overtake bitcoin and has the ability to do what bitcoin could never achieve with its turning-completeness

>> No.1110279

Turing not turning.

And there are 15 million bitcoin in existance. Not 15k

>> No.1110287

same thing

>> No.1110332

Ether also doesn't have a limit, like btc.

>> No.1110440

Just explain one thing to me, please.

Programmers pay with ETH for code they upload, correct?

So what happens when there are bugs in the code? Can it be changed?

>> No.1110461

Will there be another dip?

>> No.1110471

My question exactly. I'm so torn between buying and waiting.

>> No.1110481


>> No.1110491

Okay so I did some research. Ofcourse this is still speculating but there is a good chance that when ETH reaches 0.017 BTC it will not go below that amount for at least a few months.
Needless to say there are no guarantees in speculating so trade at your own risk and insights.

>> No.1110497

Just started looking into this stuff but was wondering do Australian's have to set up two exchange accounts to get BTC then ETH?
If so, which ones do you use?

>> No.1110521

Would love to know how to best go about this as well.

>> No.1110528

Just get bitcoins. (From somewhere anywhere. Localbitcoins? Or australian equivalent)

Then use shapeshift.io (no account needed converts directly)

>> No.1110606

> some neckbeard libertarian utopia

You seem to forget what the internet is :^)
(or at least was at the first place)

>> No.1110627

>I just know for sure it won't be Ethereum

What makes you so sure? Please explain.

>> No.1110658

... pretty much a government funded lan network? There was nothing libertarian about the internet....

>> No.1110685

Government founded yeah but the people who actually build it were all hippie neckbeards on LSD who saw in it an opportunity to create an open access to freedom of speech and information.

Suit people of the government were incredibly ignorant about the technology, they had to work with the nerdiest nerds who actually knew their stuff. And those guys were incredibly passionate about it.

And it was waaay before companies begun to see the commercial potential of all of it, so they didn't interfere with it.

I don't have the names of these people but I encourage you to google it and see what they say about it.

>> No.1110726

what would you do, buy ETH with BTC or USD?

>> No.1110735

short term BTC
long term ETH
burn while flushing down the toilet USD

>> No.1110758

>Government founded yeah but the people who actually build it were all hippie neckbeards on LSD who saw in it an opportunity to create an open access to freedom of speech and information.
Completely wrong on every account. There was nothing libertarian or "hippie" about the internet. Liberarians may have eventually become one voice among many after the internet became mainstream but the original intent of the intent of the internet was inteconnectivity and sharing of information. There was no political leanings behind it. Your whole "only nerds know how to code an nerds are neckbeard therefore libertarian!" is an incredibly weak argument.

>> No.1110814


Only gamble what you're willing to lose.

>> No.1111135

you need to let go of ETH till it settles back near 0.01 and then decide where its going next. after these dumps, all hell breaks loose and trading strategies fail.

>> No.1111265

What caused this drop? Is it safe to buy the dip yet?

>> No.1111274

>$10 maybe

It'll hit that before the end of March.

>> No.1111279

The drop is still within normal fluctuations (it's a 7.2% drop, was bound to happen with its recent climb), if it goes to 5 or below, then you can start worrying.

>> No.1111280

So like where can I even buy some ETH? I'm willing to throw away $200

>> No.1111281

Yeh go all in mate.
One of the admins at one of the exchanges sneezed whilst trading and accidentally dumped a crap load of coins into the market causing the dip.
Theyre fixing it now though so get in there before it goes back up!

>> No.1111282
File: 52 KB, 270x309, frontref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it'll hit $10 in march, but it will NEVER hit $100, let alone $1k. You're delusional to think otherwise. Bitcoin's climb was a one-trick pony and will never happen again with an altcoin.

>> No.1111289

>things that never happened

>> No.1111291

is the dip right now big enough to buy in? have 3 BTC sitting here

>> No.1111303

If I had $, I'd do it. It'll probably go up tomorrow by a few points so you can make a quick buck selling tomorrow.

>> No.1111305

I have a little doubt about the crypto currencies here. So how do I make profit once it reaches the 200% or more, like do i have to sell or just convert it into local currency.

>> No.1111308

Convert to local currency using Kraken exchange, and withdraw into your bank account. Or, convert to BTC and find a BTC ATM however, they charge quite a premium...

>> No.1111310

not safe at all. check back tomorrow.
For someone out there, they lost 25%+ in a matter of hours. Don't try to hide how risky it is.

>> No.1111319

I sold all of mine at the peak. I'm rebuying and making money. Sorry to those of you who lost it.

>> No.1111320

The thing is. When ETH gets actually applied, it will be being used as fuel for smart contracts (smart contracts are pieces of trustless code. Lots of them put together make up a DAPP distributed application)

There are car companies (wanxiang, RWE) and phone companies (samsung, cononical phone) and tech companies (samsung, microsoft) and banks and fintech companies that will be including the ether blockchain in their products.

If/when that happens the ether currencies market cap would be in the hundreds of millions. Remember, ether is not a company, its a currency. Currency market caps are measured in the trillions.

Ethereum is also positioned in the short term to massively expand its postion in the cryptocurrency markets and gain from the capital flight from bitcoin.

It could easily equal bitcoin in market cap.

Anyway. Ethereum is still very new. Its been on most peoples radars for a month or two. Short term fluctuations in the price are not what concerns me.

>> No.1111325

Anyone can sell bitcoins on localbitcoins.com.

Ive got a feeling ether might take over as the internet reserve currency in a couple of years. 2 years is a long time I'm going to wait a while before selling any.

>> No.1111329

Isn't it already half a bill?

>> No.1111342

Peak yesterday was 6.65, if they got in at this point (stupid), and sold today at lowest (5.50), then they would've lost 21%.

No one would've done any of that. Currently sitting at 10% below yesterdays final value.

>> No.1111343

Yeah i meant billions

>> No.1111366

buy orders reduced to 500k/piece.

>> No.1111381

What information are you trying to convey? What chart or information are you looking at?

I see buy orders increasing over the last hour. It's now very heavy on the buy side

>> No.1111391

i'm telling you that within 2 months this market will be panicking and worth half at best what it is now. the hype is over. its price has competed with some of the best alts, most of which then plummeted in value when everyone panicked, which they're about to do again.
i trust my instinct after being in this shit for 4 years. you do as you will. be sure to report back.

>> No.1111395
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forgot pic

>> No.1111397

the paradigm shift tier shit happened already. ETH is done. screencap and repost in a month. the smart money made their big piece and now they're gone and you morons are just the suckers. ETH is supposed to be at like $2 maximum right now.

>> No.1111404

hey /biz
/pol/ here. want to buy some ETH. which wallet/exchange should i be using? also any market analyzer website?

>> No.1111418

>/pol/ here

Why do you do that?

Anyway, use mist wallet, poloniex for exchange. Market analysis: coinmarketcap, coingecko, tradeblock, etherscan.io various forums.

>> No.1111419
File: 460 KB, 600x592, 10outof10jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells a semitic board that he's an antisemite while asking for advice

ahahahah, wow. you really just want to get fucked in the ass, don't you hick?

>> No.1111423

>>/pol/ here

>backs off a little, perseveres regardless

>>which wallet/exchange should i be using? also any market analyzer website?
just buy bitcoins. how you do this depends on a dozen things, so google. then transfer those bitcoins to poloniex. buy ether with those bitcoins.
then watch as value plummets relative to bitcoin.
but read bitcoin talk constantly. get general feel for how these markets play out. get beer money.
>market analyzer
read bitcointalk. do what they do. boom. profit.

>> No.1111430

raided my tax shielded pension to buy ETH now before it gets insane

>> No.1111432

thank you my jewish friends

>> No.1111434

yeah, good idea fellow jewish friend. that is very good advice. :^)

>> No.1111441

Get out stormie. This is a merchant-friendly board.

>> No.1111446
File: 101 KB, 583x861, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads bitcointalk
>they say Ethereum will go below IPO price ($0.20)
>doesn't invest
>ether rises to $6.50 and beyond in 02/16
>OP sour grapes Eth along with the rest of bitcointalk
>doesn't buy eth
>ETH goes sky high to $100+
>OP sucks off a shotgun some time around summer 2017

>> No.1111449

I'm 1/4 jewish 3/4 eternal Anglo.

>> No.1111451

>Not 100% merchant genetically
You don't belong here son.

>> No.1111456

better than evens chance, lot of sour graping poorfags in this thread unable to reconsider bad positions..

look forward to hearing their rationales as they hand me my fries in 24mos

>> No.1111574
File: 42 KB, 600x400, [001598].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw these people actually buy this garbage and compare it to be superior to stock investing
>mfw these people actually compare and believe a that a viable DCF model in stocks is inferior to crypto trading based on pure pseudoscience and speculation.

>> No.1111585

Gee, looks like everything's back to normal.

Cheers everyone, happy trading.

>> No.1111593

ETH about to surge past 0.015 again. Re-invest while you still can.

>> No.1111596

What is a dcf model? Lol. This is currency speculation. It's a brand new kind of market. Cryptocurrency speculation.

>> No.1112977

Why invest in ETH when you can invest in WARP?

I bought a little more than 1% of all WARP in existence during the presale. Feels good, man.

>> No.1112991

you own 1% of a heap of shit.

What you need to do is get ETH

>> No.1113005

As predicted again, there was a dip. Which idiot missed out on good gains?

>> No.1113010

Drop is still ongoing, too soon to tell if it's just a dip.

>> No.1113987
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Gentlemen, it's been an honor trading with you.

>> No.1113991

That FUD news is over 36 hours old. ETH price still strong

>> No.1113994
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Drop can happen at any moment, the owner can put up a sell-wall at 0.015 if they wanted to, and that would be the end of the moon rocket.

>> No.1114000

You can sell based on FUD if you want. It's only 1.5 days volume on poloniex. And they wouldn't sell to crash the market. In any case ETH is moving higher.

>> No.1114459

how do I purchase ether?
how do I convert it back to dollars?

>> No.1114560

buy it with money
sell it for money

>> No.1116346

Buy the dip!

>> No.1116351

buy orders set at 800k

>> No.1116367
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>> No.1116369

Lol good luck

>> No.1116372
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The dip. Buy it

>> No.1116374

>implying there is always a dip

>> No.1116408
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>> No.1116555


>> No.1116749
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>not buying ETH in 02/2016

>> No.1116910

What are you implying?

>> No.1116935


>> No.1117445
File: 4 KB, 637x58, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to start geth
>get this
what do?

>> No.1117568

real talk though senpai is there gonna be another dip or should I buy now?

>> No.1117571

i don't know how to get ethereum, i am very confused, i have not bought any ether but how do i download it?

>> No.1117667

Search google for ethereum mist wallet beta. Clue: it's on github.

>> No.1117681

can someone tell me if there will be a dip where eth will be some where near 5 dollars

>> No.1117682

I would say probably not. If you look at the USD daily chart it looks like we will bubble up again to the $9- $15 range.

>> No.1117685

Fuck me sideways, I don't even know what a wallet is.

>> No.1117922

What about the issue of programmers having to submit perfect code into the Ether cloud? Aren't you concerned about that? What do you think is the solution?

>> No.1117936

This is a non issue. You don't write huge amounts of code to Ethereum since that would be cost prohibitive. The idea is that Ethereum handles the core trustless smart contract or contracts and everything else is done somewhere else. There shouldn't be huge blocks of code to have that kind of bug. It's not financially viable.

>> No.1119374

Alright, but how the hell do you make a complex system with only few lines of code then?

>> No.1119585

someone explain this please

>> No.1120101

Buying Ether for Dummies

>> No.1120104

Can you do one for LISK pretty please? I'm trying to figure out how to buy it but with no luck.

>> No.1120109

if you're too retarded to figure that out for yourself you're lisks target market. paradoxical? yes.

>> No.1120119

You can't practically "buy" LISK yet since it's still in ICO. Just deposit your BTC and hope for the best that at the end of ICO, they will send you some fun coupons that maybe worth something

>> No.1120123

But theres a ton of Ethereum buyers that dont know how to buy it and you help them? I'm not more retarded than they are.

>> No.1120126

Oh OK thanks.

>> No.1120129
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Fun Facts: I didn't benefit a single cent from the rise because I'm a fucking idiot

I first bought at 0.012

>> No.1120160

Why hate on Lisk.. u can buy Lisk at www.Lisk.io
Already 1300+ bitcoins in the Ico this is at least rivaling with Ethereum!

>> No.1120169

hmmm, yeah nah. the thing that makes ethereum special is not the technology. (which is actually excellent, but easily copied) it's the people and connections behind the technology.

that is the difference between a coin with none of that like monero ($9 million market cap)
and ethereum ($650 million market cap)

>> No.1120176

should i put all my BTC into ETH?

i only have around 5 but i could liquid other shitcoins like LTC for ETH which is about another 2 BTC.

I already have 1.4 BTC in ETH for ~ 67total

>> No.1120178

Sweet! Thanks bro.

>> No.1120179

Monero has great tech but no real support. BTC already drained the dark web speculation

>> No.1120180
File: 1.20 MB, 2197x1463, 1435705800250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still holding BTC and LTC in 02/2016

do you hate money?

>> No.1120181

it will be a fun pump but I don't think it will ever have an stable or high price

>> No.1120184
File: 135 KB, 545x680, burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats exactly my point. the tech means nothing. it's the people that make the coin. That's why ETH is soaring and LISK will amount to nothing because it is created by 2 broke devs who abandoned crypti and nxt (two utter failures of crypto)

>> No.1120398

Why is ETH not marked as significantly premined on this page? What am I missing?

>> No.1120401

meant to link ^

>> No.1120405

premine refers to a sneaky tactic of mining lots of a coin before publicly allowing mining and then claiming not to have done so. Ethereum held an ICO, which was well advertised and publicised.

if you don't like it, don't buy any and remain poor

>> No.1120406

Get a load of this buzzkill

>> No.1120409

ooh 45 ETH look out we've got a baller over here

>> No.1121715

Yes, it was, and that initial sale went to fund the development. With current price they can easily fund the development for 6 more years at least.

>> No.1121985

Won't ETH have the same problems of bitcoin, i.e. slow transaction times?

>> No.1122029

How do I buy ETH with Wd Ameritrade?

>> No.1122031


>> No.1122033

You don't. Holy shit, what's with all these normies flooding /biz/ now?

>> No.1122037

Kek. Hes fucking with you.

>> No.1122038

I'm not fucking with you. I missed the btc train, now I'm trying to get on the eth train but I don't really understand the entire crypto exchange system. If you could take some time to explain it to me, it could help me a lot.

>> No.1122050

You cannot buy ETH with TD ameritrade.

ETH is a crypto currency. Not a gay ass stock.

>> No.1122054

So what eth shills are trying to do in this situation is make "nocoiners" seem like they are stupid and uneducated when there are a bunch of "nocoiners" like me that understand the tech more than they do. It also serves the purpose of spamming this board with more Eth nonsense, as if we really needed it.

>>1122038 is not being genuine.

>> No.1122064

I'd like to thank the eth shills for making me research this coin months ago.
Though I didn't buy at the most opportune time it really doesn't seem like it was that bad of a time anymore.
Thanks /biz/
I may get at least a $10000 or $moon profit with my earnings

>> No.1122079

I'm being honest. Even if I was fucking with you, let's assume I am. Can you still please explain the process?do I still need to buy btc on block chain first?

>> No.1122756


>> No.1122756,1 [INTERNAL] 

fucking kek
my sides
