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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 209 KB, 750x1211, 9A55D833-08FF-4EE3-AE4D-85EADFA0F817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11196764 No.11196764 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
[YouTube] Option Basics Part I
[YouTube] Option Basics Part II

Suggested books:

Previous thread: >>11193943

>> No.11196808

AMRN is really buttering my biscuits rn

>> No.11196818

looking for GBR to pump after hours

>t. guy that rode GBR from 200 to $1000 then got stuck cuz I got greedy

>> No.11196826

beautiful example of a biopharma meme rocketing to the moon

>> No.11196827
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>> No.11196831
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What broker will actually let me leverage short TVIX??

>> No.11196851
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someone made the new bottom today @ 291.05 with a 50 million SPY buy order
almost everyone closed their shorts after that kek

>> No.11196854

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding
Down 0.33% today, but that's okay. Hope you all had a GREEEEEEEEEN DAY.

>> No.11196858
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/smg/ Force to the rescue

>> No.11196862
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Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up .4%, and I'm really excited to have 10k more in my account when RH clears the transfer. Also, ALNY. Not saying anything, just ALNY.

>> No.11196867
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Still up aftehours!

>> No.11196868

Bagholder is in a deep sleep

>> No.11196877

How do you find these before they pop?

>> No.11196878
File: 252 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180924-160008_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a good day today

>> No.11196886

down 0.5%
FNGU and LABU up but all food and banks down

>> No.11196888

Thats what i wanna know however yahoo did note about this https://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-biotech-stocks-could-soar-131000813.html

>> No.11196904

Whoever got in on this ride fuckin grats

>> No.11196909
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Well I think gotta look into my risk management some moar
My portfolio full of bioshit and tech meme (like AMRS) is green
My gf's one who is supposed to full of safe shit is red as fuck

>> No.11196910

You fucking don't. Which is why you hold a meme amount you're comfortable in and forget about it until it does pop. Holding meme amounts means you don't have to give a fuck if it goes down when it's already pretty low price to begin with.

>> No.11196917

I thought he went an hero?

>> No.11196926
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d-does this mean me Bulma @_@

>> No.11196939
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I need you actual face if you want to be an /smg/ meme

>> No.11196954

Now that the bells ring let's look to the future. What we all doing tomorrow? Me: continuing riding the 40% made on CEI

>> No.11196959
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Alrighty day in the stocks market, almost like

>> No.11197012
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-0.47% today

have another $7k clearing in RH later this week

suggest a few positions i should open this week to slowly and agonizingly lose it all

>> No.11197033
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>> No.11197045

Adding $500 fellas what are some frenly dividends

I lost 2 bucks too dw

>> No.11197067

It's trading sideways you dumbass. And you were warned about the cons regarding this stock. Terrible debt and incoming merger + incoming reverse split valuing shares at 9 dollars est. 15-to-1 at the same time. Seriously get your weak hands off the stock and give your bags to an anon that needs it.

>> No.11197070
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na hes in a passed out, he will not feel rested when he wakes

guess, hold a while, and what
said, dont bet all your money on it, or you will get fucked

china and japan were on holiday today, so expect tomorrow to move wildly in the morning

comfy will be working until whatever is late in mountain time

expect planes to be on by 8pm or so


DIA, has monthly dividends
SPY if you believe in the golden bull
AMZN on the dip because you can afford one
short oil (WTI) in a month or two, or make an extra long call option on it
NUGT and DUST if you want to go crazy betting on metal prices


DIA is good index for divs too

>> No.11197094

What is the deal with companies who pay high dividends like AT&T or Ford? Getting 6% guaranteed for doing nothing smells fishy. Is it their method to trap investors?

>> No.11197110

Are you retarded? Only thing I smell is newfag

>> No.11197143
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>> No.11197153

Worth buying TRXC?

>> No.11197164

And up and down we go. I've also done well on meme stocks and cashed some in. Thought I might buy a couple of div frens this week, and wait for the next appealing meme to come along.

>> No.11197169

depends on how much you make for tax purposes because the divvies aren't qualified, but if you invest in a monthly dividend company, your interest compounds faster

Companies like O, MAIN and PBA give monthly dividends.

>> No.11197172

Next crash will be ‘worse than the Great Depression’: experts.

US household debt of $13.3 trillion now exceeds the 2008 peak. That’s due in part to mortgage lending, which is hovering near its decade-ago level of $9 trillion-plus


Reminder it's all going to crash n burn soon.

>> No.11197180
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I am feeling generous today so pay attention

In some cases, yes. Some management try to prop up the stock price with "sucker yields". Or they may even extract every last dollars of the company before bankruptcy

In other cases, a high dividend yield can mean a company without direction for organic (self-funded) growth. It usually happens in mature industries suck as telecoms and autos (besides, stock prices for auto makers are depressed because market believes we are at the end cycle)

t. AUIC Anal-yst

>> No.11197194

I'm up .65% thanks to based TQQQ
I'm beginning to accumulate UDOW now

>> No.11197217

reminder its not a loss if you don't sell.

PG, JNJ, KO, MSFT, AAPL, PFE, PEP, LOW, HD, V. SBUX and a myriad of other companies will be around well after any upcoming crash. only weak hands sell for any reason other than the company is going to shit or there's better opportunities with that same money

>> No.11197219

Invest in LEAD and GUN

>> No.11197249

>Peter Schill as their main source

>> No.11197261

wait until you see JUST energy

>> No.11197268

how do i short america

>> No.11197276

you don't you fucking chink scum

>> No.11197284

>see market about to collapse
>dont try to make money off it
why wud i do this

>> No.11197286

Thanks frens i have seen the light

>> No.11197292

What's the floor on GE, are we going to see 6 dollars again?

>> No.11197294

Fuck off commie

>> No.11197303


>> No.11197318


>> No.11197328

yea by starting a trade war and giving my spy puts much value

>> No.11197336
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>> No.11197341

Because there is no collapse in sight senpai
Emperor Trump and uncle Powell are trying to softly deleverage the economy

Notice how they tighten the money supply while at the same time cut taxes, favor foreign cash repatriation and raise federal spendings ? It means less credits but the same amount of money (more or less) is still flowing through the economy

>> No.11197349

>not realize any trade war is already priced in
permabears are like blind squirrels, they'll find a nut every once in awhile but they'll die alone and staving to death

>> No.11197357

Also, market should be trading sideways and you should be selling volatility after any spike

>> No.11197373
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Will KORS keep dropping?

>> No.11197378

8.50 some analyst said, thats the old low

>> No.11197402

Anyone else still hodling GALT?

>> No.11197421

I wouldn't touch any premium retail name
Who knows which brands normies find is cool

But Japanese retail on the other hand... (look up Fast Retail I like the name and I should stop being lazy and do my DD on it)

>> No.11197427

Daddycore <3

>> No.11197432

You must be new to this. There's literally always someone saying this. As an economist you can popularize yourself by making doom and gloom predictions, get your face on CNN and use that fame to continue being a "correspondent" for the media for money.

>> No.11197442

I'm the anon that's been shilling it since August (bought in at $4.40), be patient
GALT is a position trade, not a swing trade
This should be a good week as well

>> No.11197457

NASH is the biomeme of the moment
Lord Shkreli also thinks it is a legit meme

ICPT and GLPG are also NASH memes

>> No.11197459

Got 50 bucks what stock should I buy?

>> No.11197461

>tfw bought the KORS dip instead of more AMD shares

end me

>> No.11197463

Yeah, only problem is i can't remember if I actually believe it's going to 8 or if i was just shilling it that way.

>> No.11197476
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>> No.11197481

GALT also has cancer potential, in addition to being a good NASH pick
Very solid biotech pick overall

>> No.11197490

All according to plan

>> No.11197496

I unironically held 1000amrn 3 years ago but sold for a loss, lol at waiting 3 years for 300%

>> No.11197509

>implyig i wasnt a bull before the trade war

>> No.11197511

Bioshits are P&D stocks: pump before the trial results and D after
The stock price becomes sustainable after the market is seeing the actual cash (eg. drug is commercialized and is actually prescribed or buy-out by the BBCs - Big Biopharma Companies)

>> No.11197534
File: 188 KB, 800x1200, 736476C7-F2CF-4449-903D-C6857B26D5AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t wait to get a nice house for cheap to pound some milf pussy in.

>> No.11197540
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>Dividends only work if you have a shit load of money
>Riding bluechips only works if you have a shit load of money
>Day trading only works if you have a shit load of money
>Any form of low risk investment only works if you have a shit load of money
>/smg/ is sitting here trying to diversify and hedge with their 1k "portfolios".
Give me the most high octane melt your face ride or die unicorn meme stock you've got. Fuck all the bullshitting. I'm finna try and make it.

>> No.11197552

Gamble on options

>> No.11197559


>> No.11197562

>1k "portfolios".

You might be surprised.

>> No.11197567


>> No.11197574


>> No.11197575

Also buy Canopy Rivers when it hits bottom. It may have today... possibly.

>> No.11197576

What divs for canadian investors? CRA taxes american dividends at 15%.

>> No.11197593

Yeah man, this kid doesn't realize there are some whales around here. Shit i have almost 2k right now, gonna put it all on LCI and shop for lambos on my straight talk iphone 5c.

>> No.11197602

I'm slowly edging in there, honestly I might dump 30% of my portfolio in there and try and ignore just about everything until 6 months post legal sales.

>> No.11197605

there's actually a lot of dividend portfolio blogs on canadian dividends, try those, i'm not a canuck so i don't know. what does CehNehDeh tax canadian dividends at?

>> No.11197673

That's all you need to make it

>> No.11197682

Sounds like kike business to me. Reminder that Barney Frank, his faggot boyfriend, and entitled nigger trash/their enablers were largely responsible for the '08 crisis.
>gibs me dats two hunny fousand dolla house
>Minority home ownership is at record lows. Here's why that's (((problematic))).

>> No.11197695

Weekly SPY calls and puts

>> No.11197711
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A few autists with 20-30k worth of SSI checks aren't even close to being considered "whales".

>> No.11197713

what holds?

>> No.11197723

Wit are you talking about friend? Just get a TSFA to purchase stocks and it’s all tax free. Come on now, this has been a thing for a decade now

>> No.11197724

Jesus, calm down.

>> No.11197731

Holding and very happy.

>> No.11197737

TFSA not TSFA, sorry

>> No.11197741
File: 73 KB, 334x342, sweatysneekbaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me can trade 400k if wanted @_@
does that make me whale ?_?

>> No.11197752

Yu probably soon be called by soros! heckies!

>> No.11197758

No, you're just a trap with too much leverage.

>> No.11197761

Larps don't count

>> No.11197762

this just bragging kinda
me know standard mid level trader have 200 mil accounts

>> No.11197779

Had some oct/this week MSFT calls from last week, averaged down on the dip after open and bought some visa calls. Sold off some coca cola and toyota calls at a loss.

Oh and sold a jnj call before it dipped down far.

Undecided on the visa calls, I might sell them at minimal gains at open tomorrow.

>> No.11197793

hows your heart

>> No.11197802
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>> No.11197835


>> No.11197837

I need something to listen to. What are some of your favorite investing podcasts?

>> No.11197851

Eddie Lambert is doing a good job of selling the company's assets to himself.

>> No.11197857

cum town

>> No.11197862

Does -anyone- know why CEI is going up?

I ain't with this shit.

>> No.11197874

If .55+ PM tomorrow, pump and dump day 1 of 3

>> No.11197880

Opinion immediately and harshly discarded

>> No.11197926
File: 65 KB, 607x394, D599E4A3-9819-4E41-A9E4-74F7417D34B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s pumping PED? It’s up 42% AH.

>> No.11197928

I find it amusing people so fixated on past performance and the "household name" meme

The past means absolutely shit if the current management doesn't have a fucking clue on how to craete value in today's crazy crazy world

>> No.11197966

It's amazing. They turned Craftsman into chink garbage. Hell, I remember their stores going to shit in the Nineties.
And while I wouldn't say they nailed the coffin shut, I thought Family Guy tossed dirt on the casket in amusing fashion.

>> No.11198011

I don't even fucking know. I normally try to read up a bit on a meme stock tip, but I was at work and said fuck it because it was so cheap. Thanks to the anon who shared it this morning.

>> No.11198013

I am a Buffett-sama memester (btw have you read >>11197180 pic ?) and I like analyzing companies and reading financial statements.

And one thing that is essential to a company imo is their story and how not to betray it throughout the years.

>> No.11198100
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NBEV is going up again. I worried for nothing.

>> No.11198111

Any Canadian mining micro-cap if you're really going for all or nothing

>> No.11198120

>bought a 4 dollar otm call at end of day
im just gambling now

>> No.11198121
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I did read that, and I appreciate you sharing it I hadn't even thought about the opportunity presented with these nogs and their handlers screaming for body cams. LEO are always looking for ways to avoid fatalities and the legal issues that come with them. AAXN is something that excites me, especially since I have a large chunk of investment income coming my way.
The legal issues with DGLY are interesting. They are a much smaller company, and I would assume that an out-of-court settlement is coming. Is AAXN big enough to brush off this off as a bump in the road? I'm eager to find out.

>> No.11198133

PPL and ENB are my faves. PPL is also monthly, which is extra comfy

>> No.11198138

>im just gambling now
I know those feels. I won the game three times last week. Now I'm holding a small party bag to see what happens.

>> No.11198142
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LOL. never. don't fall for /biz/ memes.

>> No.11198253


K Keep me updated

>> No.11198282

Shit, that's pretty cool. I think I'll just settle for making a few bucks every day, but goddamn.

>> No.11198299

Thanks for your time reading my shit senpai

My fundamental problem is my laziness and I didn't dig up the whole patent issue with DGLY

The sales of camera in AAXN history has been roughly $200M so far. Will AAXN fork out that much money in damage and interests ? Is it realistic to assume so ?

The balance sheet is clean and they still $300M of cash. I think they will be able to pay.

The main concern would then be the future profit sharing. But the camera product segment is just a tiny bit of the revenues. I don't think that would impact much of their gross margins.

>tldr I would buy the AAXN FUD

>> No.11198306

Only advice you should follow in this thread desu

>> No.11198327

mans a god damn hero.

>> No.11198338

>Thanks for your time reading my shit senpai
Thanks for making. It was very interesting. I like to gamble, but I like to take my winnings and put it into stable shit. There will always be nogging, so it looks good to me.

>> No.11198344

I am a long term, Buffett-sama zealot
Day trading is haram for me senpai

>> No.11198364

Learned about this guy a few days ago. The guy sounds like a living anime character

>> No.11198375


is this thread bait? sub 5k$ african tier portfolios bragging about sub 1% gains a day?

just ride shitcoin pumps with tight stops you fucking retarded plebs

>> No.11198405

Anybody look into that post about TSLA getting fucked by trump?
Should we buy puts? That fucker lost me 1700 on calls, I want my gainz back

>> No.11198416

smol specs like to brag about their 20$ gains each day cause thats the only good thing going on in their life right now

>> No.11198437

Spent my emergency fund buying the FB dip. HERE WE GO BOYS

>> No.11198442
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>> No.11198454

You're like a bitch in a gym judging people for trying to get fit

>> No.11198465

Huh, what does long term mean? I thought investing was a active past time. If you cant profit in the short term then your long term holds will be just as shit. Theres day trading then theres trend trading.

>> No.11198474
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i humbly request your dividend portfolio friend
i need to get my folio in line, its too tech heavy

>> No.11198495

Thoughts on CEI?

>> No.11198504

no anon. that was constructive life changing critic.

people made half a million from 5k$ last year and you fucktards are in stocks with lunch money.

>> No.11198512

Generally 1 year plus
You gotta give companies a few quarters to perform
Focusing on short term gains is a risky and nerve wrecking business senpai

>> No.11198542

oof, what caused that?

>> No.11198569
File: 22 KB, 300x391, denim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life changing critic
You probably know far more than me, but last year was last year, and you write and spell like a nigger. Show us your big shitcoin gainz and and I'm sure many will be begging you to tripfag.

>> No.11198579

Literally every single stock going down simultaneously

>> No.11198584

not seeing the usual Tripfags' names on posts here kind of makes me sad...
teh profits

>> No.11198610
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>> No.11198643

how do you trade it? regular broker? robinhood cant trade it :(

>> No.11198659
File: 33 KB, 877x253, Screenshot_20180924-155650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im on etrade

>> No.11198666
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I'm with this poor motherfucker here, I need to catch a leg up and then worry about sustainability.

How do I into alchemy

>> No.11198672

>robinhood cant trade it :(
We get what we pay for. Oh, well.

>> No.11198673

For those looking to arbatrage Pandora / Siri


>> No.11198699
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>> No.11198701

is there a better feeling than making money in the market?

>> No.11198717

who /position trading/ here
the best balance of fun and comfy of all possible approaches

>> No.11198733

Oh no! One article suggesting against it?!?!?!?

>> No.11198742
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>these pot stocks could cause your investment to go up in smoke
>up in smoke


>> No.11198757
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>> No.11198763
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>> No.11198768

>dont buy NBEV its way overvalued!
>price 3x in 5 days before crashing
aurora will moon because people will think it will moon and then we dump on them for profit.

>> No.11198856

Can I short oil now my niggas?

>> No.11198859

heads up you can buy ACBFF on ally trading. might buy some....

>> No.11198860

Thank you.

>> No.11198989
File: 58 KB, 600x701, 1535322209660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true lads, its all true. The key to winning is not to be able to pick stocks that are going to go up, its being able to sell of the losers quickly and telling the greed/false hope part of the brain to shut up.

>> No.11198992

time to buy more

>> No.11198997

Thats what im doing rn. Trump Daddy wont let oil shiks go unpunished

Wait for tomorrow at least 15 mins at market open before taking the decision though. things tend to fake pump for a bit.

>> No.11199030
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>teh profits
options killed him a week or two ago
gotta do math homework, wont trip until december (or so he says)
interviewing at Amazon so no time for stocks

fuck this is useless information to have

trading isnt you vs markets, its you vs you(at some different point in time)

the only thing you need to do to make money is sell for higher price than you buy

>> No.11199104
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Today was okay!!!!

>> No.11199260

Down 5% across the board.

Only $300 invest though so nbd.

Double down on canopy rivers, ecr or be patient?

>> No.11199268

Comfy is a terrible tripfag anyway

>> No.11199273

I luv that gif, haven’t seen you around much grim

>> No.11199335

Why does everyone want to buy ecr?
Its garbage.

>> No.11199337
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dude weed

>> No.11199341
File: 44 KB, 500x304, 1230973C-67C7-45D6-8E2A-20C11BC7804D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopelessly depressed about life today
>play vidya and shitpost when I get home to take my mind off it
>get depressed cause I wasted time playing vidya and shitposting instead of doing something productive

>> No.11199379

I've been browsing still, just not posting as much. I'm generally busy during market hours.

>> No.11199402

>Double down on canopy rivers

Load up if it consolidates along a relatively flat mean for a few days or drops below 5 bucks. Then wait. I see lots of posts on trading forums about the target low being around the PP price of 3.50. That is... optimistic, for the bears. 3.50 was back in June. Canopy Growth has more than doubled in price since then. Even taking account a 30% correction on Canopy Growth from current price, bottom floor for Canopy Rivers should be in the $4 range.

>> No.11199439


>> No.11199490

Where's that idiot that gave me shit in the morning for calling out CEI's moon mission?

Apologize you homo.

>> No.11199510

Becuase I'm a retard who fell for the meme.

At least I admit it right?

>> No.11199520


I'll be waiting patiently.

N00b question. If I put a limit buy order at $5 does it expire at the end of the day?

>> No.11199530
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does anyone know if tradingview (pineview editor) has an integral function in it? or a derivative function?
int() is integer

or will I have to manually program an integral function? or a derivative function?

i'm thinking of making a script that is analogus to position-velocity-acceleration-jerk in the t-domain, but with price instead of position, to create an indicator with volume acting as mass, to make a trading "momentum" graph

>> No.11199531
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>bought the NBEV top
>lost 60% of my initial gamble

>> No.11199535

>If I put a limit buy order at $5 does it expire at the end of the day?

There should be a setting on the order page for the expiration date. You choose it yourself.

>> No.11199549

Homie you just lost my mortgage payment in one day. What kind of memes were you playing?

>> No.11199577

Why boy why.

>> No.11199596
File: 5 KB, 300x168, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought nbev at 4.22
>sold at 6.80
>back in today at 3.86
>sell tomorrow for 4.20 LMAO
This shit is too easy

>> No.11199598

Yeah, my 8 share position in CGC was $420.00 at the bell. Great day for dude, weed lmao

>> No.11199607

I was a little late to the party but still gonna make money this week.

>> No.11199643

So he'd never forget

>> No.11199700


Yeah I agree with that assessment. Aurora could maybe do some stuff if their financials are okay. I know Battley said their fourth quarter would be good but I don't see how. Cannimed revenue was not amazing before they were bought out by Aurora. Aurora is still building out most of their facilities so they have to have a high burn rate on cash. I just don't see how their financials will be anything encouraging.

>> No.11199723


>> No.11199774

buyers coming back tomorrow should be okay.

>> No.11199843

how does someone learn of this?

>> No.11200149

What's the opinion on inner spirit holdings? They arent a pot company but they will be opening private retail cannabis stores.

>> No.11200169
File: 3.42 MB, 400x225, 1514951303811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PG, JNJ, KO, MSFT, AAPL, PFE, PEP, LOW, HD, V. SBUX and a myriad of other companies will be around well after any upcoming crash. only weak hands sell for any reason other than the company is going to shit or there's better opportunities with that same money

I'm gathering up funds now for when they all go one sale. My goal is to eventually live off my dividends.

>> No.11200179
File: 12 KB, 259x194, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the deal with CEI? Possible $1 a share? Might be a no dept announcement from what I read.

>> No.11200180

shud i buy gme and snap puts

>> No.11200204

Think Amazon will buy them cheap for stupid cheap? It'll give them a foot hold in physical retail front and put them within spitting distance of Walmart in terms of last mile fulfillment, basically they'll act as pseudo-amazon warehouses.

>> No.11200247

I just want to put enough money into a company to have the DRIP buy another share every quarter or two, but that can be a while away with some of the big companies.

>> No.11200268

Eddie Lambert would rather have the SHEL go bankrupt

>> No.11200313

it really cracks me up that people think that because there was a meltdown in 2008 that means that it’s going to happen again 10 years later

that would be like seeing JFK getting assassinated and assuming that every president after him is going to be assassinated too because that’s just the cycle

>> No.11200327
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So I made a "simulator" for a hypothetical ETF at 1x, 2x, and 3x leverage so I could better understand what it meant when performance was meant to be matched between a leveraged ETF and its base on a day-to-day basis but NOT on a greater timeframe (week/month/year etc). This got me wondering if there is any sort of trading strategy that focuses on hopping between different leverages of one ETF. Attempting to ride a pump on a higher leverage and then jump off onto a lower leverage. Do any traders with experience here know of strats like this?

>> No.11200341

how long do you think we'll make new highs before we get another 10% or greater pullback?

>> No.11200364
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>> No.11200367

AMD expected for 38-40$ EOY

>> No.11200381
File: 47 KB, 604x436, 1537741751105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a TFSA
and you call yourself a leaf

>> No.11200432

For some reason I didn't think a TFSA applied to the dividend tax. Thx lads.

>> No.11200546

TFSA means exactly what it means, tax free. The only time taxes are applicable are when you fuck up your contribution amounts by going over it, in which case you pay a 1% tax every month the over contribution stays in there. Opening a TFSA means you have up to 57k since Jim Flaherty introduced them to stick in there initially. There's a lot of confusion about TFSAs so even I am not fucking sure that if you open an TFSA at 5k initial investment then decided to dump 50k the next day in there if you'd get taxed for that 50k load since the year limit is 5.5k.

>> No.11200753


You probably would, however the unused contribution room moves to the next year.

So if you put 3k in and had 2.5k of room, the next year you can put 7.5k without penalty and so on and so forth.

I dont think its account specific either, I believe it Carrie's over with your taxes, so if you open a fresh tfsa but you've had one in the past you have all that room carried over.

>> No.11200873

lol, I guess high IV anon was sortof right after all

>> No.11200885

Slippage arbitrage
But you gotta be hft

>> No.11200985
File: 18 KB, 546x292, all hail jim flaherty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no "probably" about it. If you opened a TFSA right now you have wiggle room of 57.5k or something like that. Pic related.

>> No.11201005


Volume was very low today. I expect $5s tomorrow.

>> No.11201081


To clarify, I was referring to

>There's a lot of confusion about TFSAs so even I am not fucking sure that if you open an TFSA at 5k initial investment then decided to dump 50k the next day in there if you'd get taxed for that 50k load since the year limit is 5.5k.

Not the cap itself.

>> No.11201152

>Volume was very low today. I expect $5s tomorrow.

Possibly. Low volume can also mean sellers have mostly already sold. We'll see. I have limit buys all the way down to 3 bucks even if it goes that far. For my strategy, best case scenario is a drop to $4 or lower as fast as possible with minimal stalling on the way there. Faster the drop the less opportunity for meaningful resistance levels to form.

>> No.11201250

>Instagram founders quit
Short FB tomorrow.

>> No.11201330




>> No.11201400
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Please NBEV go back up.

>> No.11201445
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>> No.11201466

Same, been in it for awhile. Glad to see it go

>> No.11201480
File: 69 KB, 450x281, 0___067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aurora's financials are out. And they are... good? Holy shit they're good. I don't know how those bastards pulled that shit off but apparently they did.


Weed sector green tomorrow then.

>> No.11201511


... also this means I probably shouldn't have taken profit on RTI this afternoon. Well whatever.

>> No.11201527
File: 91 KB, 330x516, two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a lot of up and down left. After-hours put me back in the green this trip. I'm looking to dump in the morning and maybe play with it one more time.
Do you have a lot?

>> No.11201550

all in on $CELZ

>> No.11201551

Not a huge amount. 100 shares at 7.15

But still. Butt ravaged.

>> No.11201558

Feels good.

>> No.11201575

I want to buy around 50 shares of ATVI and hold for a couple years. Would you all encourage this? They seem like a somewhat promising company.

>> No.11201596

CEO is still Robert Kotick and he shat on Bioware a few years back for being stupid shits, so based on this completely irrelevant fact his company is a strong buy.

>> No.11201602
File: 36 KB, 174x286, hmmm~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that maisie williams

>> No.11201627
File: 16 KB, 495x624, just_fuck_my_shit_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch. I bought at the top (literally at freaking $9.93), but it was only 10 shares, so I'm down only like $60. But still, buying at pretty much the top SUCKS.

>> No.11201631

I don't know, to be honest. Can't remember where I got it, either. But another anon once provided sauce and it was pretty hot.
>came hard/10

>> No.11201684

That's a tough spot. I'm hoping to see $4.75-$5 tomorrow and maybe buy again if the dip goes down to the $3.50-$3.75 range. Then again I might leave it alone. I felt stupid and greedy when I bought at $4 today and was lucky to see good after-hours performance.
On the bright side, NBEV is doing a trade show in Vegas (?) in a week or two. Hopefully retail companies in DUDE WEED states, or whoever needs to be impressed, are indeed impressed and you can get back to even.
Also: check out GALT. I think it's a buy anywhere under $7. If it gets to $8.25-$8.50 I'm selling half and holding the rest.

>> No.11201694


>> No.11201834
File: 566 KB, 640x632, 1531759923743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just inherited $32,000 usd in stock for Exxon Mobil and Chevron, about an even split. I have to cash out $2k for school and food and rent and brakes for my car, but the other $30k is still there. What should I do? Should I sell it now and hold the money in brokerage until I find out how to diversify, or just do that with some portion? How much can I treat myself out of it? Should I just leave it alone? I don't want to just be loaded up on oil, but the companies are accomplishing some success in diversifying away from oil itself for alternative fuels, and I think that will be relevant for the next few decades, even if mainly on a commercial basis. What do?

>> No.11201906
File: 47 KB, 429x410, 1537562269613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in NBEV

>> No.11201912

if you sell, you'll have to pay taxes on any gains you made since you inherited them
id hold them and wait for a good entry on KO, V, BA, MSFT, DIS
assess your goals and risk tolerance

>> No.11201934

Buy a vanguard index fund, if you try to manage it you'll fuck it up

>> No.11201944

Also, how do I find a brokerage that's right for me? I am currently with Wells Fargo because that's who the money came with, but idk if that's what I want.
I'll think about it.
Alright, I won't sell it. I would think Visa is a pretty consistent performer.
I want to try to manage a little bit, just to get my feet wet on cheaper stocks.

>> No.11201967
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>> No.11201969

GALT is one I've got already. Atvi and AMD too.

>> No.11201980

if you sell, you'll have to pay taxes on any gains you made since you inherited them
What load of shit. I'll bet the government uses that money to import somali roaches.

>> No.11201986

Cool. To my regret I didn't buy any AMD. Where did you get in?

>> No.11202018
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I got some stuff i'm itching to sell tho tbhfam

>> No.11202106

28 shares at 27.05

>> No.11202271

Increase your shares to at least 100 and hold for 5 years or for as long as Lisa Su is CEO of the company.

>> No.11202376
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It will literally never stop going up.
Thats how stocks work.

>> No.11202588

Bump until new

>> No.11202599
File: 503 KB, 1600x1149, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For bagholders of F stock a cute Range Murata scan. Buy anytime below $9.50. This is going to be a very long hodl.

>> No.11202604

As a beginner, are the educational, research, & analysis features of TDA, Etrade, Merril etc. worth the commission and the ETF fee in TDA's case?
Robinhood is obviously appealing but I smell a high chance of fucking myself.
I'm planning to start with ~3k and dabbling with ETFs and index funds to get acquainted, then moving on to dividends. Probably going to be trading weekly and in small bits, I'm not doing this for retirement or anything.
If anyone's been in my shoes I'd like to hear your experience with brokers. Normally I'd be embarrassed to be a straight up newfag but there are plenty more embarrassing posts in this thread.

>> No.11202650

didn't he make most of his progress in one trade due to an order being filled wrong?

>> No.11202663
File: 111 KB, 1241x1755, HCLP_08152018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to pay "subjective" information
Believe in /smg/'s shills (pic related)

imo paying for real time charts and level 2 orders are acceptable... but chat do I know as I don't day trade

>> No.11202681


Yes but he saw it fast and jumped on it as hard as possible. That's good trading and still very impressive. I see extremely good trade opportunities sometimes, either wait too long to pull the trigger or don't put in enough money, make way less than I easily could have with minimal risk had I reacted correctly. Sometimes I see the goddamn trade and for some fool I don't take it at all. There was one last year that I'm still mad about passing on. Had I just made that one extra trade and left everything I have done since the same, my portfolio would be 300% what it is now.

That's how it goes.

>> No.11202688

300% is nothing, he made like 100 mil in one trade due to an error

>> No.11202696


An error he saw pop up on the order book, yes. It's not like the money just landed in his account. He wasn't in on the trade yet when the error was made.

>> No.11202803

Bullshit, how do you have any money left when you have all those medical expenses to pay for and on top of that I have only seen you lose money.

>> No.11202823

Wow, did you even read their earnings report you regard or do you just lap up anything a fat greasy blogger shits out on the "Motley Fool." Don't make me laugh, fag.

>> No.11202833
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SA red again

>> No.11202887
File: 929 KB, 2208x1242, E7F3F7DD-491F-441E-9125-B32F9DD0CE8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11203028

Why isn’t anyone talking about Amarin Pharmaceuticals? It was up 300% yesterday with a test showing p < 0.001 of correlation.
It reduces “heart risk” 20% to 25% according to their study.
I’m going to buy in tomorrow. It’s a super low cap too.

>> No.11203063

>what is buy the rumours sell the news

Also, there is a high chance management gonna launch a secondary offering to steal moar shekels
Buy on that news (I personally don't know how significant is this study and how that would affect their fish-oil pill sales)

>> No.11203221

Shill me penny shit I want to dream

>> No.11203255

Its literally first post on the page but yeah amrn looks nice

>> No.11203298

Aurora Cannabis tripled its earnings from last quarter
Is it about to moon?

>> No.11203691
File: 63 KB, 1480x606, s&amp;p 500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we're here now.

>> No.11203796

We'll see when the premarket opens. I think it just might though...

>> No.11203904

is there any guidance given ?
how much has been priced in ?

>> No.11203962


>> No.11204022

Just jumped 25 cents.....it’s gonna be a good day

>> No.11204025

I just increased my earnings from 1 dollar to three dollars, its tripled!!!

>> No.11204077

CEI to announce that they're debt free tomorrow confirmed. Get in while it's low, boys.

>> No.11204117

Did they get a chance card in Monopoly or what

>> No.11204124

Pretty much. It just hit above .50 now.

>> No.11204229

I'm still debating on when to sell them, they should see a nice bump from this but would likely also see a bump when they list in the US.

>> No.11204328

Extra extra read all about it. Stock market rally is fake and gay as rising interest rates are going to just fuck your shit up.

>> No.11204378

who here shorting australian banks?

>> No.11204440

>durrr high rates = bad why doesnt the fed just keep them low forever

>> No.11204447

Everyone in the space right now knows earnings aren't shit.

>> No.11204462

>ECR in the green before market opens
It’s happening

>> No.11204464

>china/commodities exposure
>over extended credit lines to shitty asean countries
>increasing fed rate
>bloated property market
>island of rapists
interesting idea there. how are u building the short?

>> No.11204478

>CEI up 80% in premarket
Who’s about to get rich today boys

>> No.11204530

I’m tempted, should I buy a lot of this

>> No.11204532

I think I might FOMO and try to scalp some small gains.
Also PED is up a full dollar today but I can’t find any news.

>> No.11204537

Yes. Buy before the premarital gains evaporate, that’s the /biz/ way

>> No.11204545

Always buy pumps at 9:30 after profit taking but before the days run.

>> No.11204608

noob here. why are the futures numbers the same as the market numbers for the s&p and dow but like 500 less for the nasdaq? (the futures are like 7500 but it trades around 8000

>> No.11204621

Bearish sentiment for CHADSDAQ

>> No.11204630

hey guys, i'm new to investing. thinking about throwing $1k into the s&p 500. is that a pretty safe bet or are we really about to enter a bad recession?

>> No.11204632

Noob here, why is the price of gold higher today than it was yesterday?

>> No.11204634
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 1504966425023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to see TRTC go up another 80% so i can liquidate half.
Been holding and buying on the way down so long i feel for shit guise

>> No.11204638


>> No.11204660

Kek, stop buying these meme companies

>> No.11204661

when will robinhood suport aurora

>> No.11204672
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>> No.11204674
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This weeks pump and dump is CEI

>> No.11204685

Why am i holding ecr?
Did i fall for a meme?

>> No.11204699

Are they expected to rise by that much?

>> No.11204703

no. the nasdaq is flat at like 7991. the futures trade at 7500ish. that's what i'm asking. whatever the s&p and dow futures are is what they open at. the nasdaq always opens 500 higher because the futures number is not the index number. can anyone explain this?

>> No.11204713

if you're new you should start investing a fixed amount with every paycheck and disregard ups and downs until you have a substantial amount of capital invested. then you can start to change your strategy but no matter who you are (unless you have a large lump sum starting out) should follow essentially this dollar cost average strategy to start

>> No.11204715

When we selling CEI lads?

>> No.11204716

Lol..no, debt free anouncement soon, An oil extractive company that is debt free...with oil rising...it's fucking free money at this point

>> No.11204730

Merger between Blue Ridge and Eclipse Resources

>> No.11204751

Yeah but when is the stock gonna rise?

>> No.11204774

When it hits the NYSE and doubles.

>> No.11204789
File: 10 KB, 693x422, ez money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick is so hard right now

>> No.11204794
File: 26 KB, 505x600, clinuvelchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy clinuvel

>> No.11204795

I don't know, I was just saying that's why people were buying it. As far as I know, it could shoot down 30 cents today.

>> No.11204811


>> No.11204819
File: 109 KB, 1280x1316, 396344ac1023a19d9635756d1574b7f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best trading app?

>> No.11204844

so you're saying instead of just dumping my $1k in that i have, i should just put like $200 of each paycheck into the s&p?

>> No.11204871

Like I said, investors are bearish about the near term prospect of the index
They fear a yuuuge correction sometime until Dec

>> No.11204966

The futures are for the nasdaq 100 which is not the same as the nasdaq index. The futures are trading very close to the nasdaq 100 index.

>> No.11205000

you still don't understand

thanks that's the answer i wanted

>> No.11205028

no, I'm saying that you should dump the 1k lump sum as soon as possible. and then contribute regularly with each paycheck to average it. eventually you will have enough capital in the market that your contributions from each paycheck don't really average shit, and at that point you want to change strategies and hold more cash. but in your position that is a long way away so you should focus on diligent regular buying for the foreseeable future