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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 903x694, Quant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11198191 No.11198191 [Reply] [Original]

All those deals in the works from the ama and you still haven't bought. The ceos reputation is on the line and he's one of the biggest names in blockchain in the uk. They've already successful linked bitcoin, eth, ripple and hyperlink and will be dropping the sdk the 30th. All of this tech is patented as well. I just don't get you retards whatever keep buying your meme coins.

>> No.11198209

What kind of chainlink is this

>> No.11198226

The one that has already solved interoperability.

>> No.11198276

I liquidated all my shitcoins to go all in on this at 40c, thank you based shill.

>> No.11198300

link is shit

>> No.11198335

Yeah I 2x'd my ETH from a thread I saw two weeks ago.

So much shit to wade through on /biz/ but I wouldn't have seen this anywhere else.

>> No.11198379
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>spanish speakers


>ctrl F


>"The head of the British delegation"


watch the video fggts

>pic related


you wont make it if you dont get it

>> No.11198404

It's still below ICO price. If you aren't in this you're retarded.

>> No.11198541


>> No.11198594

ama baby https://www.reddit.com/r/QuantNetwork/comments/9ii6pn/ama_24_september_summary

>> No.11198599

$20 eoy

>> No.11198623

Stop fucking shilling it, I'm trying to buy but there's no fucking volume

>> No.11198635

could well be :)

>> No.11198679
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great ama

sit back and enjoy the ride

>> No.11198683
File: 137 KB, 466x700, father gilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You boys not mentioning the Samsung meeting?

>> No.11198695 [DELETED] 

>Gilbert Verdian:

"We're talking to partner companies as we speak. Partners as in consultancies and system integrators (not partners which are clients). We're doing a big push to our partners to start taking our technology to their customers. We've met with Cognizant, DXC. In the recent weeks we met with Samsung who are interested in doing this."

>> No.11198735

>Gilbert Verdian:

"We're doing a big push to our partners to start taking our technology to their customers. We've met with Cognizant, DXC. In the recent weeks we met with Samsung who are interested in doing this."

>> No.11198775
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>> No.11198796

I have 10 million USD. Explain what it does in layman's terms in less than 14 words

>> No.11198894

It steals your money with no remorse. They will dump on you and no one outside of /biz/ knows about this piece of crap

>> No.11198896

Connects all major blockchains/ hyperledger & let's you deploy smart contracts to them. (13)

Another innovation,
It also allows you to execute smart contracts in a specified order so if a transaction doesn't get mined because you programmed it wrong it won't send your funds off on the other chain.

>> No.11198957
File: 209 KB, 1081x1009, organic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at CEo background. well connected. quant will combine all blockchain.

>think windows operating system running android apps

>google blackberry passport android SNAP

same shit only Qnt is aiming for banking platforms + well connected Ceo

easy 10x will be $20 soon

>> No.11198968
File: 3 KB, 125x72, 1537580123677s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of bags

or 10mil is larping

>> No.11199010

Quant Network

>What is it?
Overledger is a virtual operating system that links blockchains to existing networks, and allows developers to build multi-chain applications

>So what?
A fundamental problem is that blockchain is being developed in a proprietary, isolated way.As it stands now, blockchains on different networks are unable to communicate with one another. That’s a big deal.

According to CEO Gilbert Verdian, mass adoption requires interoperability and standardization. In order for blockchains technology to truly offer endless possibilities, they need to be:

· Enable next-generation applications to be able to function across multiple blockchains
· Not be limited to any single a vendor or technology
· Allow seamless communication across multiple blockchains as well as recognition of transactions and assets across blockchains

Verdian explains: “In the 1990’s, online service providers created their version of the Internet, but users could only see content they provided. It was only when the networks were modified to communicate that the Internet flourished.”

>Whats the Vision?
Overledger ensures that companies and developers aren’t restricted to or dependent on a single technology.

· develop a new Blockchain Operating System with a protocol and a platform to create next-generation, multi-chain applications

· develop an API to connect the world’s networks to multiple blockchains;

· bridge existing networks (e.g financial services) to new blockchains; and

>> No.11199021

Literally pajeet shilling to dump on you

>> No.11199022 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 500x374, Build The Future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promoting the Blockchain ISO Standard
Verdian initiated the development of Blockchain ISO Standard TC 307 , which will allow for interoperability, governance and reference architecture of blockchain technologies to work between blockchains as well as allowing blockchain networks to interoperate with existing systems and networks in use today.

Currently, there are 46 countries and organizations, such as the European Commission, working on developing the Blockchain ISO Standard, and the timeline is to have a published Standard in 2020, Verdian explained.

Partners include companies such as Sony, IBM and Microsoft, multiple startups, academia and governments around the globe.

>Dapp Development
There are plans for a Quant App Store that will allow developers and startups to create multi-chain applications on top of Overledger and monetize their applications in unique ways, without having to rely on capabilities of only one blockchain

Overledger encourages innovation by allowing developers to build applications across multiple ledgers or multi-chain applications (MApps), meaning that developers can harness the power of multiple individual blockchains to build the most effective solution instead of being confined to just one (‘single-ledger dependency’).

Overledger ensures that companies and developers aren’t restricted to or dependent on a single technology. Instead, they have the flexibility to easily migrate to another technology when required. As well as boosting their resilience by limiting their risk and exposure, this also allows them to unlock cost savings by better managing consensus fees, which are set with no option to remediate.

>> No.11199038
File: 55 KB, 500x374, Build The Future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promoting the Blockchain ISO Standard
Verdian initiated the development of Blockchain ISO Standard TC 307 , which will allow for interoperability, governance and reference architecture of blockchain technologies to work between blockchains as well as allowing blockchain networks to interoperate with existing systems and networks in use today.

Currently, there are 46 countries and organizations, such as the European Commission, working on developing the Blockchain ISO Standard, and the timeline is to have a published Standard in 2020. Partners include companies such as Sony, IBM and Microsoft, multiple startups, academia and governments around the globe.

>Dapp Development
There are plans for a Quant App Store that will allow developers and startups to create multi-chain applications on top of Overledger and monetize their applications in unique ways, without having to rely on capabilities of only one blockchain

Overledger encourages innovation by allowing developers to build applications across multiple ledgers or multi-chain applications (MApps), meaning that developers can harness the power of multiple individual blockchains to build the most effective solution instead of being confined to just one (‘single-ledger dependency’).

Overledger ensures that companies and developers aren’t restricted to or dependent on a single technology. Instead, they have the flexibility to easily migrate to another technology when required. As well as boosting their resilience by limiting their risk and exposure, this also allows them to unlock cost savings by better managing consensus fees, which are set with no option to remediate.

>> No.11199209


>> No.11199237


visit the above address to purchase your qnt at discount

>> No.11199306
File: 40 KB, 752x525, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you think our work is of a professional standard. Truth is anon, we are not paid shills. We are simply protecting our investments. One day when your portfolio is large enough, you will understand.

>> No.11199316

Assuming the market remains flat, $20 has it alongside XVG and BAT. I think it’s possible but seems ambitious.

>> No.11199370

I don't think $20 is possible in these market conditions, $10 is more likely but we'll need a market reversal for 200MM+ market cap and a good exchange.

>> No.11199406 [DELETED] 

$10 short term (end of year?)
$20 mid term (2019)
$100-1000 long term (2020)

>> No.11199428
File: 54 KB, 700x615, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 short term (end of year?)
$20 mid term (2019)
$100-$1000 long term (2020+)

>> No.11199719

What does the coin do?

>> No.11199861

Allows you to use the overledger which connects all blockchains.

>> No.11199885


Oh look, just another shitcoin that has already pumped! I wonder what's going to happen if I buy now?!

>> No.11200000


>> No.11200038
File: 32 KB, 450x337, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





(state sharded dlt)


>> No.11200054
File: 41 KB, 662x797, photo_2018-09-13_12-05-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the ultimate showdown will be

qnt VS link

>> No.11200292



Father of ISO/TC 307,
Lays over all DLT,
easy development,
crazy potential partnerships.

>> No.11200301
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Checked and kek'd.