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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11198531 No.11198531 [Reply] [Original]

Tell your story /biz/

>> No.11198547


>> No.11198556

from $430k to $45k
i hope you never know this feel anons

>> No.11198557

nearly died yesterday.

was high on cocaine and tons of drinks but had no more zolpidem to come down so i layed in bed and smoked a joint after years of not doing smoking. threw up in my new 1k$ casper bed and felt the worst headache and pain in my life.

this was so bad im a changed man now. will literally live like a monk from now on.

>> No.11198588

first day back in the wage cage today after retiring from NEET

>> No.11198600


>> No.11198605

Down 17k from 20 Initial investment, looking for ways to make extra money this fall and winter.

Already have some people lined up who will call me to shovel their walks, anyone else have any other good ideas?

I figure making an extra 4k a year doing oddjobs is feasible. I'll be back on my feet in 4 years time

>> No.11198653

Just took a loan on an online bank
Accumulating more BTC every day since two weeks
Sometimes I'm asking myself If im not gambling my all life
Then I remember people with +50,000 BTC wallets didnt sell anyone @20k so we are obviously going to 100k at least
still afraid desu

>> No.11198670
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Can't afford to pay bills or eat, but don't have enough time to get a full-time job because I am also a full-time student trying to graduate to provide a better life for myself (comp sci). I just have to trust that it will all pay off in the end.

The Lord will provide

>> No.11198692

>took out a loan
>to buy BTC

>> No.11198693
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I'm from a semi old money (engineering company) family and my younger brother is a drug addict/artist living life on easy mode, my younger sister died when she was 4. I'm the only one to actually carry on the family and wealth. I'm super bitter because I'm actually more creative and a better visual artist than my brother, but did engineering under my parents approval/tradition. Once he dropped out of college, they started treating him as a child again, encouraging his art (photography and animation) where he makes 1-2k a month and probably works 20 hour weeks.

And I love the retard too, he's nice but plans on burning all of his inheritance on partying and being unemployed. All the family pressure to succeed, whether it is real or only self-imposed, falls to me. And I have 0 genuine motivation to climb any sort of wageslave ladder. I don't care to start my own business either, my brother is the enterpeneurial one

>> No.11198709
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Today I was in a live transmission with some anon that told me it would be fun it I did a first person livestream on the favela, then I did it.

The shit started when some crackheads saw the cellphone and thought I was an undercover cop, shit escalated and the drug dealers came to me and I had took half an hour to explain what I was doing, almost got fucked for no reason.

The designer is ending the ebook, I'm with a healthier mind than I was 3 weeks ago, things are better and I can see a better future.

>> No.11198812

comedowns are the fucking worst bro.

>> No.11198828

Don't listen to this faggot. Taking out a loan isn't terrible. Idiots do it everyday for shit meme degrees and shitty business ideas. As long as you are patient with strong hands, it'll pay off.

>> No.11198835

link ruined me and itll never moon

>> No.11198851
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hang on fren

>> No.11198864
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Yes he will Brother

>> No.11198868

Stop focusing on your brother. Do what you want to do. Stop living up to these invisible expectations and memes like "family tradition". This is about you and only you. Take a week off and try to figure out what YOU want to do.

>> No.11198882

hiding from military conscription. worst feeling when you don't even feel basic safety. jesus christ that's like the first layer of maslow's pyramid of needs

>> No.11198898

damn bro thats real

>> No.11198924
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> i am now a monk

>> No.11198939

Unable to land a job, pretty old and in some debt (though I have to get rid of that quickly, probably by this week). Not pleasant. I have had better times for sure. Need to make 200 bucks real quick.

>> No.11198945

where did things go wrong in your life that you are old and you are hanging by a thread?

>> No.11198966

god bless you favelanon.

>> No.11198996

Yes, but I'd rather not share if that's OK senpai

>> No.11199002

Well... basically I lived for too long as a NEET. I tried the normal life a bit. I tried getting out of that and was doing well, working towards sort of a goal. Then something broke me completely and I reverted back to that piece of shit I was before.

>> No.11199012

I lost my job as an executive salesman in 2010. I didn't have a lot of money left so in my rage I just spent it all on bitcoin. I bought back when it was at 2$ for around 50 of them and never looked back. I lived in hard times as a wagecuck until December 2017 when people at my work place started talking about bitcoin which reminded me of my account. Sold at about 23k each in CAD since I made about a million selling them (a bit less with fees). All in all, I ended up buying a house, a car, furniture and everything. I started going at Uni this year to actually get a bachelor's degree in economy. I also embraced the 30 year old boomer completely in life. I unironically bought a John Deere to mow the lawn at 5am every Saturday.

Though I now have wasted most of my 20s.

>> No.11199023

I just want to stay inside home all day everyday. I feel like I'm losing my energies everytime I go out and takes a day to recover. I don't even have social anxiety but going out really tires me. I also don't want to go back to uni or ever have a job.

>> No.11199029

Nice larp fag

>> No.11199043

I've been unemployed since March after having a prestigious position paying well into the 6 figures.

At the same time I've been eating incredibly high quality food and have been learning a ton about nutrition and health and am in the best physical condition of my life.

I am simultaneously in a horrendous mental condition but peak physical condition.

I live with my parents in a retirement community and I feel like I'm trapped in a cage but I am growing stronger at the same time.

I have no idea what's going to happen.

>> No.11199089

Thanks bro, God bless you too!

>> No.11199150

Thats almost the same as me. Im 38 fuck me. Holding on though.

Good luck man

>> No.11199163

Thanks man. Good luck to you too. Let's see if we can get out of this.

>> No.11199179

I worked as a formulation chemist at a small construction chemicals company. After working there for 3 years, i had changed the product line from breaking even to 20% profits. The volume they had made them millions. In addition, i change a failed branching into a new product line into a manufacturing line with 50% off the original raw material cost. My work helped them sell the company which left me with a stagnating job in a company who would eventually fire 20% of the organization including me.

Now I'm working a starter position in finance, and i wont stop until i make it 10x over.

>> No.11199182
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Proud of you man, if true it sounds like you've made it. Boomer life seems comfy and is something I aspire to.

These posts sounds like me. I think browsing 4chan all day has a lot to do with it. I need to find a job and force myself out of my apartment. I'm a NEET but I work out everyday and eat healthy, so I'm in very good shape. I also am decent looking so I have an active sex life, but I end up lying to women about my career. It's a very weird feel.

>> No.11199229
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Bought some modafinil off some sketxhy pajeet website.Took a shit ton of modafinil and coffee for months on end, all of the sudden I start waking up 1.5 hours after I go to sleep at night. And can't go back to sleep

5 months later after stopping I'm sleeping a Max of 3 hours a night. Doctors think I fried my receptors /killed neurons by taking 600 mg modafinil+ coffee for weeks straight. I've been prescribed all kinds of sleep meds and I still wake up after 3 hours consistently a night

I am completely fucked. Can't focus can't work can barely workout even after downing gallon's of coffee. Tried quitting coffee and still no sign of improvement

Don't know if I'll ever naturally sleep more than 3 hours again. Bills coming up, got fired from my job, don't know how I'm going to make ends meet

>> No.11199261

And then you woke up.

>> No.11199270

Top kek

>> No.11199295
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1 year of intense meditation (3 hours daily)/2.5grams of shrooms once a month will cure you anon good luck

>> No.11199301

>mixes cocaine and alcohol

Not gonna make it.

>> No.11199315

No, but I really wish I could get back to my 20s. I've literally lost 1 homeless and 6 of them working at Harvey's, while seeing a bunch of my high school people come through as clients seeing most of them successful. I unironically wish they could see me now, especially since they were always dicks to me

>> No.11199329
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I tried doing a two week fast out in the middle of nowhere, didn't work. About to get some camping gear and just go a month in the woods with no food no stims only minerals and water.

Wish me luck

>> No.11199373
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Not a larp sadly. About to take some seraquil to try and knock myself out.

Literally burned over 5 months of my prime years for my desire to optimize my coding productivity and lose weight

>> No.11199377

My kids are sick. Nothing worse than a little one crying to be held and nothing you can do about it. You hold and cuddle them but it isn't enough

>> No.11199401
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Natural selection at work

>> No.11199414

Sounds like a pretty average weekend for me if you add a little ketamine to the mix. Kek I will almost certainly be dead by 40 oh well being a boomer sucks anyway.

>> No.11199476
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I'm a man of extreme luck both good and bad. I have leukemia and I'm 27. Also woke up to an unexpected 6k in my bank. Met my wife through omegle, the online chat room. Most of my money is in crypto. My life is a ship struggling against the sea of life and I find myself in strange waters.

>> No.11199494

good luck anon report back

>> No.11199502

I didn't make that much as you, allegedly. But I have this ritual on Saturday mornings around 7AM that I am able to do because of eth and another shit token. I was able to buy a used ford tractor, just bug blue hunk of shit I store in a large detached garage. I live in city, but the area I am is very rural but up and coming. In this detached garage I also have this old school speaker system, like the giant floor speakers us boomers like. I wake up excited around 6 and I'm just fucking giggling from the time I wake up, brush teeth, and make a cup of coffee. Around 630 I go out to my garage half naked, open up the doors, put on my acoustic headphones that block out anything over 85 she and I'm always in tears in anticipation at this point. I turn on the radio, I put an old Joe Diffee CD in and play John Deere Green as loud as possible. On repeat from the floor speakers. I let the song play for about 3-4 times while I check the fluids etc. Now,I have a few acres but I'm close enough and the houses are older where I know these old folks are just hearing, "ON A HOT SUMMER NIGHT HE WROTE BILLYBOB LOVES CHARLEEN..." to ad infinitum at around 7am.

But my favorite part is when I start up the tractor. I purposely put a tiny amount of gas in this piece of shit 800 series tractor so it runs and then stalls. I love cranking it and you get the fucking WUB WUB WUB vroom and it runs for like 2 minutes while "ON A HOT SUMMER NIGHT HE WROTE BILLYBOB..." continues to play. So I pretend I'm all mad and start yelling and hooting for a few minutes until I put more gas in it and the WUB WUB vroom kicks off.

At this point its close to 730 and the local ordinances allow me to start at 8, but if someone ever called the police they'd never make it there before 8 to cite me. I probably spend 30 mins max mowing my property, all while this music is blasting from my garage in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.11199509

Same. No ket though, never touching that evil shit ever again. I should really kick the white but god damn it's so good while drinking.

>> No.11199514

/2, didn't think I actually typed this much.

I usually finish, park, turn off the radio by 9, shower, eat breakfast, and never go outside for the remainder of the weekend. But I chuckle to myself in my room for several hours each Saturday wondering what my distant neighbors think of some guy who they never see leaves his house yet has effeminate twinks over and uber eats 70% of the time.

My neighbors use to wave at me

>> No.11199519

Been there mate. Just lost a friend to some bad coke. Don’t fuck around w it. Take the lesson to heart.

>> No.11199522

7k to $300
yea fuck crypto ive been in it since 2012 and only lost money ever trade

>> No.11199539
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We're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.11199541
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I'm the only trader I know. I'm the only programmer I know. I've worked alone and from home my entire career. The few friends I have are non-tech, non-financial... normie types. They're good people, but I can't relate to them much. Usually I'd say something stoic like "I am alone, but I am not lonely." but about twice a year it'll hit me all at once. This is one of those times.

>> No.11199544

Lol sorry but that’s fucking insane. How could you have lost money starting in 2012. I feel the pain of your loss though. Down to 118k from 650k. Not the best feeling in the world. At least I only put in around 6k

>> No.11199599

Been sick for a year and a half, chronic mrsa infection in sinuses, terrible inflammation at all times, allergic reactions to most food. It got so bad that I had to quit my high paying manual labor job, quit lifting and teaching fitness (my second job) and break up with my gf to move in with family. After languishing for about a year, I've finally been diagnosed with a couple autoimmune diseases. The prognosis is a lifetime of managing uncontrollable autoimmune flairups by minimizing stress and doing as little as possible. All my physical and monetary gains have disappeared and I will never be able to do the things I loved the most about being alive (lifting, circus arts, climbing, eating for gains etc). Also my grandfather, who taught me how to work and make art, died last week. If Link doesn't moon I'm hanging myself.
Good luck bros.

>> No.11199609

Do a fast bro. Join me, I'm gonna try to go 2 weeks. It'll reset everything

>> No.11199650

im 20 years old and not in college or starting a career. Im a security guard.

>> No.11199696

I fast 2 days a week and it kind of helps, maybe 2 weeks would be better. I hope it helps you out.

>> No.11199715

how do i fix my life help

>> No.11199720

>If Link doesn't moon

>> No.11199779

Anon, I...

>> No.11199813

This is fucked. I saw you posting in another thread a few weeks ago. I took a bunch of modafinil I bought from modup.net a while back but never more than 200mg in a day and never more than a few days in a row. I have trouble sleeping as well though not nearly as bad as you. Mine is mostly anxiety related but reading your thread freaked me out.

>> No.11200033

>something broke me completely
What was her name?

>> No.11200081
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>> No.11200115

You’ll be okay bro stay strong

>> No.11200140
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Smoke some weed, man!

>> No.11200171

Thanks for the positivity guys. I love weed (no offense to the people who freak at degenerate here). I'm lucky recently because I getting a brand new immunotheoray that's literally cutting edge and changing how many different cancers are being treated by reprogramming your own immune system.

Good luck to your investments!

>> No.11200198

Yeah I know that feel bro.

>> No.11200211

Are you me anon?

Thing is I have zero friends and shit hits me more than twice a year. Working on getting an in office job. I hope that pans out soon. I cant stand working remote anymore.

>> No.11200220

Small steps towards something better anon.

>> No.11200230

And that's not even touching the gigantic money sink. The Colombian Jew is a hard one to break free from.

>> No.11200303
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>back in school after taking 5 years off
>feels like I'm gonna fail my exams
>not even sure if I want to continue with my degree
>don't even really like it
>been working shitty low paying jobs since I was 16 and I just feel like this will be my life
>tried to teach myself code, but got overwhelmed and failed at it
>tried to tech myself basic IT shit, but found it to be boring
>thought about doing blue collar jobs, but I don't want to be doing back breaking work when I'm in my 40's
>can't join the military because I'm not mentally stable for it
I just feel stuck in life. I'm also feeling so fucking lonely lately. I feel like if I do meet a women, it will be some retired roastie.

>> No.11200311
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Just found out the love of my life is a fat neckbeard German who's been cat-fishing me for 9 months. Pic related, it's his Jewish best friend who's pictures he was using

>> No.11200360

I second what another anon said about meditation. Buy a meditation book and meditate every day no matter what.

>> No.11200379

>love of your life
>pixels on a screen and flirty texts from 350lb Günter Klaus.

What a sad life. Really though, that's not love. Or if you fell in love with a sweaty Bavarian meat hog, just reciprocate his faggoty and civil partnership him. Put him on HRT and fuck him.

>> No.11200419

After years of hating my fucked up teeth I finally went to an orthodontist. Was all set to get braces but then my idiot dentist went ahead and drilled a huge amount of enamel from all my molars on the right side. Now my Bite is all fucked up and I'll probably have to spend thousands of dollars to get crowns to replace what that asshole drilled away. Gonna see if I can sue the fucker.

>> No.11200527

>Want to sell
>Fuck my kike country with their absurd taxes
>Oh shit market crashed, my folio is down a lot
>At least I am still a bit in profit from the big tax savings
>You still need to pay taxes to us because fuck you t. home country

End result:
-lost 1 year of my life (and aged like 5+ because of the stress)
-dropped out of top school
-lost 600k+

I have literally never felt worse. All I do now is browse biz and sleep

>> No.11200540

Then I read favelanons posts and realize I have it good but I still just feel paralyzed and like shit

>> No.11200595

Oh I forgot one
- first gained 30lbs fat after which I lost like 60+lbs of mass
-strength is non existant and bench press went down by over 50lbs (used to do sets of 275*10)

How the fuck do I overcome such a massive fuck up in life?

>> No.11200602

Believe in yourself bro

>> No.11200654

thanks bro, stay strong

>> No.11200714

I study full time and work full time at 19, at least get a part time job. But then again it’s okay to be poor when you’re a round student fren, good luck.

>> No.11200750

how much are you worth now?

>> No.11200769
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Good luck anon. Hope you find what you're looking for. I might do the same eventually, but I'd have to move across the country to do so. It would be nice to find a cozy/funded startup company, I don't think I'd fit into a large corporate culture.

>> No.11200797

Thanks too! Have a good night

>> No.11200823

Get out of Bitcoin Segwit you have been warned

>> No.11200829

I’m 19, I study full time and I’m really bright externally. Was beaten a lot as a kid all the way up to 17 so I’ve always been a bit socially weird, now I have a terrible tendency to dissociate people from animals, I feel power and money hungry. I feel like every exchange I have with another person is just me trying to further my agenda. Sure it feels good to be winning and “successful” but it gets so lonely. No one cares

>> No.11200831

Flu season has started so I have a renewed hatred for my current job. I'm willing to take a $50,000 pay cut to work in a less stressful setting but the field is too saturated for me to get selected for an interview.

My mood is so fucked up because I did a ton of MDMA and LSD at a music festival this past weekend. I'm at the bottom of my group's social ladder so I don't know why I go to these things. I get so shy and hardly talk to anybody.

Now I'm contemplating suicide for the millionth time. The possibility of retiring early from my crypto and stocks is the only thing that keeps me going nowadays.

>> No.11200840

I also work full time and have a few side hustles

>> No.11200852

Stick to LSD friend but do it less often, you’ll feel better for it. Don’t be set to your social group, if you go out and make more friends that will help you rise in your existing circle, as well as any mistakes made can be negated by the fact you have so many people to choose from.

>> No.11200853
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I have decided to try to get back with my fairly crazy ex gf who I dumped 4 months ago

The feelings haven't left and I can't tolerate the idea of being with any new girls so I'm giving her another chance and I'm going to try to help her fix her shit

I know I sound like a fool but this is my fate, can't bear the idea of leaving her alone in the world with her issues and a shitty circle

>> No.11200921

I hate that I don't have a ton of friends but I also don't really like to make new friends. It's a weird paradox. I actually introduced one of school/work friends to my friend group a couple of years ago. Sometimes it kills me how he gets along so well with the rest of them and the new people that we meet.

>> No.11200935

Building a duplex and my first home.
Going to dirvert cashflow from the duplex to paying off my mortgage.

Work in real estate 70k salary + commission giving investment advice to boomers.
Gonna start doing property developments soon.

Hold $400usd of bnb and some meme stocks. Also have a commercial honey business I started a couple of years back that seems to be going well.

Constantly fight the urge drug myself back into the neet life

>> No.11200959


This is coming from a guy who has done a lot of drugs.

Just for future reference, mixing alcohol and cocaine is a really bad idea. Very hard on the heart. Can cause heart attack or stroke.

If you drink alcohol never add an upper into the mix.

>> No.11200968

Where you from man? Are you Australian? Because if you are, I’ll be your friend

>> No.11200981

its been tough times for the last 18 years
i don't think i want any of it anymore

>> No.11201021

You are fucking young. Find your strengths and build on those

>> No.11201041

Well, what do you actually like?

>> No.11201069


I drink too much and through my drunken antics I have pissed off most of my friends. Ironically I have the most responsibility job-wise but I think the demands of my career are killing me when the alcohol isn’t. I have literally talked with an Army recruiter just so I can get some months off to get sober. My friends and family think it’s because I want to serve my country or something but it’s really so I can escape and blow things up while being away from my bad habits. The one thing I’m not having a problem with is money. Everything else? Fucked.

>> No.11201072

Maybe like half a mil after taxes are paid

>> No.11201079
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I think I might be really unattractive. Almost 30, girls never respond on any social media or dating or friendship sites/apps.

Ive had three relationships that each lasted less than a month, initiated by them, no sex, and they all just got back with exes before saying we were broken up. One started dating me, dropped the bomb she had to go to army basic training after hanging out a couple times, we wrote letters back and forth for months, sexual stuff, she wrote 'i love you' in the msgs, she apparently got back with her ex during this time, then when she came home being medically discharged emailed me to mail her her belongings I had and that she didnt want to see me. She said she was like just done with our relationship but when I checked her social media she was like engaged a couple weeks later to her ex.

>> No.11201109

if you're from semi-old money and your family owns an eng. co. then why would you need to "climb any sort of wageslave ladder". you lost me at that point, can you elaborate. sounds like you're still in college. take it from a 30 year old with absolutely NO family money or family business...you are in a great position if what you're saying is true. appreciate it. no one is stopping you from doing art. only you. encourage yourself, don't want for parents to encourage you. and don't be bitter towards your bro. my sister is bitter towards me and it only led to us hating each other.

>> No.11201124

Favelanon robbed me for 1500, ama

>> No.11201134

lift anon

>> No.11201137

look up kirkland sleep aid on ebay, great reviews. i have sleep issues myself due to some very mild drug/alc use

>> No.11201306

Holy shit give me your wallet.
I guarantee giving me your money will make us both feel a lot better about your life.
Thanks, buddy!

>> No.11201337

atleast you have 45k I have nothing

>> No.11201353

got chinked 2 times,at least i got money.

>> No.11201357
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I had my second knee surgery at age 24 and will be immobile for the next 6 months. I was in the worst pain of my life over the weekend and couldn't sleep; it felt like someone had shot right through my knee.

I know this will pass but I'm approaching graduation for the second time and can't afford to fall behind in school.

Despite my addiction to adrenaline, weed, and porn - I'm thankful I've stayed away from hard drugs.

My unbridled optimism is in part fueled by the link singularity and the technology singularity. Here's to hoping the next major surgery I have will be a neural lace upgrading my brain; I hope the fourth industrial revolution allows everyone to be free from pain, mental disease, and enter a euphoric dream like state brought about by nanobots in our bodies. 2030 plz come sooner.

>> No.11201413

Guess my story starts with me turning 18 and then immediately being sent to my estranged father. Lives in a poverty shithole with his illegal alien wife, her 2 children, her cousin, he uncle, and his 5 children (cannot make this up). He then robbed me (literally) of 6K I had been saving since I was 14 to buy a car. He had a gambling addiction and spent it all. I freaked out after finding what he had done, we had a physical altercation that got me arrested by police. Then proceeded to move to low income housing by myself. Fast forward to being 20, I find out about ETH. Bought 300/$5K. Got as high as $6K before is sold it on a dip for a -$100 equity (I might have autism or something) Today still wagecucking it, got fired from my job as a bank teller about a week ago and should be starting at Taco Bell soon. Life is good still I guess. Maybe one day I'll be out of here.

>> No.11201416

The key to picking up girls if you have no face is giant arms. Once your biceps are the size of a truck you will find a woman.
I guarantee it.

>> No.11201428

Jesus, what was your cycle?

>> No.11201443

I should be looking for a job. I can understand stuff quickly, if I put my mind to it. But I'm still not looking. I can't bring myself to do anything. Instead I'm here shaming my family.
I got fit FFS, it was supposed to make everything better and it didn't. Why the fuck do I still hate everyone including myself?

How do I get out of this shit /biz/bros?

>> No.11201469

for once /biz/ manages to be nice to each other

>> No.11201478
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Thanks gringo!

>> No.11201492

All of the men who helped mold me into who I am now died between 2012 & 2017. My grandfather, my dad, my uncle, my older brother. I almost tasted death a few years back, but I'm the only one left of my kind now and I've inherited a seemingly-insurmountable level of duty, responsibility, and burden. I can't quite live on the edge like I used to. There are so many things that will fall apart if I go fuck up and die now. Scraping by isn't too bad if you're care-free. What has unfurled in the past few years has been beyond warping. I don't connect with people anymore

>> No.11201495

>tfw when you are guilty about being sad because your life isn't that bad and people have it so much worse than you

>> No.11201528

Theres a visine for that!

>> No.11201554
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>not using y2k-era clear eyes exclusively

>> No.11201569

33 year old wizard. Never been on a date or felt a boob. No friends, haven’t made an effort to be social in 7 years because being spergy and awkward is too embarrassing.

>competitive powerlifter
>Nice physique from dieting hard
>medfag sales job
>STEMfag bachelors of science
>have my own apartment
> make my own music, hobbies, etc

Don’t let your depression go untreated for too long, anons. I seem to remember being happy once, but I’m only coping and trying not to be a miserable, self loathing fuck the rest of the time. Get therapy or do what you must to get your mind right

>> No.11201589

times are only tough based off faulty perception and a failure to grow.

>> No.11201591

Sorry to hear Anon.. I know it’s hard to believe, but it will get better. Everyone loses their grandfather , father etc. at some point and it’s not easy..

>> No.11201603

idk the last time I had a cookie but I want one now

>> No.11201680

Literally me, should have taken out any fucking amount in Feb when I planned to and just fucked off traveling the world for a year or cashed out and retired but I was retarded and didn't because of a multitude of reasons. So I basically sat around all year being a miserable fuck. I had pretty terrible mental health to begin with but this whole ordeal amplified it 10x. My only solace is that I still hold a reasonable amount of crypto.

>> No.11201745

this thread = confirmed bottom

>> No.11201753

I must have spent at least 2 years of my life watching Ben Stein giving people money.

>> No.11201854

>fucked up my brain on shrooms/lsd and have depersonalization/derealization/depression/anxiety for over 2 years now
>slowly getting better
>feel like a retard 99% of the time when I'm in public
>got a new job and I have to pretend like I'm a normal person but I don't think it's working
>stay quiet most of the time but when I talk it's like a 50/50 chance I sound normal or stutter and slur my speech
>my vision is unfocused and I still see random movement/warping like when I was on shrooms/acid
>feel like I'm in a dream that I can't escape from
>know that even if I make it from crypto I will still need to go to work and go through the motions of the typical wagecuck lifestyle to gain back my sense of self and personality
>feel numb/emotionless but at the same time nervous and anxious

It could be worse, but my life isn't great right now

>> No.11201958

My brother got hit with a disease that makes him vomit all the time randomly. I've seen him just lurch over screaming in pain for entire days before. Apparently the stress is so bad he hallucinate voices telling him to commit suicide. He gets a lot of help, but I'm always anxious he might do something eventually

I'm in college and work 80 hours a week, but I'm pretty sure I'm. The dumbest fuck in most of my courses. I don't give a shit, but failing out of school is always an anxiety and employers give me a hard time because my GPA is shit.

Ive been buying stocks in hopes that I can just pay off my debt and horde money at home for years before starting a business or something.

>> No.11202012
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>depressed, adhd and panic disorder since childhood
>never given help or meds
>feel pretty aids through dumb meme degree
>degree is easy as fuck but I feel so shit and have such bad insomnia most of the time that I never got a job
>graduate from dumb meme degree
>do STEM subjects to get into computer science
>do better than I expected, life starts feeling positive
>get into CS
>start having fucking panic attacks
>cue first psychotic break
>feels like reality is being ripped to pieces
>become severely paranoid and delusional
>feel suicidal every day
>psychosis for several months before getting medicated
>get a little better but nothing I do or take helps depression
>keep struggling and failing uni because I barely attended anything
>get kicked out of uni
>have second psychotic break
>live as self-loathing neet hating myself because I'm not working/studying/contributing anything towards society
>be a zombie on antipsychotics having fucked memory and attention span
yeah I know I sound like a little pussy bitch and I should have gotten help and tried harder, but I'm a lazy useless cunt and all of my passion for life vanished a long time ago. Currently doing everything I can to learn more STEM shit and get a job so I haven't completely given up, but it's not an easy road

>> No.11202047

Finally got a girlfriend this january who appreciates me at least as much as i appreciate her. Had a really bad abusive relationship which lasted for a year and a half, this made me bitter, but i found her who was in a similar state as me. We effectively helped each other put our pasts behind us. I love her anons, but in a "i respect and cherish her" way, maybe in a year or two i'll ask her the question.

We share a dream of owning land in the hills and building a shelter farm. Problem is both of us dropped out of uni and we can't save up much because fuck eastern EU pay.
HODLing 2k+ link which i bought at 0.22 and have couple of hundred saved up, but i can't even dream of moving in with her together in a flat till next summer (at 24 i still live with my parents, we share some costs) let alone own a home...
What do anons? I literally don't have any options aside from a mortgage or a loan. Don't wanna be like the low income wageslaves around me and pay all my fucking money to banks for a home i wouldn't even be mine for years...

>> No.11202087

Good luck man I'm rooting for you

>> No.11202118

You tried stopping shoveling food into your face?

>> No.11202119

are you me?

>> No.11202120

You will destroy yourself trying to build that trainwreck up being Captain Save-a-Hoe

Kick that bitch to the curb

>> No.11202134

>he bought a $1k Casper bed which is the exact same $150 compressed mattress sold on amazon marked up and sold to retards because of the you spend 1/3 of your life on it meme
You should have died.

>> No.11202141

My mom died a few months back - I have no family other than my little brother who is special needs. If my 10k link stack doesnt pull through I don't know what I am going to do because I have no passion for anything anymore and I can't even kill myself because of this obligation which I had no say in.

>> No.11202154

sounds retarded but have you tried using melatonin or phenibut?

Both put me out for hours.

>> No.11202157

Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years last week.
She was my first.

>> No.11202165

That's rough as fuck man, I hope link moons like crazy for your sake

>> No.11202167

its gunna dump so you can murder suicide and see mom again

>> No.11202172


>> No.11202190

Phenibut withdrawal causes full blown insomnia. Kava is patrician choice sleep aid.

Sorry man. This too shall pass.

>> No.11202193

Maybe someone like you would in that situation, but if link dies I simply must continue.

It is rough but things will get better I think. It will just be a much harder path than I was hoping for and I will need to figure it out. I wish the best for you and your folio also.

>> No.11202208


She just turned 21 and is going to uni. She thinks I'm the one and wants to marry me, but she's also FOMO'ing on being single. Says "You're only in your 20's once." Says will return to me in a couple years.

I'm not waiting for anybody, but I don't think I would have the heart to reject her if she does happen to come back. I was deeply in love with her and she felt the same way. She felt like this was something she had to do for herself to live her best life.

I'm still a little bit confused about all of this.

>> No.11202211

Just fuck a hooker, get a confidence boost and go out with people who have the same hobbies as you.


>> No.11202232

She just wanted an excuse to go thot around in college

>> No.11202252

You dodged a bullet. Cut all contact with her. You will not take this advice. Good luck.

>> No.11202263

Fat fucking retard.

>> No.11202264

Thats exactly why I'm not waiting for her like she would like me to. Still doesn't hurt any less. So as of now I'm just coasting through the emotions, but at the end of the day, I know I'll be alright.

>> No.11202278

Do a flip

>> No.11202283

Richer than my entire family, all my friends, everyone I know. But down 1 million from my peak and it has driven me insane.

>> No.11202302

Anon...I. I lost & spend all my money, down to my last two months of rent additionally lost 10k of my friends investments. Silver lining: I have about 4 months until we launch a SaaS product and funding seems close, seems like we should get at least 100k-500k out of our first round.. But I have to cough up 1000$/month until we do have funding. Those 4 months could stretch to 5-6...fuck.

I now have to bridge these months on a shoe string budget. While also not letting my friends find out I lost a large part of their investment. Feeling confident that I can solve this challenge, but goddamn, never been so broke in 5 years, I have been applying jobs too....while I am also running a startup, how fucking ridiculous is that.

>> No.11202311

What kind of product.

>> No.11202330

Good on you anon. You're doing good. Don't let the degenerate culture around you get to you.

>> No.11202340

I know it doesn't seem like it now, but with time that feeling will ease. It's the most painful for the few months just after.

Cut off all contact, and delete her info so you don't randomly text her on a lonely night. You will recover from this.

>> No.11202348

In the exact same position. /fit/ as fuck but living the NEET life after quitting my job and moving back home. Just can't seem to find a job here.

Feel like a stain on my forefathers' legacy.

>> No.11202355
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I know what it's like to have a special needs bro, many moons to you and godspeed

>> No.11202363
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Been battling a really rare eye disease for the last year that's been threatening to make me go blind. It's finally getting better but now employers won't hire me and my gf is leaving because I can't find work.

Really need a bull run...

>> No.11202372


we have created an entire software platform to manage and automate pretty much anything for employees and employers within the private healthcare security sector. Have had 3 devs on it full time since a year and are partnered with several local large firms on a pilot agreement. This platform may be the reason me and my friends will make it. It is a thing of beauty really. Never ever thought it would get this big, or that we would get approached for funding. Everything seems positive, except my own finances, and the months until launch.

>> No.11202400

How does depression keep you from going on a date but you can still keep a job and do all that other shit

>> No.11202405

I'm sure your family is disappointed you survived

>> No.11202441
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>made it in 2013 on BTC
>quit job, go asia to live
>still in asia, have all the money i could need and more
>I have become a NEET by accident, I do nothing, no challenge, no goal
>As soon as the financial pressure was off, I became a pathetic shut in

>> No.11202466

I'm 25. Quit my warehouse job stacking boxes to study business. I'm having a hard time focusing though. My brain is feeling very foggy all the time. I think browsing 4chan for years has taken its toll. Anyone have any advice?

>> No.11202507

smoke weed everyday

>> No.11202514

I’m 19 and I have life ending 4chan brain fog

>> No.11202534

I’m a Finance/Econ major and really wanna focus on how markets work. I’m in my third year and have the basic knowledge of it. I’ve tried coming on here and learning, yet there are too many terms I just do not understand. I have no idea how to boost my knowledge in stocks and I don’t know where to start.
Also I got denied an internship I was practically promised and it would have been in the realm of Commodity Trading, AKA a fucking way to realize how to read markets, that they would have taught me.

>> No.11202579
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I will try harder

>> No.11202657

Been thinking about getting on steroids to land some modeling jobs or stuff related to this shit... You ever considered it?

>> No.11202732

Literally all I fucking do to get through college. The stress kills me. I jog too though.

>> No.11202751

>mother dead, father is an insane alcoholic but at least he doesn't live with me anymore
>literally own a house for myself even
>24 years old and never had a serious job, currently trying to get a position as a night security guard
>december buyer so literally lost money, didn't have a single profit
>can't afford to buy in right now because I have zero income because I got fired from my last job
>knowing my luck shit will shoot up as soon as I have some disposable income

I don't want to live anymore...

>> No.11202767

right lads, so I was promised a raise by my immediate superiors SIX FUCKING MONTHS AGO. they wrote me an e-mail that said "anon's ability to grow comes from his passion and his willingness to learn. He always grabs the initiative and takes criticism extremely well. His good work ethic and creative energy makes him a delight to work with. He is also a great presenter, who contributed to an important pitch win last year".
they've requested a pay raise on my behalf from the CEO back in March, but there are still no new developments, and I'm getting really tired of waiting. I've already talked with my bosses about this during the summer, and they told me that everything will be taken care of by the end of August, but now it's almost October, and nothing has happened. any toiler out there who has an advice, please don't keep it to yourself

>> No.11202817

never ever get back with an ex
plenty of bitches in the sea, go get something new

you will be surprised as to how women cope with things differently and may hit the jackpot finidng the one

>> No.11202825


>> No.11202838

>move to new state
>finally leave inlaws house
>accidentally move to the hood
>tfw my gf finally gets a job and we'll be able to leave coontown

>> No.11202845

I can't leave this place. It's hell.

>> No.11202851 [DELETED] 
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I had one of my worst weeks and over the weekend I finally said fuck it and delved into my personal funds and hired a bunch of hookers over the course of 2 days. Did nothing but piss, shit and cum on them..didn't even fuck em...I feel so fucking empty right now.

>> No.11202853

Update your linkedin and start looking around. They clearly dgaf about you.

>> No.11202872

shouldn't I at least call them out on this?

>> No.11202885

I guess you don't take criticism very well..

>> No.11202921

I had the same experience with shrooms/weed/alcohol.

The mix fucked me up.

Took 3 years to get back on my feet and not feeling the depersonalization, derealization, depression and panic attacks.

I lost myself completly and had to build back my personnality.

Anyway, good luck on your journey.

You'll be stronger in the end.

No worries. It never stays if you truly want it to go away.

What worked for me was prayers.
And God.

I was jobless, Digital design student, a crazy gf, degenerate lifestyle (drugs, weird sex)...

Now I have a great paying job, a trad gf, money and friends :)

Never lose hope.

>> No.11202926

I have no problem taking criticism that's fair and well-argued. I wouldn't consider simply not giving a fuck about what you promised to your employee for six months as criticism, I would just call that being an asshole

>> No.11202936

fuck off, you have a duty to preserve and continue the well-being of your bloodline

DO NOT piss away what your father has worked for his whole life for some meme art hobby, you can do that on your spare time

>> No.11203023

That's relatable bro. I got like that when I had a few months in Japan. One reason I kept wageslaving: Get me out of bed and keep me learning and growing through social pressure.
Check out expat startup dudes in your Asian city, get out and say hi once in a while.

>> No.11203069

Well didn't you call them out over summer and they gave you an empty promise? Shopping around doesn't mean you are committing elsewhere. You can continue pushing for your raise while doing so, this just gives you the option to jump ship and potentially give yourself a raise if they continue to show that they dont care about you.

>> No.11203140

lmao what the fuck! post the rest you sick bastard

>> No.11203336

Korean here, i know those feels. Which country?

>> No.11203381

Try melatonin, 1hr beforw sleep. It helps me. Also high conentrate CBD oil. The 2 together should fix you back.

>> No.11203402


>> No.11203489

900 - 300k - 60k here

>> No.11203516

reading this really makes me glad i'm off drugs thanks

>> No.11203530

I was born into inheritance and this is what Im telling to myself to feel better about having NEET lifestyle. Basically every effort I would make is just overriden by "why even bother, I already live in comfort".

Try not only knowing about but also studying and using bitcoin in 2011 and 2012 witnessing the price rise but still not investing in it

>> No.11203539

Cash out too early, Ripple climbs to 80 cents, have to put a Bpay in to get money back into my BTC markets accont, takes like 3 FUCKING DAYS, it's already at $3, "Oh well, the Jews will probably take it to $5 before it crashes", throw everything on XRP, and plan on pulling it all out in a day later. Go hang out with my friends 10% wipes out in literally a few hours "Oh fuck, but it's bouncing again, I don't want to lose 10k just from panic", lets just say I should have sold then, basically lost everything, I still have those XRP sitting in my account, but they're 1/6th of the value I bought them at, that is how I turned $100,000 into 16k because I got greedy.

The Jan crash fucking pisses me off as well, because it was all based on completely fake FUD from fucking Forbes and the BBC about mass regulation that never fucking happened.

>> No.11203550

Someone mention Shrooms. We are learning that some hallucinogens can 'erase' receptor memory as if erasing a stick or RAM memory.

IBOGAINE HLC can cure opiate adiction in this manner. Perhaps this could also be an option for you - If your receptors do not return to normal in the long term.

>> No.11203551

How many % of your net worth was that investment?

>> No.11203580

>recommending a recipe for disaster because /pol/ told me "muh tradition" and I can't think for myself

jesus dude kys

>> No.11203592
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>but she's also FOMO'ing on being single. Says "You're only in your 20's once."

Oldfaggot, This is entirely true and she did the right thing and you will be grateful for it.

You want to spend your 20s fucking around as much as possible. If you're stuck in long term relationships, you will at some point start to wonder about what sex is like with others and if you can't have an open relationship, it quickly leads to cheating and hurt feelings. Also once you get to oldfag age like me and you spend your 20s not fucking around, you then have massive fucking regrets. I, along with all my 30 something boomer friends seriously regret we didn't spend our 20s to their fullest and didn't tap prime pussy at every opportunity.

Best to get all that prime 20 something pussy when you can, and then settle down later.

4chan is filled too much with fucking lame af conservative purity fags, but you don't want to take any ideals of relationship happiness and sexual health from fucking conservative purity moral faggots. Spend your 20s getting new experiences. It's the best part of your life, once you hit 30, things start going downhill fast. You will actually start to notice your body getting sluggish and starting to ache and getting fatigue eaiser from about 28.

>> No.11203603

I did the dumb thing and put everything back in. Again, I got greedy and thought I could turn 100k into 120k in a day, which I could have if the fucking BBC and Forbes didn't fuck us all.

>> No.11203611

why though?

>> No.11203641

I've come to terms with the fact that the remaining four years of my twenties are going to be as shit as the rest of them, but I'll likely hate myself for it in retrospect. How do you cope with these regrets?

>> No.11203674
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>I, along with all my 30 something boomer friends seriously regret we didn't spend our 20s to their fullest and didn't tap prime pussy at every opportunity.

Yeah because it's so easy to tap prime pussy in your 20's. Men actually peak in attractiveness in their 30's or 40's, no joke. In your 20's, dating is a game of "how good looking are you and how much money can you give me", because there are 500 suckers lined up to try and fuck that prime pussy you want, and if you bail out, those 500 faggots will gladly empty their wallets for her.

Dating is a cesspool now, it's not like back when you were a young dude.

>> No.11203828

i know them feels :/

>> No.11203851

I'm like 13% bf I wanted to get to 7%

>> No.11203887

Going to look into this.

I've tried hard stuff. Those mentioning melatonin....it was the first thing I tried. That and Benadryl

I was prescribed slow release Ambien, seven or eight other sleep drugs, and I still wake up after 3 hours consistently every night. And can't fall back asleep.

At first it was spooky and weird but now it's a complete nightmare. You realize sleep is the most important thing besides water, far.more.important than food.

>> No.11203892
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My father suddenly passed away in his sleep a few months back. We had not talked in a while. It was ruled unnatural, but I still have no idea what killed him, as no one has even contacted me. I was obviously in a bad place mentally and confided in my mother, who went and told my sister and her boyfriend. He proceeded to tell anyone he could. So now I don't trust my own family.
In the meantime I'm struggling financially. I hope things get better.

>> No.11204028

holy kek

>> No.11204204

go to thailand. not even joking.

>> No.11204259

>go through traumatic event
>get ptsd
>flashbacks all the time
>blame myself
>depressed for years
>finish highschool
>develop schizophrenia
>drop out of college
>get put on several anti psychotics
>doesn't feel like I'm alive anymore so stop taking them
>get depressed again
>try killing myself
>fuck it up
>get sectioned
>near death experience give me new perspective
>start using the gym in hospital
>get out of hospital
>take better care of myself
>doing better than I ever have
>still think about jumping off a building so I know how she felt
>considering going back onto medication

>> No.11204272
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while no as tough as some people here, as life is actually starting for come together in other way-

am in process of slowly dying, every year body part of mine fails, it like roulette just waiting for year critically body part fail. me am in constant discomfort / pain. me am being of pure will atm, will burn out someday but want to last as long as possibly

>> No.11204298

This sounds exactly like me.

I literally stopped working in July because I couldn't face it anymore.

I've been running/swimming pretty much every day though so physically I'm in great shape.

Totally bummed out about work though.

>> No.11204454

i did this with dexedrine as a kid. lifelong insomnia now. except i can usually get a good nights sleep after being up for hours on end.

try melatonin or valium. even an opiate will put you to sleep. heavy indicas etc.

you can make sleeping a habit again naturally but will need to break the 3 hr cycle first.

also someone mentioned shrooms. try that

>> No.11204468

Don't do this, benzo addiction is terrible.

>> No.11204741

Sorry to hear anon, I know it feels terrible and I would not wish this anxiety on anyone. I was actually a perfectly balanced guy 1.5 years ago but now I'm just an absolute pathetic piece of shit

>> No.11204763

No cycle actually
and I wrote wrong, it actually went down by more than 100lbs
Years of progress, completely wiped out

>> No.11204786

>but I was retarded and didn't because of a multitude of reasons
You just saw a big rush of money rush in, the endorphins released, when was the last time something this substantial happened to you?

Many sat and held, few actually sold. Next time around you know when you will sell and exactly how much you will sell since you've had the time to realistically prepare yourself for the scenario of a windfall.

You will have your chance again, and I know you will do excellently.

>> No.11204834

I slipped a disk in my neck and got instantly paralyzed. Had a spinal fusion and am back to walking but very, very slowly. In rehab for the next few months

Also I got an email a week or two ago that someone finally beat one of my high scores in audacity and I'm so god damn mad about it

>> No.11204880

Thanks m8, will try

>> No.11204911

How's your hair?

>> No.11204934

You are just making up problems since you don't have any. It's easy to fall into this if you read biz a lot.

>> No.11205002

This all day.

>> No.11205003

Can relate, no matter how much you make the loss still feels like shit
how much do you have left?

>> No.11205008

from 800$ to 30$, I live in Venezuela so this shit is fucked up for me, also a 17yo girl left me on R 2 weeks ago so yea im about to kms

>> No.11205013

Drink your pee anon
I'm serious it's worth a try

>> No.11205069
File: 71 KB, 720x584, zZIR-xgJe0GgdwfaE98uz9ozW1QQE1DAHE2rm2UXps8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went all in on Bitcoin in August last year. Had $300k in December. Quit my shitty job to take a break for a while. Hold through the entire crash, sold at the very bottom. Have been buying the tops and selling the bottoms frequently. I am way below my initial investment and am very depressed. No motivation to do anything.

>> No.11205271

I had to pay for car repairs today, the fact I am so close to the poverty line that this unexpected event leaves me almost in red for the next week makes me angry with myself.
The vices I spend most of my available income on are the only things keeping me from going full "the world is your oyster" with myself. And these include eating out 1,5 times a month on average, lots of cheap delivery food(2/3 times a week), weed every day(0,5 to 1g a day) and two cats I take care of. Weed can come with me in the coffin, it's the only reason I'm still alive, albeit progressively more insane.

>> No.11205418

Oh fuck how did that happen?

>> No.11205448

My dad was an alcoholic and died then the boyfriend of my mom died because he drank himself to death and the next boyfriend also died because of lung cancer.

When I was 18 yrs I decided to move out to my grandma because I couldn't deal with my moms lifestyle.

Now all is fine I've studied shit and can chill a bit

>> No.11205464

reading this makes me glad I put in very little and pulled out in April already

>> No.11205474

My wife decided to relapse on herion a month ago and dipped out on me and my 8 year old son after stealing our clothes to pawn. Now I’m stuck working a slave tier job and trying to hold it together as a single dad. Trying to explain to a child that his mom ran away is hard, but explaining that she OD and died will be even harder because that’s where she’s heading. Also have already developed arthritis in my back at the tender age of 30 idk why I even Try anymore

>> No.11205882

How come that people like you think that procreating is a good idead in the first place?

>> No.11205898

Wew lad, how does this even happen

>> No.11205911

i wouldn't call it tough times, but just me having anxiety and paranoia issues.

This year I finally started making money online (I'm a digital artist, hentai to be specific), and it's enough that i started keeping track of my income. However later after looking at the tax forms I need to fill out I realized they need you to list any websites making money. Now I'm freaking out because I don't want people to see that stuff, it's not even anything disgusting just tits and ass.

Realistically I know the taxman doesn't give a shit since the internet is pretty much all porn, but here I am with so much anxiety i can't sleep. This is what I get for being a degenerate i guess.

>> No.11205940


accept payment in Crypto. Cash out through debit cards or localbitcoins. Nobody will be the wiser, of course unless your hentai is pulling in tens of thousands in revenue monthly.

>> No.11205971

keep up

>> No.11205972


Literally a non-issue. IRS employees like degenerate porn just like the rest of us.>>11205940

>> No.11206001


>> No.11206005

They still need you to list out the websites that would be accepting that crypto though (I'm Canadian so I don't know if it's different elsewhere). It's chump change, a little over 20k so I doubt they'd even care that much, I'm just stupid.
I'm Canadian but yeah I'm sure it's the same, I mean, isn't pornhub based in Canada?

>> No.11206125

I fucked a crazy hot girl last week and she started crying in the middle of sex since she said she hadn’t done it in two years (she’s like 30) and that she wanted to be in love the next time she had sex. Cuddled her and stopped trying to fuck her the rest of the night, got her number in the morning. She lives like 2.5 hours away in a city where I have a bunch of friends. We have 0 in common but since I don’t have any other girls in rotation RN I’m catching onetitus for a 30 yo with fake tits, tattoos and smokes cigs. JUST, other than that and being a wage cuck life is fucking good lads.

>> No.11206139

Cbd oil anon! Research it!

>> No.11206261

>ITT junkies and normies
No surprise there.
Wish there were human beings on /biz/ but there aren't.

>> No.11206299

Used To have our shit together however complications from her pregnancy led to her having a stroke when she was 20 left her with memory loss and no use of her dominant hand which lead to her losing her nursing job which lead To the addiction.